Consider the reaction “2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) = 2 SO3 was 0.175 M. After 50 s the concentration of SO2 Date: (g)”. Initial concentration of SO2 (g) (g) became 0.0500 M. Calculate rate of the reaction


Answer 1


The answer is "[tex]1.25 \times 10^{-3} \ \frac{m}{s}[/tex]"


Calculating the rate of the equation:

[tex]=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{\Delta [SO_2]}{\Delta t} =-\frac{\Delta [O_2]}{\Delta t}= +\frac{1}{2} \frac{\Delta [SO_3]}{\Delta t}\\\\=\frac{\Delta [SO_2]}{\Delta t}=\frac{0.0500-0.175\ M}{505}= -2.5 \times 10^{-3} \ \frac{m}{s}\\\\[/tex]


[tex]=\frac{-2.5 \times 10^{-3}}{2}=1.25 \times 10^{-3} \ \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

Related Questions

calculate the total consumer surplus in the amusement park market if they a 12



The total consumer surplus is 240.


If p=12 then q=20


here's the graph to help you see the change.

What does quantization refer to?



Quantization is the process of constraining an input from a continuous or otherwise large set of values (such as the real numbers) to a discrete set (such as the integers).


Quantization refers to the situation where an electromagnetic field consists of discrete energy parcels, photons.

What is Quantatization in Chemistry ?

In Chemistry , the concept that a system cannot have any possible energy value but instead is limited to certain specific energy values (states). This states depend on the specific system in question.

Under this system, Energy could be gained or lost only in integral multiples of some smallest unit of energy, a quantum (the smallest possible unit of energy).

Hence, Quantization refers to the situation where an electromagnetic field consists of discrete energy parcels, photons.

Learn more about Quantum here ;


Which of the following are examples of single replacement reactions? Select all that apply.




Answer: it’s checkbox 2&3

The solubility of lithium fluoride, LiF, is 1.6 g/L, or 6.2 x 10â2 M.
a. Write the balanced solubility equilibrium equation for LiF.
b. Determine the molar concentration of the lithium ion and the fluoride ion.
c. Write the Ksp expression for the reaction.
d. Calculate Ksp for lithium fluoride.



a. LiF(s) ⇄ Li⁺(aq) + F⁻(aq)

b. [Li⁺] = [F⁻] = 6.2 x 10⁻² M

c. Ksp = [Li⁺] [F⁻]

d. Ksp = 3.8 × 10⁻³


The solubility (S) of lithium fluoride, LiF, is 1.6 g/L, or 6.2 x 10⁻² M.

a. The balanced solubility equilibrium equation for LiF is:

LiF(s) ⇄ Li⁺(aq) + F⁻(aq)

b. We will make an ICE chart.

        LiF(s) ⇄ Li⁺(aq) + F⁻(aq)

I                       0           0

C                     +S         +S

E                       S           S

Then, [Li⁺] = [F⁻] = S = 6.2 x 10⁻² M

c. The solubility product constant, Ksp​, is the equilibrium constant for a solid substance dissolving in an aqueous solution.

Ksp = [Li⁺] [F⁻]


Ksp = [Li⁺] [F⁻] = (6.2 x 10⁻²)² = 3.8 × 10⁻³

The color cyan has a frequency of 5.902x10^14 What is the wavelength in nm ? Record your answer with 2


The wavelength of the color cyan is 508 nm.

To solve the problem, we use the following equation that relates the frequency (ν) and the wavelength (λ) of a wave:

c = λ x ν


c = speed of light = 3.00 x 10⁸ m/s (is a constant)

ν = 5.902 x 10¹⁴ Hz = 5.902 s⁻¹

We introduce the data to calculate the wavelength in m:

λ = c/ν = (3.00 x 10⁸ m/s)/(5.902 s⁻¹) = 5.08 x 10⁻⁷ m

We know that 10⁻⁹m = 1 nm, so we convert λ to nm:

λ = 5.08 x 10⁻⁷ m x 1 nm/10⁻⁹m = 508 nm

To learn more about the relationship between frequency and wavelength in a wave, you can visit:

Give the amino acid sequence in the following tetrapeptide using both 3-letter and 1-letter abbreviations for the amino acids. (Capitalize amino acid abbreviations appropriately.) ball






Which of the following substances can be used to neutralize HF?

B: SO2



option (D) NaOH is right answer

A neutralization reaction is "a reaction in which an acid and a base react to form water and a salt and involves H+ ions and OH- ions to produce water.

What is an acid?

An acid is "any hydrogen-containing substance that is capable of donating a proton or hydrogen ion to another substance".

What is base?

Base is "a substance that gets dissociated in an aqueous solution to form hydroxide ions OH-".

Hence, NaOH can be used to neutralize HF.

To learn more about Neutralization reaction here


Hydrogengasand oxygengas react to form water vapor. Suppose you have of and of in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest .


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Hydrogen [tex](H_2)[/tex] gas and oxygen [tex](O_2)[/tex] gas react to form water vapor [tex](H_2O)[/tex]. Suppose you have 11.0 mol of [tex]H_2[/tex] and 13.0 mol of [tex]O_2[/tex] in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of [tex]H_2O[/tex] that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest 0.1 mol .

Solution :

The balanced reaction for reaction is :

[tex]$2H_2(g) \ \ \ \ + \ \ \ \ \ O_2(g)\ \ \ \rightarrow \ \ \ \ 2H_2O(g)$[/tex]

11.0                      13.0

11/2                       13/1     (dividing by the co-efficient)

6.5 mol               13 mol    (minimum is limiting reagent as it is completely consumed during the reaction)

Therefore, [tex]H_2[/tex] is limiting reagent. It's stoichiometry decides the product formation amount from equation above it is clear that number of moles for [tex]H_2O[/tex] will be produced = number of moles of [tex]H_2[/tex]

                                     = 11.0 mol

Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction of hydrogen and chlorine using the bond energies below.
H-H. 436
CL-CL. 242
H-CL. 431 ​



final-intial temperature= enthalpy change

What volume (in liters) of a solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl?
1.8 M KCl
Express your answer using two significant figures.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 0.078 \ L }}[/tex]


We are asked to find the volume of a solution given the moles of solute and molarity.

Molarity is a measure of concentration in moles per liter. It is calculated using the following formula:

[tex]molarity= \frac{moles \ of \ solute}{liters \ of \ solution}[/tex]

We know there are 0.14 moles of potassium chloride (KCl), which is the solute. The molarity of the solution is 1.8 molar or 1.8 moles of potassium chloride per liter.

moles of solute = 0.14 mol KCl molarity= 1.8 mol KCl/ Lliters of solution=x

Substitute these values/variables into the formula.

[tex]1.8 \ mol \ KCl/ L = \frac { 0.14 \ mol \ KCl}{x}[/tex]

We are solving for x, so we must isolate the variable. First, cross multiply. Multiply the first numerator and second denominator, then the first denominator and second numerator.

[tex]\frac {1.8 \ mol \ KCl/L}{1} = \frac{0.14 \ mol \ KCl}{x}[/tex]

[tex]1.8 \ mol \ KCl/ L *x = 1*0.14 \ mol \ KCl[/tex]

[tex]1.8 \ mol \ KCl/ L *x = 0.14 \ mol \ KCl[/tex]

Now x is being multiplied by 1.8 moles of potassium chloride per liter. The inverse operation of multiplication is division, so we divide both sides by 1.8 mol KCl/L.

[tex]\frac {1.8 \ mol \ KCl/ L *x}{1.8 \ mol \ KCl/L} = \frac{0.14 \ mol \ KCl}{1.8 \ mol \ KCl/L}[/tex]

[tex]x= \frac{0.14 \ mol \ KCl}{1.8 \ mol \ KCl/L}[/tex]

The units of moles of potassium chloride cancel.

[tex]x= \frac{0.14 }{1.8 L}[/tex]

[tex]x=0.07777777778 \ L[/tex]

The original measurements of moles and molarity have 2 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we found, that is the thousandth place. The 7 in the ten-thousandth place tells us to round the 7 up to a 8.

[tex]x \approx 0.078 \ L[/tex]

There are approximately 0.078 liters of solution.

How is a light bulb related to radiation?
A. Light bulbs do not have anything to do with radiation.
B. A light bulb emits radiation when its filament is burned out and can longer emit light. This makes it important to remove dead lightbulbs as soon as they wear out.
C. As light is emitted from the filament, the energy in the metal is replaced as lightbulbs absorb background radiation. This prevents the filament from burning out quickly but the radiation cannot be used as power so electricity is still required for the lightbulb to work.
D. The light emitted by a light bulb is a form of radiation that occurs when the filament heats up and its thermal emission gains enough energy to move into the visible spectrum.



As light is emitted from the filament, the energy in the metal is replaced as lightbulbs absorb background radiation. This prevents the filament from burning out quickly but the radiation cannot be used as power so electricity is still required for the lightbulb to work.

In an ELISA, the compound 4-chloro-1-naphthol is used because:_______
a. it turns color in the presence of an enzyme that is bound to the secondary antibody
b. it helps the primary antibody bind to the protein
c. it helps the secondary antibody to bind to the protein
d. all of the choices



a. It turns color in the presence of an enzyme that us bound to the secondary antibody.


The compound chloronapthenel is used in the reaction because it changes the color in the presence of an enzyme. It is strong organic compound which is used in biochemical processes.

A tank contains oxygen gas at 2.551 atm. What is the pressure in mmHg?


The force exerted on the container by the particles of the matter is called pressure. The tank containing oxygen gas at 2.551 atm will have a pressure of 1939 mm Hg.

What is pressure?

Pressure is the property used to estimate the force experienced by the system due to the liquid or the gas held in it. The pressure of the gas can be calculated by the ideal gas and force and area.

The pressure is created due to the collision of the particles of the gases and liquids on the wall perpendicularly. It is estimated in Pascal (Pa) as the standard unit along with atm and mmHg.

It is known that 1 atm = 760 mm Hg


The pressure of oxygen gas = 2.551 atm

Using the conversion factor the pressure from atm to mm Hg is calculated as,

1 atm = 760 mm Hg

2.551 atm = (2.551 atm × 760 mm Hg) ÷ 1 atm

= 1938.76 mmHg

Therefore, 1939 mm Hg is the pressure of the oxygen gas.

Learn more about pressure here:


Consider the reaction below. How much heat is absorbed if 5.00 moles of nitrogen react
with excess oxygen?
2 N2 (8) + O2(g) → 2 N20 (8) AHrxn- +163.2 kJ



The given chemical reaction is:

[tex]2 N_2 (g) + O_2(g) -> 2 N_20 (g) delta Hrxn= +163.2 kJ[/tex]

When two moles of nitrogen reacts with oxygen, it requires 163.2kJ of energy.

When 5.00 mol of nitrogen requires how much energy?

[tex]5.00 mol x \frac{163.2 kJ }{2 mol} \\=408 kJ[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 408 kJ of heat energy is required.

Consider an equilibrium (K1) that is established after 10 mL of compound A and 10 mL of compound B are mixed. Now, imagine the equilibrium (K2) where 1 mL of compound A is added to 100 mL of compound B. How are K1 and K2 related algebraically (read this question VERY carefully, at least one more time)?


K1 and K2 are related algebraically because once the values are inserted into the equilibrium equation, both equations will yield a denominator of 100.

crassify the given quantities into scalar quantity and vetor quantity ​



where is the quantities?

If you add a solution of NaOH to a solution of H₂CO₃, two reactions occur, one after the other. Write the chemical equations for these two reactions. (Hint: NaOH dissociate into Na+ and OH-, and the hydroxide ion is the actual base).


We have a solution of NaOH and H₂CO₃

First, NaOH will dissociate into Na⁺ and OH⁻ ions

The Na⁺ ion will substitute one of the Hydrogen atoms on H₂CO₃ to form NaHCO₃

The H⁺ released from the substitution will bond with the OH⁻ ion to form a water molecule

If there were to be another NaOH molecule, a similar substitution will take place, substituting the second hydrogen from H₂CO₃ as well to form Na₂CO₃

Explain the general properties of aqueous solution based on the following support your answer with examples for each case
1. Electrolytes versus non-electrolyte
2. Precipitation reaction
3. Solubility


An aqueous solution, based on its name, is a water based solution, such that the solvent is water. In such solution, ionic compounds when dissolved, tend to dissociate into the constituent ions, for example, sodium chloride, NaCl forms an aqueous solution of sodium, Na⁺ and chloride, Cl⁻

1) Therefore, aqueous solutions are good electrolyte when ionic, and are therefore, good electrolytes which conduct electricity compared to solids that form non-electrolyte

2) A precipitation reaction is the insoluble product formed by the combination of cations and anions to form ionic solids that are insoluble

3) Aqueous solutions are made with substance that are soluble in water

Learn more about aqueous solution here;

How many protons does Tin have?
A. 50
B. 68
C. 118​


50 you always use the the top number for protons

Hello There!

Tin has 50 protons.

Hope that helps you!

~Just a felicitous girlie



Gaseous methane (CH4) will react with gaseous oxygen (O2) to produce gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) and gaseous water . Suppose 2.73 g of methane is mixed with 6.7 g of oxygen. Calculate the maximum mass of water that could be produced by the chemical reaction. Round your answer to significant digits.



3.8g of H2O are produced


The balanced reaction of the problem is:

CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

Where 1 mole of CH4 reacts with 2 moles of O2

To solve this question we need to find, as first, the moles of each reactant in order to find limiting reactant. With limiting reactant we can find the moles of H2O produced and its mass as follows:

Moles CH4 - 16.04g/mol-

2.73g * (1mol/16.04g) = 0.170 moles CH4

Moles O2 -32g/mol-

6.7g (1mol/32g) = 0.209 moles O2

For a complete reaction of 0.170 moles of CH4 are needed:

0.170 moles CH4 * (2 mol O2 / 1mol CH4) = 0.340 moles O2

As there are just 0.209 moles of O2, oxygen is limiting reactant

The moles of water produced are:

0.209 moles O2 * (2mol H2O / 2mol O2) = 0.209 moles H2O

Mass water -Molar mass: 18.01g/mol-

0.209 moles H2O * (18.01g/mol) = 3.8g of H2O are produced

g Identify the process in which the entropy increases. Group of answer choices a decrease in the number of moles of a gas during a chemical reaction the phase transition from a gas to a liquid the phase transition from a solid to a gas freezing water



phase transition from a solid to a gas


Entropy refers to the degree of disorderliness in a system. The more disorderly a system is, the greater the entropy of the system.

Decrease in the number of moles of a gas decreases the entropy of the system. Similarly, the entropy of solids is less than that of liquids. The entropy of liquids is less than that of gases.

Therefore, a change of phase from solid to gas represents an increase in entropy of the system.

1. Consider the following thermochemical reaction for kerosene:
2 C12H26(l) + 37 O2(g)  24 CO2(g) + 26 H2O(l) + 15,026 kJ
(a) When 21.3 g of CO2 are made, how much heat is released?
(b) If 500.00 kJ of heat are released by the reaction, how grams of C12H26 must have been consumed ?
(c) If this reaction were being used to generate heat, how many grams of C12H26 would have to be reacted to generate
enough heat to raise the temperature of 750g of liquid water from 10oC to 90oC?
2. Consider the reaction: NaNO3(s) + H2SO4(l) → NaHSO4(s) + HNO3(g) ΔH° = 21.2 kJ
How much heat must absorbed by the reaction system to convert 100g of NaNO3 into NaHSO4(s)?
3. What is the enthalpy change when 49.4 mL of 0.430 M sulfuric acid reacts with 23.3 mL of 0.309 M potassium
H2SO4(aq) + 2KOH(aq) → K2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) ΔH° = –111.6 kJ/mol


do you have the specific heat for part 2?

What did Millikan discover



Robert Millikan was a physicist who discovered the elementary charge of an electron using the oil-drop experiment


the mass of an electron using the Oil-Drop experiment.


Evaluate the exponential expression (−2)6.


A general exponential expression is something like:


This means that we need to multiply the number A by itself n times.

Using that we will get (-2)^6 = 64

With that definition, we can rewrite:

(-2)^6 = (-2)*(-2)*(-2)*(-2)*(-2)*(-2)

So we just need to solve the above expression.

Also, remember the rule of signs:

(-)*(-) = (+)

We will get:

(-2)*(-2)*(-2)*(-2)*(-2)*(-2) =  [(-2)*(-2)]*[(-2)*(-2)]*[(-2)*(-2)]

                                        =  4*4*4 = 16*4 = 64

Then we got:

(-2)^6 = 64

If you want to learn more, you can read:

The following is what kind of reaction?
2 CH4 +4 02 → 2 CO2 + 4H2O



It is a combustion reaction.

Heating water makes most solids in it

soluble, and it makes gases


Increasing the pressure on a gas above water makes the gas

soluble. Compounds with comparatively stronger ionic bonds are




1. more

2. less

3. more

4. less


A reactant. Q. decomposes at a second order. The slope of the graph 1/[Q] (1/M) vs time (s) is -0.04556. If the initial
concentration of Q for the reaction is 0.50 M, what is the concentration in M. of Q after 10.0 minutes?



0.034 M


1/[A] = kt + 1/[A]o

[A] = ?

k= 0.04556

t= 10.0 minutes or 600 seconds

[A]o = 0.50 M

1/[A] = (0.04556 × 600) + 1/0.50

[A] = 0.034 M

17. According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in what kind of
motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero?
A. slowing motion in a straight line
B. accelerating motion in a straight line
C. constant motion in a straight line
D. constant motion in an unpredictable direction





According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The option which gives the same meaning is :

constant motion in a straight line

According to Newton's first law, an object in motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero will stay in:

C. constant motion in a straight line

A constant motion in mechanics is a number that remains constant throughout the motion, effectively placing a restriction on the motion.

What is Newton's first law of motion?The foundation of classical mechanics is made up of the three laws of motion that Newton suggested. These three physical laws. In accordance with the three laws of motion, a body's connection to the forces operating on it and the motion that resulted from those forces are both described. As Galileo's law of inertia, Newton's First Law of Motion is also referred to. If a body is not forced by an outside force to change its condition, it will remain in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line. As a factor that has the potential to alter an object's condition, the law defines force and mentions it.In this way, Newton uses the inertia of rest, motion, and direction to describe his first law of motion.A body has an attribute called inertia that makes it resist changes to its state. A body's inertia of translational motion is measured by its mass.

To learn more about Newton's first law of motion, refer to:


Find the volume occupied by 128g of SO2.​


The volume occupied by the given amount of sulfur dioxide will be 84 L.

please show working my dear citizen

pls help!!! How can you prove the pennies are made of different material aside from cutting them in half?



Most of our coins are metal sandwiches. The outside layers are three-quarters copper and one-quarter nickel, and the "filling" is solid copper. Pennies are made of zinc coated with copper. Only nickels are one solid material—that same 75% copper/25% nickel alloy


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