Consider two closely spaced and oppositely charged parallel metal plates. The plates are square with sides of length L and carry charges Q and -Q on their facing surfaces. What is the magnitude of the electric field in the region between the plates


Answer 1


  E_ {total} = [tex]\frac{Q }{L^2 \epsilon_o}[/tex]


In this exercise you are asked to calculate the electric field between two plates, the electric field is a vector

         E_ {total} = E₁ + E₂

         E_ {total} = 2 E

where E₁ and E₂ are the fields of each plate, we have used that for the positively charged plate the field is outgoing and for the negatively charged plate the field is incoming, therefore in the space between the plates for a test charge the two fields point in the same direction

to calculate the field created by a plate let's use Gauss's law

          Ф = ∫ E . dA = q_{int} /ε₀

As a Gaussian surface we use a cylinder with the base parallel to the plate, therefore the direction of the electric field and the normal to the surface are parallel, therefore the scalar product is reduced to the algebraic product.

           E 2A = q_{int} / ε₀

where the 2 is due to the surface has two faces

indicate that the surface has a uniform charge for which we can define a surface density

           σ = q_{int} / A

           q_{int} = σ A

we substitute

           E 2A = σ A /ε₀

           E = σ / 2ε₀  

therefore the total field is

           E_ {total} = σ /ε₀

let's substitute the density for the charge of the whole plate

           σ= Q / L²


            E_ {total} = [tex]\frac{Q }{L^2 \epsilon_o}[/tex]

Related Questions

g Light that is incident upon the eye is refracted several times before it reaches the retina. As light passes through the eye, at which boundary does most of the overall refraction occur?




:giác mạc

elastic wire extend by 1.ocm when a load on 20g range from It, what additional load will it be required Cause the futher extension of 2.0cm​





20g range > 1.0cm


40g range > 2.0cm

Light of a given wavelength is used to illuminate the surface of a metal, however, no photoelectrons are emitted. In order to cause electrons to be ejected from the surface of this metal you should: ___________

a. use light of the same wavelength but increase its intensity.
b. use light of a shorter wavelength.
c. use light of the same wavelength but decrease its intensity.
d. use light of a longer wavelength.



use light of the same wavelength but decrease it's intensity

krichoffs law of current questions​




       Kirchhoff's Current Law, often shortened to KCL, states that “The algebraic sum of all currents entering and exiting a node must equal zero.

           #I AM ILLITERATE

Do you believe in ghost​



well its about our thinking but i do believe in ghost a little

potential diffetence​






V= 2* 3

V= 6 volts

Two different galvanometers G1 and G2, have internal resistances r1and r2. The galvanometers G1 and G2 require the same current IC1=IC2 for a full-scale deflection of their pointers. These galvanometers G1 and G2 are used to build lab-made ammeters A1 and A2 . Both ammeters A1 and A2 have the same maximum scale reading Imax1=Imax2=Imax. To build A1 ,shunt resistor of resistance Rsh1is used and to build A2 , shunt resistor of resistance Rsh2 is used. The value of these shunt resistor resistances are such that: Rsh1=3Rsh2. What is the ratio oftheir internal resistances: r1:r2?



there are 3 photos attached. so check


Choose one. 5 points
Use the equation from week 3:
frequency =
and the wavelength you found in #3 to calculate the frequency of this photon (remember the speed of
light is 3E8 m/s);
7.6E14 Hz
6.0E14 Hz
4,6E14 Hz


Is 4,6E14 Hz
Good luck

The frequency is 4,6E14 Hz.

What is the frequency?

Frequency is the fee at which modern changes direction in step with 2nd. it's far measured in hertz (Hz), a worldwide unit of degree wherein 1 hertz is identical to 1 cycle in line with 2d. Hertz (Hz) = One hertz is the same as 1 cycle in step with the second. Cycle = One entire wave of alternating present-day voltage.

Frequency describes the number of waves that pass a hard and fast place in a given quantity of time. So if the time it takes for a wave to skip is half of 2d, the frequency is 2 per 2nd. If it takes 1/one hundred of an hour, the frequency is a hundred in step with hour.

Learn more about frequency here:-


In a photoelectric effect experiment, it is observed that violet light does not eject electrons from a particular metal. Next, red light with the same intensity is incident on the same metal. Which result is possible



No ejection of photo electron takes place.


When a photon of suitable energy falls on cathode, then the photoelectrons is emitted from the cathode. This phenomenon is called photo electric effect.

The minimum energy required to just  eject an electron is called work function.

The photo electric equation is

E = W + KE

where, E is the incident energy, W is the work function and KE is the kinetic energy.

W = h f

where. h is the Plank's constant and f is the threshold frequency.

Now, when the violet light is falling, no electrons is ejected. When the red light is falling, whose frequency is less than the violet light, then again no photo electron is ejected from the metal surface.

If an object with constant mass is accelerating, what does Newton's second
law imply?
A. It will continue to accelerate until it meets an opposing force.
B. The object is exerting an opposite but equal force.
C. A force must be acting on the object.
D. The object will be difficult to decelerate.



C. A force must be acting on the object.


This is due to the action of its momentum direction.


Choose the appropriate explanation how such a low value is possible given Saturn's large mass - 100 times that of Earth.

a. This low value is possible because the magnetic field of Saturn is so strong.
b. This low value is possible because the magnetic field of Saturn is so weak.
c. This low value is possible because the density of Saturn is so high.
d. This low value is possible because the density of Saturn is so low.




That is an amazing fact.

The minus sign is what you have to pay attention to. The earth has a mass of 100 times that of Saturn. As someone on here once noted, Saturn has such a low density that it would float in water.

The answer is D

A cylindrical swimming pool has a radius 2m and depth 1.3m .it is completely filled with salt water of specific gravity 1.03.The atmospheric preassure is 1.013 x 10^5 Pa.

a.calculate the density of salt water.



the density of the salt water is 1030 kg/m³



radius of the cylindrical pool, r = 2 m

depth of the pool, h = 1.3 m

specific gravity of the salt water, γ = 1.03

The atmospheric pressure, P₀ = 1.013 x 10⁵ Pa

Density of fresh water, [tex]\rho _w[/tex] = 1000 kg/m³

The density of the salt water is calculated as;

[tex]Specific \ gravity \ of \ salt\ water \ (\gamma _s_w) = \frac{density \ of \ salt \ water \ (\rho_{sw})}{density \ of \ fresh \ water \ (\rho_{w})} \\\\1.03 = \frac{\rho_{sw}}{1000 \ kg/m^3}\\\\\rho_{sw} = 1.03 \times 1000 \ kg/m^3\\\\\rho_{sw} = 1030 \ kg/m^3[/tex]

Therefore, the density of the salt water is 1030 kg/m³

An electron is released from rest at a distance of 9.00 cm from a fixed proton. How fast will the electron be moving when it is 3.00 cm from the proton



the  speed of the electron at the given position is 106.2 m/s



initial position of the electron, r = 9 cm = 0.09 m

final position of the electron, r₂ = 3 cm = 0.03 m

let the speed of the electron at the given position = v

The initial potential energy of the electron is calculated as;

[tex]U_i = Fr = \frac{kq^2}{r^2} \times r = \frac{kq^2}{r} \\\\U_i = \frac{(9\times 10^9)(1.602\times 10^{-19})^2}{0.09} \\\\U_i = 2.566 \times 10^{-27} \ J[/tex]

When the electron is 3 cm from the proton, the final potential energy of the electron is calculated as;

[tex]U_f = \frac{kq^2}{r_2} \\\\U_f = [\frac{(9\times 10^9)\times (1.602 \times 10^{-19})^2}{0.03} ]\\\\U_f = 7.669 \times 10^{-27} \ J \\\\\Delta U = U_f -U_i\\\\\Delta U = (7.699\times 10^{-27} \ J ) - (2.566 \times 10^{-27} \ J)\\\\\Delta U = 5.133 \times 10^{-27} \ J[/tex]

Apply the principle of conservation of energy;


[tex]K.E_f -K.E_i = \Delta U\\\\initial \ velocity \ of \ the \ electron = 0\\\\K.E_f - 0 = \Delta U\\\\K.E_f = \Delta U\\\\\frac{1}{2} mv^2 = \Delta U\\\\where;\\\\m \ is \ the \ mass \ of\ the \ electron = 9.1 1 \times 10^{-31} \ kg\\\\v^2 = \frac{ 2 \Delta U}{m} \\\\v = \sqrt{\frac{ 2 \Delta U}{m}} \\\\v = \sqrt{\frac{ 2 (5.133\times 10^{-27})}{9.11\times 10^{-31}}}\\\\v = \sqrt{11268.935} \\\\v = 106.2 \ m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the  speed of the electron at the given position is 106.2 m/s

What is the volume of a metal block 3cm long by 2cm wide by 4cm high? What would be the volume of a block twice as long, wide, and high?



Volume of a metal block = 24 cm^3

Volume of a block twice as long, wide and high = 192 cm^3


Volume of a block is measured in l*w*h and in the first block, the sides are 3, 2 and 4 and 3*2*4 = 24

Second block, just double each of the lengths to get 6*4*8 = 192

A 700N marine in basic training climbs a 10m vertical rope at constant speed in 8sec. what is power put ​



875 Watts


P = W/t = mgh/t = 700(10)/8 = 875 Watts

A man standing in an elevator holds a spring scale with a load of 5 kg suspended from it. What would be the reading of the scale, if the elevator is accelerating downward with an acceleration 3.8 m/s?.



3.1 kg



R = m(g-a)..................... Equation 1

Where R = weight of the scale when the elevator is coming down, a = acceleration of the elevator, g = acceleration due to gravith.

From the question,

Given: m = 5 kg, a = 3.8 m/s²

Constant: g = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

R = 5(9.8-3.8)

R = 5(6)

R = 30 N

Hence the spring scale is

m' = R/g

m' = 30/9.8

m' = 3.1 kg

A 0.160 kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.710 m/s. It has a head-on collision with a 0.296 kg glider that is moving to the left with a speed of 2.23 m/s. Suppose the collision is elastic.

a. Find the magnitude of the final velocity of the 0.157kg glider.
b. Find the magnitude of the final velocity of the 0.306kg glider.


The masses of the gliders provided in the question differ from the masses mentioned in the "Required" section. I'll use the first masses throughout.

Momentum is conserved, so the total momentum of the system is the same before and after the collision:

m₁ v₁ + m₂ v₂ = m₁ v₁' + m₂ v₂'


(0.160 kg) (0.710 m/s) + (0.296 kg) (-2.23 m/s) = (0.160 kg) v₁' + (0.296 kg) v₂'


-0.546 kg•m/s ≈ (0.160 kg) v₁' + (0.296 kg) v₂'

where v₁' and v₂' are the gliders' respective final velocities. Notice that we take rightward to be positive and leftward to be negative.

Kinetic energy is also conserved, so that

1/2 m₁ v₁² + 1/2 m₂ v₂² = 1/2 m₁ (v₁' + 1/2 m₂ (v₂'


m₁ v₁² + m₂ v₂² = m₁ (v₁' + m₂ (v₂'


(0.160 kg) (0.710 m/s)² + (0.296 kg) (-2.23 m/s)² = (0.160 kg) (v₁' + (0.296 kg) (v₂'


1.55 kg•m²/s² ≈ (0.160 kg) (v₁' + (0.296 kg) (v₂'

Solve for v₁' and v₂'. Using a calculator, you would find two solutions, one of which we throw out because it corresponds exactly to the initial velocities. The desired solution is

v₁' ≈ -3.11 m/s

v₂' ≈ -0.167 m/s

and take the absolute values to get the magnitudes.

If you want to instead use the masses from the "Required" section, you would end up with

v₁' ≈ -3.18 m/s

v₂' ≈ -0.236 m/s

S.I unit for distance =______

(A) m (B)cm

(c) km (d) mm



opinion a


the si units of distance is metre (m)




Good evening everyone Help me i n my hw ,The wall of cinema hall are covered with sound absorbing materials. Why?Answer it ASAP.Good day ​


what do you mean about it

Chameleons catch insects with their tongues, which they can rapidly extend to great lengths. In a typical strike, the chameleon's tongue accelerates at a remarkable 220 m/s^2 for 20 msms, then travels at constant speed for another 30 ms.

During this total time of 50 ms, 1/20 of a second, how far does the tongue reach?


Solution :

We know,




For the first 20 ms,


S = 0.044 m

In the remaining 30 ms, it has constant velocity.



v = 4.4 m/s



[tex]$S'=4.4 \times 0.030[/tex]

S' = 0.132 m

So, the required distance is = S + S'

                                              = 0.044 + 0.132

                                              = 0.176 m

Therefore, the tongue can reach = 0.176 m or 17.6 cm


The total distance is 0.176 m.


For t = 0 s to t = 20 ms

initial velocity, u = 0

acceleration, a = 220 m/s^2

time, t = 20 ms

Let the final speed is v.

Use first equation of motion

v = u + at

v = 0 + 220 x 0.02 = 4.4 m/s

Let the distance is s.

Use second equation of motion

[tex]s = u t + 0.5 at^2\\\\s = 0 + 0.5 \times 220 \times 0.02\times 0.02\\\\s = 0.044 m[/tex]

Now the distance is

s' = v x t

s' = 4.4 x 0.03 = 0.132 m

The total distance is

S = s + s' = 0.044 + 0.132 = 0.176 m

A object of mass 3.00 kg is subject to a force Fx that varies with position as in the figure below. A coordinate plane has a horizontal axis labeled x (m) and a vertical axis labeled Fx (N). There are three line segments. The first segment runs from the origin to (4,3). The second segment runs from (4,3) to (11,3). The third segment runs from (11,3) to (17,0). (a) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 0 to x = 4.00 m. J (b) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 4.00 m to x = 11.0 m. J (c) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 11.0 m to x = 17.0 m. J (d) If the object has a speed of 0.450 m/s at x = 0, find its speed at x = 4.00 m and its speed at x = 17.0 m.




An impulse results in a change of momentum.

The impulse is the product of a force and a distance. This will be represented by the area under the curve

a) W = ½(4.00)(3.00) = 6.00 J

b) W = (11.0 - 4.00)(3.00) = 21.0 J

c) W = ½(17.0 - 11.0)(3.00) = 9.00 J

d) ASSUMING the speed at x = 0 is in the direction of applied force

½(3.00)(v₄²) = ½(3.00)(0.450²) + 6.00

v₄ = 2.05 m/s

½(3.00)(v₁₇²) = ½(3.00)(0.450²) + 6.00 + 21.0 + 9.00

v₁₇ = 4.92 m/s

If the initial speed is NOT in the direction of applied force, the final speed will be slightly less in both cases.

Cuando el pistón tiene un volumen de 2x10^-4 m^3, el gas en el pistón está a una presión de 150 kPa. El área del pistón es 0.00133 m^2. Calcular la fuerza que el gas ejerce sobre el embolo del pistón.



F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa


Pressure is defined by

         P = F / A

If the gas is ideal for equal force eds on all the walls, so on the piston area we have

        F = P A

We reduce the pressure to the SI system

       P = 150 kpa (1000 Pa / 1kPa = 150 103 Pa

we calculate

       F = 150 10³ / 0.00133

       F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa

A space ship has four thrusters positioned on the top and bottom, and left and right as shown below. The thrusters can be operated independently or together to help the ship navigate in all directions.
Initially, the Space Probe is floating towards the East, as shown below, with a velocity, v. The pilot then turns on thruster #2.

Select one:

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be slowing down.

Ship experiences no change in motion.



The correct answer is - c.  Spaceship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.


In this case, if turned on thruster #2 then it will exert force on the west side as thruster 2 is on the east side and it can be understood by Newton's third law that says each action has the same but opposite reaction.

As the spaceship engine applies force on the east side then according to the law the exhauster gas applies on towards west direction. It will try to decrease the velocity of the spaceship however, the direction of floating still be east side initally.

Q)what are convex mirrors?​



A curved mirror is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface. The surface may be either convex or concave. Most curved mirrors have surfaces that are shaped like part of a sphere, but other shapes are sometimes used in optical devices.

A convex mirror (or lens) is one constructed so that it is thicker in the middle than it is at the edge.

calculate the length of wire.



L = 169.5 m


Using Ohm's Law:

V = IR


V = Voltage = 1.5 V

I = Current = 10 mA = 0.01 A

R = Resistance = ?


1.5 V = (0.01 A)R

R = 150 Ω

But the resistance of a wire is given by the following formula:

[tex]R = \frac{\rho L}{A}[/tex]


ρ = resistivity = 1 x 10⁻⁶ Ω.m

L = length of wire = ?

A = cross-sectional area of wire = πr² = π(0.6 mm)² = π(0.6 x 10⁻³ m)²

A = 1.13 x 10⁻⁶ m²


[tex]150\ \Omega = \frac{(1\ x\ 10^{-6}\ \Omega .m)L}{1.13\ x\ 10^{-6}\ m^2}\\\\L = \frac{150\ \Omega(1.13\ x\ 10^{-6}\ m^2)}{1\ x\ 10^{-6}\ \Omega .m}\\\\[/tex]

L = 169.5 m

Suppose a 60-turn coil lies in the plane of the page in a uniform magnetic field that is directed out of the page. The coil originally has an area of 0.325 m2. It is stretched to have no area in 0.100 s. What is the magnitude (in V) and direction (as seen from above) of the average induced emf if the uniform magnetic field has a strength of 1.60 T



 emf = 312 V


In this exercise the electromotive force is asked, for which we must use Faraday's law

           emf =  [tex]- N \frac{d \Phi }{dt}[/tex]- N dfi / dt

           Ф = B. A = B A cos θ

bold type indicates vectors.

They indicate that the magnetic field is constant, the angle between the normal to the area and the magnetic field is parallel by local cosine values ​​1

It also indicates that the area is reduced from  a₀ = 0.325 me² to a_f = 0 in a time interval of ΔT = 0.100 s, suppose that this reduction is linear

            emf = -N B [tex]\frac{dA}{dT}[/tex]

            emf = - N B (A_f - A₀) / Dt

we calculate

           emf = - 60 1.60 (0 - 0.325) /0.100

           emf = 312 V

The direction of this voltage is exiting the page

The cation that is reabsorbed from the urine in response to aldosterone



If decreased blood pressure is detected, the adrenal gland is stimulated by these stretch receptors to release aldosterone, which increases sodium reabsorption from the urine, sweat, and the gut. This causes increased osmolarity in the extracellular fluid, which will eventually return blood pressure toward normal.

5. Steve is driving in his car to take care of some errands. The first errand has him driving to a location 2 km East and 6 km North of his starting location. Once he completes that errand, he drives to the second one which is 4 km East and 2 km South of the first errand. What is the magnitude of the vector that describes how far the car has traveled from its starting point, rounded to the nearest km?​






A 1.5kg block slides along a frictionless surface at 1.3m/s . A second block, sliding at a faster 4.3m/s , collides with the first from behind and sticks to it. The final velocity of the combined blocks is 2.0m/s . What was the mass of the second block?



The mass of the second block=0.457 kg


We are given that

m1=1.5 kg


v2=4.3 m/s

V=2.0 m/s

We have to find the mass of the second block.


Let m2=m

Substitute the values






[tex]m=0.457 kg[/tex]

Hence,  the mass of the second block=0.457 kg

. A ball of mass 0.50 kg is rolling across a table top with a speed of 5.0 m/s. When the ball reaches the edge of the table, it rolls down an incline onto the floor 1.0 meter below (without bouncing). What is the speed of the ball when it reaches the floor?





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