Coomb's Fashions forecasts sales of $125,000 for the quarter ended December 31. Its gross profit rate is 20% of sales, and its September 30 inventory is $32,500. If the December 31 inventory is targeted at $41,500, budgeted purchases for this quarter should be:


Answer 1


Total purchase= $109,000


To calculate the budgeted purchases, we need to use the following formula:

Purchases= production + desired ending inventory - beginning inventory

Budgeted purchase:

Production= 125,000*0.8= 100,000

Desired ending inventory= 41,500

Beginning inventory= (32,500)

Total purchase= $109,000

Related Questions

Standish Company manufactures consumer products and provided the following information for the month of February:

Units produced 131,000
Standard direct labor hours per unit 0.20
Standard fixed overhead rate (per direct labor hour) $2.50
Budgeted fixed overhead $65,000
Actual fixed overhead costs $68,300
Actual hours worked 26,350

a. Calculate the fixed overhead spending variance using the formula approach.
b. Calculate the volume variance using the formula approach.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

a. Fixed overhead Spending Variance is

= Budgeted Fixed Overhead - Actual Fixed overhead

= $65000 - $68300

= - $3300 (unfavorable)


Fixed Overhead Volume Variance is

= (131000 × 0.20 × $2.50) - $65000

=$65500 - $65000

= $500 Favorable

In this way these can be determined

From the list below, select the items that are classified as a materials activity. (You may select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark for a correct answer and double click the box with the question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer. Any boxes left with a question mark will be automatically graded as incorrect.)
Raw materials used
Raw materials beginning inventory
Raw materials purchases
Work in process beginning inventory
Goods manufactured
Direct labor used
Factor overhead used


Answer and Explanation:

The classification is as follows:

Under Materials activity  

Opening balance of Raw materials inventory

Purchase of the Raw materials purchases

Under Production activity:

OPening balance of Work-in process inventory

Raw material used

Direct labor used

Factory overhead used

Under Sales activity:

Goods manufactured

In this way it should be categorized

Hence, the same should be relevant

A new machine requires an investment of $630,000 and will generate $100,000 in cash inflows for 7 years, at which time the salvage value of the machine will be $130,000. Using a discount rate of 10%, the net present value of the machine is $_________





Net present value is the present value of after-tax cash flows from an investment less the amount invested.  

NPV can be calculated using a financial calculator  

Cash flow in Y0 = -630,000

Cash flow in Y1 - Y6 = 100,000

Cash flow in Y7 = 100,000 + 130,000

I = 10%

npv = $-76,447.56

To find the NPV using a financial calculator:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  


-76,510, (76,510)


At the beginning of the period, the Cutting Department budgeted direct labor of $125,000, direct materials of $151,000 and fixed factory overhead of $11,800 for 8,000 hours of production. The department actually completed 10,600 hours of production. What is the appropriate total budget for the department, assuming it uses flexible budgeting? Round hourly rates to two decimal places. Round interim calculations to two decimal places. Round your final answer to the nearest dollar. a.$381,335 b.$377,606 c.$291,635 d.$287,800



the  appropriate total budget should be $377,500


The computation of the appropriate total budget should be given below:

Direct material ($151,000 ÷ 8,000 × 10,600) $200,075

direct labor ($125,000 ÷ 8,000 × 10,600) $165,625

fixed factory overhead $11,800

Total budget cost 377,500

Hence, the  appropriate total budget should be $377,500

This is the answer but the same is not provided in the given options

During a risk brainstorming session a team member identifies a risk. This particular risk does not seem to belong to any of the categories in you Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS). How should you respond



Record it in the risk register, discuss potential responses and make a note to update the RBS.


Risk management is the process by which the management of an organisation identifies, assessed, and controls threats that may affect the company's capital or earnings.

The risks can be as a result of natural disasters, management error, financial uncertainty, or accidents.

In the given instance if a risk is not on any of the categories in you Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), there is need to record it in the risk register, discuss potential responses and make a note to update the RBS.

A company is designing a product layout for a new product. It plans to use this production line eight hours a day in order to meet projected demand of 480 units per day. The tasks necessary to produce this product are:



1. The correct option is C. 54.

2. The correct option is E. 60.

3. The correct option is A. 3.

4. The correct option is E. 90%.

5. The correct option is E. y.


Note: This question is not complete. The complete question is therefore provided before answering the question as follows:

A company is designing a product layout for a new product. It plans to use this production line eight hours a day in order to meet projected demand of 480 units per day. The tasks necessary to produce this product:

Task           Time (sec)            Immediate Predecessor

u                      30                                   none

v                      30                                    u

w                      6                                      u

x                       12                                    w

y                      54                                     x

z                      30                                    v, y

1. Without regard to demand, what is the minimum possible cycle time (in seconds) for this situation?

A. 162

B. 72

C. 54

D. 12

E. 60

2. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what is the desired cycle time (in seconds)?

A. 162

B. 72

C. 54

D. 12

E. 60

3. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what is the minimum number of workstations needed?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

E. 7

4. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what would be the efficiency of this line with the minimum number of workstations?

A. 100%

B. 92.5%

C. 75%

D. 87.5%

E. 90%

5. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what is the last task performed at the second workstation in the balance which uses the minimum number of workstations?

A. u

B. v

C. w

D. x

E. y

The explanation of the answers is now provided as follows:

1. Without regard to demand, what is the minimum possible cycle time (in seconds) for this situation?

The minimum cycle time is equal to the maximum task time. From the data in the question, it can be seen that the maximum task time is 54. Therefore, the correct option is C. 54. That is, the minimum possible cycle time (in seconds) for this situation is 54.

2. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what is the desired cycle time (in seconds)?

Desired cycle time (in seconds) = Demand rate / Number of hours per days = 480 / 8 = 60

Therefore, the correct option is E. 60.

3. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what is the minimum number of workstations needed?

Total task time = 30 + 30 + 6 + 12 + 54 + 30 = 162

Minimum possible cycle time = 54

Therefore, we have:

Minimum number of workstations needed = Total task time / Minimum possible cycle time = 162 / 54 = 3

Therefore, the correct option is A. 3.

4. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what would be the efficiency of this line with the minimum number of workstations?

Line efficiency = Total task time / (Minimum number of workstations needed * Desired cycle time) = 162 / (3 * 60) = 162 / 180 = 0.90, or 90%

Therefore, the correct option is E. 90%.

5. If the company desires that output rate equal demand, what is the last task performed at the second workstation in the balance which uses the minimum number of workstations?

The last task should be the one has the longest task time. From the data table in the question, it can be observed that y is the task that has the longest task time. This implies y is the task to perform last.

Therefore, the correct option is E. y.

An educational software company wants to compare the effectiveness of teaching about supply and demand curves between computer animation presentations and textbook presentation. The company tests the economic knowledge of a number of first-year college students, then randomly divides them into two groups. One group uses the animation and the other studies the text. The company retests all the students and compares the increase in economic understanding between the two groups. Is the study described above an experiment? Why or why not?



Yes, this is often an experiment. the corporate assigned students to either the animation or the text, instead of watching post hoc ergo propter hoc data.


The explanatory variables are the pre-test data and therefore the assignment to a given group. The responding variable is that the post-test data.

Milltown Company specializes in selling used cars. During the month, the dealership sold 32 cars at an average price of $16,000 each. The budget for the month was to sell 30 cars at an average price of $17,000. Compute the dealership's sales price variance for the month.





The sales price variance is a measure used determine the difference between an entity's expected price of a product or service and its actual sales price. It may be favorable or unfavourable to the company and may be calculated as

Sales price variance =  Actual quantity sold * (actual selling price - budgeted selling price)

Hence given that  the dealership sold 32 cars at an average price of $16,000 each while the budget was to sell 30 cars at an average price of $17,000,

Sales price variance = 32 ($16,000 - $17,000)

= -$32,000

The minus indicates unfavourable sales price variance

In the small country of Economerica, there are 6 thousand people employed, 1 thousand people unemployed, and 3 thousand people of working age not included in the labor force. One thousand students graduate from the university and seek jobs in the country, but not one graduate is able to find one. Half of the new graduates believe there is no chance of finding a job and return home to live with their parents. Ceteris Paribus, what would the new unemployment rate be in Economerica?
A. 14.29%
B. 20.00%
C. 25.00%
D. 45.45%


Answer: B. 20.00%


Unemployment rate does not include those who have given up on finding a job.

Unemployment rate = Unemployed people / Labor force

Unemployed people:

= Original unemployed + half the new graduates

= 1,000 + (1,000 / 2)

= 1,500 people

Labor force:

= Unemployed + employed people

= 1,500 + 6,000

= 7,500 people

Unemployment rate:

= 1,500 / 7,500

= 20%

difference between price consumption curve and income consumption curve​



Price-consumption curve is a graph that shows how a consumer's consumption choices change when price of one of the goods changes. Income-consumption curve is a similar graph which traces changes in demand in response to changes in income.

Fruit Computer Company makes a fruit themed computer. Variable costs are $220 per unit, and fixed costs are $32,000 per month. Fruit Computer Company sells 500 units per month at a sales price of $300. The company believes that it can increase the price if the computer quality is upgraded. If so, the variable cost will increase to $240 per unit, and the fixed costs will rise by 50%. The CEO wishes to increase the company's operating income by 25%. Which sales price level would give the desired results



Fruit Computer Company

The sales price level that would give the desired results is:

= $356 per unit


a) Data and Calculations:

Variable costs per unit = $220

Fixed costs per month = $32,000

Monthly sales units = 500 units

Selling price per unit = $300

                                  Before Change   After Change

Sales revenue                $150,000       $178,000 ($168,000 + $10,000)

Variable costs                   110,000         120,000

Fixed costs                        32,000           48,000

Total costs                     $142,000       $168,000

Operating income            $8,000          $10,000 ($8,000 * 1.25)

The sales price level that would give the desired results is $356 ($178,000/500).  This represents an increase of 18.7% ($56/$300 * 100).

what is the meaning of want​



Want is to desire something or to yearn. (EX. I want an ice cream.) Want is showing that you would like something basically


In economics, a want is something that is desired. ... Wants are often distinguished from needs. A need is something that is necessary for survival (such as food and shelter), whereas a want is simply something that a person would like to have.

On January 1, 20Y2, Hebron Company issued a $175,000, five-year, 8% installment note to Ventsam Bank. The note requires annual payments of $43,830, beginning on December 31, 20Y2.Journalize the entries to record the following:


Answer and Explanation:

The journal entries are shown below:

1. Cash Dr $175,000

     To note payable $175,000

(being note payable is issued)

2. Interest expense Dr (8% of $175,000) $14,000

        To interest payable $14,000

(being interest expense is recorded)

3. Interest payable $14,000

Note payable $29,830

       To cash $43,830

(being cash paid is recorded)

4. Interest expense $6,253

          To interest payable $6,253

(being interest expense is recorded)

5.  Interest payable $6,253

Note payable $37,577

       To cash $43,830

(being cash paid is recorded)

which of the following would be included in the set of electrical plans for individual residence?

A. Individual romex cables
B. Power panels to be installed
C. routes of cables
D. Wire sizes



A. Individual romex cables


Individual romex cables would be included in the set of electrical plans for individual residence.

This is because they are a non-metallic sheathed cables, and they are flexible electrical cables which are popularly used in residential setups.

This cable comes with two insulated wires that include a ground copper wire that ensures safe passage of electrical current in case of any unfortunate event.

Granfield Company is considering eliminating its backpack division, which reported an operating loss for the recent year of $42,200. The division sales for the year were $963,800 and the variable costs were $477,000. The fixed costs of the division were $529,000. If the backpack division is dropped, 40% of the fixed costs allocated to that division could be eliminated. The impact on Granfield's operating income for eliminating this business segment would be:__________.
a. $275,200 increase
b. $486,800 decrease
c. $211,600 increase
d. $275,200 decrease
e. $486,800 increase



d. $275,200 decrease


Calculation to determine what The impact on Granfield's operating income for eliminating this business segment would be:

Using this formula

Impact on operating income =Saving in relevant fixed cost -loss of Contribution margin of backpack Division

Let plug in the formula

Impact on operating income=($529,000*40%)-($963,800-$477,000)

Impact on operating income=$211,600-$486800

Impact on operating income=$275,200 decrease

Therefore The impact on Granfield's operating income for eliminating this business segment would be:$275,200 decrease

A money market security that has a par value of $10,000 sells for $8,924.70. Given that the security has a maturity of two years, what is the investor's required rate of return?



The answer is "5%".


[tex]\to \$8,924.70 = \frac{10,000}{(1 + r )^2}\\\\\to \$8,924.70 (1+r)^2= 10,000\\\\\to (1+r)^2= \frac{10,000}{\$8,924.70}\\\\\to (1+r)^2= \frac{10,000}{\$8,924.70}\\\\\to (1+r)^2= 1.1204\\\\\to (1+r)= 1.05\\\\\to r= 1.05-1\\\\\to r=0.05\\\\\to r=5\%\\\\[/tex]

When the price of paintings is set at $500, the local art gallery supplies 20 paintings per week. When the price of paintings increases to $750, the gallery supplies 25 paintings. Calculate the price elasticity of supply using the mid-point formula. Instructions: Round your answer to two decimal places. If you are entering a negative number be sure to include a negative sign (-) in front of that number. The price elasticity of supply is: .



the  price elasticity of supply is 0.555


The computation of the price elasticity of supply is given below:

= Percentage change in quantity supplied ÷ percentage change in price

= (25 - 20) ÷ (25 + 20) ÷ 2 ÷ (750 - 500) ÷ (750 + 500) ÷ 2

= 5 ÷45 ÷ 250 ÷ 125

= 0.555

Hence, the  price elasticity of supply is 0.555

The same is relevant

On whom the trade bill drawn ?​


The bill of exchange is drawn by the seller of the goods and is accepted by the buyer.

On January 1, Parson Freight Company issues 7.0%, 10-year bonds with a par value of $4,500,000. The bonds pay interest semiannually. The market rate of interest is 8.0% and the bond selling price was $4,194,222. The bond issuance should be recorded as:


Answer: Debit Cash $4,194,222; Debit Discount on bonds payable $305,778; Credit Bonds payable $4,500,000


Based on the information given in the question, the journal entry will be prepared as follows:

Debit Cash $4,194,222

Debit Discount on bonds payable $305,778

Credit Bonds payable $4,500,000

Note that the discount on Bonds Payable was calculated as:

= $4,500,000 - $4,194,222

= $305,778

The country of Bolivia had a Gross Domestic Product of $79 billion in 2016 and a population of 11 million people, the GDP per capita would be ________.



The GDP per capita of country of Bolivia would be $7,181.82.


GDP Per capita refers to a measure that calculates a country's economic output per person by dividing its GDP by its population.

Therefore, we have:

GDP per capita = GDP / Population = $79 billion / 11 million = $79,000,000,000 / $11,000,000 = $7,181.82

Therefore, the GDP per capita of country of Bolivia would be $7,181.82.

Organizational learning and creativity play an important role in helping managers improve their decisions. Managers must take steps to promote organizational learning and creativity at individual as well as group levels to improve the quality of decision making. Managers can encourage and promote entrepreneurship that mobilizes resources to take advantage of an opportunity to provide customers with new or improved goods and services. The quality of managerial decision making ultimately depends on innovative responses to opportunities and threats. How can managers increase their ability to make nonprogrammed decisions that will allow them to adapt to, modify, and even drastically alter their task environments so they can continually increase organizational performance



Organization learning is the process by which the managers seeks employees desires and ability to understand the task environment.


Organizational learning plays an important role in managers by raising their ability to make programmer decisions that will allow them by adapting to, modifying, and even alter their work environment. Creativity helps managers in thinking and problem solving.

Assume Sheryl Jenkins wants to accumulate $ 13,241.39 in two years. She currently has $ 10,621.36 to invest. What interest rate must she earn on her investment (that is, if she deposits $ 10,621.36 today) to have $ 13,241.39 exactly two years from today?


Answer: 11.65%


The $13,241.39 is a future value amount as it is what is to be accumulated in 2 years.

Future value formula therefore applies:

Future value = Current value * ( 1 + interest rate) ^ no. of years

13,241.39 = 10,621.36 * ( 1 + i) ²

(1 + i)² = 13,241.39 / 10,621.36

(1 + i)² = 1.24667556697

1 + i = √1.24667556697

i = 1.116546267 - 1

i = 11.65%

You own a stock portfolio invested 30 percent in Stock Q, 25 percent in Stock R, 25 percent in Stock S, and 20 percent in Stock T. The betas for these four stocks are .80, 1.18, 1.19, and 1.36, respectively. What is the portfolio beta



The Portfolio beta is 1.1045


The computation of the portfolio beta is given below:

Stock          Beta       Investment (Weight)       Weighted Beta

Stock Q      0.8         0.3                                   0.2400

Stock R       1.18       0.25                                  0.2950

Stock S       1.19       0.25                                  0.2975

Stock T        1.36      0.2                                    0.2720

Portfolio beta                                                  1.1045

Synovec Company is growing quickly. Dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 30 percent for the next three years, with the growth rate falling off to a constant 4 percent thereafter. If the required return is 10 percent, and the company just paid a dividend of $2.65, what is the current share price





Calculation to determine the current share price

First step is to calculate p1

p1= $2.65(1+.30)^3(1+.04) / (.10 - .04)

p1= $2.65(1.30)^3(1.04) / (.10 - .04)



Now let calculate the Current price

p0= [$2.65(1.30) / 1.10] +[$2.65(1.30)^2 / 1.10^2] + [$2.65(1.30)^3 / 1.10^3] + [$100.92/ 1.10^3]




Therefore the current share price is $87.03

Jamon is a manager in a human resources organization. He has a message for Bob who works on the assembly line. What channel is he likely to use get the message to Bob


Answer: All of the above


The options include:

a. Face-to-face

b. Telephone

c. Electronic mail

d. All of the above

Since the manager manager has a message for Bob, any of the communication channels given here can be used.

There is no preferred communication channel here. The manager may decided to tell Bob the message face to face when he sees him. Also, he can call him on the telephone or send an email to him.

Therefore, the correct option is All of the above.

what does it mean to be "in the red"



The expression "in the red" is used to describe a business that has negative earnings. This is in contrast to the phrase "in the black" which refers to businesses that are profitable and financially solvent. ... Before the use of computers, accountants recorded income in black ink and expenses in red ink.


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A refiner produces heating fuel and gasoline from crude oil in virtually fixed proportions. What can you say about economies of scope for such a firm? What is the sign of its measure of economies of scope, SC?



The cost benefits of simultaneous manufacturing do not exist and there are thus no economies as well as range disadvantages. A further explanation is provided below.


Scope savings are environmental impacts if a variety of commodities are produced collectively when producing these commodities collaboratively is far less costly than individually.Throughout this case, the manufacturer can create two items from the main resource although manufacturing takes place in some kind of a set proportion. Therefore includes the amount of production is identical to the expenditure of combined production of the products.

Thus the above is the appropriate solution.

Escareno Corporation has provided its contribution format income statement for June. The company produces and sells a single product.
Sales (8,400 units) $ 764,400
Variable expenses 445,200
Contribution margin 319,200
Fixed expenses 250,900
Net operating income $68,300
If the company sells 8,200 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to:________.
a. $301,000
b. $311,600
c. $319,200
d. $66,674



b. $311,600


Calculation to determine what total contribution margin should be closest to:

Using this formula

Contribution margin per unit=Current contribution margin ÷ Current sales in units


Contribution margin per unit

=$319,200 ÷ 8,400

Contribution margin per unit= $38

Now let determine the total contribution margin

Total contribution margin= 8,200 × $38

Total contribution margin=$311,600

Therefore total contribution margin should be closest to:$311,600

When purchases of merchandise are made on account with a perpetual inventory system, the transaction is recorded with which entry



debit Merchandise Inventory, credit Accounts Payable.


In the case when the merchandise is purchased on account, so the following journal entry is recorded

Merchandise inventory Dr XXXXX

      To account payable XXXXX

(Being merchandise inventory purchased on account)

Here merchandise inventory is debited as it increased the assets and credited the account payable as it also increased the liabilities

roject A costs $6,000 and will generate annual after-tax net cash inflows of $2,150 for five years. What is the payback period for this investment under the assumption that the cash inflows occur evenly throughout the year



It will take 2.79 years to cover the initial investment.


Giving the following information:

Project A costs $6,000 and will generate annual after-tax net cash inflows of $2,150 for five years.

The payback period is the time required to cover the initial investment:

Year 1= 2,150 - 6,000= -3,850

Year 2= 2,150 - 3,850= -1,700

Year 3= 2,150 - 1,700= 450

To be more accurate:

(1700/2150)= 0.79

It will take 2.79 years to cover the initial investment.

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