Could someone edit this photo and help me, I'm very confused lol.​

Could Someone Edit This Photo And Help Me, I'm Very Confused Lol.


Answer 1




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Could Someone Edit This Photo And Help Me, I'm Very Confused Lol.

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what does the pair of happy and sad masks symbolized​


The masks depict the happy and sad emotions that drinking wine can bring. They have also been linked to the Greek God Janus which is known as the two-faced god of beginnings. It is said Janus lent the name to the masks.




Happy/sad paired masks are referred to as the comedy/tragedy masks or as Greek theater masks. They represent the theater and refer to the range of emotions presented by stage actors. For many decades, the image of the theater masks have, universally, become like a symbol of theater or acting

You are planning a musical that will run only three consecutive performances on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening. Which action enhances the production's aesthetic quality while maintaining cost-effectiveness?

hiring professional musicians

building a set from scratch

eliminating the emergency budget

renting costumes from a production company


Answer: renting costumes from a production company


Since the musical will run only for three consecutive performances, to enhance the production's aesthetic quality while maintaining cost-effectiveness, costumes should be rented from a production company.

It should be noted that hiring professional musicians and the building of the set from scratch will result in a lot of funding required. On the other hand, renting the customes will be cheaper.

Which of the following demonstrates the Commutative Property of Multiplication?

2(6a − 3) = (6a − 3) ⋅ 2
2(6a − 3) = 12a − 6
12a − 6 = (6a − 3) ⋅ 2
(2 ⋅ 6a) − 3 = 2(6a − 3)




Explanation:Changing the order of factors does not change the product.

the answer is a think of it as "commuting" to work or school. they are the same numbers they just move places

what are the twin libidinal impulses

a. procreation and dissemination and marriage
c.preservation and desecration and violence





What is the name of the tool in photoshop that can move, scale, and/or rotate an object in different XYZ axis?

A. Gizmo
B. Patch
C. Clone
D. Brush



C because it is flexible to operate in the areas

c, clone is the correct answer

explica la historia del disparo a red smith:

Terror en winnipeg


Estoy sentado en la impecable oficina del neurocientífico cognitivo de voz suave ubicada dentro del departamento de psicología de la Universidad de Nueva York, pero me siento como si estuviera en el médico, recibiendo un diagnóstico terrible. En su monitor gigante, Amodio me muestra una gran cantidad de datos, un grupo de puntos que muestran dónde puntúan las personas en la prueba de asociación implícita. La prueba mide los prejuicios raciales que no podemos controlar conscientemente. Lo he tomado tres veces ahora. Esta vez, mi prejuicio incontrolado, aunque claramente presente, se ha situado significativamente por debajo del promedio de personas blancas como yo.

A series of notes that form a tune is known as ………….


The answer is melody

Three or more notes played in harmony is termed a
A. chord retrogression
B. chord progression
C. chord symbol
D. chord


chord, theres really no explanation.

who painted starry night


Vincent van gogh


he painted starry night!

[tex] \huge{ \sf{Answer}}[/tex]

Van Gogh painted starry night

Ive been searching for a couple hours and I couldn't find an answer, so im hoping to get one here! I wanted to know what its called when there is an animation of stick men fighting to music, (Usually without words). There is a certain name for it, and I need the answer for my animation class! Please help!


Xiao Xiao

there you go :)

Can someone please help me come up with an idea for a Dramatic Arts stage fighting practical? (no one can die in the scene)(there are 5 members in the group)



a school fight


maybe it can be a school fight where theres 3 bullies and one kid being bullied. The bullied kid asked his friend for advice and his friend says to fight the bullies. The bullied kid fights the bullies and suprisanly wins.

(you can change it up a little or make it smaller or longer)

True False 28. Symmetry gives a sense of stabilin and balance to design.
a. true
b. false ​



A. True





Fill in the blank by selecting a word from the multiple choice panel: Painting executes _________ in an implied way, whereas Sculpture executes _____ in a literal or real way



Although the question omits the multiple choices, the correct answer is



So the complete sentence would read as follows:

Painting executes mass in an implied way, whereas Sculpture executes mass in a literal or real way.

In the latter, the mass is the object's bulk whilst in the former, the mass is implied thus creating the illusion of mass.


Does singing Filipino folk songs like "Sitsiritsit" develop you as a Filipino child? how? :o​



Yes,because as a Filipino we need to appreciate our own folk songs,traditions and cultures and because it shows the tradition of filipinos.

Displaying one's cultural values may be attributed to showcasing the philosophy, trait, and various other behaviors associated with one's culture. Hence, singing Filipino songs could develop a Filipino child.

The cultural way and attribute of an individual could be easily showcased based on outlook, speech and behavior.

Songs are meant to pass messages and ethics. As a Filipino child, songs rooted to the Filipino culture could help shape one's character.

Hence, singing Filipino songs could help shape a Filipino child.

Learn more :

write T. on the blank if statement is true and. F. if it is false​



T or F


i say this because there is no statement







Subraye el predicado y el sujeto 1.En la casa de los vecinos , hubo una fiesta anoche . 2.Ernesto canta muy bien . 3.Ezequiel es un niño muy bonito. 4.Hoy festeja su cumpleaños Felipe. 5.En el cine , Jose no deja de hablar




Sujeto: una fiesta

Predicado: En la casa de los vecinos, hubo ... anoche.  



Sujeto: Ernesto

Predicado: canta muy bien.


Sujeto: Ezequiel  

Predicado: es un niño muy bonito.


Sujeto: Felipe

Predicado: Hoy festeja su cumpleaños


Sujeto: Jose

Predicado: En el cine, … no deja de hablar.


En español, los elementos fundamentales de una oración se denominan sujeto y predicado. El sujeto es la palabra o agrupación de palabras sobre las que se está diciendo algo. Por otro lado, el predicado es la palabra o agrupación de palabras que dicen algo sobre el sujeto.

Si bien se solicita subrayar cada sección, presentar la respuesta detallando cada elemento de las oraciones, como se ha hecho aquí, puede resultar más claro.

Combine these sentences so that the new sentence begins with a prepositional phrase: It was near the entrance to the exhibit. The first thing I saw was a giant grasshopper



At night near the entrance to the exhibit, I saw a giant grasshopper


Hope this helps!!

Miriam Schapiro is known for
making collage fine art
inventing the color wheel
creating multimedia statues
building the first mixed media sculpture


Is this a question or

Answer: it is a

Explanation: found it on the web

Plz write a 5-7 sentence response on what a color wheel is and the 3 groups of colors.



A color wheel or color circle depicts the relationships between the primary colors, the secondary colors, third colors, etc., an abstract illustrative color organization around a circle. They are divided into three categories: primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Cannot make primary colors from other colors. By blending fundamental colors together, artists produce all the other rainbow colors. The colors are green, orange, and purple (purple). Secondary colors, two primary colors are formed by combining. The secondary color is built of the color wheel in two basic colors.

   2. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.


hello, how are you doing?


Great me, and How are you


Very well, thank you!! And yourself?


Instead of banning modes altogether, Aristotle recognized that modes could
be used to produce difference emotional responses. All of the following
emotions were thought to be aroused by a musical mode except.


Answer:Instead of banning modes altogether, Aristotle recognized that modes could be used to produce difference emotional responses. All of the following emotions were thought to be aroused by a musical mode except: A. reverence.


The following emotions were thought to be awaked by a musical mode, except jealousy. The correct option is C.

What are modes?

Modes is a concept of music. There are seven modes present in the notation of music.

They are Ionian, Dorian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Phrygian, Lydian and Locrian.

Thus, the correct option is C, jealousy.

Learn more about modes of music


How do you determine what to include in a landscape



You look at the dementions of the picture. Dimention and contrast are the two most important things to consider.




Think about the theme around you, so if it is summer, then add a public waterpark. Add vending machines, or a kiddie garden for kids. If its for adults then add an actual garden and some benches. I hope this helps because Its what I would do!

What's the best tip for GSCE art?




TIP 1# EXPERIMENT .my advice to you is experiment different medium in one art project




i hope this helps:)

Tip is to try different medium art and just work hard

¿Porqué crees tú que el ser humano desde el origen de las primeras

civilizaciones hasta el día de hoy se inspira y representa su entorno de manera

visual?¿qué tratará de demostrar?



Desde el origen de las primeras civilizaciones, el ser humano se inspira y representa su entorno de manera visual pues busca plasmar a través del arte y las representaciones gráficas sus vivencias, estilo de vida, creencias, cultura y, en definitiva, todos aquellos elementos del contexto en que vive y se desarrolla, para así trascender a su limitada existencia y llegar de esta manera a formar parte de las generaciones venideras, dejando un testimonio de su vida y, además, una prueba irrefutable de su paso por el mundo.

Así, esto responde no solo a una necesidad consciente de transmitir información o dar a conocer hechos, sino también a una necesidad inconsciente de trascender hacia el futuro.

1) Quais diferenças podemos encontrar entre a concepção indígena de arte e as concepções de nossa sociedade?
A pergunta do CMSP



a principal diferença entre elas é que as artes indígenas possuem de forma geral um caráter utilitário, o que significa que elas são feitas dentro de uma função, e essas funções geralmente estão ligadas a motivos e objetos religiosos e culturais, o que faz deles algo mais do que só arte ou objetos, também representa o modo de viver e a história deles, enquanto a maior parte das artes feitas na sociedade são feitas apenas para que o outro possa admirá-las ou contemplá-las.


What is the artistic term for an image of Mary holding her dead son Jesus?


pieta it is ........

Complete the information chart. Follow these instructions and write your

answers in your notebook.

1. Define what a Musical Play is.

2. Draw an emoji that represents your emotion during your study of Musical Play.

3. How can you use Musical Play in your daily life to make it more productive?



A musical play is like a movie but with singing and dancing almost all the time. and emoji is :D They make me calm.


Can anyone name 5 country starting with s​



why do you need this ?


# Country Population

(2020) Area

(Km²) Density


1 South Africa 59,308,690 1,213,090 49

2 South Korea 51,269,185 97,230 527

3 Spain 46,754,778 498,800 94

4 Sudan 43,849,260 1,765,048 25

5 Saudi Arabia 34,813,871 2,149,690 16

6 Sri Lanka 21,413,249 62,710 341

7 Syria 17,500,658 183,630 95

8 Senegal 16,743,927 192,530 87

9 Somalia 15,893,222 627,340 25

10 South Sudan 11,193,725 610,952 18

11 Sweden 10,099,265 410,340 25

12 Serbia 8,737,371 87,460 100

13 Switzerland 8,654,622 39,516 219

14 Sierra Leone 7,976,983 72,180 111

15 Singapore 5,850,342 700 8,358

16 Slovakia 5,459,642 48,088 114

17 Slovenia 2,078,938 20,140 103

18 Solomon Islands 686,884 27,990 25

19 Suriname 586,632 156,000 4

20 Sao Tome and Principe 219,159 960 228

21 Samoa 198,414 2,830 70

22 Saint Lucia 183,627 610 301

23 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 110,940 390 284

24 Seychelles 98,347 460 214

25 Saint Kitts and Nevis 53,199 260 205

26 San Marino 33,931 60 566


1.Saudi Arabia

2.San Marino

3.South Africa

4.South Korea



Drama - Missing Dan Nolan

11) Name the 3 friends Dan Nolan was out with the night he disappeared.


i think it’s
Joe, Thom & George

which instrument was invented during th Modern Period?
A. Electric guitar
B. Sackbut
C. Recorder
D. Luke


luke is a name smh
it's the electric guitar because it wasn't invented till 1963
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