could someone explain about agriculture in mesopotamia in a paragraph?

i'd rly appreciate anyone's help asap, thanks in advance!​


Answer 1


Agriculture was the main economic activity in ancient Mesopotamia. Operating under harsh constraints, notably the arid climate, the Mesopotamian farmers developed effective strategies that enabled them to support the development of the first states, the first cities, and then the first known empires, under the supervision of the institutions which dominated the economy: the royal and provincial palaces, the temples, and the domains of the elites. They focused above all on the cultivation of cereals and sheep farming, but also farmed legumes, as well as date palms in the south and grapes in the north.


Related Questions

What do you think is more important?School or Money?Both is not allowed.





Beacause you can get money if you learn

what is one example of people's rights being oppressed in the modern world?​


Slavery, the refusal to allow women to inherit and own property, the denial of equal rights to people with disabilities, and the involuntary commitment of people who deviate from social norms are all examples of oppression.

Write out a paragraph showing your understanding of scarcity



Scarcity means lack or scarce or short supply or shortage of any goods during a period or time. It may cause due to the increase of demand, lack of production of good at a required time or any other production factors.

President Andrew Jackson replaced a number of government workers with his





In the book i have read it says, President Andrew Jackson replaced a number of government workers with his opponents.

Which of the following statements does not describe how the other branches of government check the power of the judicial branch?
A. Congress does not have the authority to set the number of federal judges.
B. When appointed, the Supreme Court justices hold position for life or until they decide to retire.
C. With Senate approval, the president has the authority to appoint all federal justices.
D. The president can decide whether or not to enforce judicial decisions.​


Answer: D. The president can decide whether or not to enforce judicial decisions.​


Decisions by the Judiciary are made with the full weight of the law and so have to be enforced by the Executive which is led by the President. The President cannot therefore pick and choose which judicial decisions will be enforced. They all will.

If the President has a problem with a judicial decision, the President is welcome to challenge the decision in the courts on appeal and if they win, the President can then enforce the new court rulings. Point is, the President cannot decide which to follow and which to discard.

identify any three human rights violations or discrimination that can that are experienced in your community and therefore explain why you choose that specific human rights violations and discrimination​


Answer:forcibly evicting,contaminating water,and armed conflict


How did the Song dynasty survive despite military setbacks?



The Song dynasty helped survive military setbacks by encouraging innovation in technology and agriculture and supported an extensive trading system


They encouraged innovation in technology and agriculture and supported an extensive trading system


Under the Song, the Chinese economy expanded because of improved farming methods and open border policy. The latter allowed a new type of faster-growing rice to be imported from Southeast Asia. Farmers were now able to produce two crops a year, one of rice and one of a cash crop to sell.

what does a person have to do to be considered a member of a society?​



According to sociologists, a society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture. ... Interaction: Members of a society must come in contact with one another. If a group of people within a country has no regular contact with another group, those groups cannot be considered part of the same society.


according. to mohs scale, which of the following minerals properly corresponds to the hardest and least hard?​



b. hardest: diamond; least hard: talc


According to the the Mohs scale of hardness ; material hardness are arranged using numbers, which higher values indicating increasing hardness level.

From the scale ;

Diamond has a value of 10 which makes it the hardest on the scale

Talc has a vlaue of 1 which makes it the softest.

A picture of the mohs hardness scale is attached below.

Water scarcity is caused by exploitation and the contamination of water sources.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.





Yes, Water scarcity occurs due to exploitation and the contamination of water sources. There are less amount of fresh water present on planet earth and the human activities also contaminated the available fresh water which leads to water scarcity. There are about 3% of water is fresh water that is drinkable while the remaining is the salty water present in the oceans which is not drinkable so we can conclude that exploitation and the contamination are the main causes of water scarcity.

a. What is meant by socialization b. How do you identify as a social person.



We also can identify the socialized person by knowing his/her behaviour, creative and ideal activity, culture, tradition, and s/he follow rules and regulations of the society. also follow social norms and values.

Socialisation is known as the process of inducting the individual into the social world. The term socialisation refers to the process of interaction through which the growing individual learns the habits, attitudes, values and beliefs of the social group into which he has been born.

Many scientists classify forests according to __________.

A) location

B) ecological systems

C) size





"Forest is one branch of a biotically oriented classification of types of ecological study."

They are classified by the biomes they exist in.

Make from memory the major features of society. ​



1. Likeness

Likeness of members in a social group is the primary basis of their mutuality. May be in the beginning assumed or real common lineage, tribal affinity, family benefit or the compactness due to a common to time inculcated between and among the members in the group the feeling of likeness. Likeness means mutuality, and that means Society.

2. The Reciprocal Awareness

Likeness is generative of reciprocity. Once some are aware of the mutual likeness, they, certainly differentiate against those who are not like them. The problem of likes and dislikes was concomitant to the social growth. Consciousness of this kind, alone could make sense of likeness. All social action is based on reciprocal response. This alone, makes possible, the we-feeling.

3. Differences

Sense of likeness in not always sufficient. It alone is not adequate for social organisation. This does not exclude diversity or variation. The social structure of humanity is based on the family which rests upon the biological differences between the sexes, viz, men and women. The economic structure of society is based upon division of labour in which the professions and economic activities of people are different or dissimilar. The culture of society prospers with the differences in thoughts ideals, viewpoints, etc. No two individuals are alike in their nature.

They differ from each other in respect of their interests, capacities, abilities and tendencies etc. These differences do not imply mutual conflict; instead; by it the organisation of society is further strengthened. A 100 percent organised society is not possible.

4. Interdependence

Society implies interdependence. It is another essential element to constitute society. It is not possible for human being to satisfy his desire in isolation.

He cannot live alone. He needs the help of others for his survival. Society fulfills all the needs of the people. For example, the institution of family rests on the biological interdependence of sexes. None of the two sexes is complete by itself and, therefore, each seeks fulfillment by the aid of the other. This fact of interdependence is very much visible in the present day society. Today not only countries but also continents depend upon one another. Likewise, communities, social groups and nations are also interdependent.

5. Cooperation

Cooperation is also another essential element to constitute society. Without cooperation, no society can exist. If the members of the society do not work together for the common purposes, they cannot lead a happy and comfortable life. Cooperation avoids mutual destructiveness and results in economy. In the words of P. Gisbert, “Cooperation is the most elementary process of social life without which society is impossible.”

For want of cooperation, the entire fabric of society may collapse. It is the very basis of social life. C.H. Cooley has rightly remarked, “Cooperation-arises when men realise that they have common interests. So great is the realisation of the necessity of cooperation on the part of every society, Kropotkin says, it is difficult to survive without it.

How did John Brown’s raid divide the Union even more?


Answer: It increased the tension between the northerners and the southerners.

Explanation: Even though the raid failed, it inflamed sectional tensions and raised the stakes for the 1860 presidential election. It made it impossible for the north and south to agree leading to the civil war.

Meg is a perfectionist. She is so preoccupied with perfection she almost never gets things done on time. She procrastinates and focuses so closely on trivial details that she often fails to see how the details fit into the bigger picture. Socially, she rarely goes out because she is too busy working. She often won't make choices because she fears making the wrong choice. Meg's life is dominated by rigid expectations and goals. Meg is suffering from _____personality disorder.



This question lacks options, options are: A) schizotypal B) avoidant C) obsessive-compulsive D) histrionic

The correct answer is C) obsessive-compulsive. Meg's life is dominated by rigid expectations and goals. Meg is suffering from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder


Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized by an excessive preoccupation with order, efficiency, perfectionism, and a marked tendency to mental (emotional and interpersonal) inflexibility and rigidity. The person with this type of disorder must "control everything." through an analytical and detailed vision of reality. The person needs points of reference, she/he is afraid of changes, lack of humor, she/he is rigid and intolerant especially towards herself/himself.

Help please. I need to do this today but pleaseeee helpppppppppppppppp



Due to style and attitude.


The debates between Lincoln and Douglas were very population because of their style of debates and attitude towards one another. Yes, Debating by Lincoln and Douglas in public was able to sway peoples opinion on the issue of slavery as well change their opinions about slavery. These debates spread awareness about the issue of slavery and the people would know the significance of this problem and also convinced to the opinions of Lincoln or Douglas.

Study the table about Earth’s interior.


Answer:where is the table


Where is the table ?

Compare the location of the Nile river to the population distribution of Egypt what comparisons can you make



Most of Egypt's population is densely focused around the Nile River.


Most of the arable land in Egypt (the land suitable for life) is around the Nile River -- the rest of the region is mostly desert without the resources needed to sustain life. This leads people to live densely together around this river, which explains the high physiological density and low arithmetic density of Egypt.

A defendant is on trial for violating a statute forbidding possession of a concealed weapon within 100 yards of a government building. The prosecution presents evidence that the defendant was arrested on a street corner with a handgun in his pocket. The building housing the local city hall occupies the entire block on the north and east sides of the two streets where the defendant was apprehended.
Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding judicial notice of the location of the city hall?

A The judge may take judicial notice of this fact without resort to a map, and should instruct the jury that it may, but need not, accept this fact as evidence of an element of the offense.
B The judge may take judicial notice of this fact only upon reference to an official street map of the city.
C The judge may not take judicial notice of this type of fact in a criminal case without a request by the prosecution.
D If the judge properly takes judicial notice of this fact, a presumption is created that shifts the burden of persuasion to the defendant to disprove this fact.



The judge may take judicial notice of this fact without resort to a map, and should instruct the jury that it may, but need not, accept this fact as evidence of an element of the offense


Trial courts

This is a type of court where they listen to testimony, put evidence into consideration, and decide the facts in disputed occurrences or situations. There are 2 parties in each case.

Judicial Notice

This is knowing that a fact is true even without the formal presentation of any piece of evidencee

Types of Judicial Notice

1. Legislative Facts: includes legal reasoning and lawmaking, constitutions, statutes etc.

2. Adjudicative Facts: this occurs in specialcase. Either when generally known in the jurisdiction or when capable of ready movement or determination.

how do you become a member of society?​


Lesson 1: Enculturation/Socialization

Lesson 2: Conformity and Deviance

Lesson 3: Human Dignity, Rights and the Common Good

The main danger to the wooden ships of the early Arctic explorers was the ??????



the pack ice.

I guess it is the right answer

If you were a teacher , how would you make you online class better?


Allow kids to use notes

Many scientists classify forests according to __________.

A) location

B) ecological systems

C) size




B. The answer is ecological system

In your country, are old people or young people more interested in the news?


Old people i would say

Nubia rivaled Egypt for control over ____



land trade


you can wright trade but land trade make more sense

where does depression come from and why?​



Research suggests that depression doesn't spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.While depression can affect a person psychologically, it also has the potential to affect physical structures in the brain. These physical changes range from inflammation and oxygen restriction, to actual shrinking. In short, depression can impact the central control center of your nervous system.

What if sand is exposed to heat and pressure?


The sand will get Warmer fast than the water
It will turn into the metamorphic rock, Quartzite

- What was the name of the war between Athens and Sparta?



The Peloponnesian War


it was between the most powerful cities back then


The Peloponnesian War


2. Why is society important for us?



Society is one of the most integral parts of our life. ... Hence, in order to live the life in a very comfortable way, society is the most. Food, shelter, and clothes are essential for a person to live. On single effort, man would not be able to fulfill all his needs.


to provide job opportunity to us thus the people can survive

Sa'dia is an 18-month-old girl whose parents use flash cards to teach her the alphabet and simple words, they use videos and music to teach her other languages, and they use infant swimming and movement classes to improve her coordination. Despite all these classes, Sa'dia walked at 12 months and spoke her first word at 13 months. What would developmental psychologists tell Sa'dia's parents



The correct answer is - there is very less influence on motor skill development in toddlers.


Despite all swimming and movement classes to improve her coordination, there is very little one can do to improve motor skill development early than its own time.

Babies have to have adequate muscular and neural maturity to reach developmental milestones on their own time and there is nothing one can do to rush to development.

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