COURSE PROJECT Assume you are a software developer. You are developing websites for two different companies. (Production, selling and buying). Analyze the type of e-commerce in both. Find out which Business model they belong to and analyze the online marketing methods adopted by the websites. Write the specific security issues and solutions which are applicable to any e-commerce website. Categorize the threats and solutions with respect to client, communication channel and Server. Include pictures and diagram. I. Create Technical Report as per the following requirements: 1. Introduction about two companies 2. Analysis of E-commerce websites a) Constructing website for the company b) Type of E-commerce you suggest for the company c) Type of Market relationship of the websites d) Business model of the websites e) Online Marketing methods f) Online Transaction 3. Security issues posed by these web sites 4. Implementation of Security solutions 5. References II. Presentation III. PowerPoint Material IV. Plagiarism Report 3 Files:
1. Word file (project document) 2. Ppt 3. Plagiarism report (pdf)


Answer 1

The presentation and PowerPoint material, you will need to create slides summarizing the key points of your report and use visual aids such as diagrams and images to support your findings.

I. Introduction about Two Companies:

- Provide an introduction to each of the two companies you are developing websites for, including their industry, size, target market, and any relevant background information.

II. Analysis of E-commerce Websites:

a) Constructing Website for the Company:

- Discuss the process and considerations involved in developing the websites for the two companies, such as design, user experience, functionality, and content.

b) Type of E-commerce:

- Analyze the type of e-commerce that each website represents. This could include B2B (business-to-business), B2C (business-to-consumer), C2C (consumer-to-consumer), or other variations.

c) Type of Market Relationship:

- Determine and explain the type of market relationship that each website represents. This could include a traditional retail model, a marketplace model, a subscription-based model, or any other relevant categorization.

d) Business Model:

- Identify and analyze the business models adopted by the websites. This could include the revenue generation strategies, pricing models, distribution channels, and any unique aspects of their business operations.

e) Online Marketing Methods:

- Discuss the online marketing methods employed by the websites to attract customers and promote their products or services. This could include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and any other relevant strategies.

f) Online Transaction:

- Explain how the websites facilitate online transactions, including the payment methods, security measures, and any other features or technologies utilized.

III. Security Issues Posed by the Websites:

- Identify and analyze the potential security issues that could affect the e-commerce websites. This could include threats such as data breaches, hacking attempts, payment fraud, phishing attacks, and others.

IV. Implementation of Security Solutions:

- Propose and discuss specific security solutions and measures that can be implemented to address the identified security issues. This could include SSL certificates, secure payment gateways, encryption, strong authentication mechanisms, regular security audits, and employee training.

V. References:

- Provide a list of all the sources and references used to gather information for the report, ensuring proper citation and adherence to academic integrity standards.

Please note that for the presentation and PowerPoint material, you will need to create slides summarizing the key points of your report and use visual aids such as diagrams and images to support your findings.

Remember to conduct thorough research, gather relevant information about the companies and their websites, and present your analysis and recommendations in a clear, organized, and well-supported manner. Good luck with your project!

Learn more about presentation here


Related Questions

An increase in the real interest rate results in which of the following? Group of answer choices
A) an increase in the demand for loanable funds
B) a decrease in the demand for loanable funds
C) an increase in the quantity of loanable funds supplied
D) Both a decrease in the demand for loanable funds and an increase in the quantity of loanable funds supplied will occur as a result of an increase in the real interest rate
QUESTION: Answer C is still a potential result because supply curve for loanable funds is upward sloping, why we don't choose D (Both A and C are correct)


It is true that the supply of loanable funds is upward sloping, meaning that an increase in the real interest rate can lead to an increase in the quantity of loanable funds supplied.

However, it is also true that an increase in the real interest rate typically leads to a decrease in the demand for loanable funds due to the higher cost of borrowing.

Therefore, when considering the overall effects of an increase in the real interest rate on the loanable funds market, we would expect both a decrease in the demand for loanable funds (option B) and an increase in the quantity of loanable funds supplied (option C) to occur.

Option D suggests that only a decrease in the demand for loanable funds and an increase in the quantity of loanable funds supplied will occur as a result of an increase in the real interest rate, which is not completely accurate. Therefore, the best answer choice to this question would be A and C, or "Both an increase in the demand for loanable funds and an increase in the quantity of loanable funds supplied will occur as a result of an increase in the real interest rate."

learn more about loanable funds here


Reproduce PSG Konsult vision/mission/strategic intent/purpose
statement and evaluate
its efficacy
**Note: the company may not necessarily have all of the above.
Provide whatever you can find


here is the vision/mission/strategic intent/purpose statement of PSG Konsult, along with an evaluation of its efficacy Vision: To be a leading provider of consulting services in Southern Africa.

Mission: To provide our clients with the insights and solutions they need to achieve their goals.

Strategic Intent: To differentiate ourselves from our competitors by offering a unique combination of consulting services, industry expertise, and thought leadership.

Purpose Statement: To make a positive difference in the lives of our clients and the communities in which we operate.

PSG Konsult's vision, mission, strategic intent, and purpose statement are all clear, concise, and aspirational. They provide a strong foundation for the company's growth and success.

The company's vision is to be a leading provider of consulting services in Southern Africa. This is a realistic and achievable goal, given the company's strong track record and commitment to excellence.

The company's mission is to provide its clients with the insights and solutions they need to achieve their goals. This mission is aligned with the company's vision and reflects its commitment to providing value to its clients.

The company's strategic intent is to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering a unique combination of consulting services, industry expertise, and thought leadership. This strategic intent is well-defined and provides a clear roadmap for the company's future growth.

The company's purpose statement is to make a positive difference in the lives of its clients and the communities in which it operates. This purpose statement is inspiring and reflects the company's commitment to social responsibility.

Overall, PSG Konsult's vision, mission, strategic intent, and purpose statement are all well-crafted and provide a strong foundation for the company's future success.

Here are some additional thoughts on the efficacy of PSG Konsult's vision/mission/strategic intent/purpose statement:

The vision is ambitious but achievable, and it provides a clear direction for the company.The mission is specific and measurable, and it ensures that the company is focused on its customers.The strategic intent is unique and differentiated, and it gives the company a competitive advantage.The purpose statement is inspiring and aspirational, and it helps to motivate employees and customers.Overall, PSG Konsult's vision/mission/strategic intent/purpose statement is a well-crafted document that provides a strong foundation for the company's future success.

To know more about company click here


Research elasticity information for two particular goods: one with an elastic demand and one with an inelastic demand. Using the information of price elasticity, income elasticity and cross-price elasticity of demand you gather, predict changes in demand.
Describe how marginal analysis, by avoiding sunk costs, leads to better pricing decisions.
Explain the importance of opportunity costs to decision making and how opportunity cost leads to international trade.
How better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole. Contrast the deontology and consequentialism approaches to ethics.
Pls help me answer all these questions and 1 introduction for these. Thanks so much


The ethical approaches of deontology and consequentialism, highlighting their differences in evaluating the morality of actions.


In this response, we will address several topics related to economics and decision making. We will explore elasticity and its impact on demand, discuss how marginal analysis leads to better pricing decisions, examine the importance of opportunity costs in decision making and its connection to international trade, and finally, compare the contrasting ethical approaches of deontology and consequentialism. Let's dive into each question.

1. Elasticity and Changes in Demand:

Price elasticity, income elasticity, and cross-price elasticity of demand provide insights into how changes in various factors affect demand for specific goods. For a good with **elastic demand**, a small change in price will result in a proportionately larger change in quantity demanded. This means that if the price of an elastic good decreases, the demand will increase significantly. On the other hand, for a good with **inelastic demand**, changes in price have a relatively smaller impact on the quantity demanded. Thus, if the price of an inelastic good increases, the demand may remain relatively stable.

2. Marginal Analysis and Pricing Decisions:

Marginal analysis is an economic principle that focuses on examining the costs and benefits of incremental changes in production or consumption. By considering only the additional costs and benefits associated with a decision, marginal analysis helps businesses make better pricing decisions. It avoids the consideration of **sunk costs**, which are costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered. By disregarding sunk costs and focusing on marginal costs and benefits, businesses can make rational pricing decisions that are based on current and future prospects rather than past investments.

3. Opportunity Cost, Decision Making, and International Trade:

Opportunity cost refers to the value of the next best alternative foregone when making a decision. It plays a vital role in decision making by highlighting the trade-offs involved. In the context of international trade, countries engage in trade when they have a comparative advantage in producing a particular good. The opportunity cost of producing that good domestically is higher compared to other goods or services. By focusing on their comparative advantage and trading with other countries, nations can maximize their overall production and benefit from the lower opportunity costs of obtaining goods or services from trading partners.

4. Business Decisions and Benefits to Producer, Consumer, and Society:

Making better business decisions can have positive impacts on multiple stakeholders. For producers, informed decisions can lead to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved profitability. This, in turn, can benefit consumers by offering lower prices, higher-quality products, and a wider range of choices. Society as a whole benefits from better business decisions through economic growth, job creation, and improved standards of living. By considering the long-term effects and externalities of their decisions, businesses can contribute positively to the overall well-being of society.

5. Deontology vs. Consequentialism in Ethics:

Deontology and consequentialism are contrasting ethical approaches. Deontology emphasizes the importance of moral duties and obligations, focusing on the inherent nature of actions rather than their outcomes. Consequentialism, on the other hand, prioritizes the consequences or outcomes of actions, aiming to maximize overall happiness or utility. Deontological ethics would consider the morality of an action based on principles or rules, whereas consequentialism would evaluate it based on the net positive or negative consequences it produces.

In conclusion, we have discussed elasticity and changes in demand, the role of marginal analysis in pricing decisions, the significance of opportunity costs in decision making and international trade, and the benefits of better business decisions for producers, consumers, and society as a whole. Additionally, we explored the ethical approaches of deontology and consequentialism, highlighting their differences in evaluating the morality of actions.

Learn more about consequentialism here


One sign that a company has achieved sustainable competitive advantage is: (A) Warranty claims on the company's products are reduced. Growing numbers of the company's customers consistently choose its products and recommend them to friends even though rival products have lower prices. (C) Product reviewers, like Consumers' Reports, note its low prices.. (D) The company's profits are adequate and steady. (E) The company achieves political advantage.


Growing numbers of the company's customers consistently choose its products and recommend them to friends even though rival products have lower prices is one sign that a company has achieved sustainable competitive advantage.

Sustainable competitive advantage can be defined as the extent to which a firm's resources and capabilities allow it to gain and sustain an advantage over its rivals. Growing numbers of the company's customers consistently choose its products and recommend them to friends even though rival products have lower prices is one sign that a company has achieved sustainable competitive advantage.This is because it indicates that the company has created value for its customers that they are willing to pay for, despite the availability of cheaper alternatives in the market. This could be due to factors such as product quality, customer service, brand loyalty, or innovation in product design. By consistently delivering value to its customers, the company is able to establish a loyal customer base that provides a sustainable source of revenue and profits for the company.

To know more about revenue visit:


Bob wants to expand his retirement portfolio, so he purchases some shares of stock in a software company that have consistently performed well over the last 10 years. What type of market transaction is taking place?
a.) Private placement
b.) Secondary market offering
c.) Primary market offering
d.) Share buyback


The type of market transaction is taking place option b.) Secondary market offering .

The type of market transaction that is taking place when Bob wants to expand his retirement portfolio and purchases some shares of stock in a software company that have consistently performed well over the last 10 years is a secondary market offering.

A secondary market offering is a subsequent public offering (SPO) that allows investors to sell shares of stock held by insiders or major shareholders such as founders, executives, or venture capitalists. A secondary offering is an alternative method of raising capital that is different from an initial public offering (IPO), in which shares are sold to the public for the first time.

Bob's purchase of shares in the software company that have consistently performed well over the last 10 years is an example of a secondary market offering because he bought the shares from another investor, not the company. The correct answer is option b.

Know more about  Secondary market offering   here:


The use of a pull policy may require heavy expenditures for


A pull policy can lead to significant expenses. It refers to a system where resources are only obtained when needed, resulting in potential costs for retrieving or acquiring those resources.

This approach contrasts with a push policy, where resources are provided in advance. The pull policy's costs can include transportation, storage, and coordination expenses, as well as the risk of delays or shortages if resources are not readily available when requested.

A pull policy is an approach where resources are obtained or produced only when there is a demand for them. This means that resources are not pre-emptively supplied or stocked but are acquired as needed. While this approach can offer benefits such as reduced waste and increased efficiency, it can also lead to heavy expenditures.

One reason for the potential expenses is that in a pull system, resources must be retrieved or acquired when requested. This can involve additional costs for transportation, as resources need to be sourced from suppliers or other locations. For example, if a manufacturing company adopts a pull policy for raw materials, they will need to incur expenses to procure those materials when their inventory is depleted.

Furthermore, storing and managing inventory can also become costly under a pull policy. With a push policy, where resources are supplied in advance, a company can take advantage of economies of scale and store a larger quantity of resources at a lower cost per unit. However, in a pull system, maintaining excess inventory is minimized, which can result in increased storage and coordination expenses.

There is also a risk of delays or shortages when using a pull policy. If resources are not readily available when requested, it can lead to production interruptions or delays in fulfilling customer orders. This can result in additional costs associated with expedited shipping, overtime labor, or lost sales opportunities.

In summary, while a pull policy can have advantages in terms of efficiency and waste reduction, it can also entail heavy expenditures. These expenses can include transportation costs, increased storage and coordination expenses, and the risk of delays or shortages if resources are not readily available when needed. Organizations should carefully consider the potential costs and benefits before implementing a pull policy.

Learn more about policy here:


Compare major policies in education in VN before and after Doi moi. Give your own evaluation


Before Doi moi, the major policies in education in Vietnam focused on promoting socialist ideology, centralized planning, and uniformity in education. After Doi moi, there was a shift towards a more market-oriented approach, decentralization, and diversification of educational options.

Before Doi moi, which means "Renovation" in Vietnamese and refers to the economic reforms initiated in the late 1980s, education in Vietnam was heavily influenced by socialist ideology and centralized planning. The education system was designed to serve the needs of the socialist state, with a strong emphasis on ideological training and uniformity in curriculum and teaching methods. The government controlled all aspects of education, from curriculum development to teacher training and resource allocation.

However, after the introduction of Doi moi, there was a significant shift in education policies. The government recognized the importance of a skilled and educated workforce to drive economic development and compete in the global market. As a result, there was a move towards a more market-oriented approach in education.

One of the key changes was the decentralization of decision-making power in education. Local authorities and educational institutions were given more autonomy in designing and implementing their own education policies, curriculum, and resource allocation. This decentralization aimed to promote innovation, responsiveness to local needs, and flexibility in educational practices.

Another significant change was the diversification of educational options. The government opened up opportunities for private sector involvement in education, allowing the establishment of private schools and universities. This increased the choice of educational institutions and programs available to students and parents. Vocational and technical education also received greater attention, as there was a growing demand for skilled workers in the emerging market economy.

Additionally, there was a focus on improving the quality and relevance of education. Efforts were made to update curriculum content, enhance teaching methods, and provide professional development opportunities for teachers. The government also encouraged partnerships with foreign educational institutions to foster international cooperation and exchange of knowledge.

Overall, the shift in education policies after Doi moi aimed to align the education system with the needs of a rapidly changing society and economy. While the reforms have brought about positive changes and expanded opportunities in education, challenges remain, such as ensuring equal access to quality education, addressing regional disparities, and aligning education with labor market needs.

It is important to note that the evaluation of these policies may vary depending on different perspectives and contexts. Some may argue that the market-oriented approach has led to increased inequality and commercialization of education. Others may highlight the positive impact of decentralization and diversification in promoting innovation and responsiveness. A comprehensive evaluation would require a detailed analysis of various aspects, including access, quality, equity, and the alignment of education with societal and economic needs.

Learn more about economic reforms


Corporate sponsorships of sports are primarily motivated by corporate interest in A)promoting a way of life based on consumption and consumerism. B)developing a single worldwide standard of living.
C)findings new ways to train workers who will produce their goods.
D)building sports that bring the world together in large competitive events.


Corporate sponsorships of sports are primarily motivated by corporate interest in A) promoting a way of life based on consumption and consumerism. Companies sponsor sports events and teams as a means to promote their products and services to a wide audience.

By associating their brand with popular sports, they aim to create positive brand awareness and increase consumer engagement. Through sponsorships, companies can showcase their products during sporting events, advertise through signage and branding, and engage in various marketing activities to reach their target audience. This helps create a perception that their products are associated with an active and desirable lifestyle, promoting consumerism.

While the other options B) developing a single worldwide standard of living, C) finding new ways to train workers who will produce their goods, and D) building sports that bring the world together in large competitive events may have certain indirect effects or benefits, they are not the primary motivations for corporate sponsorships of sports. The primary focus is on promoting their brand and products, gaining exposure, and increasing their market share.

To learn more about Corporate sponsorships, you can visit


Assume that we compute current dollar GDP for 2022Q1 and find that it rose roughly 7% from 2021Q1. But we also find that general prices rose over the same period by 8%. Is the country better off, worse off, or about the same when it comes to real output? Explain


When we compare the percentage change in current dollar GDP (nominal GDP) and the percentage change in general prices (inflation), we can determine the country's real output, which accounts for changes in purchasing power.

In this case, the current dollar GDP rose by 7% from 2021Q1 to 2022Q1, while general prices rose by 8% over the same period.

To assess whether the country is better off, worse off, or about the same in terms of real output, we need to calculate the real GDP growth rate by adjusting for inflation. We can use the following formula:

Real GDP Growth Rate = Nominal GDP Growth Rate - Inflation Rate

In this case, the nominal GDP growth rate is 7%, and the inflation rate is 8%. Let's calculate the real GDP growth rate:

Real GDP Growth Rate = 7% - 8%

Real GDP Growth Rate = -1%

The negative real GDP growth rate indicates that the country's real output has decreased by 1% from 2021Q1 to 2022Q1. Therefore, the country is worse off in terms of real output.

The reason for this is that even though the current dollar GDP increased by 7%, the general price level rose by 8%, eroding the purchasing power of the country's output. This means that the country's production of goods and services did not outpace the increase in prices, resulting in a decline in real output.

In summary, despite the increase in nominal GDP, the country experienced a decrease in real output due to a higher inflation rate. The decline in real output suggests a decrease in the country's overall economic welfare during the period in question.

Learn more about nominal GDP here:


what is the best advice for writing goodwill messages?


The best advice for writing goodwill messages is to be sincere and thoughtful. Show genuine appreciation, use a positive and uplifting tone, and tailor the message to the recipient. Keep it concise and clear, and consider the context and purpose of the message.

When writing goodwill messages, sincerity and thoughtfulness are key. Express genuine appreciation, using positive and uplifting language that reflects your true sentiments. Tailor the message to the recipient, acknowledging their specific achievements or circumstances. Keep the message concise and clear, avoiding unnecessary details. Consider the context and purpose of the message, whether it's for a personal or professional relationship, and ensure your words convey warmth and well-wishes.

Learn more about goodwill here:


In your Workbook, write down the word or phrase that corresponds to each of the following definitions. A list of words and phrases is given below. A. A corporation that does not obtain its capital from the general public B. The true owners of a corporation C. A company which by law has an existence separate and distinct from its owners D. The restricted responsibility for the debts of a corporation E. Acertificate indicating how much ownership a person has in a corporation F. The group of shareholders who are elected to control the operations of the company G. A person who owns shares in a company H. An amount of earnings declared by the board of directors to be distrib- uted to the shareholders of a corporation in proportion to their holdings of shares I. The day on which the directors meet and vote for the dividend J. The day as of which it is determined who owns the company shares and therefore who is to receive the dividends


A. A corporation that does not obtain its capital from the general public: Close corporation.B. The true owners of a corporation: Shareholders.C.

A company which by law has an existence separate and distinct from its owners: Corporation.D. The restricted responsibility for the debts of a corporation: Limited liability.E. A certificate indicating how much ownership a person has in a corporation: Stock.F. The group of shareholders who are elected to control the operations of the company: Board of directors.G. A person who owns shares in a company: Shareholder.H. An amount of earnings declared by the board of directors to be distributed to the shareholders of a corporation in proportion to their holdings of shares: Dividend.I.

The day on which the directors meet and vote for the dividend: Declaration date.J. The day as of which it is determined who owns the company shares and therefore who is to receive the dividends: Record date.A corporation is a company that has a distinct and separate legal personality from its owners. One of the most common ways for a company to raise money is by issuing shares of stock. Each share of stock represents a proportional ownership interest in the company. Shareholders are the individuals or entities that own a corporation.Stock is a unit of ownership in a corporation.

Stocks represent claims on the company's earnings and assets. Shares of stock can be bought and sold, allowing investors to invest in a company's growth and profits. Shareholders are entitled to vote on corporate decisions, including the election of the board of directors.The board of directors is a group of individuals elected by shareholders to oversee the management of the corporation.

They make important decisions regarding the company's operations, including the declaration of dividends. A dividend is a payment made to shareholders out of the company's earnings. Dividends are usually paid in proportion to the number of shares owned by each shareholder. The declaration date is the date on which the board of directors declares that a dividend will be paid. The record date is the date on which the company determines who is entitled to receive the dividend.

To learn more about stock :


For any given good, other things being the same, an decrease in the price of a substitute good will typically: a. Cause both the demand curve and the supply curve to shift to the left b. Cause the supply curve to shift to the left, thus creating a rise in the equilibrium price c. Cause the supply curve to shift to the left, thus creating a fall in the equilibrium price d. Cause the demand curve to shift to the left, thus creating a fall in the equilibrium price


The correct answer is c. Cause the supply curve to shift to the left, thus creating a fall in the equilibrium price.

When the price of a substitute good decreases, consumers will demand less of the original good and instead buy more of the substitute good, which will cause a decrease in the demand for the original good. As a result, the demand curve for the original good will shift to the left.

At the same time, producers of the substitute good will experience an increase in demand, causing them to produce more of the substitute good. This will increase the supply of the substitute good, causing the supply curve for the original good to shift to the left as well.

Since both the demand curve and the supply curve are shifting to the left, it can be concluded that the quantity demanded and supplied of the original good will decrease, leading to a fall in the equilibrium price.

Learn more about price from


On September 1, Ziegler Corporation had 54,000 shares of $5 per value common stock, and $162,000 of retained earmings, On that date, when the market price of the stock is $15 per share, the corparation issues a 2 .for-1 stock split. The generel journal entry to record this transaction is : Multiple Choice:
• Debit Retained Earnings $270000 , credit Split Paysale $270,000 • Debit Retained Earnings $270,000 ; credit Common Stock $270,000 • No entry is made for this transaction. • Debit Retained Earnings $810,000, credit Common $810,000 • Debit Retained Earnings $810,000 ; credit Common Stock Split Distributable $810,000.


Direct Answer:The journal entry to record the 2-for-1 stock split of Ziegler Corporation is Debit Retained Earnings $270,000; credit Common Stock Split Distributable $270,000.Explanation:Ziegler Corporation had 54,000 shares of $5 per value common stock and $162,000 of retained earnings on September 1, when the market price of the stock was $15 per share.The 2-for-1 stock split is the halving of the number of shares and doubling the number of outstanding shares. After the split, the company has 108,000 common stock shares and retained earnings of $162,000. As a result, the common stock split distributable should be recorded by the company.The journal entry to record the 2-for-1 stock split of Ziegler Corporation is:Debit Retained Earnings $270,000Credit Common Stock Split Distributable $270,000Therefore, the correct answer is Debit Retained Earnings $270,000; credit Common Stock Split Distributable $270,000.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and it is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


I agree that advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and it is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers.

Advancement in technology has transformed various sectors and made it easy for service providers to offer better services to customers. Similarly, the maritime industry is also being transformed through the use of technology, which has brought about various changes and benefits to the industry. I agree with the statement that advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers.Advance information technology has transformed the maritime industry by making it possible for service providers to track their shipments in real time, thereby reducing delays, improving efficiency, and making the transportation of goods safer. For example, the use of GPS technology has made it possible for shipping companies to track their vessels at all times, enabling them to make necessary adjustments to avoid accidents and ensure timely delivery of goods. This has made it easier for shipping companies to offer better services to their customers and has increased customer satisfaction levels.

Furthermore, the use of technology has made it possible for maritime transportation service providers to share data and information with their customers in real time, thereby improving communication and making it possible for customers to track their shipments from the point of origin to the destination. This has made it easier for customers to plan and manage their logistics and has improved the overall efficiency of the maritime transportation industry.In conclusion, I agree that advance information technology is increasingly important in maritime industry and is the key for success of maritime transportation service providers. The use of technology has brought about various benefits to the industry, including improved efficiency, reduced delays, increased safety, and improved communication between service providers and their customers.

To know more about maritime transportation visit:


The shareholders of Bee-Bee Company have voted in favour of a buyout offer from Honey Ltd. The information pertinent to each firm is as follows: Data Bee-Bee Honey PE Ratio 4 12 Share in Issue 120 000 240 000 Earnings (after tax) R 360 000 R 720 000 Bee-Bee shareholders will receive one share in Honey for every share they hold. 3.1 What will the EPS of Honey be after the merger? (4) 3.2 Calculate Honey’s share price and PE ratio if the NPV of the acquisition is zero. (4) 3.3 What is the value of Bee-Bee to Honey? (4)
Please answer all questions showing calculations


After the merger between Bee-Bee Company and Honey Ltd., the earnings per share (EPS) of Honey will be R3.00 (3.1). The share price would be R12.00 and the PE ratio would be 4 (3.2). The value of Bee-Bee to Honey is R720,000 (3.3).

To calculate the EPS of Honey after the merger (3.1), we divide the combined earnings (after tax) of the two companies by the total number of shares issued by Honey:

Earnings of Honey = Earnings of Bee-Bee + Earnings of Honey

EPS of Honey = (360,000 + 720,000) ÷ (240,000 + 240,000)

EPS of Honey = 1,080,000 ÷ 480,000

EPS of Honey = R3.00

To determine Honey's share price and PE ratio with a zero NPV of the acquisition (3.2), we can use the formula:

Share price = EPS × PE ratio

Share price = R3.00 × 4

Share price = R12.00

PE ratio = Share price ÷ EPS

PE ratio = R12.00 ÷ R3.00

PE ratio = 4

The value of Bee-Bee to Honey (3.3) can be determined by multiplying the earnings of Bee-Bee by the PE ratio of Honey:

Value of Bee-Bee = Earnings of Bee-Bee × PE ratio of Honey

Value of Bee-Bee = 360,000 × 4

Value of Bee-Bee = R720,000

Therefore, after the merger, the EPS of Honey will be R3.00, the share price will be R12.00, the PE ratio will be 4, and the value of Bee-Bee to Honey will be R720,000.

Learn more about NPV here:


Recall the definition of zero-rate for maturity T as
the continuously compounded rate of interest earned on an
investment that provides a payoff only at time T.


It is fundamental concept in the field of finance and is used in various financial instruments, such as bonds, swaps, and derivatives.

Learn more about finance here:


The definition of zero-rate for maturity T is that the continuously compounded rate of interest earned on an investment that provides a payoff only at time T.

Zero rates are rates of interest that are set at zero or near zero by the central banks. The zero rate is intended to promote the growth of investment by companies and consumers by minimizing the costs of borrowing. Furthermore, it is intended to motivate individuals and organizations to invest and spend, which should help to boost economic growth and employment.

Zero rates may also be used to promote spending and investment by companies and individuals by minimizing the costs of borrowing and saving, making it simpler for them to obtain credit and invest in capital projects. The zero rate for maturity T is defined as the continuously compounded interest rate earned on an investment that provides a payoff only at time T.

To know more about continuously:


Sisman Bhd invested RM1,000,000 in purchasing ordinary shares as available for sale financial assets (AFS). It is proposed that on 1 February 2020, company purchases 100,000 ordinary shares of XNX Bhd for RM10.00 per share (including transaction cost). On 31 December 2020, Sisman Bhd is expected to receive a cash dividend of RM55,000 on its investment.
Prepare the journal entries for the available for sale financial asset.


To journalize the transactions related to Sisman Bhd's available for sale (AFS) financial asset, the following entries should be recorded:

1. On February 1, 2020, when Sisman Bhd purchased 100,000 ordinary shares of XNX Bhd:

Date: February 1, 2020

Debit: Available for Sale Financial Asset (Investment) - XNX Bhd (RM1,000,000)

Credit: Cash (Payment for Shares) (RM1,000,000)

2. On December 31, 2020, when Sisman Bhd receives the cash dividend from its investment:

Date: December 31, 2020

Debit: Cash (RM55,000)

Credit: Dividend Income (RM55,000)

Please note that these entries assume there are no other relevant transactions or adjustments for the AFS financial asset during the period. It's important to consider any additional information or specific instructions provided to ensure accurate recording of the journal entries.

For more about journal:


Factors which have necessitated evolution of strategic
human resource management / planning in organizations


Factors driving the evolution of strategic HRM in organizations include globalization, technology, changing demographics, competition, and recognizing HR as a valuable asset.

The business landscape has become increasingly globalized, with organizations expanding their operations across borders. This has resulted in a diverse workforce and the need for strategic human resource management to effectively manage employees from different cultural backgrounds and with varied skill sets.

Technological advancements have also played a significant role in the evolution of strategic HRM. Automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization have transformed the way work is done, leading to changes in job roles and skill requirements. HRM now focuses on talent acquisition, development, and retention strategies that align with the organization's technological needs.

Furthermore, changing workforce demographics, such as the aging population and the rise of the millennial generation, have prompted organizations to adapt their HRM practices. This includes implementing flexible work arrangements, career development programs, and creating a positive work culture to attract and engage diverse talent.

Increased competition in the business environment has emphasized the need for strategic HRM to gain a competitive advantage. Organizations recognize that their human resources are a valuable asset that can contribute to innovation, productivity, and overall business success. Strategic HRM aligns HR practices with the organization's strategic goals and objectives, ensuring that the right talent is in place to drive performance.

In conclusion, the evolution of strategic human resource management/planning in organizations has been driven by factors such as globalization, technological advancements, changing workforce demographics, increased competition, and the recognition of human resources as a valuable asset. These factors have necessitated the adoption of strategic HRM practices to effectively manage talent, drive organizational performance, and achieve long-term success.

Learn more about strategic HRM here:


Which of the following makes it relatively easier to imitate
Path dependence
Resource compression diseconomies
Visible assets
interconnected asset stocks


Visible assets make it relatively easier to imitate resources compared to other factors like path dependence, resource compression diseconomies, and interconnected asset stocks.

Visible assets refer to physical or tangible resources that can be easily observed and replicated by competitors. These assets include equipment, machinery, technology, and infrastructure that are visible and accessible to others. When these assets are easily visible, it becomes simpler for competitors to imitate them.

In the context of resource imitation, visibility plays a crucial role. When a resource is easily observable, competitors can study and analyze it more effectively. They can identify the components, processes, and functionalities associated with the visible asset, which allows them to replicate or reproduce it with relative ease.

Moreover, visible assets also provide a clear benchmark for competitors to aim for. When they can see the tangible resources that lead to a company's success, they can strive to acquire or replicate those resources in their own operations. This reduces the uncertainty and guesswork involved in imitating resources, as competitors have a tangible reference point to guide their efforts.

However, it is important to note that visibility alone is not the only factor that determines the ease of resource imitation. Other factors, such as complexity, proprietary knowledge, and intellectual property protection, also play significant roles. Nonetheless, when resources are visible, competitors have a higher chance of imitating them successfully.

Learn more about compression diseconomies


icemoon incorporation as bonds with 12 years to maturity,a par value of thousand dollars, a YTM of 8% and the current price of 847.53. the bond makes semi annual payments, what must be the coupon rate be to these bonds?


icemoon incorporation as bonds with 12 years to maturity,a par value of thousand dollars, a YTM of 8% and the current price of 847.53. the bond makes semi annual payments,the coupon rate for the bonds must be approximately 11.08%.

To determine the coupon rate for the bonds, we need to use the following formula:

Bond Price = (Coupon Payment / (1 + YTM/2)^1) + (Coupon Payment / (1 + YTM/2)^2) + ... + (Coupon Payment + Par Value / (1 + YTM/2)^n),


Bond Price = $847.53 (given)

Coupon Payment = (Coupon Rate / 2) * Par Value

YTM = 8% or 0.08 (given)

Par Value = $1,000 (given)

n = 12 years (since there are 12 semi-annual periods)

Let's solve for the coupon rate:

$847.53 = (Coupon Payment / (1 + 0.08/2)^1) + (Coupon Payment / (1 + 0.08/2)^2) + ... + (Coupon Payment + $1,000 / (1 + 0.08/2)^24)

To simplify the calculation, we can use the present value of an ordinary annuity formula:

PV = C * [1 - (1 / (1 + r)^n)] / r,


PV = Present Value

C = Coupon Payment

r = Yield to Maturity per period

n = Total number of periods

Plugging in the values, we get:

$847.53 = C * [1 - (1 / (1 + 0.08/2)^24)] / (0.08/2)

Now, let's solve for C (Coupon Payment):

$847.53 = C * [1 - (1 / 1.04^24)] / 0.04

$847.53 = C * [1 - (1 / 1.464102)^24] / 0.04

$847.53 = C * [1 - 0.386847] / 0.04

$847.53 = C * 0.613153 / 0.04

$847.53 * 0.04 / 0.613153 = C

C ≈ $55.39 (approx.)

The coupon payment (C) is approximately $55.39. Since it's a semi-annual payment, the annual coupon payment would be $110.78. To find the coupon rate, we divide the annual coupon payment by the par value:

Coupon Rate = Annual Coupon Payment / Par Value

Coupon Rate = $110.78 / $1,000

Coupon Rate ≈ 0.1108 or 11.08%

Therefore, the coupon rate for the bonds must be approximately 11.08%.

To learn more about coupon rate click here:


ABC Corporation is a construction company. It borrowed money from a bank for the construction of Building X. Building X is a qualifying asset. ABC Corporation pays interest expense on the money it borrowed. Important dates and the payments are as follows:
Date Amount Explanation
1 March 2021 TL 1,000,000 Bank loan is taken, construction starts
1 September 2021 TL 10,000 Interest is paid to the bank
1 March 2022 TL 11,000 Interest is paid to the bank
1 May 2022 Construction on Building X is complete
1 September 2022 TL 12,000 Interest is paid to the bank
1 September 2022 TL 1,000,000 Principal amount is paid back to the bank
According to the IAS 23 Borrowing Costs Standard, what is the total amount of interest expense that should be capitalized?


The total amount of interest expense that should be capitalized according to IAS 23 Borrowing Costs Standard is TL 23,000.

According to the IAS 23 Borrowing Costs Standard, interest costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction, or production of a qualifying asset should be capitalized. A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale.

In this scenario, Building X is a qualifying asset as it is under construction. The interest costs incurred by ABC Corporation on the borrowed money for the construction of Building X should be capitalized.

To determine the total amount of interest expense that should be capitalized, we consider the interest payments made during the construction period.

Based on the given information, the interest payments made are as follows:

- 1 September 2021: TL 10,000

- 1 March 2022: TL 11,000

- 1 September 2022: TL 12,000

Adding these amounts together, we get: TL 10,000 + TL 11,000 + TL 12,000 = TL 33,000.

Therefore, the total amount of interest expense that should be capitalized according to IAS 23 is TL 23,000.

Learn more about interest expense here :


CulverFurniture Company started construction of a combination office and warehouse building for its own use at an estimated cost of $12,000,000 on January 1,2020. Culver expected to complete the building by December 31,2020 . Culver has the following debt obligations outstanding during the construction period. Construction loan-14% interest, payable semiannually, issued December 31, 2019 $2,400,000
Short-term loan-12% interest, payable monthly, and principal payable at maturity on May 30, 2021 1,680,000
Long-term loan-13% interest, payable on January 1 of each year. Principal payable on January 1, 2024 1,200,000
Assume that Culver completed the office and warehouse building on December 31, 2020, as planned at a total cost of $12,480,000, and the weighted-average amount of accumulated expenditures was $8,610,000. Compute the avoidable interest on this project.


The avoidable interest on this project is $1,118,200. to calculate the avoidable interest, we need to determine the weighted-average accumulated expenditures during the construction period. We then multiply this amount by the interest rate of each debt obligation and the time period for which the interest is applicable.

For the construction loan, the interest rate is 14%, and it is payable semiannually. The interest expense for the construction loan is $168,000.

For the short-term loan, the interest rate is 12%, and it is payable monthly. The interest expense for the short-term loan is $176,000.

For the long-term loan, the interest rate is 13%, and it is payable annually. However, since the project is completed within the same year, no interest expense is incurred for the long-term loan.

Adding up the interest expenses for the construction loan and the short-term loan gives us the avoidable interest of $1,118,200.

Learn more about project here:


The Parliament, the legislature of the fictional country of Verben, is considering legislation that will generate benefits of $25 million and costs of $21 million. For perspective, Verben's population is 50 million. Passing the legislation is __________________ and if everyone in Verben shared equally in both its benefits and its costs, the Parliament will vote ____________ the legislation.


Passing the legislation is beneficial for Verben and if everyone in Verben shared equally in both its benefits and its costs, the Parliament will vote in favor of the legislation.

The legislation under consideration by the Parliament of Verben is projected to generate benefits of $25 million and costs of $21 million. With a population of 50 million, passing the legislation would result in a net benefit of $4 million for the country.

This means that the benefits outweigh the costs, making it advantageous for Verben to implement the proposed legislation.

When it is mentioned that "if everyone in Verben shared equally in both its benefits and its costs," it implies a fair distribution of the financial impact among the population.

In this scenario, each person in Verben would bear a cost of $0.42 million ($21 million divided by 50 million) and would receive a benefit of $0.50 million ($25 million divided by 50 million). Therefore, the net benefit for each individual would be $0.08 million ($0.50 million minus $0.42 million).

Considering that the legislation generates a positive net benefit for both the country as a whole and its individual citizens, it is highly likely that the Parliament will vote in favor of the legislation.

The positive outcome indicates that the legislation aligns with the interests of the population and contributes to the overall well-being of Verben.

Learn more about legislation


Suppose that Sony decides to decrease the price of the Blu-ray player, for which there are many Blu-ray videos available. Based on Sony's decision, what can we infer? Choose one or more: A. The quantity of Blu-ray systems demanded will increase. OB. The market demand for the Blu-ray systems will increase. C. The market demand for Blu-ray videos will increase.


The correct option is option A for the market demand as when the price of a commodity falls, the quantity demanded of that good rises, all other factors remaining constant.

Suppose that Sony decides to decrease the price of the Blu-ray player, for which there are many Blu-ray videos available. Based on Sony's decision, the inference can be made that the quantity of Blu-ray systems demanded will increase.Choose the correct option: A.

Market demand is the total amount of a good or service that customers in a given market are willing and able to buy at different price points. It depicts the total market's individual customers' combined demand. Price, customer preferences, income levels, the presence of substitutes, and general economic conditions are some of the variables that affect market demand. For firms to decide pricing strategies, production levels, and market positioning, it is essential to understand market demand. Businesses can find opportunities, evaluate market potential, and make wise decisions about product development, marketing initiatives, and overall business strategy by analysing market demand.

The quantity of Blu-ray systems demanded will increase.What is market demand?Market demand is the overall quantity of goods and services that will be bought at various prices by a consumer group over a specific period in a particular market. There is a connection between market demand and price in the economy.The law of demand holds that when the price of a commodity rises, the amount of that good that consumers are willing to purchase falls, all other factors being equal. Similarly, when the price of a commodity falls, the quantity demanded of that good rises, all other factors remaining constant.

Learn more about market demand here:


On January 1, 2020, Pronghorn Company sold 11% bonds having a maturity value of $700,000 for $726,535, which provides the bondholders with a 10% yield. The bonds are dated January 1, 2020, and mature January 1, 2025, with interest payable December 31 of each year. Pronghorn Company allocates interest and unamortized discount or premium on the effective-interest basis. (a) Prepare the journal entry at the date of the bond issuance.


On January 1, 2020, Pronghorn Company issued 11% bonds with a maturity value of $700,000 for $726,535, giving bondholders a 10% yield.

The bonds have a January 1, 2025 maturity date, and interest is payable annually on December 31. Pronghorn Company uses the effective-interest method to allocate interest and unamortized discount or premium.

The journal entry at the date of bond issuance would involve recording the cash received from selling the bonds and creating a liability for the bonds issued. The entry would include a debit to Cash for $726,535, representing the amount received, and a credit to Bonds Payable for the same amount, indicating the liability incurred. This initial journal entry reflects the inflow of funds from selling the bonds and the obligation to repay the bondholders at maturity.

For more information on bond issuance visit:


an expected decline in the prices of consumer goods will


An expected decline in the prices of consumer goods will benefit consumers by making products more affordable and increasing their purchasing power.

When consumer goods become less expensive, consumers can purchase more items with the same amount of money, leading to increased consumption and potentially boosting the overall economy. Lower prices can also encourage competition among businesses, driving innovation and efficiency. Additionally, a decline in prices may lead to higher demand for goods, stimulating production and employment opportunities in related industries.

Learn more about consumer here:


Price falls from $1.20 m to $1.00, and the quantity demanded rises from 90 units to 120 units. What is the coefficient of price elasticity of demand beyween the two prices? A. 64 8. 75 C. 1.57 D. 1.93


The given question is a numerical problem of price elasticity of demand. Here, we need to calculate the coefficient of price elasticity of demand between the two prices - 1.20 m and 1.00.

Quantity demanded is the total quantity of goods or services demanded at a certain price. The formula for price elasticity of demand is: PE D = \fr ac{\% change\ in\ quantity\ demanded}{\% change\ in\ price}Let us calculate the percentage change in price from 1.20 to 1.00:Percentage change in price =\ fr c {\1.20-\1.00}{\1.20}\times 100\%= 16.67%Now.

let us calculate the percentage change in quantity demanded from 90 units to 120 units:Percentage change in quantity demanded 100\%= 33.33%Substitute the values in the formula for price elasticity of demand{\% change\ in\ price= 2 the coefficient of price elasticity of demand between the two prices is 2. Hence, option D - 1.93 is incorrect. The correct option is option A - 64.

To know more about numerical visit:


Show me how to solve this problem in excel. Thanks!
A cash flow series is increasing geometrically at the rate of \( 8 \% \) per year. The initial payment at EOY 1 is \( \$ 5,000 \), with increasing annual payments ending at EOY 20 . The interest rate


To solve the problem in Excel, you can use the geometric growth formula along with the PMT function. The first paragraph explains the steps to calculate the increasing annual payments, and the second paragraph provides a detailed explanation of the solution.

To calculate the increasing annual payments, you can use the geometric growth formula: P = P₀ * (1 + r)^(n - 1), where P is the payment at a particular year, P₀ is the initial payment, r is the growth rate (8% or 0.08), and n is the year. In this case, you would need to calculate the payments for years 2 to 20.

In Excel, you can set up the calculation by entering the initial payment of $5,000 in a cell (let's say A1). In cell A2, you can use the formula "=A1 * (1 + 0.08)^(ROW() - 1)" and then copy this formula down to cells A3 to A20. This formula calculates the payment for each year based on the previous year's payment.

To find the total cash flow over the 20-year period, you can use the SUM function. In a cell, you can use the formula "=SUM(A1:A20)" to get the sum of all the payments. This will give you the total cash flow at the end of year 20.

By using these formulas and functions in Excel, you can calculate the increasing annual payments and the total cash flow over the 20-year period.

Learn more about annual payments here:


The following information pertains to a machine purchased by Bakersfield Company on January 1, Year 1:
The machine produced 14,400 units during Year 1 and 17,000 units during Year 2.
Determine the depreciation expense Bakersfield would report for Year 1 and Year 2 using each of the following methods:
a. Straight-line.
b. Double-declining-balance.
c. Units-of-production.


a. Straight-line depreciation expense for Year 1: [Depreciation rate] * [Machine cost]

b. Double-declining-balance depreciation expense for Year 1: [Depreciation rate] * [Book value at the beginning of the year]

c. Units-of-production depreciation expense for Year 1: [Depreciation per unit] * [Units produced in Year 1]

a. Straight-line depreciation evenly allocates the cost of the machine over its useful life. To calculate the depreciation expense for Year 1, we need the depreciation rate. The formula is: Depreciation rate = 1 / [Useful life]. Since we are not provided with the useful life or any salvage value, let's assume a useful life of 5 years. Therefore, the depreciation rate would be 1/5 or 0.2. To calculate the depreciation expense for Year 1, we multiply the depreciation rate by the machine cost: 0.2 * [Machine cost].

b. Double-declining-balance depreciation front-loads the depreciation expense, reflecting a higher expense in the early years. To calculate the depreciation expense for Year 1, we need the depreciation rate. The formula is: Depreciation rate = 2 / [Useful life]. Let's assume a useful life of 5 years, so the depreciation rate would be 2/5 or 0.4. To calculate the depreciation expense for Year 1, we multiply the depreciation rate by the book value at the beginning of the year. Since this is Year 1, the book value is equal to the machine cost.

c. Units-of-production depreciation bases the expense on the number of units the machine produces. To calculate the depreciation expense for Year 1, we need the depreciation per unit. The formula is: Depreciation per unit = (Machine cost - Salvage value) / Total expected units. Without a salvage value or total expected units, we cannot calculate the depreciation per unit accurately. Therefore, we cannot determine the depreciation expense for Year 1 using the units-of-production method.

Learn more about the Straight-line depreciation


Monetary policy is set by the
Multiple Choice a.Regional Federal Reserve banks. b.Federal Advisory Council. c.Federal Open Market Committee. d.Board of Governors


Answer: C) Federal Open Market Committee.

Explanation: The Federal Open Market Committee is the committee that sets the Monetary Policy. Therefore Option C is the correct answer.

The term "monetary policy" refers to the actions undertaken by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve, to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to help promote national economic goals.

The Federal Open Market Committee is a committee under the Federal Reserve Board that is responsible for Monetary Policy.

To learn more about Federal Open Market Committee:

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