Create a bulletin design that showcases the differents festival and thearical forms in the philippines showing destinctive designs,patterns, and colors


Answer 1

Hi, you've asked an unclear question. However, I provided some info about bulletins.


Basically, the term bulletin is used to refer to a short published draft of information made available for public awareness.

It is important to note that in this type of scenario, the bulletin is expected to be one that is colorful and attractive so as to effectively showcase the differents festival and theatrical forms.

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What do you think the you think the reasons behind change in political system from Kathmandu views valley ? (Medieval Period) ​



For a long part during Medieval period, there has been a feudal system in Nepal.


The royale members of the family sued to fight for the dynasty. However, after 2008, the kingdom was officially abolished but there is still no political instability in Nepal. Oli, who belonged to the communist party  was removed just after 9 months of the government.  

The main reason behind the political instability is that everyone wants power and parties pile up against a person who is in government.

What is the belief that the monarch's rule was not absolute?
A. Socialism
B. Limited government
C. Democracy
D. Oligarchy
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The answer is B. Limited government

The belief that the monarch's rule was not absolute is  Limited government. Thus the correct answer is B.

What is a monarch?

A monarch is referred to as the head of the country who controls the decision-making as a single individual. These are not elected as a democracy. It is the king or queen who holds the responsibility passed by their generations.

A government with an absolute monarchy had a head of state who had no legal or constitutional restrictions and acquired power through marriage or children.

The belief that the monarch's rule was not absolute is  Limited government which helps in keeping control over the functioning of the government.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Monarch, here:


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What did the three-fifths compromise at the constitutional convention determine?
A) How many slaves in each state could vote in national elections
B) How slaves would be counted for the purposes of representation in congress
C) How many years slavery would exist before it was abolished
D) How many states could own slaves and how many led to remain free


B I think it how slaves would be counted for the purpose of representatives in congress

What practical difference does it make whether a conflict within a country is
called genocide?
A. It determines whether the United Nations can use force to stop it.
O B. It determines how many people will be killed in the conflict.
C. It determines whether the people being attacked will fight back.
D. It determines whether the country's government may intervene.



A. It determines whether the United Nations can use force to stop it.

The practical difference it makes whether a conflict within a country is called genocide is that it determines whether the United Nations can use force to stop it. The correct option is a.

What is genocide?

Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part. Raphael Lemkin coined the term in 1944, combining the Greek word with the Latin suffix.

In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.

The Political Instability Task Force estimated that 43 genocides occurred between 1956 and 2016, resulting in about 50 million deaths.

Learn more about genocide, here:


Drag each label to the correct location.

Identify the characteristics of each colonizing nation.



Colonization, or colonisation refers to large-scale population movements where the migrants maintain strong links with their or their ancestors' former country, gaining significant privileges over other inhabitants of the territory by such links. When colonization takes place under the protection of colonial structures, it may be termed settler colonialism. This often involves the settlers dispossessing indigenous inhabitants, or instituting legal and other structures which systematically disadvantage them.

In its basic sense, colonization can be defined as the process of establishing foreign control over target territories or people for the purpose of cultivation, often through establishing colonies and possibly by settling them.

In colonies established by Western European countries in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, settlers (supplemented by Central European, Eastern European, Asian and African people) eventually formed a large majority of the population after killing, assimilating or driving away indigenous peoples.

Pretest: A Nation and Its People
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Randy has lived in Mexico for five years. He is 19 years old. Randy's mom was born in Italy, and his dad was born in Canada. Randy was born in New York.
Randy a US citizen because
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Randy has lived in Mexico for five years. He is 19 years old. Randy's mom was born in Italy, and his dad was born in Canada. Randy was born in New York. Randy is a US citizen because he was born in the United States.

What should we know about citizenship by birth?

A person is automatically awarded citizenship of a country by virtue of being born inside its borders. This legal notion is sometimes referred to as birthright citizenship or jus soli. Many nations, including the US, Canada, and Mexico, among others, have laws that uphold the idea of citizenship by birth.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, for instance, ensures that anybody born in the country is a citizen of the United States, regardless of the nationality or citizenship of their parents. This implies that a kid is immediately a citizen of the United States if they are born there, regardless of whether their parents are citizens, lawful residents, or illegal immigrants.

Learn more about citizenship here:


Why was Germany divided and when was it reunited as one nation



Berlin was reunited into a single city, and again became the capital of united Germany. The East German government started to falter in May 1989, when the removal of Hungary's border fence with Austria opened a hole in the Iron Curtain.

What events during the Cold War had the biggest impact on the United States? You may discuss political, scientific or social events.
The Atomic Age
The Arms Race
The Space Race
Conflicts like the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Korea or Vietnam
Spread of Communism
The Red Scare



I would say the downfall of the ussr this led to the end of the coldwar and made America a supper power in the world since the USSR was no more


When the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in the Cold War, The space race and the emergence of communism were the two events that had the biggest influence on the United States.

What is Space Race ?

The United States and the Soviet Union competed to be the first country to reach space in the so-called "space race." Because the Soviets arrived there before the Americans did, this resulted in defeat for the Americans.

The Americans were likewise concerned about the spread of communism. At the time, there was a concern that communism might have gotten within American society. There were difficulties with those who were being held for interrogation as well as then there was the Vietnam War.

They believed communism would lead to anti-democratic behaviors, and people would be forced to forfeit their voices and their choices in the country, which is why they started this fight.

Learn more about Space Race here


How did the foreign policies of isolationism and intervention differ?


they did not they were the same
isolationism: The policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, foreign trade, international agreements, etc.. interventionism: The political practice of intervening in a sovereign state's affairs.

answer the following true or false questions

Malaria is carried by a particular mosquito.t/f

Scalp ringworm is very contagious.t/f



malaria is carried by a particular mosquito, true.

Scalp ringworm is very contagious, true

the answer to both of these questions is definitely true

How did Arab nationalism show itself during World War One?



Ideology. Arab nationalists believe that the Arab nation existed as a historical entity prior to the rise of nationalism in the 19th–20th century. The Arab nation was formed through the gradual establishment of Arabic as the language of communication and with the advent of Islam as a religion and culture in the region

Which industry emerged during the second industrial revolution in the late 19 century


the textile industry was the industry which emerged during the second industrial revolution in the late 19 century

About what issue did Ballinger and Pinchot disagree?



They disagreed about conservation of land.




They disagreed about conservation of land.



defina causa inmediata (primera guerra mundial)



The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

O assassinato do arquiduque Francis Ferdinand


segun el mundo de sofia quien era socrates


Answer:Sócrates (470-399 a. de C.) es quizás el personaje más enigmático de toda lahistoria de la filosofía. No escribió nada en absoluto. ... Ya en vida fue considerado una persona enigmática y, al poco tiempo de morir,como el artífice de una serie de distintas corrientes filosóficas.

The “cheesecake affair “referred to which controversial practice ( no links aloud )



The last one.

"the British method of forcing Americans into British naval service."


How were the consequences of Vietnam and Watergate affecting America during the 1970's? Provide 3 specific examples.


Answer and Explanation:

The main consequence of the Watergate scandal was political instability. That's because the Watergate scandal was compounded by the disclosure of an illegal eavesdropping system that President Nixon and people linked to him installed at the seat of the Democratic government. This created a great political instability that affected the entire government and culminated in the resignation of President Nixon.

The Watergate scandal also created a popular uprising, followed by several protests. This popular uprising was also one of the consequences of the Vietnam War. This happened because the population saw the war as something cruel, without reason and that it was created only to promote terror and a huge expenditure of money that could be used to promote good.

Both the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal created a devaluation of national public power. Both the government and the armed forces lost popularity and strength in the country and were seen as flawed and dishonorable institutions.

What caused eight of John Smith's men to get sick?


Answer:Food shortages, contaminated drinking water, sickness, periodic skirmishes with the Powhatan Indians, and ineffective council leadership owing to bickering and the unexpected death of Bartholomew Gosnold made the early months of Jamestown's existence extremely tough.

what specific laws and events led to increased sectional tensions between the north and south from 1840 to 1860?


The Fugitive Slave Act, Bleeding Kansas, the Wilmot Proviso, the Compromise of 1850, Uncle Tom's Cabin, the Dred Scott decision, John Brown's Raid, the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and finally Lincoln's election

Explain why the invention of rubber tires for bikes contributed to the rise of tourism.



Explain why the invention of rubber tires for bikes contributed to the rise of tourism. ... It was cheaper than using a horse - in fact there was a whole craze around using bikes. Bikes actually created the concept of better roads - for travel by bike, not cars, which were too expensive.

Which of d earth subsystem would most likely be directly affected by d mining d deep ocean floor for gas hydrates? Choose all that apply. A) atmosphere B) hydrosphere C) all of the above D) biosphere



c is the correct answer bro

If you were a political leader what are the first steps you would take and why? What might be the most difficult challenge to overcome



In short, I would push for universal healthcare.


The inflamation and basic capitalism used against the common people of America is quite ridiculous in short. People are taxed and controlled by Big Pharma and inflation of medicine for problems that they cant even control. The price of insulin is insane compared to the production price. Quite frankly, making anyone pay for a service they need to live is barbaric. People don't even want to call ambluances or seek out treatment because of the finnacial struggle. Not everyone can afford good insurance and your life should not be in jeopardy because of it.

According to the map on the
left, the highlighted portions
indicate that which of the
following were of high
importance in the fight in the
Pacific Ocean during World
War II?
A. Only launching a direct invasion of Japan
B. Capturing the surrounding islands around Japan
C.Using the coral sea as an invasion point for Japan


Answer: Im not sure but i think its A

Explanation: i did reasarch on the web and a lot of sources said that they wanted to make a big assult on japanese wanted to assult directly. and by looking at the made they can also use the ocral refs but they have 2 locations that can attack derictly if they wish to do so. so i think its a or B because capturing surrunding islands would take too long pluse they can be renforced with the main and so to kill 2 birds with one shot i think they would attack directly. plz let me know if i was right or wring

According to the map on the left, the highlighted portions Indicate that Capturing the surrounding Islands around Japan is of high importance in the fight in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. The correct option is b.

What is World War II?

World War II or the Second World War, often abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's countries, including all of the great powers, fought as part of two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.

Many participants threw their economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind this total war, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources. Aircraft played a major role, enabling the strategic bombing of population centres and the only two nuclear weapons ever used in war. World War II was by far the deadliest conflict in human history; it resulted in 70 to 85 million fatalities, mostly among civilians.

Tens of millions died due to genocides, starvation, massacres, and disease.

Learn more about war, here:


How did France’s contributions help the Americans in the War of Independence?



France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army’s ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.


Wars between the British and French kingdoms dated back to the 12th century, and the conflicts intensified as England, France, and Spain established and expanded their colonial empires beginning in the late 15th century.

France had suffered bitter defeat in the most recent conflict, the Seven Years’ War (1756-63), which included the French and Indian War in North America. It had lost most of its claim to North America, having been forced to cede to England most of its land there, including all of Canada.

As England’s American colonies became ever more rebellious in the 1760s and 1770s, France was naturally predisposed to favor the American revolutionaries and saw an opportunity to try to blunt the power of its longtime adversary. It began providing covert support – beginning with badly needed gunpowder – in the spring of 1776.

The Declaration of Independence was well received across France, and Franklin was warmly welcomed when he arrived in Paris in December. Franklin’s charm made him even more popular, and he became a celebrity as he labored to gain more support for the American cause.


France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army’s ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.


The hope and excitement spawned by the Declaration of Independence, announced just four months earlier, with Franklin among the signers, had been replaced by the dread of impending defeat in the face of the overwhelming military power of the British army.

Franklin knew his mission was straightforward, if not simple. He would use his intellect, charm, wit, and experience to convince France to join the war on the side of the fledgling United States of America. Franklin’s popularity, persuasive powers, and a key American battlefield victory were crucial factors that led France to join the war in 1778.

France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army’s ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.

When British Gen. Charles Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on Oct. 19, 1781, his vanquished troops marched through a corridor formed by the victorious forces. On one side were the Americans; on the other side stood the French – a scene that mirrored how critical France’s support had been.

what was the social and cultural impact of world war 1



The war needed women workers- both in larger numbers and in new kinds of work. 6 million men of working age were taken out of the economy into the armed forces and around a million women entered the workforce. By 1918, women made up 1/3 of the total workforce. 


6 million men of working age were taken out of the economy into the armed forces and around a million women entered the workforce.


World War I inspired many different emotions and opinions that became tangible in the vast amount of literature created during this time period. Women grew in status tremendously. In every part of the world, the shortage of males led to females doing "man's work".

What happened to the American communist party in the decade following world war 1



Its membership dropped sharply,Started at 60,000 members in 1919, down to 24,000 by 1928

When there is a shortfall is revenue that is no enough too meet the budget, that is called a



this is called a decline in profit


my mom told me this i just know she could be right

Who is the defendant in a criminal court case?

A. the person who has been accused of a crime
B. the person who represents the government
C .the person who helps to decide the verdict
D. the person who makes sure the trial is fair


A, this person has to defend himself (with the help of professionals) against the accusations


most definitely letter a


I hope this help

Write the process of the formation of District Co-ordination Committee.
Answer it fast plz


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Nahuatl is the language spoken by the Nahua ethnic group that is found today in Mexico, but with deep historical roots. You might know one Nahua group: the__________________, more accurately called the Mexica. The Mexica were one of many Mesoamerican cultural groups that flourished in Mexico prior to the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century.



The Aztec


The Aztec were a thriving Pre-Columbian civilization located in Mexico. The language the spoke is known as Nahuatl, and is still spoken today by a small number of people. Nahuatl is a distinct language from that spoken by the Maya, and Olmec who came before the Aztecs. The Aztec were arguably the most important Nahua group due the size and influence of their empire.  Although the term Aztec is more common in English speaking countries, Mexica is sometimes used to refer to the group.

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