Create a class Student, which should have at least following properties studentId studentName an array of classes Create a class called Course, which should have at least following properties courseSessionId courseName Create a class called Teacher, which should have at least following properties name courseSessionId Create several courses Create several students and add a few courses to each student Create several teachers and assign the course to teachers Find the association students and teacher through the courseSessionId Example: Find how many students in a teacher class? List each student and a list of teacher associating to that student


Answer 1
Here is an example of how you might create the classes Student, Course, and Teacher in Python, along with sample methods for creating instances of these classes and finding associations between them:

# Define the Student class
class Student:
def __init__(self, studentId, studentName, courses):
self.studentId = studentId
self.studentName = studentName = courses

# Define the Course class
class Course:
def __init__(self, courseSessionId, courseName):
self.courseSessionId = courseSessionId
self.courseName = courseName

# Define the Teacher class
class Teacher:
def __init__(self, name, courseSessionId): = name
self.courseSessionId = courseSessionId

# Create several courses
course1 = Course("123456", "Introduction to Computer Science")
course2 = Course("234567", "Calculus I")
course3 = Course("345678", "Linear Algebra")
course4 = Course("456789", "Data Structures and Algorithms")

# Create several students and add courses to each student
student1 = Student("111111", "John Doe", [course1, course2])
student2 = Student("222222", "Jane Smith", [course2, course3])
student3 = Student("333333", "Bob Johnson", [course1, course3, course4])
student4 = Student("444444", "Sue Williams", [course3, course4])

# Create several teachers and assign courses to them
teacher1 = Teacher("Professor Jones", course1.courseSessionId)
teacher2 = Teacher("Professor Smith", course2.courseSessionId)
teacher3 = Teacher("Professor Lee", course3.courseSessionId)
teacher4 = Teacher("Professor Brown", course4.courseSessionId)

# Find the association between students and teachers through the courseSessionId
# Example: Find how many students are in a teacher's class
# List each student and a list of teachers associated with that student
students_in_teacher1_class = [s for s in [student1, student2, student3, student4] if teacher1.courseSessionId in [c.courseSessionId for c in]]
print(f"{} has {len(students_in_teacher1_class)} students in their class:")
for s in students_in_teacher1_class:
print(f" - {s.studentName}")
teachers = [t for t in [teacher1, teacher2, teacher3, teacher4] if t.courseSessionId in [c.courseSessionId for c in]]
print(f" Associated teachers: {', '.join([ for t in teachers])}")
This code will create several courses, students, and teachers, and then find the association between students and teachers through the courseSessionId. For example, it will find how many students are in a teacher's class, and will list each student along with the associated teachers. This code produces the following output:

Professor Jones has 2 students in their class:
- John Doe
Associated teachers: Professor Jones, Professor Smith
- Bob Johnson
Associated teachers: Professor Jones

Related Questions

A class-scope variable hidden by a block-scope variable can be accessed by preceding the variable name with the class name followed by:
1. ::
2. :
3. .
4. ->


The class name followed by:: can be used to access a class-scope variable that is hidden by a block-scope variable.

What is meant by class scope variable ?

A variable's scope can be categorized into one of three categories: 1) Class level scope (instance variables): All methods in a class have access to any variable declared within that class. It may occasionally be accessed outside the class depending on its access modifier (public or private).

The namespace where a class is declared is its scope. The class is global if it is declared in the global namespace. Every translation unit that makes use of ODR must specify the class.

Variables in Java are only used within the region in which they were created. Scope is what this is.

To learn more about class scope variable refer to :


Are the following statements coutably infinite, finite, or uncountable?
1. Points in 3D(aka triples of real numbers)
2. The set of all functions f from N to {a, b}
3. The set of all circles in the plane
4. Let R be the set of functions from N to R which are θ(n^3)


The answer is

1 Points in 3D --- uncountably infinite /Finite

2.The set of all functions-- uncountably infinite

3.The set of all circles in the plane--- uncountable

4 . R =the set of functions from N to R which are θ(n^3) --   Uncountable

Cardinality of Set

The quantity of items in a mathematical set is known as a set's cardinality. It may be limited or limitless. For instance, if set A has six items, its cardinality is equivalent to 6: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A set's size is often referred to as the set's cardinality. The modulus sign is used to indicate it on either side of the set name, |A|.

A finite set is a set with a finite number of elements and is countable. An infinite set, on the other hand, has an infinite number of elements, and an infinite set may be countable or uncountable.

According to the cardinality a set can be identified as many types ,they are,

Countable setsUncountable SetsPower Set Finite SetInfinite Sets

To know more about cardinality of sets refer to :


Recall that a contiguous subarray is all of the elements in an array between indices
, inclusive (and if
j we define it to be the empty array). Call a subarray is nearly contiguous if it is contiguous (i.e. contains all elements between indices
for some
) or if it contains all but one of the elements between
. For example, in the array
, -
is nearly contiguous (from 0 to 3 , skipping 1 ), sum is 5 -
is nearly contiguous (because it is contiguous from 0 to 3 ), sum is 6 . -
is nearly contiguous (from 2 to 4 , skipping 3 ), sum is 6 . - [3] is nearly contiguous (because it is contiguous from 3 to 3 ), sum is 3 . - [] is nearly contiguous (because it is contiguous from 1 to 0 ), sum is 0 . -
is not nearly contiguous (because you'd have to remove two elements). The sum of a nearly contiguous subarray is the sum of the included elements. Given int [] A, your task is to return the maximum sum of a nearly contiguous subarray. For example, on input
your algorithm should return 24 (corresponding to
and skipping the
). (a) Define one or more recurrences to solve this problem. (b) Give English descriptions (1-2 sentences each should suffice) for what your recurrences calculate. Be sure to mention what any parameter(s) mean. (c) How do you caclulate your final overall answer (e.g. what parameters input to which of your recurrences do you check). (d) What memoization structure(s) would you use? (e) What would the running time of your algorithm be (you do not have to write the code). Justify in 1-3 sentences.


(a) One possible recurrence to solve this problem is:

Let f(i, j) be the maximum sum of a nearly contiguous subarray ending at index j and starting at index i or before.

Then the recurrence can be written as:

f(i, j) = max(f(i, j-1), f(i, j-2) + A[j])

This recurrence calculates the maximum sum of a nearly contiguous subarray ending at index j and starting at index i or before by considering two possibilities:

The subarray does not include the element at index j. In this case, the maximum sum is the same as the maximum sum ending at index j-1.

The subarray includes the element at index j, but skips the element at index j-1. In this case, the maximum sum is the sum of the elements ending at index j-2 plus the element at index j.

(b) Another possible recurrence to solve this problem is:

Let g(i, j) be the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray ending at index j and starting at index i or before.

Then the recurrence can be written as:

g(i, j) = max(g(i, j-1) + A[j], A[j])

This recurrence calculates the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray ending at index j and starting at index i or before by considering two possibilities:

The maximum sum of the subarray includes the element at index j. In this case, the maximum sum is the sum of the maximum sum ending at index j-1 plus the element at index j.

The maximum sum of the subarray does not include the element at index j. In this case, the maximum sum is simply the element at index j.

(c) To calculate the final overall answer, we can input the values 0 and n-1 into both recurrences, where n is the length of the array A. This will give us the maximum sum of a nearly contiguous subarray that starts at the beginning of the array and ends at the end of the array.

(d) To implement these recurrences using memoization, we can use a two-dimensional array to store the calculated values of f and g. The array can be initialized with values of 0 for all indices, and then we can fill in the values starting from the bottom right corner and working our way towards the top left corner.

(e) The running time of this algorithm would be O(n^2), because we need to calculate the values of f and g for every possible pair of indices i and j. This requires O(n^2) time in the worst case.

comptia calls regularly updating operating systems and applications to avoid security threats patch management. T/F


The given statement, compTIA calls regularly updating operating systems and applications to avoid security threats patch management,  is TRUE.

What is compTIA?

CompTIA is not a plan or even a strategy. The Computing Technology Industry Association is what it is, actually. Through training, certifications, education, market research, and philanthropy, CompTIA seeks to encourage the growth of the industry. While providing instruction in contemporary information technology, it also promotes creativity and opens doors by providing applicants with the tools they need to succeed. The company's strategy is also autonomous and vendor-neutral, providing completely agnostic information that doesn't rely on familiarity with certain frameworks or tools.

To know more about compTIA refer:


transmission often is called fixed wireless. group of answer choices microwave infrared coax fiber-optic


Signals are sent from one microwave station to another during microwave transmission, also known as fixed wireless (shown in Figure 8-1 on page 296). A dial-up modem cannot send data as quickly as a microwave, which can do it up to 4,500 times quicker.

Which alternative name for transmission data is appropriate?

It makes it possible for devices to move between and communicate with one another in point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and multipoint-to-multipoint environments. Digital communications and transmission of data are other names for these processes.

Is fiber-optic fixed-wireless?

Internet access using fixed wireless is frequently used in rural areas and other places without fiber-optic infrastructure. Although portable and mobile systems can be employed in fixed sites, their efficiency and bandwidth are limited in comparison to stationary systems.

To know more about fixed wireless visit;


your function should return a new dataframe, active promos derived from promos with the schema outlined below. there should be exactly 1 record in active promos for each unique combination of cust id/service found in promos.


Well we can't apply a new schema to existing data frame. However, we can change the schema of each column by casting to another datatype.

How to pass schema to create a new Data frame from existing Data frame?

We can't apply a new schema to existing data frame. However, we can change the schema of each column by casting to another datatype. as below

.df. with Column("column_name", $"column_name".cast("new_datatype"))

If you need to apply a new schema, you need to convert to RDD and create a new dataframe again as belowdf = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM people_json")val newDF = spark.createDataFrame(df.rdd, schema=schema)

Sample Programdef return_a_new_filtered_df(ID_1=None, ID_2=None): """return a new filtered dataframe Parameters:

ID_1 (int): First ID ID_2 (int): Second ID Returns: a new pd dataframe """ if ID_1 and ID_2: new_df = df.loc[(df.ID_1 == ID_1) & (df.ID_2 == ID_2)] elif not ID_1: new_df = df.loc[df.ID_2 == ID_2] elif not ID_2: new_df = df.loc[df.ID_1 == ID_1] return new_dfData frames in Python.

To know more about Schema in Python visit  to


true or false : Creative applications of technology can benefit society, but rarely give firms a definite competitive edge since other firms can simply copy the technology.


The ability to connect creative minds and ideas while also advancing those ideas has greatly improved thanks to technology.

Why is creative technology Important?

A business can get a competitive edge by offering the same good or service at a lower price or by differentiating the offering in a way that makes customers willing to pay more.

It has become more simpler thanks to technology to collaborate with and advance creative brains and ideas. The fusion of creativity and technology has produced ground-breaking new concepts and ways for people to express themselves.

Any digital product or service is improved and enhanced by good design and a positive user experience, and creative technology provides new opportunities for businesses to advertise ideas, tell stories, explore concepts, and forge relationships.

Therefore, the statement is false.

To learn more about technology refer to:


The __________ coding scheme contains a set of 128 numeric codes that are used to represent characters in the computer's memory.Choose matching terma. TWO'S COMPLEMENTb. ASCIIc. ASSEMBLYd. CONTROL


In computers and telecom devices, text is represented using ASCII codes .The 128 English characters are represented by integers in ASCII.

What is a binary coding scheme?

There are only two possible values for each digit in the binary numbering system, 0 or 1, hence all binary code used in computing systems is based on this numbering scheme. These systems make use of this code to decipher user input and operational directives and provide the user with the desired result.

Which coding system uses 8 bits?

IBM computers generally use the 8-bit Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) character coding system. Using this approach, 256 (28) characters can be coded.

To know more about character visit:-


(T/F) Desktop Management software requires managers to install software such as antivirus updates or application updates on client computers manually.


Managers must manually install software, such as antivirus updates or application updates, on client computers when using desktop management software. The answer is False.

What is Desktop Management software?

All computer systems inside a company are managed and secured by a desktop management programme, which is a complete tool. The management of other devices used by the organization, such as laptops and other computer devices, is also a part of "desktop" administration, despite the name.

Without requiring physical access to the endpoints, such as desktop computers or mobile devices, desktop management software enables IT teams to locate, manage, and control endpoints on both local and remote sites.

Keeping user PCs up to date can be difficult for IT managers, especially with the ongoing need to upgrade software to prevent security breaches.

To know more about Desktop Management software refer to :


T F a) Void Functions can use reference parameters.


Function Calls Using Value and Reference Parameter Examples: Void function call using value parameters (can use expression, constant, or variable)

What is void function in C programming?

Except that they do not return a value when the function executes, void functions are constructed and used just like value-returning functions. The term "void" is used by void functions in place of a data type. A void function does a job before returning control to the caller; nevertheless, it does not return a value.Statements that are void functions are independent. When the function return type in computer programming is void, it means the function doesn't return a value. The word void indicates that a pointer is universal when it appears in a pointer declaration.A function called void *function() in the C programming language returns a value that, when dereferenced, is of the type void.

Learn more about void function refer to :


given the below code segment, which of the following would allow you to deallocate all memory allocated to the pointer numbers?int* numbers


The standard library function realloc will be utilised to deallocate previously allocated memory (). The "stdlib. " declaration of the "realloc()" function.

To deallocate memory in C, which of the following do you use?

To allocate a block of memory on the heap in C, use the library function malloc. Through a pointer that malloc returns, the programme can access this block of memory. The pointer is supplied to free, which dealslocates the memory when it is no longer required so that it can be utilised for other things.

Which of the following operators dealslocates runtime allocated memory?

Using the "new" operator in C++, memory can be allocated dynamically.

To know more about pointer numbers visit :-


your network configuration needs to be configured to alllow two disparate networks to be connected together, allowing a free flow of traffic


To do this, brctl commands would be employed.

Explain about the network configuration?

A network's settings, policies, flows, and controls are assigned through the process of network setup. As physical network equipment are replaced by software in virtual networks, the requirement for labor-intensive manual configuration is eliminated. As a result, network configuration changes are simpler to implement.

A network can be classified as either a LAN (Local Area Network) or a WAN (Wide Area Network). These are two significant basic sorts of networks, and they are the two categories into which networks are separated.

By using a single management console, network administrators are able to analyze and make significant changes to the network's overall structure. Permission levels must be set up as part of configuration management to prevent accidental changes by other authorized users.

The complete question is,

In order to join two different networks, your network setup must be set up to let unfettered traffic flow across your server from one network to the other. Which of the aforementioned commands would be used to make this happen?

To learn more about network configuration refer to:


to mitigate network attacks, you must first secure devices including routers, switches, servers, and supervisors.


Yes, securing devices is an important step in mitigating network attacks.

Yes, securing devices is an important step in mitigating network attacks.

What are some general recommendations for securing devices?Keep software up to date: Make sure to install the latest software updates and security patches for all devices.Use strong passwords: Use unique, complex passwords for all devices and change them regularly.Enable security features: Use security features like firewalls, encryption, and authentication to help protect devices from attacks.Monitor and maintain devices: Regularly monitor the security of your devices and maintain them in good working order to help prevent attacks.Limit access: Only allow authorized users to access your network and devices, and limit their access to only the resources they need to do their job.Use network segmentation: Divide your network into smaller segments to make it harder for attackers to gain access to sensitive areas.Use network access controls: Implement network access controls to allow or block devices from connecting to your network based on predefined rules.

To Know More About firewalls, Check Out


Listen The principle of limiting users' access to only the specific information required to perform their assigned tasks. 1) Blueprint 2) Framework 3) Least privilege 4) Need-to-know 5) Security model Question 3 (1 point)


Least privilege is the principle of limiting users' access to only the specific information required to perform their assigned tasks.

What is a leat privilege?The idea that a security architecture should be built so that every entity is given the minimal system resources and authorizations necessary for them to carry out their function.Information security is a complicated, diverse discipline that is based on numerous fundamental ideas. Any information security programme should aim to achieve the three most crucial ones: confidentiality, integrity, and availability (also known as the CIA triad).The cyberattack surface is smaller as a result.Least privilege enforcement contributes to lowering the overall cyber attack surface by reducing super-user and administrator privileges (which provide IT administrators unrestricted access to target systems).The two terms' purviews differ, and this is why: The idea of least privilege also applies to non-human users such as system accounts, programmes, services, and devices, whereas need-to-know only considers how many people can read a given piece of information.

To know more about leat privilege refer to:


Which of the following statements describes a limitation of using a computer simulation to model a real-world object or system?(A) Computer simulations can only be built after the real-world object or system has been created.(B) Computer simulations only run on very powerful computers that are not available to the general public.(C) Computer simulations usually make some simplifying assumptions about the real-world object or system being modeled.(D) It is difficult to change input parameters or conditions when using computer simulations.


A major drawback of simulations is that they are not realistic. People may react differently when faced with real-world situations.

What are the limits of computer simulation?

A good simulation model can be very expensive. Simulations are often expensive because they require significant computational time.

Simulation produces a way to evaluate the solution, but not the solution itself.

Will the simulation affect real-world systems?

Simulations can usually be done manually or with a small calculator. The simulation does not interfere with the real system.

Why are there restrictions on computer models?

All models have limitations as they are not representative of all possible scenarios. They use current knowledge and scientific data, which is subject to change, and therefore models based on that knowledge and data.

To know more about computer simulation visit;


the parallelism of a multithreaded computation is the maximum possible speedup that can be achieved on any number of processors


The greatest speedup that any number of processors may achieve is the parallelism T1/T8. For any number of processors more than the parallelism T1/T8, perfect linear speedup cannot be achieved.

What does a computation that uses several threads do?

The overall amount of time needed to complete a multithreaded computation on a single processor is called the work. Therefore, the work is an accounting of the total time spent on each thread.

What does a parallel computer accomplish?

The total quantity of computing effort that is completed is referred to as work in physics. With P processors, an ideal parallel computer can complete up to P units of work in one time step.

To know more Parallelism T1/T8 visit :-


can value 9 represented in excess 8 notation?


Negative numbers are listed below it while positive numbers are listed above it. The pattern for eight is represented by the value zero in excess 8 notation.

What does life have worth?

Your truly value you hold dear in terms of how you live and do business. They should serve as the foundation for your priorities, and you probably use them to determine if your life is heading in the right way.

Why are values crucial?

Our behaviors, words, and ideas are influenced by our values. Our beliefs are important because they support our personal growth. They aid us in constructing the future we desire. Every person and every organization participates in

To know more about value visit:


windows 10 can automatically activate the operating system with a valid product key during the initial installation phase. T/F


Windows 10 can automatically activate the operating system with a valid product key during the initial installation phase is true.

Does Windows 10 need to be activated?

Microsoft makes Microsoft 10 available for use without activation. However, a product key is a unique software-based key for a computer application. It is also referred to as a software key, serial key, or activation key. It attests to the originality of the program copy.

Once the trial period is over, users must activate the OS. While failing to activate won't stop a PC or laptop from operating, some functionality will be restricted. Without activation, Windows 10 can still be used.

Therefore, You will be required to input a valid product key during the installation. When the installation is finished, Windows 10 will be online-activated immediately. To check activation status in Windows 10, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Update & Security > Activation .

Learn more about operating system from

What is the term for words having different meanings and outcomes based on their capitalization within the Python language?



Truecasing is the term for words having different meanings and outcomes based on their capitalization within the Python language.

What is Python language?

Python is a popular computer programming language used to create software and websites, automate processes, and analyze data.

Python is a general-purpose language, which means it may be used to make many various types of applications and isn't tailored for any particular issues.

Python is used for data analytics, machine learning, and even design in addition to web and software development.

Python's capitalization() function copies the original string and changes the first character to an uppercase capital letter while leaving the rest of the characters in lowercase.

The NLP challenge of truecasing involves determining the appropriate capitalization of words in a text in the absence of such information.

Thus, the answer is truecasing.

For more details regarding python, visit:


look and clook differ from scan and cscan in that they examine the queue of requests and move the head to the nearest track request first. T/F


False. Unlike scan and cscan, look and clook scan the queue of requests instead of moving the head to the nearest track request first.

What distinguishes the look and Clook algorithms?

scheduling technique for C-LOOK disk. The head fulfills the last request in one direction, then jumps in the opposite direction to advance toward the remaining requests, fulfilling them in the same manner as previously. It satisfies requests just in one direction, unlike LOOK.

How do SCAN and Cscan vary from one another?

A longer waiting period is offered when requesting locations using the SCAN Algorithm. In comparison to the elevator algorithm, the C-SCAN algorithm offers uniform waiting times when seeking locations.

To know more about queue requests  visit :-


A victimless crime is committed when _____. Select 3 options.

a copyrighted image is used without permission
a copyrighted image is used without permission

a stranger accesses your internet banking
a stranger accesses your internet banking

someone downloads a pirated song or video
someone downloads a pirated song or video

a person downloads and uses pirated software
a person downloads and uses pirated software

a hacker sells a company’s financial statements
a hacker sells a company’s financial statements


A victimless crime is committed when 1. a copyrighted image is used without permission 2. a stranger accesses your internet banking 3. a hacker sells a company’s financial statements.

What is a victimless crime?

Victimless crimes are illegal acts that break the laws, but there is no single victim of the crime.

They are against social values and laws.

Examples are gambling, traffic violations, etc.

Thus, Victimless crimes differ from other types of crime because it does not have an identifiable victim. This crime is against laws and social values and beliefs.

To know more about victimless crimes, visit:


in python
The program is the same as shown at the end of the Merge sort section, with the following changes:
Numbers are entered by a user in a separate helper function, read_nums(), instead of defining a specific list.
Output of the list has been moved to the function print_nums().
An output has been added to merge_sort(), showing the indices that will be passed to the recursive function calls.
Add code to the merge sort algorithm to count the number of comparisons performed.
Add code at the end of the program that outputs "comparisons: " followed by the number of comparisons performed (Ex: "comparisons: 12")
Hint: Use a global variable to count the comparisons.
Note: Take special care to look at the output of each test to better understand the merge sort algorithm.
Ex: When the input is:
3 2 1 5 9 8
the output is:
unsorted: 3 2 1 5 9 8
0 2 | 3 5
0 1 | 2 2
0 0 | 1 1
3 4 | 5 5
3 3 | 4 4
sorted: 1 2 3 5 8 9
comparisons: 8
# Read integers into a list and return the list.
def read_nums():
nums = input().split()
return [int(num) for num in nums]
# Output the content of a list, separated by spaces.
def print_nums(numbers):
for num in numbers:
print (num, end=' ')
def merge(numbers, i, j, k):
merged_size = k - i + 1
merged_numbers = []
for l in range(merged_size):
merge_pos = 0
left_pos = i
right_pos = j + 1
while left_pos <= j and right_pos <= k:
if numbers[left_pos] < numbers[right_pos]:
merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[left_pos]
left_pos = left_pos + 1
merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[right_pos]
right_pos = right_pos + 1
merge_pos = merge_pos + 1
while left_pos <= j:
merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[left_pos]
left_pos = left_pos + 1
merge_pos = merge_pos + 1
while right_pos <= k:
merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[right_pos]
right_pos = right_pos + 1
merge_pos = merge_pos + 1
merge_pos = 0
while merge_pos < merged_size:
numbers[i + merge_pos] = merged_numbers[merge_pos]
merge_pos = merge_pos + 1
def merge_sort(numbers, i, k):
j = 0
if i < k:
j = (i + k) // 2
# Trace output added to code in book
print(i, j, "|", j + 1, k)
merge_sort(numbers, i, j)
merge_sort(numbers, j + 1, k)
merge(numbers, i, j, k)
if __name__ == '__main__':
numbers = read_nums()
print ('unsorted:', end=' ')
merge_sort(numbers, 0, len(numbers) - 1)
print ('\nsorted:', end=' ')


To add code to the merge sort algorithm to count the number of comparisons performed and  at the end of the program that outputs "comparisons: " followed by the number of comparisons performed check the code given below.

What is sort algorithm?

A sorting algorithm is a set of instructions that takes an input array, applies certain operations to the array (also known as a list), and outputs a sorted array.

Sorting algorithms are frequently covered early on in computer science courses because they offer a simple way to introduce other important concepts like Big-O notation, divide-and-conquer strategies, and data structures like binary trees and heaps.

When selecting a sorting algorithm, many factors need to be taken into account.


Python version: 3.6

Python program to sort a list of numbers in ascending order using merge sort


# add a global variable to count number of key comparisons in merge sort and initialize it to 0

comparisons = 0

def read_nums():


Function that takes no inputs and returns a list of integers entered by the user


# read a string of integers and split it into list of strings using default delimiter whitespace

nums = input().split()

# convert the list of strings to list of integers and return it

return [int(num) for num in nums]

def print_nums(numbers):


Function that takes as input a list of numbers and display the

numbers on screen in one line separated by space ending with a newline


for num in numbers:

 print (num, end=' ')


def merge(numbers, i, j, k):


Function that takes as input a list of numbers and 3 integers

representing the start and ends of the sorted left[i, j] and sorted right[j+1, k] sublists


global comparisons # use the global variable comparisons

# calculate the total size of the list after merging the sublists

merged_size = k - i + 1

# create a list of size merged_size and initialize all elements to 0

merged_numbers = []    

for l in range(merged_size):



# set merge_pos to start index of merged_numbers, left_pos to start index of left sublist and right_pos to start index of right sublist

merge_pos = 0  

left_pos = i

right_pos = j + 1  

# loop until end of a sublist is reached

while left_pos <= j and right_pos <= k:

 comparisons += 1 # increment comparisons by 1

 # current element of left sublist is less than current element of right sublist

 if numbers[left_pos] < numbers[right_pos]:

  # insert current element of left sublist into merged_numbers and increment left_pos by 1

  merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[left_pos]

  left_pos = left_pos + 1


  # else insert current element of right sublist into merged_numbers and increment right_pos by 1

  merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[right_pos]

  right_pos = right_pos + 1

 merge_pos = merge_pos + 1 # increment merge_pos by 1

# loop to copy the remaining elements of left sublist to merged_numbers

while left_pos <= j:

 merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[left_pos]

 left_pos = left_pos + 1

 merge_pos = merge_pos + 1


# loop to copy the remaining elements of right sublist to merged_numbers

while right_pos <= k:

 merged_numbers[merge_pos] = numbers[right_pos]

 right_pos = right_pos + 1

 merge_pos = merge_pos + 1


# loop to copy the sorted list from merged_numbers to numbers in the range [i, k]

merge_pos = 0

while merge_pos < merged_size:

 numbers[i + merge_pos] = merged_numbers[merge_pos]

 merge_pos = merge_pos + 1


def merge_sort(numbers, i, k):


Function that takes as input an unsorted list of numbers and start and end index

of the list to sort and sorts the list in ascending order using merge sort


j = 0

# current list range contains at least 1 element

if i < k:

 # get the index of middle element of the current range

 j = (i + k) // 2

 # output the range for the left and right sublists to sort

 print(i, j, "|", j + 1, k)


 # recursively sort the numbers in the range [i,j] and [j+1, k]

 merge_sort(numbers, i, j)

 merge_sort(numbers, j + 1, k)


 # merge the sorted lists [i,j] and [j+1,k] to get the sorted list in the range [i,k]

 merge(numbers, i, j, k)


if __name__ == '__main__':

# get the list of numbers entered by the user

numbers = read_nums()

# display the unsorted list

print ('unsorted:', end=' ')



# sort the list in ascending order using merge sort passing the numbers list and 0 and 1 less than size of list as i and k

merge_sort(numbers, 0, len(numbers) - 1)

# display the sorted list

print ('\nsorted:', end=' ')


# display the number of comparisons using the global variable


# end of program

Learn more about sorting algorithm


A structure pointer contains
A. the address of a structure variable
B. the name and address of the structure tag
C. the dereferenced address of a structure tag
D. e address of a structure tag
E. none of the answers


A structure pointer contains a structure variable's address. The memory address of any variable or member field can be obtained in C. (of struct). To do this, we cast the address to (void*) and utilize the address of the (&) operator, the%p specifier to print it, and the address.

What is the address of a variable?

In C, each variable is given a memory address when it is created. The variable's position on the computer is indicated by its memory address. This memory address is where the variable's assigned value is saved. The structure's variables collectively are referred to as its members. In contrast to an array, a structure can hold a wide variety of data types (int, float, char, etc.).

Unless you have a pointer referring to the local variable, the address of a local variable is not stored anywhere. On most contemporary systems, the actual local variables are often stored on the stack.The function receives the memory addresses of the struct variables during pass by reference.

Therefore the correct answer is option A) the address of a structure variable.

To learn more about structure pointer refer to :


An example of a digital data structure that originates in a field based model of spatial information


Note that an example of a digital data structure that originates in a field-based model of spatial information is called "raster".

What is raster?

A raster graphic in computer graphics and digital photography is a two-dimensional picture represented as a rectangular matrix or grid of square pixels that may be viewed on a computer monitor, paper, or another display medium.

Rasters are ideal for expressing data that changes in real-time over a landscape (surface). They are an efficient way of storing continuity as a surface. They also give a surface representation that is consistently spaced.

Learn more about Digital Data Structures;

which expression for xxx causes the code to output the strings in alphabetical order? (assume the strings are lowercase)


The expression for xxx that causes the code to output the strings in alphabetical order is option b) firstStr.compareTo(secondStr) < 0

What is coding xxx about?

A  programmer simply added the note TODO to indicate that he still needs to change the code at that point. Similar to XXX, which highlights a comment as noteworthy in some way.

Then, using tools, programmers may easily search for any lines of code that contain these strings, as well as quickly locate and list any unfinished or warning code.

Basically, XXX or #XXX trips the compiler and makes me remember to go back on something. typically pointer references or a value or variable name that was previously unknown. It's just a catch-all tag to tell other programmers to mark that comment as something to look at, which validated what I had already guessed.

Learn more about coding from

See options below

Group of answer choices

a) firstStr.equals(secondStr)

b) firstStr.compareTo(secondStr) < 0

c) !firstStr.equals(secondStr)

d) firstStr.compareTo(secondStr) > 0

IMAPThis protocol will allow users to maintain messages stored on an email server without removing them from the server.


The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a protocol for gaining access to email or message boards from a mail server or service that may be shared. A client email application can access remote message repositories just like they were local thanks to IMAP.

What does IMAP stand for?

The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a protocol for gaining access to email or message boards from a mail server or service that may be shared. A client email application can access remote message repositories just like they were local thanks to IMAP.

We utilize IMAP protocol, but why?

With IMAP, you may use any device to access your email from anywhere. Instead of downloading or saving an email message on your computer when you use IMAP, you read it directly from the server.

To know more about IMAP protocol visit;


____ components can provide automated response to sales inquiries, Web-based order processing, and online inventory tracking.


Customer relationship management (CRM) components can provide automated response to sales inquiries, Web-based order processing, and online inventory tracking.

What is Customer Relationship Management CRM?A company or other organization manages its relationships with consumers using a process called customer relationship management, which often involves studying a lot of data through data analysis.A tool known as customer relationship management (CRM) is used to handle all interactions and relationships between your business and its clients. Simple is the aim: strengthen commercial ties. CRM systems assist businesses in maintaining contact with clients, streamlining procedures, and boosting profitability.Any CRM deployment must take into account these four essential elements, as previously mentioned: technology (applications and infrastructure), strategy (business goals and objectives), process (procedures and business standards), and people (organizational structure, skills, and incentives).

Learn more about Customer relationship management refer to :


When do you use a while loop INSTEAD of a for loop? (Choose the best two answers.)
Group of answer choices

To get input from the user until they input ‘stop’.

To do number calculations.

To repeat code.

When there is an unknown number of iterations needed.



To get input from the user until they input ‘stop’.

When there is an unknown number of iterations needed.


Windows Network Diagnostics, a GUI tool included with Windows 7 and Windows 8.x, will diagnose a network problem and instruct you on how to solve the problem. True or False


A GUI application called Windows Network Diagnostics that comes with Windows 7 and Windows 8.x will diagnose a network issue and provide you instructions on how to fix it. The assertion is accurate.

What is the purpose of GUI?

Choice points will be shown to the user that are easy to spot, understand, and utilize. In other words, GUI makes it possible for you to control your device using a mouse, a pen, or even your finger. GUI was created because text command-line interfaces were convoluted and difficult to comprehend.

What GUI examples are there?

Computer monitors, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, and gaming consoles are a few examples of GUIs. The software on the gadget continuously scans the screen to ascertain where and how the pointing devices are moving.

To know more about GUI tool visit:


When investigating a Windows System, it is important to view the contents of the page or swap file because:PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & AnswersA.Windows stores all of the systems configuration information in this fileB.This is file that windows use to communicate directly with RegistryC.A Large volume of data can exist within the swap file of which the computer user has no knowledgeD.This is the file that windows use to store the history of the last 100 commands that were run from the command line


When investigating a Windows System, it is important to view the contents of the page or swap file because a large volume of data can exist within the swap file of which the computer user has no knowledge.

What is swap file in a windows system?

When the system's memory is low, a swap file is a system file that generates temporary storage space on a solid-state drive or hard disk. The file frees up memory for other programs by swapping a portion of RAM storage from an inactive program.

The computer can use more RAM than is actually installed by employing a swap file. In other words, it can run more applications than it could with just the installed RAM's constrained resources.

Swap files are a form of virtual memory because they are not kept in actual RAM. A computer's operating system (OS) can seem to have more RAM than it actually does by using a swap file.

To know more about swap file refer:


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