Cual es el resultado de la siguiente división (– 1/3 a^2 b^5 – 1/2 a^5 b^4 + 2/5 a^3 b – 5a^2 b^7) / ( – 5a^2 b^2)


Answer 1


dont understand clearly

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

3xº + 22°



x = 40°

Step-by-step explanation:

The 2 angles are vertical angles and are congruent , then

3x + 22 = 142 ( subtract 22 from both sides )

3x = 120 ( divide both sides by 3 )

x = 40°




please help me
its urgent :)


Step-by-step explanation:

i Will help wit Shape A and Next Try to figure out Shape B

shape A Looks the Shape XY coordinate, which Horizontal & Vertical Line

Shape A Coordinate

X = 7, 8.5, 7,5, 7.5,

Y = 7, 7, 6.5 , 5

if you wanna to understand this coordinate between X & Y try plotting with Horizontal or Vertical Line at your Shape And you Would be Understanding about these coordinate meaning

When a weed solution is added to a lawn, the number of weeds can be represented by the function W(d)=1500(.75)^d where d is the number of days since application. By what percent does the population of weeds decrease each day


Number of weeds is represented by the function,


[tex]W(d)=1500(1-0.25)^d[/tex] -------(1)

Here, [tex]d=[/tex] Number of days since application

Function representing the exponential decay is,

[tex]A(t)=A(1-r)^t[/tex] --------(2)

[tex]A=[/tex] Initial value

[tex]r=[/tex] Percentage decay

[tex]t=[/tex] duration

By comparing both the functions (1) and (2),

[tex]r=[/tex] 0.25 ≈ [tex]\frac{25}{100}[/tex]

Or [tex]r=[/tex] 25%

Therefore, population of weeds will decrease 25% each day.

Learn more about exponential decay,

I need help with this plzzzz and this is the thing to the other thing I posted



A. A, B, C, D

Step-by-step explanation:

A. 4.99 ÷ 2.25 = 2.1777...

B. 5.50 ÷ 1.75 = 3.142857143

C. 10.99 ÷ 4.50 = 2.44222...

D. 2.99/0.5 = 5.98/1


a. A, C, B, D

Step-by-step explanation:

A. 9/4 = 2.25

2.25/4.99 = 1/x

2.25x ÷ 2.25 = x

4.99 ÷ 2.25 = 2.22

$2.22 per pound

B. 7/4 = 1.75

1.75/5.50 = 1/x

1.75x ÷ 1.75 = x

5.50 ÷ 1.75 = 3.14

$3.14 per pound

C. 9/2 = 4.5

4.5/10.99 = 1/x

4.5x ÷ 4.5 = x

10.99 ÷ 4.5 = 2.44

$2.44 per pound

D. 1/2 = 0.5

0.5/2.99 = 1/x

0.5x ÷ 0.5 = x

2.99 ÷ 0.5 = 5.98

$5.98 per pound

Question choices:
A: I, IV







Step-by-step explanation:

Find the zeros by letting y = 0 , that is

x² - x - 6 = 0 ← in standard form

(x - 3)(x + 2) = 0 ← in factored form

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x - 3 = 0 ⇒ x = 3

x + 2 = 0 ⇒ x = - 2

Since the coefficient of the x² term (a) > 0

Then the graph opens upwards and will be positive to the left of x = - 2 and to the right of x = 3 , that is in the intervals

(-∞, - 2) and (3, ∞ ) → option A

order of operations. please help!​








Which best describes the relationship between the lines with equations – 7x + 2y = 3 and
-6x + 3y = 2?


The association between the given lines is that they are 'neither perpendicular nor parallel.'

To prove, let's convert the given equations in their slope-intercept form i.e. 'y = mx + b'

-7x + 2y = 3

2y = 7x + 3

y = 7/2x + 3/2

-6x + 3y = 2

3y = 6x + 2

y = 2x + 2/3

This shows that both the lines have different slopes, as well as, intercepts of y. And,

[tex]m_{1} * m_{2}[/tex] = 2 * 7/2 ≠ -1

Thus, it is not perpendicular also.

Therefore, option D i.e. 'neither perpendicular nor parallel' is the correct answer.

Learn more about 'slope' here:

Y and x have a proportional relationship, and y=4 when x=12



multiply 4 by 12 okay bro


y = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] x

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that y and x are proportional then the equation relating them is

y = kx ← k is the constant of proportion

To find k use the condition y = 4 when x = 12 , then

4 = 12k ( divide both sides by 12 )

k = [tex]\frac{4}{12}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

y = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] x ← equation of proportion

Rhonda bought a new laptop for $500. The laptop
depreciates, or loses, 10% of its value each year. The

value of the laptop at a later time can be found using

the formula A - P(1 - 1)', where P is the original

value, r is the rate of depreciation written as a decimal,

and t is the number of years since it was purchased,

What will the laptop be worth in two years?

In two years, the laptop will be worth $________.

The solution is ______ ?




Step-by-step explanation:

A = P(1-r)^t

A = 500 (1-.1)^2

A = 500 (.9)^2

   = 500*0.81

   = 405

(4 - 5)^2 + ( 2 + 1)^2
( 4 + 2)^2

Simplify using the order of operation



[tex] \frac{5}{18} = 0.27[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{(4 - 5)^{2} + {(2 + 1)}^{2} }{ {(4 + 2)}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{ {( - 1)}^{2} + {3}^{2} }{ {6}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1 + 9}{36} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{10}{36} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{5}{18} [/tex]

= 0,27

help please help......​



[tex]{ \sf{( \sec \theta - \csc \theta)(1 + \tan \theta + \cot \theta) }} \\ = { \sf{( \sec \theta + \tan \theta \sec \theta + \cot \theta \sec \theta) - ( \csc \theta - \csc \theta \tan \theta - \csc \theta \cot \theta)}} \\ = { \sf{( \sec \theta + \sec \theta \tan \theta + \csc \theta) - ( \csc \theta - \sec \theta - \csc \theta \cot \theta)}} \\ = { \sf{ \sec \theta \tan \theta + \csc \theta \cot \theta }} \\ { \bf{hence \: proved}}[/tex]

At the beginning of a snowstorm, Camden had 10 inches of snow on his lawn. The
snow then began to fall at a constant rate of 2.5 inches per hour. Assuming no snow
was melting, how much snow would Camden have on his lawn 4 hours after the snow
began to fall? How much snow would Camden have on his lawn after t hours of snow
Snow on lawn after 4 hours:
Show on lawn after t hours:



ans - all the snow would been removed ....bcause 4 *2.5 is 10

Answer: 20

2.5 + 10

Step-by-step explanation:

i have the answer, 2-(3/x+2)

i got this from my calculator, however i need another line of working and i’m unsure of the process used to get there


Start with the answer format we want, and work your way toward forming a single fraction like so

[tex]a + \frac{b}{x+2}\\\\a*1+\frac{b}{x+2}\\\\a*\frac{x+2}{x+2}+\frac{b}{x+2}\\\\\frac{a(x+2)}{x+2}+\frac{b}{x+2}\\\\\frac{a(x+2)+b}{x+2}\\\\\frac{ax+2a+b}{x+2}\\\\\frac{ax+(2a+b)}{x+2}\\\\[/tex]

Compare that last expression to (2x+1)/(x+2). Notice how the ax and 2x match up, so a = 2 must be the case.

Then we have 2a+b as the remaining portion in the numerator. Plugging in a = 2 leads to 2a+b = 2*2+b = 4+b. Set this equal to the +1 found in (2x+1)/(x+2) to have the terms match.

So, 4+b = 1 leads to b = -3

Therefore, a = 2 and b = -3


An alternative route:


I added and subtracted 4 in the third step so that I could form 2x+4, which then factors to 2(x+2). That way I could cancel out a pair of (x+2) terms toward the very end.


Other alternative methods involve synthetic division or polynomial long division. They are slightly separate but related concepts.


a = 2

b = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

the secret is seeing that the numerator (top part of the division) contains 2x. that means 2 times the factor of x in the denominator (bottom part of the division).

so, we want to change the numerator that we can simply say the result is 2 and some rest (remainder).

2×(x+2) would be 2x + 4

aha !

and we have 2x+1 up there. so, what had to happen to get from 2x+4 to 2x+1 ? we had to subtract 3. it to get to 2x+4 we have to add 3.

but if we add 3, we need also to subtract 3 to keep the value of the whole expression the same.

therefore we get

(2x+1)/(x+2) = (2x+4)/(x+2) - 3/(x+2) =

= 2×(x+2)/(x+2) - 3/(x+2) = 2 - 3/(x+2)

What are the root(s) of the quadratic equation whose related function is graphed below?



0 and 4

Step-by-step explanation:

roots are where the graph intersects at x axis

The roots of the quadratic equation whose related function is graphed are 0 and 4, the correct option is C.

What is the quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is a second-order equation written as ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b, and c are coefficients of real numbers and a ≠ 0.

If b2 – 4ac > 0 roots are real and different. As the discriminant is >0 then the square root of it will not be imaginary. It has two cases.

If b2 – 4ac is a perfect square then roots are rational. As the discriminant is a perfect square, so we will have an integer as a square root of the discriminant. Hence, the roots are rational numbers.

The shape of the graph is a downward parabola on the positive x-axis therefore the roots of the graph are positive.

From the given option the roots of the equation are 0 and 4 both are positive.

Hence, the roots of the quadratic equation whose related function is graphed are 0 and 4.

Learn more about quadratic equations here;


I need help with the incorrect ones please









*note* I had trouble reading the standard deviation of the second part, so if it's not 3 then leave a comment and i will fix it*

Step-by-step explanation:


the mean would be something like 460*.16= 73.6

The variance should be 460*.16(1-.16)= 61.824 which means the standard deviation is √61.824= 7.863

for p to be less than .15 it would have to be less than .15*460= 69

(69-73.6)/7.863= -.59 which has a probability of .2776


the mean is 2.3

I am not sure if the standard deviation is 3 or .3 (picture is kind of blurry)

I am thinking that it's three which would mean that the standard deviation would be √(3²*(1/5))= 1.342

(2-2.3)/1.342= -.22 = .4129

draw two intersecting line segment AB and CD intersecting O. Measure the size of each pair of vertically opposite angles. Verify each pair of vertically opposite angles are equal.​


When two line segments intersects, a set of vertically opposite angles are formed. So that by comparison of angles formed in the attachment, a set of vertically opposite angles formed are: >AOC and >BOD; then >AOD and >BOC.

A pair of vertically opposite angles are formed when two lines meet at a point. And the pair of vertically opposite angles formed are said to have equal size.

From the given question, line segment AB intersecting CD at point O would produce a set of vertically opposite angles. So that each pair has equal size.

From the attached diagram, it can be observed that;

m>AOC = m>BOC = m>AOD = m>BOD = [tex]90^{o}[/tex]


m>AOC ≅ m>BOD = [tex]90^{o}[/tex] (vertically opposite angle property)


m>AOD ≅ m>BOC = [tex]90^{o}[/tex] (vertically opposite angle property)

Therefore it can be verified that each pair of vertically opposite angles are equal.

NB: The required diagram to the question is herewith attached to this question for more clarifications and reference.

For more information, visit:

The sum of 4 and a number


the sum of 4 and a number is 4+x or x+4

4 + x or x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

A number would be best represented as a variable: x

The sum of 4 and a number = 4 + x

Apply the dristrbutie property to factor out the greatest common factor of 22c+33d



11 (2c + 3d)

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the GCF (Greatest Common Factor)

Answer: 11

And then use 11 to factor out 22c + 33d



Step-by-step explanation:

22c + 33d


2*11*c + 3*11*d

Factor out 11


A department store is ordering the fall line of shoes. Which of the following statistical measurements would they use to determine what sizes they should order the most? A. range B. median C. mean D. mode




Step-by-step explanation:

If I'm not mistaken the mode is the value that appears most which in this case would mean the size that is bout the most.So he should use the mode which basically shows what size is bought the most and buy that size

The statistical measurements they would use to determine what sizes they should order the most is mode option (D) is correct.

What is the mode?

It is defined as the highest frequency of data and how many times the element is repeated in the data set, known as the mode value.

We have:

A department store is ordering the fall line of shoes.

As we know, Statistics is a mathematical tool defined as the study of collecting data, analysis, understanding, representation, and organization. Statistics is described as the procedure of collecting data, classifying it, displaying that in a way that makes it easy to understand, and analyzing it even further.

The mean value for the given set of data or the closed value for each entry given in the set of data.

Thus, the statistical measurements they would use to determine what sizes they should order the most is mode option (D) is correct.

Learn more about the mode here:


Which statement correctly compares the function shown on this graph with
the function y = 4x + 2?








Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is c

Step-by-step explanation:

hi pls do not have to do all 3. just either one will be ok pls explain as well:) thank you



[tex]{7a^{5}b^{5} c\\[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

 [tex]\frac{28a^{8}b^{6} c^{3} }{4a^{3}bc^{2} }[/tex]

→ First look at the first term of each expression and see if they can be simplified, and they can

[tex]\frac{7a^{8}b^{6} c^{3} }{a^{3}bc^{2} }[/tex]

→ Now look at the a terms, since a larger one is at the top, you subtract

[tex]\frac{7a^{5}b^{6} c^{3} }{bc^{2} }[/tex]

→ Now simplify the b and c terms

[tex]{7a^{5}b^{5} c[/tex]

Given the new regression model, which of the following statements is true? As the number of retail stands increases by one, the daily revenue increases by $2,298.36 on average. As the number of retail stands increases by one, the daily revenue increases by $2,298.36 on average, provided that the number of female visitors and food stands remains constant. As the number of female visitors increases by ten, the daily revenue increases by $29.34 on average. As the number of female visitors increases by ten, the daily revenue increases by $29.34 on average, provided that the number of retail stands and food stands remains constant.



As the number of retail stands increase by one, the daily revenue increases by $2,298.36 on average, provided that the number of female visitors and food stands remains constant.

Step-by-step explanation:

This is gross relationship of regression model, multiple regression model describes net relationship. The net effect on number of retail stands on daily revenue. The average increase in daily revenue as the number of retail stands increases by one while other variables remains constant.

What is the circumference of the circle whose equation is (x − 9)2 + (y − 3)2 = 64?



C = 16pi or ≈50.24 units

Step-by-step explanation:

(x − 9)^2 + (y − 3)^2 = 64

This equation is in the form

(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2

The radius is 8

The circumference is given by

C = 2*pi*r

C = 2*pi*8

C = 16 pi

Using 3.14 as an approximation for pi

C = 16(3.14)

C ≈50.24

Solve : x - 11 = 2
pls answer my question ​



x = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

x-11 =2

=x=2 +11

therefore ans is x =13

hope it helps.


Here is how,verify if u can ;)

Step-by-step explanation:

x - 11=2

x+ 11 +11


x = 13

Marlene's ratio of phone calls to text messages is 3 to 5.
If she makes 27 phone calls, how many texts does she


Phone calls to texts is 3 to 5, so for every 3 phone calls she makes 5 texts:

Divide total phone calls by 3:

27/3 = 9

Multiply that by text ratio:

9 x 5 = 45

She sent 45 texts.

Center (-1,5); passes through (-4,-6)



what is the question

Step-by-step explanation:

Soledad gana 12 pesos por hora entregando tartas. Trabajó 25 horas la semana pasada pero desafortunadamente se demoró en 5 entregas y le descontaron 15 pesos por cada entrega demorada. a. Expresa la respuesta como una ecuación. b. ¿Cuánto dinero ganó la semana pasada?



Total earning last week = 225

Step-by-step explanation:


Earning per hour = 12 pesos

Deduct per late delivery = 15 pesos

Total number of hour = 25 hour

Total number of late delivery = 5


Total earning last week


Total earning last week = (Total number of hour)(Earning per hour) - (Deduct per late delivery)(Total number of late delivery)

Total earning last week = (12)(25) - (15)(5)

Total earning last week = 300 - 75

Total earning last week = 225

please help me someone! asap!



please help me to solve these qustions



the work that you're required to do has to contain all three requirements in order to earn the maximum number of points, and it also has to be creative (meaning no copying other people's work)

Which expression represents the measure of segment RS



C. x + 5

Brainliest, please!

Step-by-step explanation:

RS = 4x + 1 - (3x - 4)

RS = 4x + 1 - 3x + 4

RS = x + 5

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