________ databases are better than relational databases at handling unstructured data such as audio clips, video clips, and pictures.


Answer 1


"Object-oriented" would be the correct choice.


An object-oriented database seems to be a database that subscribes to a framework containing object-depicted details. Throughout the context of the relational database management system, object-oriented is a unique product that is not as popular and most well-known as traditional web applications.This indicates that internet connectivity to existing records has to implement the previously defined connections for interacting components established by that same containers.

Related Questions

Declare a class named PatientData that contains two attributes named height_inches and weight_pounds. Sample output for the given program with inputs: 63 115 Patient data (before): 0 in, 0 lbs Patient data (after): 63 in, 115 lbs 1 Your solution goes here ' 2 1 test passed 4 patient PatientData () 5 print('Patient data (before):, end-' ') 6 print(patient.height_inches, 'in,, end=' ') 7 print(patient.weight_pounds, lbs') All tests passed 9 10 patient.height_inches = int(input()) 11 patient.weight_pounds = int(input()) 12 13 print('Patient data (after):', end-' ') 14 print (patient. height_inches, 'in,', end- ') 15 print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs') Run



class PatientData():    #declaration of PatientData class

   height_inches=0  #attribute of class is declared and initialized to 0

   weight_pounds=0 #attribute of class is declared and initialized to 0


Here is the complete program:

#below is the class PatientData() that has two attributes height_inches and weight_pounds and both are initialized to 0

class PatientData():  



patient = PatientData()  #patient object is created of class PatientData

#below are the print statements that will be displayed on output screen to show that patient data before

print('Patient data (before):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')

#below print  statement for taking the values height_inches and  weight_pounds as input from user

patient.height_inches = int(input())  

patient.weight_pounds = int(input())  

#below are the print statements that will be displayed on output screen to show that patient data after with the values of height_inches and weight_pounds input by the user

print('Patient data (after):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')      

Another way to write the solution is:

def __init__(self):

       self.height_inches = 0

       self.weight_pounds = 0

self keyword is the keyword which is used to easily access all the attributes i.e. height_inches and weight_pounds defined within a PatientData class.

__init__ is a constructor which is called when an instance is created from the PatientData, and access is required to initialize the attributes height_inches and weight_pounds of PatientData class.

The program along with its output is attached.

In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of computational language in python to describe a code, like this:

The code can be found in the attached image.

To make it easier the code can be found below as:

class PatientData():  



patient = PatientData()

print('Patient data (before):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')

patient.height_inches = int(input())  

patient.weight_pounds = int(input())  

print('Patient data (after):', end=' ')

print(patient.height_inches, 'in,', end=' ')

print(patient.weight_pounds, 'lbs')

See more about python at brainly.com/question/26104476

a) Code a statement that creates an instance of an Account class using the default constructor and stores the object that’s created in a variable named account.
b) Code a statement that creates an instance of the Account class using a constructor that has two parameters named firstName and age, and store the object in a variable named account. Assume that variables with those names have already been declared and initialized so you can pass those variables to the constructor.
c) Code a statement that sets the value of the Age property of an Account object named account to the value in a variable named newAge.
d) Code a statement that will get the value of a public static field named Count that’s defined in the Account class, and store the value in a new int variable named count. Assume that you’ve already created an object from this class that’s named account.




Account account = new Account();


Account account = new Account(firstName, age);


account.Age = newAge;


int count = Account.Count;



new is the keyword which is used to create an object.

Account is the class name.

account is the name of an object of class Account.

account object is created to access the class Account.

Account() is the constructor of Account class. This is the default constructor and it has no parameters. Constructor has the same name as class. When a account object is created, constructor Account will be invoked.


Account is the class name.

account is the name of an object of class Account.

Account() is the constructor of Account class. This is the parameterized constructor and it has two parameters i.e. firstName and age. Constructor has the same name as class. When a account object is created, constructor Account will be invoked.


account.Age = newAge;

Here account is the object name. The Age property to access and update the private field of the Account class is set to the variable named newAge.


This int count = Account.Count; statement gets the value of a public static field named Count that’s defined in the Account class, and stores the value in a new int variable named count.

If a schema is not given, you may assume a table structure that makes sense in the context of the question. (using sql queries)
Find all Employee records containing the word "Joe", regardless of whether it was stored as JOE, Joe, or joe.



The correct query is;

select * from EMPLOYEE where Employee_Name = 'JOE' or Employee_Name = 'Joe' or Employee_Name = 'joe';

where EMPLOYEE refer to the table name and type attribute name is Employee_Name


Here, the first thing we will do is to assume the name of the table.

Let’s assume the table name is EMPLOYEE, where the column i.e attribute from which we will be extracting our information is Employee_Name

The correct query to get the piece of information we are looking for will be;

select * from EMPLOYEE where Employee_Name = 'JOE' or Employee_Name = 'Joe' or Employee_Name = 'joe';

Most keyboards today are arranged in a(n) _______ layout.





The QWERTY keyboard arrangement was invented back when typewriters were used, and they needed a keyboard layout that wouldn't jam the letters.

Today, QWERTY is the most commonly used keyboard layout.

Hope this helped!


Which type of chart or graph shows the contribution of each item in a total of 100%?

Bar graph

Column chart

Line graph

Pie chart



pie chart


pie chart shows percentage per item


pie chart


Select the function completion that satisfies this docstring description: def convert_to_string(nums): """ (list of number) -> NoneType Replace each item in nums with its string equivalent. >>> nums



def convert_to_string(nums):

   for i in range(len(nums)):

       nums[i] = str(nums[i])

nums = [7, 28, 92]





Create a function called convert_to_string that takes one parameter, nums

Create a for loop that iterates through the nums. Inside the loop, set each item to its string equivalent using type casting (str)

Initialize a list

Print the list before the function call

Call the function, passing the list as a parameter

Then, print the list again to see the difference

An employer plans to pay bonus to each of his employees. Those earning Rs. 2000 or above are to be paid 10 percent of their salary and those earning less than 2000 are to be paid Rs. 200. The input record contains employee number, name and salary of an employee. The output should be employee name and their bonus. Write pseudo code algorithm to process the requirement.





The readline method reads text until an end of line symbol is encountered, how is an end of line character represented





readline() method is used to read one line from a file. It returns that line from the file.    

This line from the file is returned as a string. This string contains a \n at the end which is called a new line character.

So the readline method reads text until an end of line symbol is encountered, and this end of line character is represented by \n.

For example if the file "abc.txt" contains the lines:

Welcome to abc file.

This file is for demonstrating how read line works.

Consider the following code:

f = open("abc.txt", "r")  #opens the file in read mode

print(f.readline()) # read one line from file and displays it

The output is:

Welcome to abc file.    

The readline() method reads one line and the print method displays that line.                        

Under the ____________________, federal agencies must 1) review their IT systems for privacy risks, 2) post privacy policies on their Web sites, 3) post machine-readable privacy policies on their Web sites, and 4) report privacy activities.



E-Government Act of 2002.


The E-Government Act of 2002 is a statute of the United States of America which was enacted by the 107th U.S Congress on the 17th of December, 2002. The E-Government Act of 2002 was signed into law to facilitate the management and promotion of the US government processes and services, as well as enhance transparency and accountability between the government and the public through the application of internet-based information technology.

Under the E-Government Act of 2002, federal agencies must;

1. Review their IT systems for privacy risks.

2. Post privacy policies on their websites.

3. Post machine-readable privacy policies on their websites.

4. Report privacy activities.

What is Processor to Memory Mismatch problem?


direct-mapped cache;
fully associative cache;
N-way-set-associative cache.
That is all I could find sorry I can’t help

Describe how asymmetric encryption is used to send a message from User A to User B that assures data confidentiality, authentication, and integrity. Be specific as to the keys used and how they achieve the three goals.



Find the explanation below.


Asymmetric encryption is a system of communication in technology between two parties where keys which are variable values coined by an algorithm are used to encrypt and decrypt the messages between the sender and receiver. The two types of keys used in this process are the public and private keys. The public keys can be used by anyone to encrypt messages which are then sent to the receiver who decrypts the message using his private keys. The private keys on the other hand are only shared by the person who first set up the key. In sending messages this way, the receiver's public key is gotten from a public directory, and the message encrypted by the sender. The receiver can then decrypt the message using his private keys. But if the message is encrypted using a private key, it is decrypted by the receiver with a public key.

The one-way nature of this style of communication ensures data integrity and confidentiality since users are not required to disclose their keys and only the two parties can access the message. The two end users also preserve the right to authenticate the keys. The transport layer security protocol makes use of asymmetric encryption.

list 2 forms of computer output​


Audio, visual, and hard copy media


Soft copy like audio

Hard copy e.g printouts


Explain how/where could you change the NIC Card configuration from dynamic DHCP setting to an IP address of with a subnet mask of and a gateway of (hint: we spoke about 2 different methods)



Using the terminal in linux OS to configure a static ip address, gateway and subnet mask.


-Enter the terminal in the linux environment and use the ifconfig eth0 or -a to bring up the main network interface and other network interfaces.

- for static network configuration, use;

  - ifconfig eth0  

  - ifconfig eth0 netmask

  - ifconfig eth0 broadcast

- and add a default gateway with;

 -  route add default gw  eth0.

- Now verify the settings with the ifconfig eth0 command.

which approach does procedural programming follow? bottom up, top down, random, or object oriented​



Top to down approach


Can Anyone put my name in binary code using these images? Bentley is my name





Assume the existence of a Phone class. Define a derived class, CameraPhone that contains two data members: an integer named, imageSize, representing the size in megabytes of each picture, and an integer named memorySize, representing the number of megabytes in the camera's memory. There is a constructor that accepts two integer parameters corresponding to the above two data members and which are used to initialize the respective data members. There is also a function named numPictures that returns (as an integer) the number of pictures the camera's memory can hold.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class CameraPhone:Phone{

int imageSize,memorySize;


CameraPhone(int image_size,int memory_size):imageSize(image_size),memorySize(memory_size){}

int numPictures(){

return memorySize-imageSize;



int main(){}

Here is the code for the derived class, CameraPhone:

class Phone:

 def __init__(self, brand, model, price):    self.brand = brand    self.model = model    self.price = price

class CameraPhone(Phone):

 def __init__(self, brand, model, price, imageSize, memorySize):    super().__init__(brand, model, price)    self.imageSize = imageSize    self.memorySize = memorySize

 def numPictures(self):

   return self.memorySize // self.imageSize

What are the derived class?

This code defines a derived class, CameraPhone, that inherits from the Phone class. The CameraPhone class has two additional data members: imageSize and memorySize. The constructor for the CameraPhone class takes two additional parameters corresponding to these data members. The numPictures() function returns the number of pictures that the camera's memory can hold.

Here is an example of how to use the CameraPhone class:

phone = CameraPhone("Apple", "iPhone 13 Pro", 1000, 10, 100)


# Output: 10

This code will print the number of pictures that the camera's memory can hold, which is 10 in this case.

Find out more on derived class here: https://brainly.com/question/31942927


Write a recursive function sumSquares(num) that given an integer num, returns the sum of squares of numbers from 1 to num. For example: sumSquares(3) should return 1^2 2^2 3^2



Here is the recursive function sumSquares(num) that takes an integer num as parameter and returns the sum of squares of numbers from 1 to num.

def sumSquares(num):

   if(num >= 0):  # checks if the value of num is less than or equal to 0

       if (num==0):  #if value of num is 0

           return 0  #returns 0 if value of num is 0

       else:  #if value of num is greater than 0

           return sumSquares(num - 1)+ num * num  #recursively calls the sumSquares method to return the sum of squares of numbers from 1 to num

   else:  # if a user enters a negative num

       (print("The number if not positive"))  #prints this message

       exit()  # exits after displaying that number if not positive message

#below print statement is used in order to check the working of the function        

print(sumSquares(3)) #calls function and passes value 3 for num


The program works as follows:

The function sumSquares(num) that takes an integer num as parameter and returns the sum of squares of numbers from 1 to num

The first if condition checks if value of num is positive. If this condition evaluates to true then the another if statement inside this if statement is executed which checks if the value of num is 0. If this condition evaluates to true then the program returns 0. However if this condition evaluates to false then the else part executes which has the following statement:

return sumSquares(num - 1) + num * num

For example num = 3

so the above recursive statement works as follows:

sumSquares(3-1) + 3 * 3

sumSquares(2) + 9

Note that the sumSquares() method is called again and the value 2 is passed as num. As 2 is greater than 0. So again the recursive statement executes:

sumSquares(2 - 1) + 2 * 2 + 9

sumSquares(1) + 4 + 9

sumSquares(1) + 13

sumSquare() method is called again and the value 1 is passed as num. As 1 is greater than 0. So again the recursive statement executes:

sumSquares(1 - 1) + 1 * 1 + 13

sumSquares(0) + 1 + 13

sumSquares(0) + 14

sumSquare() method is called again and the value 0 is passed as num

As the value of num=0 So the if (num == 0):  condition evaluates to true and the statement returns 0 executes which returns 0:

sumSquares(0) + 14

0 + 14

Hence the output is:


The screenshot of the program along with its output is attached.

What do Quadratic Selection sort, and Shell sort have in common?
They both used a/an_______based implementation in the standard form and are both relatively_____to the order of the data. The main similarity is that each one creates an environment in which a_____strategy works more efficiently.
1. blank
2. linked list
3. array
4. hybrid
5. tree
6. sensitive
7. insensitive
8. complex
9. modern
10. simple
11. retrograde
12. advanced



a) An ARRAY ( 3 )

B) relatively INSENSITIVE ( 7 )

c) a HYBRID ( 4 )


They both used an array based implementation in the standard form and are both relatively insensitive to the order of the data. The main similarity is that each one creates an environment in which a hybrid strategy works more efficiently.

Quadratic selection sort is the sorting system that sorts out the smallest value in an entire list and arrange the list in such a way that the smallest value comes first.

#Below is a class representing a person. You'll see the
#Person class has three instance variables: name, age,
#and GTID. The constructor currently sets these values
#via a calls to the setters.
#Create a new function called same_person. same_person
#should take two instances of Person as arguments, and
#returns True if they are the same Person, False otherwise.
#Two instances of Person are considered to be the same if
#and only if they have the same GTID. It does not matter
#if their names or ages differ as long as they have the
#same GTID.
#You should not need to modify the Person class.

class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, GTID):

def set_name(self, name):
self.name = name

def set_age(self, age):
self.age = age

def set_GTID(self, GTID):
self.GTID = GTID

def get_name(self):
return self.name

def get_age(self):
return self.age

def get_GTID(self):
return self.GTID

#Add your code below!

#Below are some lines of code that will test your function.
#You can change the value of the variable(s) to test your
#function with different inputs.
#If your function works correctly, this will originally
#print: True, then False.
person1 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 901234567)
person2 = Person("D. Joyner", 29, 901234567)
person3 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 903987654)
print(same_person(person1, person2))
print(same_person(person1, person3))



Here is the function same_person that takes two instances of Person as arguments i.e. p1 and p2 and returns True if they are the same Person, False otherwise.

def same_person(p1, p2):  #definition of function same_person that takes two parameters p1 and p2

   if p1.GTID==p2.GTID:  # if the two instances of Person have same GTID

       return True  #returns true if above condition evaluates to true

   else:  #if the two instances of Person do not have same GTID

       return False #returns false when two persons have different GTID


person1 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 901234567)  #first instance of Person

person2 = Person("D. Joyner", 29, 901234567)  #second instance of Person

person3 = Person("David Joyner", 30, 903987654)  #third instance of Person

print(same_person(person1, person2))  #calls same_person method by passing person1 and person2 instance of Person to check if they are same

print(same_person(person1, person3)) #calls same_person method by passing person1 and person3 instance of Person to check if they are same

The function works as follows:

For function call print(same_person(person1, person2))

The GTID of person1 is 901234567 and that of person2 is 901234567

If condition if p1.GTID==p2.GTID in the function same_person checks if the GTID of person1 is equal to the GTID of person2. This condition evaluates to true because GTID of person1 = 901234567 and GTID of person2 = 901234567

So the output is:


For function call print(same_person(person1, person3))

The GTID of person1 is 901234567 and that of person3 is 903987654

If condition if p1.GTID==p2.GTID in the function same_person checks if the GTID of person1 is equal to the GTID of person3. This condition evaluates to false because GTID of person1 = 901234567 and GTID of person2 = 903987654 and they are not equal

So the output is:


The complete program along with its output is attached in a screenshot.

Gwen is starting a blog about vegetable gardening. What information should she include on the blog's home page



The correct answer is "List of posts with the most recent ones at the top".


A website that includes someone else's thoughts, insights, views, etc. about a writer or community of authors and that also has photographs as well as searching the web.It indicates that perhaps the blog should distinguish between different articles about the site because then customers who frequent the site will observe and experience the articles on everyone's blogs.

So that the above would be the appropriate one.

Universal Containers will be using multiple environments to manage the development, testing, and deployment of new functionality to sales users. Which deployment tool can be used to migrate metadata across Salesforce environments



1. Force.com IDE

2. change sets


1. Force.com IDE is an integrated development environment. It is useful for creating applications on the force.com using metadata. it uses text based files to constitute the different parts of Salesforce.

2. change sets:

these can send configuration from one between different Salesforce organizations. It migrates changes in metadata between different organizations.

You are asked to write an app to keep track of a relatively small music library. The app should load song information from a data file once the app is started. It should allow user to view, add, remove, and search for songs. The app should save the data back to the same data file when the program exits.





is badlion safe and how ?



Yes, badlion is safe. The further explanation is given below.


Badlion Client does not encompass any malicious programs, like viruses and sometimes malware.Badlion application is pretty much safe to be used on inequality in society because most expressly forbidden plugins like decided to post as well as schematics become unavailable on the client-side whenever you enter Hypixel, but that is not a confirmation and therefore should not be depended towards.

3. What are the first steps that you should take if you are unable to get onto the Internet? (1 point)
O Check your router connections then restart your router.
O Plug the CPU to a power source and reboot the computer.
O Adjust the display properties and check the resolution
Use the Control Panel to adjust the router settings.​



Check your router connections then restart your router.


When the internet connection is not displaying properly then the first step is to check the router. The network icon on the internet displays the availability of internet. Adjust the router and see if the router is working properly. If not restart the router so that it adjusts its settings to default. The connection will be available on the computer and internet will start working normally.

Diverting an attacker from accessing critical systems, collecting information about the attacker's activity and encouraging the attacker to stay on the system long enough for administrators to respond. These are all benefits of what network appliance?



Honeypot is the correct answer


A computer system that is meant to mimic the likely targets of cyber attacks is called honeypot. It is used to deflect the attackers from a legitimate target and detect attacks. It also helps to gain info about how the cyber criminals operate. They have been around for decades, it works on the philosophy that instead of searching for attackers, prepare something that would attract them. It is just like cheese-baited mousetraps. Cyber criminals get attracted towards honeypots by thinking that they are legitimate targets.

Which type of user profile is stored in the C:\Users folder and is automatically created when a user logs on to the computer for the first time?



a. Local user profile.


Local user profile is a type of user profile which is stored in the C:\Users folder and is automatically created when a user logs on to the computer for the first time and it is being stored on the local hard disk of the computer.

Generally, in Microsoft windows any change made to the local user profile is peculiar to the user and the host computer on which the change is made.

Hence, local user profiles avails several users the opportunity of sharing a single computer with their respective user settings and data.

As an ICT student teacher using convincing and cogent reasons explain why you think operating system is pivotal in teaching and learning



An operating system (OS) is a software which is responsible for the management of computer hardware, software, and also provides common services for computer programs.

Operating System is pivotal in teaching and learning because:

1. It enables computer programs to run smoothly on various computer devices.

2. The Operating System gives teachers the opportunity to install learning apps on their devices for ease of teaching.

3. It enables students to download and install learning applications, download and upload assignments, etc.

4. The Operating System makes video conferencing for online tuition easy and smooth.

5. It makes computer users to interact with other applications and softwares within a device.

Operating systems are found on many computer devices e.g: mobile phones, video games, PCs, supercomputers, etc.

what privacy risks do new technologies present,
and how do we decide if they're worth it?



Los riesgos de las nuevas tecnologías se multiplican a medida que nos hacemos dependientes de ellas. También lo hacen a medida que sustituyen a otras formas de contacto social más cercanas

Los riesgos de las nuevas tecnologías son grandes desconocidos. El mal uso de las redes sociales y de Internet en los ordenadores y en el teléfono móvil, entre otros factores, supone un peligro real para todos los estratos de población, pero en especial para los más jóvenes. Pensemos, ¿realmente somos conscientes de los riesgos que suponen las nuevas tecnologías? ¿Sabemos cómo utilizarlas para no ponernos en riesgo?

Cabe destacar que las denominadas nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TICs) son un distintivo de la época actual y se han convertido en herramientas esenciales en las diferentes áreas de la vida. Esto es, para el área académica, laboral, social, de ocio…

En la mayoría de los ámbitos están presentes las TICS, pues incluyen las diferentes herramientas con las que nos manejamos hoy en día: servicios de contacto electrónico (e-mails, servicios de mensajería instantánea, chats), los teléfonos móviles, tablets y ordenadores, las plataformas online de difusión de contenidos, las redes sociales, entre otros..


Consider the following instruction: OR( %1111_0000, AL ) ; After its execution, what will be true about the bits stored in AL?



the higher order bits in AL will be true


We know from the truth table that in an OR operation, once one operand is true the result is true, no matter the value of the other operand. From the above AL will have the higher order bits to be true since the first four higher order bits are 1s, 1111_0000, this is regardless of the original values of AL. We cannot however ascertain if the lower bits of AL are true from this. Note 1 evaluates to true while 0 is false

Write a SELECT statement that selects all of the columns for the catalog view that returns information about foreign keys. How many foreign keys are defined in the AP database?



SELECT COUNT (DISTICT constraint_name)

FROM apd_schema.constraint_column_usage



General syntax to return a catalog view of information about foreign keys.


           RIGHT(Replace(DC.constraint_name, 'fkeys_', ''),

           Len(Replace(DC.constraint_name, 'fkeys_', '')) - Charindex('_', Replace(DC.constraint_name, 'fkeys_', ''))),

           CHILD_TABLE = DC.table_name,




FROM apd_schema.table_constraints DC

INNER JOIN apd_schema.constraint_column_usage CCU

           ON DC.constraint_name = CCU.constraint_name

WHERE  DC.constraint_type LIKE '%foreign'

           OR DC.constraint_type LIKE '%foreign%'

           OR DC.constraint_type LIKE 'foreign%'


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