der owns a hamburger restaurant. Slider's minimum average variable cost is $10$ 10 at a quantity of 100 hamburgers, and his minimum average total cost is $15$ 15 at a quantity of 200 hamburgers. His total fixed cost is $300$ 300 . Use this information to answer the questions. What is Slider's AVC when he sells 200 hamburgers?


Answer 1




Average Total Cost = Average Variable Cost + Average Fixed Cost

Average Fixed Cost = total fixed cost / quantity

300 / 200 = 1.5

15 = 1.5 + Average Variable Cost

Average Variable Cost =15 - 1.5 = 13.50

Related Questions

explain how the looting of shops and malls will affect businesses in terms of the relationship between social responsibility and triple bottom line​


When people loot shops it shows that they are irresponsible and it goes on to destroy the image of the society they live, destroys a business by taking away their means of making profit.

Social responsibility can be described as the civic and ethical duties that citizens of a country owe to the nation they live.

The three bottom principle has the profit, people and the planet. The looting of shops draws a line between consumers relationships and their social responsibility.


At the end of 2010 Jarrett Corp. developed the following forecasts of net income:

Year Forecasted Net Income
2011 $20,856
2012 $22,733
2013 $24,552
2014 $27,252
2015 $29,978

Management believes that after 2015 Jarrett will grow at a rate of 7% each year. Total common shareholders' equity was $112,768 on December 31, 2010. Jarrett has not established a dividend and does not plan to paying dividends during 2011 to 2015. Its cost of equity capital is 12%.

Compute the value of Jarrett Corp. on January 1, 2011, using the residual income valuation model.





The value of the company is the present value of its residual income where the residual income is the net income in each year minus the implicit cost of capital

residual income=net income-(cost of equity capital*beginning shareholders' equity)


residual income=$20,856-( $112,768*12%)

residual income=$7323.84

stockholders' equity at the end of 2011=$112,768+$20,856=$133,624  


residual income=$22733-( $133624 *12%)

residual income=$6,698.12  

stockholders' equity at the end of 2012=$133,624+$22733=$156,357  


residual income=$24552-(12%*$156357)

residual income=$5,789.16  

stockholders' equity at the end of 2013=$156,357+$24552=$180,909


residual income= $27252-(12%*$180909)

residual income=$5,542.92

stockholders' equity at the end of 2014=$180,909+$27252=$208,161


residual income=$29,978-(12%*$208161)

residual income=$4,998.68  

Terminal value of residual income=2015 residual income*(1+terminal growth rate)/(cost of equity-terminal growth rate)

Terminal value of residual income=$4,998.68*(1+7%)/(12%-7%)=$106,971.75  

value of the company=$7323.84/(1+12%)^1+$6,698.12/(1+12%)^2+$5,789.16 /(1+12%)^3+$5,542.92/(1+12%)^4+$4,998.68/(1+12%)^5+$106,971.75/(1+12%)^5

value of the company=$83,057.11

The following information relates to last year's operations at the Legumes Division of Gervani Corporation: Minimum required rate of return 12% Return on investment (ROI) 15% Sales $ 900,000 Turnover (on operating assets) 3 times What was the Legume Division's net operating income last year


Answer: $45000


Firstly, the operating asset will be calculated which will be:

Operating asset = Sales / Turnover

= 900,000/3

Operating assets = $300,000

Then, the net operating income will be: Return on investment × Operating assets

Net operating income = 300,000 × 15%

= 300,000*0.15

= $45,000

Therefore, Legume Division's net operating income last year is $45000

Match each example to the appropriate term.

a. Trees used to make paper
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

b. A printing press used to make books.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

c. A method of organizing workers to increase production per hour.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

d. The skills workers learn during a training session.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital



a equals 3

b equals 3

c equals 1

d equals 2

Ajax, Inc., issued callable bonds with a par value of $1,000,000 that require the payment of a call premium of $10,000. The bonds have a carrying value of $990,000. We call these bonds prior to maturity on September 30.

Write down journal entry.


Answer: please see explanation column for answers.


The journal entry is as follows:

To record the bonds payable and retirement

Date                   Account titles and explanation    Debit           Credit

Sept 30,       Bonds payable                            $1,000,000

Loss on bonds retirement                              $20,000

             To Discount on bond                                                   $10,000

                To cash                                                                      $1,010,000


Loss on bonds retirement:Total Cash disbursements - carrying value  

= (par value of the bonds+ call premium) -carrying value

= ($1,000,000 + $10,000) - $990,000

= $1,010,000 - $990,000

= $20,000

Budgeted overhead for Cinnabar Industries at normal capacity of 30,000 direct labor hours is $6 per hour variable and $4 per hour fixed. In May, $310,000 of overhead was incurred in working 31,500 hours when 32,000 standard hours were allowed. The overhead volume variance is Group of answer choices $10,000 favorable. $11,000 favorable. $5,000 favorable. $8,000 favorable.



Manufacturing overhead volume variance= $5,000 favorable


Giving the following information:

Estimated overhead allocation rate= 4 + 6= $10 per direct labor hour

Actual number of hours= 31,500

Standard hours were allowed= 32,000

To calculate the overhead volume variance, we need to use the following formula:

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= (Estimated manufacturing overhead rate*standard allocation base) - (Estimated manufacturing overhead rate* Actual amount of allocation base)

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= (10*32,000) - (10*31,500)

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= $5,000 favorable

_____ stock is the number of shares that a corporation's charter allows it to sell. The number of these shares usually exceeds the number of shares issued (and outstanding), often by a large amount.


An authorized stock is the number of shares that a corporation's charter allows to sell.

Authorized stock is the legal number or limit of shares that a company allows or authorizes to be sold or put in the market. This factor of policy is applicable as per the charter that the corporation allows or is legally viable to provide.

In the issue of sharing shares of a company, an organization can allow only a certain limit of shares that can be sold. This limit is the number of shares that a corporation can issue to its shareholders or investors.This stock is different from issued stock which refers to the actual number of stocks that the company has sold.Rather, authorized stock is the amount of shares that can be sold by the company and being provided in the market to be bought by shareholders or investors.

Thus, we can conclude that whatever limit a corporation allows or provides to be sold is the authorized stock. And it is only this number of shares that can be issued or given to a shareholder to buy.

Learn more about authorized stock here:

o What’s the Difference Between Non-Formal and Informal Learning



I hope this will help you

CompuGlobal is an American firm producing computers. CompuGlobal imports computer components from Taiwan and assembles them domestically. Suppose that in the United States, a computer sells for $800 and that 60% of the computer’s value comes from the value of the imported components. The United States imposes a 50% tariff on computers and a 10% tariff on the computer’s components. Assume that costs of producing components are the same in the United States and Taiwan and that transit costs are nonexistent. Based on the information provided, the effective rate of protection that CompuGlobal receives from the tariff is


Answer: 110%


The effective rate of protection is used in measuring the final tariff in a particular sector and it's expressed as:

g = (t -ai,ti) / (1 - ai)


g = effective protection rate

ai = nominal tariff rate = 0.6

t = cost of intermediate input = 0.5

ti = nominal tariff on intermediate input = 0.1

The computer price here is $800 while the input price is 60% of $800 which will be:

= 60% × $800 = $480

nominal tariff rate = 480/800 = 0.6

Nominal tariff on final goods, t = 50% = 0.5

Tariff on imported input, ti = 10% = 0.1

Using the formula:

g = (t -ai,ti) / (1 - ai)

g = [0.5 - (0.6×0.1)] / (1 - 0.6)

g = (0.5 - 0.06) / 0.4

g = 0.44/.0.4

g = 1.10

g = 110%

The effective rate of protection is 110%

Under IFRS, when a lessee recognizes a balance sheet asset and liability for a new lease: the asset and liability are equal. the asset is typically greater than the liability. the liability is typically greater than the asset.



the asset and liability are equal.


IFRS 16 lease and IAS 17 deals in important changes where the lease transactions are reported in the lessee financial statement

In this the assets and liabilities that are occured from the lease should be initially determined on the present value basis

Also the assets and liability are equivalent to each other

Therefore the first option is correct

Kluber, Inc. had net income of $911,000 based on variable costing. Beginning and ending inventories were 56,100 units and 54,200 units, respectively. Assume the fixed overhead per unit was $1.80 for both the beginning and ending inventory. What is net income under absorption costing?
a. $811,730
b. $904,160
c. $1,010,270
d. $907,580
e. $911,000



Net operating income (absorption)= $907,580


Giving the following information:

Fixed overhead per unit= $1.80

Net income= $911,000 (variable costing)

Beginning inventory= 56,100 units

Ending inventory= 54,200 units

Under absorption costing, fixed manufacturing overhead is a product cost. We need to incorporate into the cost of goods sold the fixed overhead from beginning inventory and deduct the fixed overhead allocated into ending inventory.

Net operating income= 911,000


Fixed overhead beginning inventory= (1.8*56,100)


Fixed overhead ending inventory= (1.8*54,200)

Net operating income (absorption)= $907,580




100 invites per week.

The new invite limits have been introduced by LinkedIn according to which you can’t send more than 100 invites per week. When you have reached the limit, a notification will pop up saying you’ve reached weekly limits.

You can’t do anything about it until the new week starts and the weekly limit resets.

A firm is making an economic loss of $100,000. This means that: multiple choice 1 the firm should immediately exit the industry. the firm's revenues are less than its opportunity costs. the firm is not making an accounting profit. the firm could increase economic profit if its resources were used in a different way. If a firm is making an economic profit of zero: multiple choice 2 it will have unhappy stockholders. it is not making an accounting profit. the firm should change to a different line of business. it cannot make a higher economic profit by changing how it is using its resources.


A firm is making an economic loss of $100,000. This means that:

Choice 1 -

The firm could increase economic profit if its resources were used in a different way.

If a firm is making an economic profit of zero:

Choice 2 -

It cannot make a higher economic profit by changing how it is using its resources.

What Is Economic Profit (or Loss)?An economic profit or loss is the difference between the revenue received from the sale of an output and the costs of all inputs used, as well as any opportunity costs. In calculating economic profit, opportunity costs and explicit costs are deducted from revenues earned.Opportunity costs are a type of implicit cost determined by management and will vary based on different scenarios and perspectives.The calculation for economic profit --Economic profit = revenues - explicit costs - opportunity costs

Learn more about Economic Profit (or Loss) on:


Which of the following statements about the monetary aggregates is true?

a. The growth rates of M1 and M2 always track each other closely.
b. M1 is greater than M2.
c. When the growth rate of M2 increases, the growth rate of M1 must also increase.
d. When you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same.

Given​ that, in billions of U.S.​ dollars, we have in​ currency, in demand​ deposits, in​ traveler's checks, in savings​ deposits, and in other checkable deposits. The total M1 amount in this economy is ​$__________


Answer: D. When you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same.


1. Since M2 = M1 + Saving deposit + Time deposits + Money Market deposit of individuals, then from the options given, the true statement about the monetary aggregate is that when you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same. Therefore, the fire option is D.

2. Your second question isn't well written but let's assume some figures in order to solve the question.

Let's say,

Currency = $863.2 billion

Demand deposit = $573.5 billion

Traveler's cheque = $3.8 billion

Savings deposit = $5237.8

Other checkable deposit = $319

Therefore, the total M1 amount in this economy will be:

M1 = Currency + Demand deposit + Travelers check + Other checkable deposits

= 863.2 + 573.5 + 3.8 + 319

= $1759.5 billion

What are the purposes of the Democratic leadership style?​



#It brings peace in the society.

#It increases the growth/development of a society.

#It enables civilians of a society to express themselves.


Democratic leadership is a type of leadership in which the Group's members play a more participatory role.


This leadership style allows everyone to participate, discuss ideas, hear their views, and encourage debate. However, the group leader still needs guidance and guidance to achieve the goals and goals.

Members of the Group are encouraged to share opinions and ideas, even if the leader retains the last say in decisions.Group members feel more committed to the process.Creativity is promoted and recompensed.

As there is group engagement and discussion, more thoughts and ideas lead to better ideas and solutions, the main benefit of a democratic leadership style.

The participants in a group participate more in and engage in projects that increase their investment in the final results. In essence, they care more and increase productivity.

Daphne Inc., a steel manufacturing company, is planning to buy a new plant at $1,090,000. The life of the plant is estimated to be 5 years and has cash flows of $109,000, $218,000, $327,000, $436,000, and $545,000. Calculate the payback period for the new plant.
a. 5 years
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 3 years



The payback period is exactly 4 years.


Giving the following information:

Initial investment= $1,090,000

Cf1= 109,000

Cf2= 218,000

Cf3= 327,000

Cf4= 436,000

Cf5= 545,000

The payback period is the time required to cover the initial investment:

Year 1= 109,000 - 1,090,000= -981,000

Year 2= 218,000 - 981,000= -763,000

Year 3= 327,000 - 763,000= 436,000

Year 4= 436,000 - 436,000= 0

The payback period is exactly 4 years.

The following production data were taken from the records of the Finishing Department for June: Inventory in process, June 1 (35% completed) 5,000 units Completed units during June 64,500 units Ending inventory (63% complete) 4,400 units What is the number of material equivalent units of production in the June 30, Finishing Department inventory, assuming that the first-in, first-out method is used to cost inventories and materials were added at the beginning of the process?
a. 4,400 units
b. 59,500 units
c. 68,900 units
d. 63,900 units



d. 63,900 units


Particulars                                     Unit

Beginning inventory                        -

Units started and completed      59,500 [64,500 - 5,000]

Closing WIP for materials            4,400

Equivalent units for materials   63,900

So, the number of material equivalent units of production in the June 30, Finishing Department inventory is 63,900 units

Bow-Wow Company manufactures a product with a unit variable cost of $50 and a unit sales price of $88. Fixed manufacturing costs were $240,000 when 10,000 units were produced and sold. The company has a one-time opportunity to sell an additional 1,000 units at $70 each in a foreign market which would not affect its present sales. If the company has sufficient (excess) capacity to produce the additional units, acceptance of the special order would affect net income as follows:

a. Income would decrease by $4,000.
b. Income would increase by $4,000.
c. Income would increase by $70,000.
d. Income would increase by $20,000.


20,000 dollars at least could be it

1. Write one paragraph about a person who decides that taking an hourly job with
tips is a better choice than accepting a salaried job with benefits.


We want to help the user to understand why it gives more preference to the hourly job as compared to the salaries job with benefits

The reasons why the hourly job is better than accepting the salaried job with benefits are as follows:

Hourly job considered to be the goods job for earning the money in haste or at the time when the insurance & vacation should not be considered as the deciding factor. The question that arises is that you are searching for a job or interested to run a family business that has various benefits.Salary jobs provides the compensation along with the other benefits the company provides like insurance, vacation time, incentives, life insurance. In the case of hourly job, the number of hours they actually work and how much energy they would put into their work. They could choose their time also eligible for overtimeIn the case of salaried job, the same amount of money should be provided but along with it the stress should be there like working on weekends, working 10-12 hours a day, etc

Therefore in these ways  hourly job is better than accepting a salaried job with benefits

Learn more about hourly jobs here:

Required information Skip to question [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] The Tennis Times (TTT) is a publisher of magazines. Its accounting policy for subscriptions follows: Revenues Revenues from our magazine subscription services are deferred initially and later recognized as revenue as subscription services are provided. Assume TTT (a) collected $420 million in 2018 for magazines that will be distributed later in 2018 and 2019, (b) provided $204 million of services on these subscriptions in 2018, and (c) provided $216 million of services on these subscriptions in 2019. Required: Using the information given, indicate the accounts, amounts, and accounting equation effects of transactions (a), (b), and (c). (Enter any decreases to assets, liabilities, or stockholders equity with a minus sign. Enter your answers in whole dollars.)



The solution to the given question is defined in the attached file please find it.


blank is a crucial factor to small business success A. Location B. Financing C. Advertising D. legal advice​






List three (3) distinctions between limited liability partnership and conventional partnership using statute and decided cases.


If you're operating as a limited partnership, the general partner has unlimited liability for company losses and debts, while a limited partner has limited liability protection against company debts and losses. ... In an LLP, all partners have limited liability protection against company obligations and debts.

Glen Inc. and Armstrong Co. have an exchange with no commercial substance. The asset given up by Glen Inc. has a book value of $72,000 and a fair value of $96,000. The asset given up by Armstrong Co. has a book value of $120,000 and a fair value of $114,000. Boot of $24,000 is received by Armstrong Co.What amount should Armstrong Co. record for the asset received



the amount that should be recorded as the asset is $96,000


The computation of the amount that should be recorded as the asset is given below:

Book value of assets given up = $72,000

Add : cash paid in exchange. $24,000

Amount recorded as an asset should be $96,000

We simply added the book value and the cash paid amount for an exchange

Therefore the amount that should be recorded as the asset is $96,000
ng & Certifications
2022 Ethics and Compliance Test
2022 Ethics and Compliance Test
Janine, currently enrolled in a 3-star plan,
discovers there is 5-star plan available where
she lives. She asks her agent, Josh, to enroll
her in the 5-star plan. Josh can advise Janine
of each of the following except:
Josh should tell Janine that she can only change her current plan to a 5-
star plan during the Annual Election Period.
Josh should tell Janine that she can only use the 5-Star SEP once per
calendar year.
Josh should tell Janine that she can change her current plan to a 5-star



Janine and Josh

Josh can advise Janine  of each of the following except:

Josh should tell Janine that she can only change her current plan to a 5-

star plan during the Annual Election Period.


The Special Election Period (SEP) for the 5-star Medicare Plan lasts one week, that is, between Nov. 30 and Dec. 8.  However, there is an Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) that lasts from October 15th to December 7th.  During the annual enrollment period, any plan holder can change her Medicare plan, depending on its availability in her area.

Monetary stimulus is only helpful to an economy: __________

a. experiencing significant negative externalities.
b. that's in recession.
c. with few public goods.


That is in recession. B is the correct answer.

9 Given figures showing: Sales £8,200, Opening inventory £1,300, Closing inventory £900, Purchases £6,400, Carriage inwards £200, the cost of goods sold figure is (A) £6,800 (B) £6,200 (C) £7,000 (D) Another figure



the correct answer is


If an investor has a choice of investing money at 6% compounded daily or 6.025% compounded quarterly which one is best


General Rule: Daily compounding gives a higher yield

Compounding works like this:

6.025% per quarter

Quarter 1: $100 x 6.025% = $6.025

Quarter 2: $106.025 x 6.025% = $6.388

Quarter 3: $112.413 x 6.025% = $6.7729

Quarter 4: $119.186 x 6.025% = $7.4491


6% per day

Day 1: $100 x 6% = $6

Day 2: $106 x 6% = $6.36


Day 365: $193.47 x 6% = $11.96

The difference between actual overhead costs incurred and the budgeted overhead costs based on a flexible budget is the: Multiple Choice Production variance. Controllable variance. Volume variance. Price variance. Quantity variance.


The difference between actual overhead costs incurred and the budgeted overhead costs based on a flexible budget is the controllable variance.

In accounting, there are two elements of a variance- rate variance and volume variance. While the rate variance refers to the difference in the actual price paid vs. the budgeted price, the volume variance refers to the portion of the variance in sales, unit usage.

The controllable variance is in the "rate" element of the variance.Controllable variance refers to the process by which the efficiency of using variable overhead resources is measured.This means that the controllable variance is the difference between the actual cost and the budgeted overhead cost.The calculation for this variance is: Actual overhear expense - (budgeted overhead cost x standard number of units)= overhead controllable variance.

In short, we can say that the controllable variance is the amount that is not part of the volume variance. Rather, it is the difference in the overhead cost incurred and the budgeted overhead cost.  

Learn more about variance here:

A partial list of Waterways' accounts and their balances for the month of November 2016 follows:
Accounts Receivable $ 275,000
Advertising Expenses 54,000
Cash 260,000
Depreciation-Factory Equipment 16,800
Depreciation-Office Equipment 2,400
Direct Labor 42,000
Factory Supplies Used 16,800
Factory Utilities 10,200
Finished Goods Inventory, November 30 68,800
Finished Goods Inventory, October 31 72,550
Indirect Labor 48,000
Office Supplies Expense 1,600
Other Administrative Expenses 72,000
Prepaid Expenses 41,250
Raw Materials Inventory, November 30 52,700
Raw Materials Inventory, October 31 38,000
Raw Materials Purchases 184,500
Rent Factory Equipment 47,000
Repairs-Factory Equipment 4,500
Salaries 325,000
A list of accounts and their values are given above. From this information, prepare a partial balance sheet for Waterways Corporation for the month of November. (List Current Assets in order of liquidity.)



Total current assets = $697,750


The partial balance sheet is as follows:

Waterways Corporation

Balance Sheet (Partial)

For the month of November 2016

Details                                                                $                         $          

Current Assets

Cash                                                           260,000

Accounts Receivable                                 275,000

Finished Goods Inventory, November       68,800

Raw Materials Inventory, November          52,700

Prepaid Expenses                                        41,250  

Total current assets                                                              697,750


Cash is the most liquid of assets.

Accounts receivable which should be collected within 30 to 60 days are less liquid than cash, but more liquid than inventory.

Finished Goods Inventory which is expected to be sold and converted to cash within one year, and Raw Materials Inventory which is expected to be converted to finished good within one year are more liquid than Prepaid expense.

Therefore, the least liquid among current assets’ item above is the Prepaid Expense as it is cash paid for services not yet received..

Colorado Cleaning has a 5-year maximum acceptable payback period. The firm is considering the purchase of a new washing machine and must choose between two alternative ones. The first machine requires an initial investment of $25,000 and generates annual after-tax cash inflows of $6,500 for each of the next 8 years. The second machine requires an initial investment of $75,000 and provides an annual cash inflow after taxes of $9,500 for 15 years.

a. Determine the payback period for each machine.
b. Comment on the acceptability of the machines, assuming that they are independent projects.
c. Which machine should the firm accept? Why?
d. Do the machines in this problem illustrate any of the weaknesses of using payback? Discuss.



a) Payback period = period up to which cumulative cash flow is negative +

                                    (negative cumulative cash flow /cash flow succeeding    

                                       the above period)

Project A - Up to year 4 ,cash flow recovered = 3000 * 4 = 12,000

Payback period =14,000/3,000 = 4.67 years

Project B= Cash flow recovered up to year 5 = 4000 * 5 = 20000

Payback period = 21,000/4,000 =5.25 years

b) On the basis of the Payback period, Project A should be selected, as it has a lower payback period and is also within the maximum acceptable payback period. back period.(4.67 < 5)

Project B should not be selected as its payback recovery is not within the maximum acceptable payback period (5.25 >5 )

c) Machine A should be selected as it has a lower payback period. than machine B.

d)The payback period ignores the life present value of cash flow and also the life of the machine each project has.

so the decision on the basis of the payback period may not be accurate.

Other Questions
Which of the following is not a purpose of a nonfiction text?A. Entertain by satirizing a political candidateB. Inform a consumer about the nutrition of a productC. Create a fantasy worldD. Persuade someone to change their opinion about school uniforms A 2.0 kg puck is at rest on a level table. It is pushed straight north with a constant force of 5N for 1.50 s and then let go. How far does the puck move from rest in 2.25 s? 4. Join the pairs of sentences with the connectives given in the bracket:a. I like dancing. My father doesn't like dancing. (but) ji and jl are opposite rays Select All the correct answersSelect all the statements that are true for the following systems of equations.System A2x-3y=44x.y = 18System B3x - 4y 5y = 5x + 3System C2x-3y - 412x-3y 541. All three systems have different solutions.2. Systems A and B have different solutions3. Systems A and C have the same solution4. Systems B and C have the same solution5. System C simplifies to 2x - 3y = 4 and 4x - y = 18 by dividing the second equation by three What is the head start theorem and why might it not work as well as Kenneth Arrow believed? What is the molecular geometry of a molecule made of two atoms that share one pair of electrons and have no lone electrons pairs?trigonal pyramidallineartrigonal planarbent Which statement best describes the trait of being tactful?A- Ability to be humble in every situationB- Ability to remain stress freeC- Ability to deal with others, especially in difficult situations D- Ability to comply with given instructions (Wrong answer)E- Ability to arrive at work on time What was the primary focus of the no child left behind act simplify the following without using calculator 50 + 98 __________Are the subunits making up nucleic acids I need help asap please Three important nutritional additions to training for a long distance race areO ProteinO WaterO Increase caloriesO All of the answer choices 14feet 23feet round each measurement to the nearest ten What process must happen for clouds to form? Mrs. Helton is making gift bags as prizes for her math classes. She has 30 little bags of Hershey Kisses and 15 Blow Pops. What is the greatest number of gift bags she can make if all gift bags are the same, and she does not want any left over? Y= 3x-12x+6=y substitution method (4m-n-3). 12n138m 20 como se llama el primer cartlago de la trquea Which groups' main disagreement at the framing was over the basis of representation in Congress?Group of answer choicessmall states and large statespopulists and elitistsstates' rights advocates and advocates for strong national governmentthe North and the South