derive expression for pressure exerted by gas ​


Answer 1
From kinetic theory of gases, the pressure exerted by a gas is given by velocity of gas molecules. m = Mass of each molecule of a gas. But by assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases the average kinetic energy of a molecule is constant at a constant temperature.

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a person lifts 60kg on the surface of the earth, how much mass can he lift on the surface of the moon if he applies same magnitude of force​



Hey there!

According to the question;

A person can lift mass of 60 kg on earth.

mass(m1) = 60kg

acceleration due to gravity on earth (a) = 9.8m/s²


force (f) = m.a

= 60*9.8

= 588 N

Since, there is application of same magnitude of force on moon,

mass(m) =?

acceleration due to gravity on moon (a) = 1.67m/s²


force (f) = m.a

588 = m*1.67

m = 352.09 kg

Therefore, the person who can lift the mass of 60 kg on earth can lift mass of 352 kg on moon.

Hope it helps!

The potential difference between the plates of a capacitor is 234 V. Midway between the plates, a proton and an electron are released. The electron is released from rest. The proton is projected perpendicularly toward the negative plate with an initial speed. The proton strikes the negative plate at the same instant the electron strikes the positive plate. Ignore the attraction between the two particles, and find the initial speed of the proton.
I have tried looking at the solution manual and do not like the way it is explained. Simply put, I cannot follow what is going on and I am looking for someone who can explain it in plain man's terms and help me understand and get the correct answer. I am willing to give MAX karma points to anyone who can help me through this. Thank you kindly.



The speed of proton is 2.1 x 10^5 m/s .


potential difference, V = 234 V

let the initial speed of the proton is v.

The kinetic energy of proton is

KE = q V

[tex]0.5 mv^2 = e V \\\\0.5\times 1.67\times 10^{-27} v^2 = 1.6\times 10^{-19} \times 234\\\\v=2.1\times 10^5 m/s[/tex]

Cho dòng điện xoay chiều trong sản xuất và sinh hoạt ở nước ta có tần số f = 50Hz. Tính chu kỳ T và tần số góc ω?



T = 1/f = 1/50(s)

ω = 2πf = 100π (rad/s)

(vote 5 sao nhó :3 )

which characteristic of nuclear fission makes it hazardous?


Answer:The radioactive waste

Explanation:Fission is the splitting of a heavy unstable nucleus into two Lighter nuclei

Convert 385k to temperature of





(385K - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 = 233.33°F

A car is driving towards an intersection when the light turns red. The brakes apply a constant force of 1,398 newtons to bring the car to a complete stop in 25 meters. If the weight of the car is 4,729 newtons, how fast was the car going initially



the initial velocity of the car is 12.04 m/s



force applied by the break, f = 1,398 N

distance moved by the car before stopping, d = 25 m

weight of the car, W = 4,729 N

The mass of the car is calculated as;

W = mg

m = W/g

m = (4,729) / (9.81)

m = 482.06 kg

The deceleration of the car when the force was applied;

-F = ma

a = -F/m

a = -1,398 / 482.06

a = -2.9 m/s²

The initial velocity of the car is calculated as;

v² = u² + 2ad


v is the final velocity of the car at the point it stops = 0

u is the initial velocity of the car before the break was applied

0 = u² + 2(-a)d

0 = u² - 2ad

u² = 2ad

u = √2ad

u = √(2 x 2.9 x 25)

u =√(145)

u = 12.04 m/s

Therefore, the initial velocity of the car is 12.04 m/s

state the laws of reflection​




The law of reflection says that the reflected angle (measured from a vertical line to the surface  called the normal) is equal to the reflected angle measured from the same normal line.

All other properties of reflection flow from this one statement.

I need help with this please!!!!



1.84 hours

I hope it's helps you

How do you know that a liquid exerts pressure?​



The pressure of water progressively increases as the depth of the water increases. The pressure increases as the depth of a point in a liquid increases. The walls of the vessel in which liquids are held are likewise subjected to pressure. The sideways pressure exerted by liquids increases as the liquid depth increases.

 A car accelerates from 0 m/s to 25 m/s in 5 seconds. What is the average acceleration of the car.​



5 m/s I hope it will help you


mark me as a brainlist answer

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