Describe how the development of smart phones has impacted governmental response to community issues. (Site 1)


Answer 1

Answer:reaching out more through technology


Because of how many people use their phones the govt has figured out how to reach people through social media. You can sign petitions, presidential candidates have instagrams, even our current president uses Twitter. They’ve found easier ways to reach everyone.

Answer 2



It has impacted the government response to community issues because now people voices can be heard more easily due to the rise of social media apps. Since people can express their opinions more than in years past, it is easier for government officials to have an idea of what the public wants.

Related Questions

Which of the following statements describes a primary difference between democratic and communist governments?
A. Only democratic governments distribute land to citizens and make decisions about the economy.
B. Only democratic governments have complete control of both the economic and political systems.
C. Only communist governments have complete control of both the economic and political systems.
D. Only communist governments use popular elections to determine who serves as a government
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer: C. Only communist governments have complete control of both the economic and political systems.

Explanation: The best answer from the choices provided is C.


The answer is C.


C. Only communist governments have complete control of both the economic and political systems.

Hopefully, this helps! :D

How is putting on a new persona different from impersonating someone?




Our personas represent characteristics we have. And impersonating someone doesn't show our personas.

Answer: our personas have part of ourselves

Explanation: it would not be our personas if it wasnt from ourselves

Claim-Evidence-Reasoning: GHW Bush and The Persian Gulf
Directions: Develop a claim to answer the Central Historical Question below that is
supported with evidence from texts and/or a video from this week. Use at least two pieces
of evidence to support your claim. Include well thought out reasoning that clearly connects
the claim to the evidence. CER RUBRIC (Type 2)
Central Historical Question: What is the legacy of George HW Bush's presidency?





Describe the ‘US policy limbo after the end of the Cold War?




It was discovered that after the cold war, president Bush was able to handled the foreign-policy crisis decisively.

This was different from how his predecessor, president Reagan handled it.

How was life for civilians different in World War II as compared with past wars?



Destruction of houses, factories, railways and in general all kind of infrastructures needed to get food, shelter, sanitation and jobs; these destruction affected the civilians in a specific hard way because as a consequence they weren't able to obtain the necessary means to survive.



Coltan is a kind of mineral and is a BLANK resource.
Lumber extracted from forests is a BLANK resource.
Electricity generated from coal and oil comes from BLANK resources.
Electricity generated from wind or solar power comes from BLANK resources.



Nonrenewable, renewable, nonrenewable, renewable


Ed Genuity


Coltan is a kind of mineral and is a

✔ nonrenewable


Lumber extracted from forests is a

✔ renewable


Electricity generated from coal and oil comes from

✔ nonrenewable


Electricity generated from wind or solar power comes from

✔ renewable



5x+4y= 10
–5x+y = 15






we want to get the variable alone so we need one

so since for the x the value is the same we would have to take away that one to stay with the y value

so since one of the value for x is negative we need to add

so 5x + -5= 0

so now we add 4y+y and that is 5y

and then 10+ 15 and that is 25

now this is our new equation --> 5y=25

now to get the y isolated, we need to divide by 5 on both sides

and so 5y/5=25/5

and we get


now since we have the answer for y we need to substitute it to find the value for x

-5x +y=15

since we know what y is we need to substitute


so now we subtract 5 on both sides since it the opposite of adding


now we have


now we divide by -5 to get the x isolated


nd the answer is


hope this helped:D

can someone help ASAP please



steam boats


Read It:
A 2008 law regulates the amount of lead allowed in toys and other children's products sold in the United States.
Most other countries in the world allow higher levels. Lead is a heavy metal. Supporters of the law say it's not safe
for people to be exposed to lead for long periods. Lead can cause certain health problems. Many people,
however, do not support the new law. They believe that the law is unfair because not all manufacturers can
afford to make their products with the lower-lead materials. Lead-free plastics and paints are often more
Do It
Some people
the lead law.
C recollect
D debate


Answer:i believe the answer is c


A religion based on the teachings of Buddha





buddhism is the religion




What happened in the banking industry in the
years leading up to 1933?
Bank failures were_____.
staying about the same


Answer: Increasing


What happened in the banking industry in the years leading up to 1933?

Bank failures were increasing.

How many banks failed in 1933? 4,000


God loves you more than you can ever possibly imagine! He knew you before you were even born!

Have a great day and God bless! :D

Why were there differing ideas about the rights of former Slaves anu
should be treated?



There were differing opinions because some people believed that they were sub human and dumb and others were actually not racist

because some people were dumb and others weren't


Why did Woodrow Wilson propose the Fourteen Points?

A. He hoped Americans would remain isolationist.

B. He hoped to prevent future wars.

c. He hoped to punish Germany for starting the war.

D. He hoped to win support from Republicans in Congress.


He hoped to prevent future wars


B. He hoped to prevent future wars. Hope this helps


Who were the candidates in the 2000 presidential election? Bill Clinton George W. Bush Barack Obama Al Gore Dan Quayle



George W. Bush and Al Gore


Bush was the former governor of Texas and ran for presidency in 2000, and Al Gore was vice-president at the time he ran for presidency.


The correct answer is George W Bush and Al Gore.  


I just did this in an assignment, I hope this helps.

Please mark me brainliest..?

no state can create a law that goes agaisnt the constitution because

A) only Congress can make laws
B)The constitution is the supreme law of the land
C) The states have no power ​


La correcta es la letraB

Please answer these questions!!
Revolution in Russia
Directions: write True (T) or False (F) in front of each number depending if each statement below is accurate.
1. Czar Nicholas was well prepared for war.
2. Soldiers used modern weapons to train.
3. Rasputin began to mystically influence czar Nicholas wife.
4. Because of the Czar military defeats the people elected Rasputin
5. People waited for 12 hours to buy bread and this led a revolt.
6. Nobody followed the women on the march for food in Russia.
7. Czar Nicholas ordered the troops to fire on the protester and they did.
8. The Duma established a middle- class government in Russia to rule.
9. The provisional government decided to carry out the war which proved to be a disaster.
10. The Soviets made up a group of the rich known as the Bolsheviks.
11. A Marxist group of Social Democrats came under the leadership of Lenin.
12. In March 1917 the Bolsheviks saw the opportunity to seize power.
13. Lenin maintain that workers, farmers and soldiers were a ready-made group for an overthrow.
14. 3 simple slogans summed up the redistribution of wealth Beg, Borrow and



1. False

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. False

8. False

9. True

10. False

11. True

12. True

13. True

14. True, Peace, Bread and Land

Why did American policy makers promote expansionism in the late 1800’s?



Public opinion gradually promoted the idea of expansionism because America wanted new markets abroad and favorable trade relations. Why did some believe that US expansion was needed to preserve the "American Spirit?" Many people feared that America was losing vitality.


i did the quiz and im going to be going into 9th grade and i may be bumped up to higher grades so im hear to answer anything you need :) i hope i helped you and others out :)

What was the effect of industrial capitalism on consumer goods during the Industrial Revolution?



Industrial Revolution which takes it as the product of shifts in both supply and ... development of capitalism in Russia.3 And Section III briefly illustrates how ... the effect of directing attention to consumption through the market is to rewrite history.


Capitalism caused the Industrial Revolution because industrialization required significant work and investment from individuals and not necessarily the government.


During the Industrial Revolution, capitalism transitioned from a feudal and agricultural system of production to one dominated by machines and equipment. The Industrial Revolution saw the sudden, sharp rise of the manufacturing, industrial and production sectors of the economy, which facilitated a rise in economic revenue.

The capitalist system that began during the Industrial Revolution is one of the most effective and efficient methods of production in human history. In the decades and centuries following the Industrial Revolution, the effects of tools, machinery and the ability to increase output and efficiency have spread worldwide.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, agriculture was the primary form of capitalism. Small markets and farms were economic drivers. These forms of commerce were ideal for supporting and sustaining small families and communities, but it was the introduction of sophisticated tools and equipment that enabled nations to create vibrant central economies. Among the key technological developments during the Industrial Revolution was the ability to mass-manufacture items, such as food, clothing and shelter, which were previously only produced on small scales, and used to support individual families rather than provide a source of revenue. The expansion of capitalism during the Industrial Revolution also planted the seeds for international trade and commerce.


Just trust me.

Compare and contrast japan's and germany's goald in World War I


Similarities= wanted to dominate their continent- expand their empire; Differences = Germany wanted to create an ideal and pure race of people- wanted to eliminate the Jewish people- wanted to recover lost territory from WWI; Japan wanted more after raw materials and resources .

What is ironic about the following passage from narrative of the life of fredrick Douglass in 1832


Answer: His master is crueler after finding religion than he was before.


Douglas considered his master as a cruel man. His master once went out for a christian camp meeting and in the course of the meeting, he surrendered his life to Christ. Due to this, Douglass hoped that this religious transformation would result in his master being less cruel toward his slaves, and this didn't turn out to be the case, rather the master became more cruel.

This is an irony, because Douglass experienced the opposite of his expectation. An irony is the expression of one's meaning by the use of language which normally signifies the opposite, usually for emphatic or humorous effect.

What were maos 2 important goals as the leader of China



Prior to the Cultural Revolution of Communism, Mao had brought the idea that Capitalism was the root of all evil, all stenches of greed were to be wiped from China through vicious revolution.

His first Goal was to wipe capitalism from China.

After the Culture war was over, Mao next wanted to move towards industrialization through collectivism. He did this through echoing the thought of a "Grassroot Socialistic" Government and Society.

His second goal was to introduce Socialism as a means of creating collectives for accelerated industrialization.

What were the main concerns of jerry Falwell and his followers in the moral majority


Answer: A


Introduction: Match each word to its definition on the right.



amnesty: Pardoning of past offenses

nongovernmental organization: a group not belonging to a nation

Humanitarian: a person promoting Human welfare

diplomacy: The art of negotiating through nations

Exploitation: selfish use for profit


Because of Greece,s rocky landscape and little fertile farmland people became



fishermen and tradesmem.


Ancient Greece was very difficult to grow any crops on because of the harsh landscape. So, in order to get the food and other resources they needed to survive, the Greeks became masters of ship building. They got some of their food from fishing out of the Mediterranean Sea, but they also traded resources with lots of other cultures through their sea voyages.

.Richard Nixon and John Kennedy had all of the following in common except:
A Both were tough campaigners
B Both had served in the navy
C Both had entered Congress in 1946
D Both were Republicans





Kennedy's campaigning skills decisively outmatched Nixon's, who wasted time and resources campaigning in all fifty states while Kennedy focused on campaigning in populous swing states. Nixon's emphasis on his experience carried little weight for most voters.

What was one effect of the Six-Day War, also known as the June War?
A. Arab leaders recognized Israel's right to exist, but only in exchange
for territory
B. Arab groups recovered most Palestinian territory, including the
Gaza Strip.
C. Israel captured Jerusalem, a holy city to both Jews and Muslims.
D. Israel and the Soviet Union formed an alliance, weakening support
for Arab groups.​





 C. Israel captured Jerusalem, a holy city to both Jews and Muslims.

During the War, the Israeli managed to capture the West Bank which was controlled by Jordan at the time. This included Jerusalem, that is, East Jerusalem where the old city is which contains numerous holy buildings for both sides.


Its C.



what is the answers ?


Answer: The correct answer is,"The two biggest influences on Russian culture are the Eastern Orthodox Church and Western Europe."

Explanation: By following the letters down and by process of elimination you arrive at the correct answer

1. In order for a treaty to go into effect, it must be approved by.
A the House of Representatives
B the Secretary of State
C the President
D the Senate



D; The Senate


Treaty power is a coordinated effort between the Executive branch and the Senate. The President may form and negotiate, but the treaty must be advised and consented to by a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Only after the Senate approves the treaty can the President ratify it.

The answer is D because 2/3 of the senate has to pass it

Runners in a long distance race start out going 8 kilometers east and then head north for the remainder of the race. The
finish line is 10 kilometers from the starting line. How far did the runners travel north



its 6km

hope this helps

Before becoming a lawyer, what
was the brief career John Adams
had after college?
A. School master
B. Farmer
C. Shoe maker
D. Doctor



It is A.


NP :D just tryin to help :D

At age 16, Adams earned a scholarship to attend Harvard University. After graduating in 1755, at age 20, Adams studied law in the office of James Putnam, a prominent lawyer, despite his father's wish for him to enter the ministry. In 1758, he earned a master's degree from Harvard and was admitted to the bar.

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