Describe the phases of mitosis and meiosis that are similar. What happens in these phases?


Answer 1
Mitosis and meiosis experience both the same process. Their step by step phases are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. What can happen is DNA replication & condensetion
Answer 2
Aside from these two distinct purposes, both mitosis and meiosis occur in multiple stages during which the same general things happen: DNA replication and condensation, nuclear membrane degradation, spindle formation, chromosomal segregation and nuclear reformation.

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How does coronavirus causes severe pneumonia?



please mark me brainliest


The new coronavirus causes severe inflammation in your lungs. It damages the cells and tissue that line the air sacs in your lungs. These sacs are where the oxygen you breathe is processed and delivered to your blood.


The new coronavirus causes severe inflammation in your lungs. It damages the cells and tissue that line the air sacs in your lungs. These sacs are where the oxygen you breathe is processed and delivered to your blood. The damage causes tissue to break off and clog your lungs


Mark me as Brainliest


Why are reflex actions rapid and automatic? *

1. They do not go to the brain.
2. They do not go to the spinal cord.
3. They involve the conscious part of the brain.
4. They do not involve the conscious part of the brain.



4. They do not involve the conscious part of the brain.


A reflex action follows this general sequence and does not involve the conscious part of the brain. 

Where is amyglada located in a brain ? How does it function ?​


Short Answer: The amygdala is located in the brain and its functions are related to emotional learning.


The amygdala is a brain structure located in the temporal lobe of the brain. Its functions are related to the emotional system of the brain, and memory. In addition, the amygdala has been shown to influence the emotional learning process. The amygdala is mainly responsible for the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events, so external sensory stimuli reach the basolateral group of the amygdala, where associations are formed with memories of the stimulus (mainly related to fear).

Lactase is a human enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of lactose in milk.
At which temperature does lactase work faster?
A 0°C
B 18°C
C 37°C
D 100°C​



Maybe 37°C


Because at 100°C enzyme gets denatured so maybe its 37°C .

I hope it's Right if not then advance sorry :)

explain the systemic circulation ​



Systemic circulation is also called general circulation in these circulation the oxygenated blood from the aorta moves towards the whole body (to each and every organ).

The aorta is divided into ascending and descending aorta. The ascending aorta supplies oxygenated blood to ascending or upper body parts and descending aorta supplies oxygenated blood to descending or downward body parts.

Hope it helps you! \(^ᴥ^)/

ayudaa por fa es para mañana
teniendo en cuenta la lectura uno de los métodos más rápidos económicos y eficaces para eliminar las bacterias del agua es la
A. desinfección
B. esterilización
C. cloración
D. inmunización


La respirate Es C. Cloración

describe the process of digestion in a person who had beans for lunch time​



The processes of digestion include six activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation. The first of these processes, ingestion, refers to the entry of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth.

Dental plaque Group of answer choices anchors teeth to their bony sockets. is calcified organic matter on the surface of teeth. protects teeth from bacteria-induced tooth decay. forms a bone-like protective layer. consists of food particles trapped in a sticky matrix.



dental plaque consists of food particles trapped in a sticky matrix.

I hope this helps

Các tuyến nào sau đây được gọi là các tuyến pha?



tuyến tụy, tuyến sinh dục


InformationHow did
the discovery of isotopes disprove one part of
Dalton's atomic theory


Answer: Because Daltons theory states all atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties.


The discovery of isotopes demonstrated that atoms of the same element can have different atomic weights, implying that atoms of the same element are not identical in every way. 

What is Dalton's atomic theory?

Dalton's atomic theory postulated that matter is made up of indivisible particles known as atoms, and that atoms of the same element are all identical and cannot be created or destroyed.

Compounds are formed by the simple combination of atoms into compound atoms.

Dalton, John Experiments with gases became possible at the turn of the nineteenth century, prompting John Dalton to propose a modern theory of the atom based on certain assumptions.

Dalton's theory is debunked. This is because Dalton's theory states that all matter is made up of identical, indivisible, and indestructible atoms. Isotopes have the same element but a different number of neutrons.

Thus, this way, the discovery of isotopes disprove one part of Dalton's atomic theory.

For more details regarding Dalton's atomic theory, visit:


3. What is one thing that can be done to help improve areas that produce a lot of runoff?


Answer: hi, im here to help :3

so, you can either use plants, use pesticides and fertilizers less often or the one thing i know is consider a rain barrel.

The sugar in RNA is, the sugar in DNA is
deoxyribose; ribose
glucose; deoxyribose
ribose; glucose
ribose; deoxyribose



Last choice: ribose; deoxyribose


Ribose (otherwise known as D-ribose) is a sugar found in RNA (ribonucleic acid). It alternates with phosphate groups to create the “backbone” of the RNA polymer.

Deoxyribose (sugar in DNA) is one of the three components of nucleotides for DNA. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base:  adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, and deoxyribose.

Glucose is a type of sugar which is a common and crucial energy source in living organisms and is often a component in various carbohydrates. Plants can create glucose by going through a process called photosynthesis, and once it's done with the process, they use the glucose (sugar) as their food for energy.

What are australopiths, how many groups are there, and what do they date to? Which one is derived and therefore not part of our direct evolutionary line?


Answer and Explanation:

Australopithecines were a group of ancestral animals that were very similar to chimpanzees, but had common characteristics with humans, which is something normal, when we think that these animals are one of the ancestors of human beings. These animals walked on two legs, like humans, but they had very small brains and teeth that were bigger and heavier than those of humans. There were eight groups of australopithecines and they date from 8 million to 1.5 million years ago.

Among these groups, it is believed that Australopithecus afarensis is a group that has no direct ancestry with humans, being a group that did not thrive during the evolutionary process.

blood flows through many small tubes if the dialyser. what is the significance of this​



Blood flows through smaller tubes to mimic the actual rate of blood flow in the body. This makes the dialysis machne safe for the body. Th dialysis machine can also adjust pressure in accordance of a persons blood pressure


Which tools would I use to heat 400 mL of water



ruler, graduated cylinder


The new Hazard Communication Standards provide teachers and students the right to __________ chemical hazards.


The new Hazard Communication Standards provide teachers and students the right to manipulate chemical hazards.

Chemical hazards are non-biological substances that can cause damage to health. These are used in different enterprises, companies, school, universities and laboratories for different purposes such as cleaning, disinfection, scientific experiments, among others. When handling them, employees are exposed to them and are vulnerable to harm from these chemicals.  

There are many types of hazardous chemicals to be wary of, such as:

Carcinogens NeurotoxinsAcids Systemic toxins Asmogens Silica dust Lead

In the workplace, exposure to these substances represents a real occupational hazard and there must be regulations to ensure that they are safe to handle.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the agency of the U.S. Department of Labor which determined the Hazard Communication Standards. This is a document with the necessary information to study the hazards of the chemical substances used by different employees in the companies, so that they are aware of the dangers of these substances. These employees have the right to know exactly what compounds they handle and the risks involved in their use as well as the precautions and care to be taken.

Therefore, by having these safety standards in place in schools and universities, teachers and students have the possibility and the right to handle chemical hazards safely to be able to conduct the class normally and learn what is necessary.

Learn more about chemical hazards here:

A pure substance containing only one kind of blank hurry





In meiosis, sister kinetochores are attached to the same pole of the cell during meiosis I, and sister chromatid cohesion is released during anaphase II. What would be the likely result if sister kinetochores were attached to different poles of the cell during meiosis I and sister chromatid cohesion was released during anaphase I



sister chromatids would migrate to opposite poles in anaphase I


Kinetochores are multiprotein structures that establish the attachment of spindle microtubules to the chromatids during cell division (either mitosis or meiosis). Sister chromatid cohesion at the centromeres refers to the mechanism by which sister chromatids are paired and held together during meiosis I. This process (sister chromatid cohesion) is fundamental to ensure the correct orientation of chromatids on the spindle microtubules and their subsequent segregation in meiosis II. The fusion of sister kinetochores in meiosis I underlies sister chromatid cohesion during this stage of the cell division, thereby their disruption or destruction of sister chromatid cohesion would lead to separation and segregation of sister chromatids to opposite poles of the cell in anaphase I.

cual es el productor del que más consumidores primarios se alimentan



please let us know what you mean in English


Plantas o Algas son unos productos que consumen.


Please help me with this on the picture


Fossil fuels produce no CO2 when burned

According to the theory of natural selection, why are some individuals more likely than others to survive and reproduce?

Some individuals pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.

Some individuals are better adapted to exist in their environment than others are.

Some individuals do not pass on to their offspring new characteristics they have acquired during their lifetimes.

Some individuals tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the same environment.


I’m pretty sure that it’s B.

The prevalence of CRE infections in health care settings has increased significantly in recent years, in part because these organisms are able to share plasmid-encoded resistance genes. Which method of horizontal gene transfer is most likely responsible for transfer of the plasmid between bacteria



Bacterial conjugation


Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE) are different types of bacteria that lead to infections in healthcare settings. Moreover, a plasmid is a small piece of DNA that can replicate independently from the bacterial chromosome. Bacterial conjugation is a type of horizontal gene transfer by which plasmids are transferred from one bacterium referred to as 'donor' into another called 'recipient' by sex pili. Plasmid transfer is unidirectional and depends on physical contact between bacterial cells. In this case, it is expected that this type of DNA transport mechanism occurs among patients occupying the same rooms in healthcare settings.

C What is the important of making prority



Priorities will guide you in life's decisions and keep you on track. Most importantly, priorities will give you the confidence to say "no." They help you identify what's truly needed in your life, versus what someone else feels is important.


The importance of it are Establishing priorities is necessary in order to complete everything that needs to be done. Prioritization is important because it with allow you to give your attention to tasks that are important and urgent so that you can later focus on lower priority tasks.

the results of an experiment can be validated through replication true or false​



True through replication


this is true


Based on the cell theory, which of the following is true?
O All cells are too small to be seen.
O All living things are made of cells.
OSmall organisms have more cells than large organisms.
Large organisms have larger cells than small organisms.



all living things are made of cells


all living things are made of cells


The first part of the cell theory states that all living things are made up of cells. Anything that’s alive, from bacteria to plants to humans, is composed of cells. And what are cells? The literal definition is a cell is a group of organelles surrounded by a thin membrane.

7. To test a new voice feature in a cockpit design a flight simulator was used. The simulator was programmed to
give visual readings of flight information, or to give visual and auditory (voice) readings of flight information. All
test pilots were put through a simulated emergency landing procedure, but were randomly assigned to the
visual, or visual and auditory conditions. Flight experts rated each pilot's performance in the simulator on a
scale of 1 (very poor) to 10 (excellent).


The variables in the simulation procedure carried out are :

Independent variable = Simulator Independent variable = Simulator Dependent variable = Performance

The dependent and independent variables are critical in any experimental study as both variables encompasses the variable to be measured and the variables manipulated in other to obtain the variable to be measured.

Independent variable : This is also called the predictor variable which is tweaked in other to obtain changes in the measured or dependent variable. In the experiment performed, the simulator is the independent variable has it has different visual or visual and auditory conditions capable of causing changes to the performance rating.

The dependent variable is the variable being measured in an experiment. In this case, it is PERFORMANCE. It is the measured output obtained as the the pilot are being rated based on the simulation.

Learn more :

which aspect of el nino can give scientists a preview of earth as temperatures rise with global warming?



Its warming of sea surface temperatures


its warming of sea surface temperatures


_____ are related to poor productivity of harvest due to poor care for soil.



Soil Tillage, Climate Change and Soil Carbon Sequestration


Forming a hypothesis is the first step of the scientific method.



The first step in the Scientific Method is to make objective observations. These observations are based on specific events that have already happened and can be verified by others as true or false. Step 2. Form a hypothesis.


The hypothesis is an educated guess as to what will happen during your experiment. The hypothesis is often written using the words "IF" and "THEN." For example, "If I do not study, then I will fail the test." The "if' and "then" statements reflect your independent and dependent variables

Which group evolved first?



C - Sharks; (took the test)


Sharks evolved nearly 420 million years ago. Chimeras, skates, and rays are all related to sharks through their ancestry.


I hope this helps.


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