Describe two positives/ or good things about Spartan government:


Answer 1
, the Spartans didn't study philosophy, art they studied war.
The Spartans were considered to have the strongest army and best soldiers of Ancient Greece. All Spartan men trained to become warriors from the day they were born.

Related Questions


In which segment is the function constant?





If a function is constant, it means that the value of y remains the same irrespective of whatever value x changes to.

At segment A, the value of x remains the same even though the value of x is changing.

At segment B, C, and D, the value of y changes as their x-values changes.

Therefore, the segment in which the function is constant is segment A


the answer is a


Although women played an important role in the war, they found at the end of the war that they could not: O A. work. . O B. make money. O C. own property. O D. vote.​


They found that they could not vote.

In South Vietnam, the US forces were fighting



hope it helps

pls mark me as brainliest thanks❤

The leave of nations goals included reparations of thousands of people


Yes it’s A , have a nice day

Which of the following was a cause of World War I?

a. militarism by African nations
b. unprovoked attack on the U.S.
c. nationalism in the Balkans
d. fighting between India and Pakistan



B- attacks on the US. pearl harbor I think

Which action is an example of someone taking personal responsibility?





paying taxes whether income or property paying these on time consistently tells the government or whoever is around u that u are a responsible person

Answer: Paying income and property tax

Explanation: I hope this helps ;)

2. Who was the Fascist leader of Italy that created the first totalitarian state?
Benito Mussolini



Benito Mussolini


The extreme nationalism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries contributed to fascism after WWI. Fascism offered a solution to the problem of insecurity and isolation in modern industrial society. In 1925, Mussolini establish fascism in Italy. It is a form of government that allows a one-party dictatorship in a country.  Fascism is a totalitarian form of government that ban all form of opposing opinions and oppose freedom of speech.

A.) Trench warfare
B.) Imperialism
C.) Total war
D.) The alliance system



D.) The alliance system

Hope this helped!

D.) The alliance system

how was the 1950's an area of conformity​



During the 1950s, a sense of uniformity pervaded American society. Conformity was common, as young and old alike followed group norms rather than striking out on their own. Though men and women had been forced into new employment patterns during World War II, once the war was over, traditional roles were reaffirmed.


Match the person most commonly associated with the group or movement during the 1960s.

1. Malcolm X
2. Timothy Leary
3. Jerry Pubin
4. Stocely Carmichael
5. Tom Hayden

a. radical groups
b. counterculture
c. SDS
d. civil rights
e. black panthers



Malcolm X = civil rights

Timothy Leary = counter culture


i'm still working on it

what is ecosystem????​



is a community or a group of iving organisms that live in and interact with each other in a specific environment


system of science that deals with both the biotic and abiotic components of the env

¿Cómo evoluciona el sufragio en Chile desde comienzo desde el siglo XIX al siglo XXI?



La Constitución de 1.833, de carácter autoritario y conservador, estableció voto masculino y censitario, es decir, que se limitaba el derecho a sufragar a todo hombre que supiera leer y escribir y tuviera una renta mínima. En 1.874, se reformó la constitución con el fin de ampliar el derecho al sufragio a todo hombre mayor de 21 años que estuviera casado o mayor de 25 años que estuviera soltero, previa condición de cumplimiento de renta mínima y que supiera leer y escribir. En 1.888, se emprendió una nueva reforma que amplió el derecho al sufragio a todo chileno mayor de 21 años que supiera leer y escribir.

La constitución anterior fue derogada y reemplazada por la Constitución de 1.925, de carácter presidencialista y más moderada que la anterior. En 1.934, se extendió el derecho al sufragio a toda mujer mayor de 21 años que supiera leer y escribir. En 1.969, se reformó la Constitución para permitir a las personas invidentes el derecho al sufragio y se eliminaron los requisitos de saber leer y escribir y se redujo la edad mínima para votar a 18 años en 1.972.

Luego, la constitución es derogada y reemplazada por la Constitución de 1.980, hasta ahora vigente, en cuyo marco se emprendieron dos reformas importantes. Primero, la eliminación del voto obligatorio en 2.010 y, segundo, se permite en 2.014 el ejercicio del derecho al sufragio a todo chileno residente en el exterior para elecciones presidenciales.


La Constitución de 1.833, de carácter autoritario y conservador, estableció voto masculino y censitario, es decir, que se limitaba el derecho a sufragar a todo hombre que supiera leer y escribir y tuviera una renta mínima. En 1.874, se reformó la constitución con el fin de ampliar el derecho al sufragio a todo hombre mayor de 21 años que estuviera casado o mayor de 25 años que estuviera soltero, previa condición de cumplimiento de renta mínima y que supiera leer y escribir. En 1.888, se emprendió una nueva reforma que amplió el derecho al sufragio a todo chileno mayor de 21 años que supiera leer y escribir.

La constitución anterior fue derogada y reemplazada por la Constitución de 1.925, de carácter presidencialista y más moderada que la anterior. En 1.934, se extendió el derecho al sufragio a toda mujer mayor de 21 años que supiera leer y escribir. En 1.969, se reformó la Constitución para permitir a las personas invidentes el derecho al sufragio y se eliminaron los requisitos de saber leer y escribir y se redujo la edad mínima para votar a 18 años en 1.972.

Luego, la constitución es derogada y reemplazada por la Constitución de 1.980, hasta ahora vigente, en cuyo marco se emprendieron dos reformas importantes. Primero, la eliminación del voto obligatorio en 2.010 y, segundo, se permite en 2.014 el ejercicio del derecho al sufragio a todo chileno residente en el exterior para elecciones presidenciales.

plsase help me with this questions ill do anything





What was the significance of Gutenberg inventing the printing press?

a. attached sheets so books could be bound faster
b. colors could be added to printed documents
c. news could travel more quickly to more people
d. established English as the primary language around the world



Gutenberg's invention was profoundly important. It launched a revolution in printing. It allowed manuscripts and books to be mass-produced cheaply. It eventually helped increase literacy throughout Europe because more people had access to literature.Aug 30, 2015

What evidence is there of cultural diffusion between the Chinese and the Portuguese? What impact might this have on their cultures?



Cultural diffusion is the spread of ideas and customs from one society to another. There can be a variety of ways, such as migrations, wars, missionaries, and trade.

The Silk Road of ancient China is an example of cultural diffusion in East Asia, which arises as a result of trade. Also, glass, gold, silver came from Egypt and Middle East Arab cities to China. These are material goods, but they have a strong influence on the culture of China, since they began to decorate tombs, palaces with gold and silver. Inventions like paper went in the opposite direction, from China the paper expanded throughout the Eurasia, opening a new chapter in the culture of these parts. However, there was not just an exchange of goods. At the same time, cultural and religious exchanges also took place. Buddhism, the religion of the Kushan kingdom came from India to China.

The countries of Southeast Asia are closely linked in cultural and historical terms. Also, this area has a great cultural impact due to its geographical position, shaped by the passage of cultures and religions that have followed historical trade routes. Their position is such that they are located between the Roman and Chinese trade routes. The countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos have constantly been exposed to new cultures from the east and west, which should have a lasting impact on their artistic traditions. Different material goods, gold, textiles, paper money. Buddhism and Hinduism spread east from India and left a legacy in the arts and architecture of these societies. Islam from the Middle East too.

The most interesting, perhaps, is India in the south of Asia. Hinduism as the religion coming from this country is the oldest religaion in the world. From this religion came all the others, including Buddhism, meditation, yoga. I do not mean monotheistic religions. It belongs to the group of Indo-European religions whose basic principles are Reincarnation and Karma. Principles that are familiar to today's world. One of the most notorious signs of "swastika" originates from this religion, although in it there is a completely different, positive connotation. Hinduism has also undergone changes in history, such as the influence of the Aryans and their Sanskrit language. Then the influence of Britain during colonial status. Islam also came to India. How is Hinduism so present today? It is precisely thanks to cultural diffusion through trade exchanges, wars, conquests. It seems that trade and cultural diffusion are linked and together they influence the development of civilization.

which three statements best describe modern china



China is the world’s largest country by population, with over 1.3 billion people.

China became a communist nation in 1949.

China became one of the world’s most powerful economies.


What is the identity element for addition of rational numbers. (FIRST ONE TO ANSWER GETS POINTS)​


0 is the identity element for addition of rational numbers.

Which is the correct order for coordinates? O a. Latitude, equator O b. Latitude, longitude O c. Longitude, latitude O d. Longitude, origin​


b. Latitude, longitude

what is the Asia civilization?



Asia is not only the most populous continent but also the cradle the world's oldest civilizations. ... They mainly include the Mesopotamian civilization in Western Asia, the Indian civilization in South Asia, the Umran civilization in Central Asia, and the Chinese civilization in East Asia.

According to the UN Charter, what is one way the United Nations promotes international peace?



by encouraging respect for human rights


A or B, but I'm going with A, I hope this helps!


God bless, and brainliest please!

explain why we had IBONG adarnang akda in the philippines ??​


it seemed like the best option at the time


The symbolism of Ibong Adarna as the ordeal which will show man's true colors, flaws, intentions and purposes is amazingly portrayed by the Filipino poet. ANS. Because of his big-heartedness, he asked the Adarna to free his brothers from the curse (they were turned into stones).

Write a report explaining the basic belief system of either Hinduism or Islam, touching on the religion’s symbols, ceremonies, and views on deity.

Why have all groups of people created stories, throughout human history?


Because they love it

A restructuring of the Soviet economy that permitted more local decision making was known as perestroika.
A truo
O B. false





hope this helps :)

Which technologies and conditions made World War I a new kind of war? Select all that apply.



c, d, e, f


What was one advantage germany had during world war 1



One advantage Germany had during World War I was their ability to field to great effect their submarine fleet, which was able to suppress military and civilian supplies that were shipped to Great Britain, which greatly cut off the resources available to the island nation. Also, their ability to sink battleships, troop transports, cruisers, as well as the ability to damage coastal batteries, fortifications, and towns using the AA battery that was typically found on the deck of the submarines allowed for versatility of the submarines, and played a significant role in staving the onslaught of Allied resources poured into the west and Middle Eastern fronts.

Can someone tell me ASAP



the Afghanistan government was protecting Osama Bin Laden


The Afghan government was protecting Osama Bin Laden


The United States thought that Osama Bin Laden, the terrorist responsible for the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, was being harbored (hidden away) in Afghanistan. As a result of this suspicion, the United States launched an attack on Afghanistan.

I hope this helps you!

Why did the Soviet Union construct the Berlin Wall? A) To keep East Berliners in B) To keep West Berliners out.


Answer is A!! Hope this helped :)

What key term is used to describe: natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs used to produce goods and services



Factors or Production


Natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are all considered to be Factors of Production by economists. Factors of production, as the name implies, are simply the inputs that are used and transformed during a production process, in order to generate output.

Economists disagree over the exact number of Factors of production that there are. To some, land and natural resources are separate from capital, while to others, they are part of capital. And many disagree with the notion that entrepreneurship is a separate factor of production. For this reason, the most common classification of factors of production is bipartite: labor and capital.

1. What caused the stock market crash that began in October 1929?
2. Do you think President Herbert Hoover's response to the economic downturn that began in
1929 was adequate?
3. What do you think your life would have been like if you had lived during the Great Depression?




1. A combination of rapidly increasing stock prices in the Quaternary sector of the economy and confidence that the companies would turn future profits created an environment in which many investors were willing to overlook traditional metrics, such as the price–earnings ratio, and base confidence on technological advancements, leading to a stock market bubble.

3. If I had lived in during the time of the Great Depression I would probably have a pretty horrible life. Like most people I most likley end up unenployed and live a very hard life.

Provide information about Jupiter the rings, number, composition, color, ect​


Answer:Jupiter has faint, dark, narrow rings composed of tiny rock fragments and dust. They do not contain ice, like Saturn's rings. Jupiter's rings are continuously losing material and being resupplied with new dust from micrometeors hitting Jupiter's four inner moons (Metis, Adrastea, Amalthea, and Thebe).


Hope that helps

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