Determinați numărul protonilor și cel al neutronilor în nucleul atomului

de beriliu .

Determinaţi structura nucleelor izotopilor de uraniu și de toriu Care forţe se numesc forţe nucleare. Enumeraţi particularităţile forţelor nucleare


Answer 1


- Beryllium has 4 protons and 5 neutrons in its nucleus.

- The nucleus of the periodic table isotope of Uranium has 92 protons and 146 neutrons.

The nucleus of the periodic table isotope of Thorium has 90 protons and 142 neutrons.

- Check Explanation

- Check Explanation

In Romanian/In limba romana

- Berilul are 4 protoni și 5 neutroni în nucleul său.

- Nucleul izotopului tabelului periodic al Uraniului are 92 de protoni și 146 de neutroni.

Nucleul izotopului tabelului periodic al Toriului are 90 de protoni și 142 de neutroni.

- Verificați Explicația

- Verificați Explicația


English Translation

- Determine the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom of beryllium.

- Determine the structure of the nuclei of the isotopes of uranium and thorium

- Which forces are called nuclear forces.

- List the peculiarities of nuclear forces.


Note that the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is the atomic number of that atom.

And the mass number of the atom is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.

The nucleus of an atom is the most massive part of an atom containing almost exclusively the neutrons and the protons of the atom.

- Beryllium has an atomic number of 4 and a mass number of 9.

Hence, its number of protons = atomic number = 4

(Number of protons) + (Number of neutrons) = mass number

Number of neutrons

= (mass number) - (Number of protons)

= 9 - 4 = 5

- Uranium has atomic number of 92 and mass number of 238.

Number of protons = 92

Number of neutrons = 238 - 92 = 146

Thorium has atomic number of 90 and a mass number of 232.

Number of protons = 90

Number of neutrons = 232 - 90 = 142 neutrons.

- Nuclear forces are the forces that keep the neutrons and protons of an atom bonded to the nucleus of an atom. The constituents of the atom's nucleus are called nucleons. Nuclear forces are the forces between two or more nucleons.

- The nuclear forces are about 10 million times stronger than the forces that bind atoms together in molecules and compounds.

Hence, massive energies are required to break into the nucleus of atoms.

This is why nuclear reactors produce about a million times more energy per kilogram fuel compared to chemical fuel.

However, the range of the nuclear force is short, only about 10⁻¹⁵ m, beyond which it decreases rapidly.

This is why, in spite of its enormous strength, we do not feel anything of this force on the atomic scale or in everyday life.

In Romanian/In limba romana

Rețineți că numărul protonilor din nucleul unui atom este numărul atomic al acelui atom. Și numărul de masă al atomului este suma protonilor și neutronilor din nucleul atomului. Nucleul unui atom este partea cea mai masivă a unui atom care conține aproape exclusiv neutroni și protonii atomului.

- Beriliu are un număr atomic de 4 și un număr de masă de 9.

Prin urmare, numărul său de protoni = numărul atomic = 4

(Număr de protoni) + (Număr de neutroni) = număr de masă

Numărul de neutroni = (număr de masă) - (Număr de protoni) = 9 - 4 = 5

- Uraniul are numărul atomic de 92 și numărul de masă de 238.

Numărul de protoni = 92

Numărul de neutroni = 238 - 92 = 146

Toriul are un număr atomic de 90 și un număr de masă de 232.

Numărul de protoni = 90

Numărul de neutroni = 232 - 90 = 142 neutroni.

- Forțele nucleare sunt forțele care mențin neutronii și protonii unui atom legați de nucleul unui atom.

Constituenții nucleului atomului se numesc nucleoni. Forțele nucleare sunt forțele dintre doi sau mai mulți nucleoni.

- Forțele nucleare sunt de aproximativ 10 milioane de ori mai puternice decât forțele care leagă atomii împreună în molecule și compuși.

Prin urmare, energiile masive sunt necesare pentru a pătrunde în nucleul atomilor.

Acesta este motivul pentru care reactoarele nucleare produc aproximativ un milion de ori mai multă energie pe kilogram de combustibil în comparație cu combustibilul chimic.

Cu toate acestea, domeniul forței nucleare este scurt, doar aproximativ 10⁻¹⁵ m, dincolo de care scade rapid.

Acesta este motivul pentru care, în ciuda puterii sale enorme, nu simțim nimic din această forță pe scara atomică sau în viața de zi cu zi.

Hope this Helps!!!

Sper că acest lucru vă ajută!!!

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a. normal


In the field of physics the normal is a line drawn at a right angle to a barrier. In other words the normal line is the line that is drawn perpendicular (right angle, 90 degrees) to the reflective surface of a mirror, or the particular boundary in which refraction occurs at the point of incidence of a light ray. This can be seen in the picture attached below.

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I want to say Liters but not 100% sure

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[A] Kinetic energy is conserved in the collision.
[B] Momentum is conserved in the collision.
[C] After the collision, the objects always merge into one.
[D] The collision takes more that 1 second to complete.


Well C is definitely one of the correct answers.

Answer: A



Each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? 40.0 gar 20.0 gne 20.0 gh2 4.0 ghe



20 gram of H as the greastest volume


Each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? 40.0 gar 20.0 gne 20.0 gh2 4.0 ghe

Given that,

40.0 g of Ar

20.0 g of Ne

20.0 g of h

24.0 g of he

The ideal gas equation ; Pv = nRT

where P is the pressure, V is the volume, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, n is the number of mole

which is equal to

n = m / M

where m is the given mass

M is the molar mass

The given gas sample are at the same temperature and pressure,

So, the temperature, pressure and gas constant are fixed.

Therefore the volume is proportional to the given mass and molar mass

V ∝ m/M

Substitute the given mass and molar mass of given masses for comparison

No of mole of Ar = mass / molar mass

= 40 / 40 = 1 mole

No of mole of Ne = mass / molar mass

= 20 / 20 = 1 mole

No of mole of h = mass / molar mass

= 20 / 1 = 20 mole

No of mole of he = mass / molar mass

= 24 / 4 = 6 mole

Hence, 20 gram of H as the greastest volume

The baker needs 9 eggs, 6 cups of flour, 3 cups of sugar, and 3 sticks of butter to make a total of 3 cakes.. The baker only has 2 sticks of butter. That means the butter is the ___________ because the baker can only make 2 cakes!
Question 19 options:



Limiting reactant

Spontaneous reactant


Answer: Limiting reactant


The limiting reactant is a reactant will get completely consumed up in the reaction. This reactant being in low concentration will lead to the formation of limited amount of product.

In the given situation, since the butter cakes are required to be 3 sticks for making 3 cakes but only 2 cakes are available thus the butter stick is the limiting reactant.

How far can you get away from your little brother with a paintball marker if you can travel at 3 m/s and you have 15s before he sees you?


I hate my sister so. Much just need points

En la etiqueta de un bote de fabada de 350 g, leemos que su aporte energético es de 1630 kj por cada 100 g de producto a) La cantidad de fabada que tiene que comer un hombre si su necesidad energética diaria es 2500 kj para sobrevivir b) El aporte calórico del bote de fabada en calorías



(a) 153.37 g

(b) 5705 kJ


(a) To find the amount of bean needed by a man you first calculate the equivalence in beans to 2500kJ

[tex]2500kJ*\frac{100g}{1630kJ}=153.37\ g[/tex]

Thus, 153.37 g has the energy needed by a man that needs 200kJ per day.

(b) The amount of energy per pot of bean is given by:

[tex]E=350g*\frac{1630kJ}{100g}\\\\E=5705\ kJ[/tex]

Thus, the energy is 5705kJ

a man is trying to move a piano by himself, but it will not move, what force must they overcome to start the piano moving?



The friction of the piano and the weight


A paint brush is dropped from the top of a tall ladder and free falls to the ground. What changes, if any, would be observed of the velocity and the acceleration of the brush as it falls? Pick the two answers. The velocity increases. The velocity decreases. The velocity remains a constant value. The acceleration increases. The acceleration decreases. The acceleration remains a constant value.




As the paint brush is dropped from the top of a tall ladder it started free falling

i.e. velocity of brush increases as it falls down due to the acceleration provided by gravity.

We know acceleration due to gravity is the attraction experienced by the object due to earth attraction

Value of acceleration due to gravity is constant i.e. [tex]9.8\ m/s^2[/tex]

Therefore the correct choice is

velocity is increasing and acceleration is constant

What is the formula for velocity???



divide the distance by the time it takes to travel that same distance, then add your direction to it.

Or change in displacement divided by change in time.

Um joalheiro recebe uma encomenda onde ele deve fazer alguns anéis de prata. Ele dispõe de um pedaço de 100 g de prata mas precisa derrete-lo para colocar a prata em moldes específicos e construir esses anéis. O principal problema desse procedimento é que a temperatura de fusão da prata é muito alta e requer condições especiais. A prata possui temperatura de fusão de 961 ºC, calor latente de fusão de 21 cal/g e calor específico no estado sólido igual a 0,056 cal/gºC. Determine a quantidade de calor aproximada para fundir as 100 g de prata sabendo que sua temperatura inicial é de 20°C. A 2,1 kcal B 0,5 kcal C 7,4 kcal D 5,3 kcal E 6,3 kcal



Correct option: C -> 7.4 kcal


First we need to find the energy necessary to heat the silver from 20°C to 961°. The change in temperature is 961 - 20 = 941, so the energy necessary is:

941 * 0.056 * 100 = 5269.6 cal

Then, for the melting process, we will need:

21 * 100 = 2100 cal

So the total energy needed is:

5269.6 + 2100 = 7369.6 cal = 7.4 kcal

Correct option: C

a 25 ohm resistor in an electric circuit draws a current of 5 amperes a certain amount of charge through the resistor in 36 seconds calculate the voltage



V= 125volts


R =25ohms

I = 5 amp

V = ?

t = 36seconds

V = IR

V = 5× 25

V= 125volts

Q = It

Q = 5×36

Q = 180 coulombs

Q is the amount of charge.

Rafael swings a baseball bat with a force of 25 N. The baseball bat exerts a force of 5 N on the baseball. What is the mechanical advantage of the baseball bat? The mechanical advantage of the baseball bat is





Mechanical Advantage is defined as the ratio of force output with respect to the force input. Thus,

MA = output / input

MA = 5 / 25

MA = 1/5

MA = 0.2

Since this value is less then one. Even though it's tagged a mechanical advantage, in reality it would be mechanical disadvantage.

Therefore, we can say that the mechanical advantage of the baseball bat is 0.2




What is power?

A. a magnitude of a force needed to move an object
B. how much work can be done in a given time
C. the distance over time that an object moves
D, The energy needed to create work



The answer is B.


The formula of power is :

[tex]power = \frac{work \: done}{time} [/tex]

* Work done can be "Energy"

the answer is a. a magnitude of a force meeded to move an object

Two water waves meet at the same point, one having a displacement above equilibrium of 60 cm and the other having a displacement above equilibrium of 80 cm.



The resultant displacement is 140 cm


say first displacement d₁ is 60 cm

and second displacement d₂ is 80 cm

Resultant displacement = d₁ + d₂

= 60 + 80

= 140 cm



To solve this problem it will be necessary to apply the interference principle.

Under this principle interference is understood as a phenomenon in which two or more waves overlap to form a resulting wave of greater, lesser or equal amplitude. In this case, if both are at the same point, the result of the total displacement will be the sum of the individual displacements, therefore

[tex]x = \sum h_i\\\\x = 60cm + 80cm\\\\x =140cm[/tex]

Therefore the resulting displacement above equilibrium is 140cm

How does the current values in and out of the battery compare to the sum of currents going through the light bulbs?

Note: This is for Parallel circuits.


The current values in and out of the battery is going to be equal to the sum of the currents going through the light bulbs. In a parallel circuit, the current is divided as it enters different branches and light bulbs. However, the amount of current leaving the battery is always going to be the same as the amount of current entering the battery. Therefore, while current divides in a parallel circuit, the total amount of current always remains the same.

Are carbon compounds rigid and strong


yes, but it takes a lot of energy to break all those iconic bonds .

Jada’s family pulls into a gas station. Her mother fills up the car’s tank with fuel from a pump. Jada notices this symbol on the pump.

Image shows a pump at a gas station with a symbol of corn on it.

What do you think the symbol indicates?
A. This gasoline is to be used only in farm vehicles.
B. It is not safe to have gasoline around food products.
C. This gasoline can also be used as a fertilizer to help plants grow.
D. A biomass has been used as part of the fuel.



D- a biomass has been used as a part of the fuel.

Gold, quartz, and talc are minerals. Copper and iron are types of ore. What is the difference between minerals and ores?

A mineral is a non-living, solid substance that can be extracted from the ground. Ore is a type of mineral made up of metals.

An ore is non-living and solid with little value unless it occurs in large amounts, in which case it is a mineral.

O A mineral is a valuable form of ore that can be extracted from the ground

O A mineral is a non-living, solid substance made of elements. Ore is a large deposit of one or more valuable minerals in the ground.



A mineral is a valuable form of ore that can be extracted from the ground


Gold, quartz and talc are minerals because they are found in the earth in a valuable form of ore while ores are rocks that contain valuable concentrations of minerals.that can be mined.

An ORE in general term can be said to be a mineral deposit that contains enough Minerals that can be mined in commercial quantities while Minerals are valuable components of an Ore that can be mined ( naturally occurring ) in an ORE.

The half-life of cobalt-60 is 5.26 years. If 50 grams are left after 15.78 years, how many grams were in the original sample?




Half life  = 5.6

no of half life in 15.78 years = 15.78 / 5.26

= 3 .

[tex]N = N_0(\frac{1}{2})^n[/tex]

N₀ is original mass , N is mass after n number of half lives.

Inserting the given data in the equation above

[tex]50 = N_0(\frac{1}{2})^3[/tex]

N₀ = 50 x 2³

= 400 gm .

original sample will contain 400 gms of sample.

Which phrases describe all the outer planets’ motion? Select two options.

no rotation
fast rotation
slow revolution
opposite revolution
north to south rotation



Fast rotation

Slow revolution


Solar system has 8 planets. 4 inner rocky planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and 4 outer gaseous planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.  The outer planets have few common features.

They are gaseous. There  period of revolution is larger than the inner planets which means that they have slow revolution about the Sun. One day on the outer planets is smaller than the inner planets which means they have fast rotation.

For example, Jupiter has revolves around sun in 11.86 Earth years and rotates about axis in 9.8 Earth hours. Uranus revolves around sun in 84 Earth years and rotates on its axis 17.9 Earth hours.


Fast rotation

Slow revolution


did the test

I’m a freshman, I got a 80% in the first quarter, 85% in the second and 70% in the third. I have a 46% in the fourth and 34 total absences in the class. If I fail, will I fail the class or the entire grade



you will pass but if your grade become lower and u get more absences you will fail

El dibujo muestra donde se encuentra un caracol en distintos instantes de tiempo.?Podemos afirmar que se trata de un movimiento acelerado?Razona tu respuesta



if the acceleration is zero the displacements are equal in the same time interval, so we would see the points equally spaced in the diagram

if the acceleration is different from zero in these cases the intervals are different in the same time intervals


In a drawing of displacement as a function of time, we can know if in motion it is steely or not, the relationship that describes the motion is

            x = v₀ t + ½ a t²

we see that we have two cases:

* if the acceleration is zero the displacements are equal in the same time interval, so we would see the points equally spaced in the diagram

* if the acceleration is different from zero in these cases the intervals are different in the same time intervals. In the case of positive acceleration the points are spaced and in the chaos negative acceleration the points are getting closer to each other

A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose crests are 28 m apart and whose speed is 7 m/s. How often do these waves reach the boat? State your answer in terms of frequency (Hz) and period T (seconds).



0.25 Hz

4 s


Speed = wavelength × frequency

7 m/s = 28 m × f

f = 0.25 Hz

Frequency = 1 / period

0.25 Hz = 1 / T

T = 4 s

why are the group 17 elements the most reactive of the nonmetal elements a)they are the biggest elements b)they have the fewest electrons c)they are located on the farthest right side of the periodic table d)they require only one electron to fill their outer energy level



I think the answer is D-they require onky one electron to fill their outer energy level.

David delivers meals to elderly people once a week. He uses a cart to move the meals. The cart has four smooth wheels. Which type of friction acts between the cart wheels and the sidewalk?

A. sliding friction
B. rolling friction
C. fluid friction
D. static friction




Since the wheels roll, the wheels do not rub against the sidewalk, So it cannot be sliding. The wheels are not a liquid, and there shouldnt be any static.

What energy transformations take place in Joule's system?


The gravitational potential energy from the wheel, turns into motion energy.
The Motion energy turns into thermal energy because the water temperature rising.

. How does the intensity of sunlight received affect Earth’s temperatures?


When the sun's rays strike Earth's surface near the equator, the incoming solar radiation is more direct (nearly perpendicular or closer to a 90˚ angle). Therefore, the solar radiation is concentrated over a smaller surface area, causing warmer temperatures.

How does the temperature of water affect the speed of the sound waves?



Temperature is also a condition that affects the speed of sound. Heat, like sound, is a form of kinetic energy. Molecules at higher temperatures have more energy, thus they can vibrate faster. Since the molecules vibrate faster, sound waves can travel more quickly.

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