Determine the number of moles of aluminum in 2.154 x 10-1 kg of Al. Group of answer choices 5816 mol 7.984 mol 6.02 X 1023 mol 4.801 mol 8.783


Answer 1


Avogadro's number is 1 mol  = 6.02 * 10^23 elements

It means that 1 mol of atoms is 6.02 * 10^23 atoms

1 mol of atoms = 6.02 * 10^23 atoms

From there, if you divide both sides by 1 mol of atoms, you get

1 = 6.02 * 10^23 atoms / 1 mol of atoms.

That means, that to pass from a number of moles of atoms to number of atoms you have to multipby by the conversion factor

         6.02*10^23  atoms Al/ 1 mol Al

That is the second option of the list.


Related Questions

Which subshells are found in each of the following shells
electron subshell - M shell





The electron shells are labelled as K,L,M,N,O,P, and Q or 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7.

As we go from innermost shell outwards, this number denotes the number of subshell in the shell. Electrons in outer shells have higher average energy and travel farther from the nucleus than those in inner shells.

Hence, M shell contains s,p and d subshells.

name a factor tht affects the value of electron affinity​



Atomic sizeNuclear chargesymmetry of the electronic configuration
Various factors that affect electron affinity are atomic size, nuclear charge and the symmetry of the electronic configuration. Atomic size: With increase in the atomic size, the distance between the nucleus and the incoming electron also increases.

A sample of a compound is analyzed and found to contain 0.420 g nitrogen, 0.480g oxygen, 0.540 g carbon and 0.135 g hydrogen. What is the empirical formula of the compound? a. C2H5NO b. CH3NO c. C3H9N2O2 d. C4HN3O4 e. C4H13N3O3



c. C3H9N2O2


The empirical formula of a compound is defined as the simplest whole number ratio of atoms present in a molecule. To solve this question we need to convert the mass of each atom to moles. With the moles we can find the ratio as follows:

Moles N -Molar mass: 14.01g/mol-

0.420g N * (1mol/14.01g) = 0.0300 moles N

Moles O -Molar mass: 16g/mol-

0.480g O * (1mol/16g) = 0.0300 moles O

Moles C -Molar mass: 12.01g/mol-

0.540g C * (1mol/12.01g) = 0.0450 moles C

Moles H -Molar mass: 1.0g/mol-

0.135g H * (1mol/1g) = 0.135moles H

Dividing in the moles of N (Lower number of moles) the ratio of atoms is:

N = 0.0300 moles N / 0.0300 moles N = 1

O = 0.0300 moles O / 0.0300 moles N = 1

C = 0.0450 moles C / 0.0300 moles N = 1.5

H = 0.135 moles H / 0.0300 moles N = 4.5

As the empirical formula requires whole numbers, multiplying each ratio twice:

N = 2, O = 2, C = 3 and H = 9

And the empirical formula is:

c. C3H9N2O2

What is the mass of a piece of iron if its density is 1.98 g/mL and its volume is 2.45 mL?
0.80 g
2.71 g



4.858 g


Start with the formula

density = [tex]\frac{mass}{volume}[/tex]

density = 1.98 g/mL

volume = 2.45 mL

mass = ??

rearrange the formula to solve for mass

(density) x (volume) = mass

Add in the substitutes and solve for mass

1.98 g/mL x 2.45 mL = 4.858 g

Please help thank you





Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to solve this problem by firstly setting up the equilibrium expression for the given reaction, in agreement to the law of mass action:


Next, we plug in the given concentrations on the data table to obtain:



Melanie has completed the analysis of her data for the reaction of KMnO4 with malonic acid and data for a reaction of KMnO4 with tartaric acid. She compared the activation energies, Ea, she calculated for the two reactions and found the Ea for the malonic acid reaction to be greater than the Ea for the tartaric acid reaction.

What does this mean about the magnitude of the rate constant, k, and the rate of the reaction?



See explanation


The relationship between the activation energy and rate of reaction is best captured by the Arrhenius equation;

k= Ae^-Ea/RT


k= rate constant

A= pre-exponential factor

Ea=activation energy

R= gas constant

T= temperature

We can see from the foregoing that, as the activation energy increases, the rate of reaction decreases and vice versa. reactions that have a very high activation energy are markedly slow.

Since the activation energy for the malonic acid reaction is found to be greater than the activation energy for the tartaric acid reaction, then the rate of the malonic acid reaction(k) will be slower than that of the tartaric acid reaction.

The study of chemistry and bonds is called chemistry. There are two types of elements metal and nonmetals.

The correct answer is mentioned below.

What is the Arrhenius equation?The relationship between the activation energy and rate of reaction is best captured by the Arrhenius equation

The equation is as follows:-

[tex]k= Ae^{-Ea/RT[/tex] Where;

k= rate constantA= pre-exponential factorEa=activation energyR= gas constantT= temperature

We can see from the foregoing that, as the activation energy increases, the rate of reaction decreases and vice versa. reactions that have very high activation energy are markedly slow. Since the activation energy for the malonic acid reaction is found to be greater than the activation energy for the tartaric acid reaction, then the rate of the malonic acid reaction(k) will be slower than that of the tartaric acid reaction.

Hence, the correct answer is mentioned above.

For more information about the equation, refer to the link:-

Proteins are:
amino acids.


Proteins are Amino acids
Proteins are made of amino acids. They are macromoluces made up of smaller amino acid chains.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Tick (√) the statements that are correct.

a) By eating rice alone, we can fulfil nutritional requirement of our body. ( )
b) Deficiency Diseases can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. ( )
c) Balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items. ( )
d) Meat alone. is sufficient to provide all nutrients to the body. ( )​


b) (√)



give one use of zinc​


Most Zinc are used to galvanise other metals such as iron which helps to prevent rusting
If you need any more let me know

Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is mixed with water to make auto engine coolants. How many grams of C2H6O2 are in 5.00 L of a 6.00 M aqueous solution





It is known that the molar mass of C2H6O2 is 62.08 g/mol.,

Now to  solve for the number of moles of solute, one must multiply both

sides by the volume:

moles of solute = (6.00 M)(5.00 L) = 30.0 mol

Notice since the definition of molarity is mol/L, the

product M × L gives mol, a unit of amount.

Use the molar  mass of C3H8O3, one can convert mol to g:

Mass m =30 mol × 62.08 g/mol

m = 1860g.

Hence, there are 1,860 g of C2H6O2 in the specified amount of

engine coolant.

0.28 M Ca(NO3)2
Express your answer using two significant figures.



Mass=Moles × RFM

Mass= 0.28M× 164

Mass= 45.92 grammes

Carbonic anhydrase is strongly inhibited by the drug acetazolamide, which is used as a diuretic (i.e., to increase the production of urine) and to lower excessively high pressure in the eye (due to accumulation of intraocular fluid) in glaucoma.

a. True
b. False



a. True


There is strong inhibition of Carbon Anhydrase by Aceta-zolamide Carbonic Anhydrase. The drug acetazolamide is used as diuretic which increase the urine production in human body. It lowers pressure in eye in glaucoma.

What is the molecular geometry of CIO3F as predicted by the VSEPR model?

Multiple Choice
trigonal pyramidal
square planar
square pyramidal



since there are no lone pairs on the central atom, the shape will be tetrahedral

Plastic is a polymer




*not sure about this answer

True I believe

Hope I’m right sorry if I’m not

A gas occupies a volume of 202 ml at a pressure of 505 torr. To what pressure must the gas be subject in order to change the volume to 65.0 ml



1569 torr


Assuming ideal behaviour and constant temperature, we can solve this problem by using Boyle's law, which states:

V₁P₁ = V₂P₂

Where in this case:

V₁ = 202 mLP₁ = 505 torrV₂ = 65.0 mLP₂ = ?

We input the data given by the problem:

202 mL * 505 torr = 65.0 mL * P₂

And solve for P₂:

P₂ = 1569 torr

What is the direct function of the energy released from the nuclear chain reaction in a nuclear power plant? turning the blades of the turbine heating water to produce steam powering the condenser carrying electricity from the plant to consumers



the energy released is to make steam to create electricity. yes you are right i just didnt feel like being super technical

In a nuclear reaction, the  direct function of the energy released from the nuclear chain reaction in a nuclear power plant is turning the blades of the turbine heating water to produce steam .

What are nuclear reactions?

There are two types of nuclear reactions which are nuclear fusion and nuclear fission .They involve the combination and disintegration of the element's nucleus respectively.

In nuclear fission, the nucleus of the atom is bombarded with electrons of low energy which splits the nucleus in to two parts .Large amount of energy is released in the process.It is used in nuclear power reactors as it produces large amount of energy.

In nuclear fusion,on the other hand, is a reaction which occurs when two or more atoms combine to form a heavy nucleus.Large amount of energy is released in the process which is greater than that of the energy which is released in nuclear fission process.

Learn more about nuclear reactions,here:


A ligand is a molecule or ion that acts as a



Lewis base/electron pair donors


Ligands are ions or neutral molecules which bond together with a central ion. They act as election pair donors, also known as Lewis bases, while the central ion they are connected to acts as the acceptor.

Therefore, a ligand is a molecule or ion that acts as a Lewis base/electron pair donors

Explain the term global warming​


Answer: A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.


Help naming this plzzzzzzzzzzzzz



A. 3-chloro-1-methylcyclobutane.


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to infer that the name of this compound is A. 3-chloro-1-methylcyclobutane because of the fact that the parent chain is a cyclobutane which starts by the methyl radical as it has the priority over the chlorine radical which is actually named first at the third carbon (clockwise).

Therefore the name is given in A, accordingly to the IUPAC rules of nomenclature.


The compound chromium(II) chloride is a strong electrolyte. Write the transformation that occurs when solid chromium(II) chloride dissolves in water. Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s).



CrCl₂(s) ⇒ Cr²⁺(aq) + 2 Cl⁻(aq)


Chromium (II) chloride is a strong electrolyte, that is, when dissolved in water, it completely dissociates into the ions. The cation is chromium (II) and the anion is chloride. The balanced equation for the solution of chromium (II) chloride is:

CrCl₂(s) ⇒ Cr²⁺(aq) + 2 Cl⁻(aq)

repining of fruits is which type of change​




I hope this will help you

Chemical Change. Hope it will help you

Choose the correct answer to make the statement true.

a. An exothermic reaction has a positive ΔH and absorbs heat from the surroundings.
b. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch. a positive ΔH and gives off heat to the surroundings.
c. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch. a negative ΔH and absorbs heat from the surroundings.
d. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch. a negative ΔH and gives off heat to the surroundings.
e. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch.


The prefix “exo” indicates a release. “-thermic” indicates heat. Because there is a release of heat, the reaction gives off heat and is warm to the touch. ΔH is negative because there is a loss of heat energy.

A student attempts to separate 4.656 g of a sand/salt mixture just like you did in this lab. After carrying out the experiment, she recovers 2.775 g of sand and 0.852 g of salt.a. What was the percent composition of sand in the mixture according to the student's data? b. What was the percent recovery?




a ) Total mixture = 4.656 g

Sand recovered = 2.775 g

percent composition of sand in the mixture

= (2.775 g / 4.656 g ) x 100

= 59.6 % .

b )

Total of sand and salt recovered = 2.775 g + .852 g = 3.627 g .

Total mixture = 4.656 g

percent recovery = (3.627 / 4.656 ) x 100

= 77.9 % .

How many colors are there in a rainbow?


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

There are 7 colours in a rainbow

The colours of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.


there r seven colors in a, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy..

sự sắp xếp nguyên tử trong vật chất





even i know how to type şïllily

When solid Ni metal is put into an aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2, solid Pb metal and a solution of Ni(NO3)2 result. Write the net ionic equation for the reaction.



[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out firstly necessary for us to write the complete molecular equation as shown below:

[tex]Pb(NO_3)_2(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni(NO_3)_2(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Now, we can separate the nitrates in ions as they are aqueous to obtain:

[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+2(NO_3)^-(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+2(NO_3)^-(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

And then, we cancel out the nitrate ions as the spectator ones, for us to obtain the net ionic equation:

[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Best regards!

what is the hybridisation of the central carbon in CH3C triple bonded to N​



the carbon would be sp3 hybridized, and it doesn't matter which carbon, since either of them have a full octet

2. For each of the ionic compounds in the table below, name the compound and explain the rule that you
used in formulating your name for the compound.
Rule for naming compound:





Lead(|V) fluoride

Ammonium Nitrate

Lithium sulfide

For the rules, I don't know what you were taught. I just do it intuitively since I have done so much chemistry.

The first one the roman numerals represents the charge of the lead which much match the 4- charge from the 4 fluorides.

The second one is just two polyatomic ions which you just have to remember.

The last one is the typical ionic compound naming technique i guess.

You will observe a weak acid-strong base titration in this experiment. Select all statements that are true about weak acid-strong base titrations.
A. Weak acid-strong base titrations always start at a higher pH than strong acid-strong base titrations, no matter the initial concentration.
B. The pH is less than 7 at the equivalence point.
C. The pH is greater than 7 at the equivalence point.
D. Half way to the equivalence point, a buffer region is observed.



The pH is greater than 7 at the equivalence point.


Equivalence point is the point where the acid reacts with the base as stipulated in the equation of the reaction.

When a weak acid and a strong base are titrated, the pH of the solution at equivalence point is actually found to be around about pH ~ 9.

Hence, for a weak acid and strong base titration, The pH is greater than 7 at the equivalence point.

A titration between a weak acid and a strong base yields a solution whose pH is greater than 7 at the equivalence point.

What are weak acids?

Weak acids are acids which only ionize partially in aqueous solutions.

When weak acids are dissolved in water, they produce only few hydrogen ions.

A strong base on the other hand ionizes completely to produce hydroxide ions in aqueous solutions.

The titration of a weak acid and a strong base gives a solution whose pH is greater than 7 at equivalence point.

Learn more about equivalence point at:

2. 27.8 mL of an unknown were added to a 50.0-mL flask that weighs 464.7 g. The total mass of the flask and the liquid is 552.4 g. Calculate the density of the liquid in Lbs/ in3.





Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out firstly necessary for us to set the equation for the calculation of density and mass divided by volume:


Thus, we can find the mass of the unknown by subtracting the total mass of the liquid to the mass of the flask and the liquid:


So that we are now able to calculate the density in g/mL first:


Now, we proceed to the conversion to lb/in³ by using the following setup:



Other Questions
A boardwalk game of chance costs 2 dollars to play. You have a 20% chance of winning 1 dollar, a 25% chance of winning back your entire 2 dollars, and a 35% chance to win 5 dollars. What is the expected value of playing the game if you lose your bet 20% of the time? if -2 is a zero the polynomial 3x^2+2x+k, find the value of k Find the circumference and area of a circle with a diameter of 12 cm. (Use the approximation of 3.14 for ) how nucleic acids and proteins work together to provide instructions for the structures and functions of an organism. Q: How was the Union ableto achieve victory in theCivil War? Find the size of the angles marked by letters in the following diagram. Plan production for the next year. The demand forecast is: spring, 20,600; summer, 9,400; fall, 15,400; winter, 18,400. At the beginning of spring, you have 69 workers and 1,030 units in inventory. The union contract specifies that you may lay off workers only once a year, at the beginning of summer. Also, you may hire new workers only at the end of summer to begin regular work in the fall. The number of workers laid off at the beginning of summer and the number hired at the end of summer should result in planned production levels for summer and fall that equal the demand forecasts for summer and fall, respectively. If demand exceeds supply, use overtime in spring only, which means that backorders could occur in winter. You are given these costs: hiring, $130 per new worker; layoff, $260 per worker laid off; holding, $21 per unit-quarter; backorder cost, $9 per unit; regular time labor, $11 per hour; overtime, $17 per hour. Productivity is 0.5 unit per worker hour, eight hours per day, 50 days per quarter.Find the total cost of this plan. Note: Hiring expense occurs at beginning of Fall. (Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "O" wherever required.) Fall 15,400 Winter 18,400 15,400 30,800 77 18,400 36,800 77 Spring Summer Forecast 20,600 9,400 Beginning inventory I 1,030 Production required 9,400 Production hours required 39,140 18,800 Regular workforce 69 47 Regular production Overtime hours Overtime production Total production Ending inventory Ending backorders Workers hired Workers laid off Spring Summer Fall Winter Straight time Overtime Inventory Backorder Hiring Layoff Total Total cost Anyone good at Ks3 math? A motorist travels 90 miles at a rate of 20 miles per hour. If he returns the same distance at a rate of 40 miles per hour, what is the average speed for the entire trip, in miles per hour? What is this answer PH=? Tm x,y tha mn: x^2-2xy+3y-5x+7=0 during times of personal crisis we may feel the need to engage the services of a therapist to help us with out problemsfact or opinion and why Find the volume of the composite solid.10 cm12 cm32 cm10 cm You decide to move out of your college's dorms and get an apartment, and you want to discuss the budget with your roommate. You know that your monthly grocery bill will depend on a number of factors, such as whether you are too busy to cook, whether you invite guests for meals frequently, how many special holiday meals you will cook, etc. In particular, G will have an approximate normal distribution with a variance of 2500 and a mean:=300+10M100B+50HWhere M is the number of meals to which you invite guests, and E[M]=8. B is a measure for how busy you are and assume it is U[0,1]. H is a variable that takes on the value 1 for holiday months of November, December, and January and 0 otherwise.a. What is the mean of G in a November, where M=10 and B=0.5?b. What is E(G)? With crews working shifts that span 24 hours a day, what is the most important thing for Satya to keep in mind as she prepares her live talk that will be replayed to employees on other shifts Which quote from the passage best illustrates the theme of trusting oneself?"Is it what I should do?I don't want to know. I want to watch it all unfold. "Let me think about this, she said. Can I be by myself for a while?""Speak aloud to me when you want to talk. I'll come to you. Choose the word which best completes the sentence. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the _____ painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. A. kiva B. MotifC. MuralD. None of the above Anyone have the answers to the full test I'd really appreciate it height increase (m)Temperature drop (C)=200If the temperature at a height of 500 m is 23C, what will it be when you climb to 1300 mHow far would you need to climb to experience a temperature drop of 5C? 2. Write the numeral for four thousand and twelve Ribosomes offer strong support for the common ancestry of all living things. In particular, our textbook shows information that supports common ancestry for Bacteria and Eukaryotes. Which statement most accurately characterizes this support