Determine the resistance values for a voltage divider that must meet the following specifications:_______.
a. The current drawn from the source under unloaded condition is not to exceed 5 mA.
b. The sourcevoltage is to be 10 V, and the required outputs are to be 5 V and 2.5 V.
c. Sketch the circuit.
d. Deter-mine the effect on the output voltages if a load is connected to each tap one at a time.


Answer 1


i) when circuit is unloaded : R1 + R2 = 2kΩ.

ii) when 5V output voltage is applied :  R1 = 1 kΩ , R2 =  1 kΩ

iii) when 2.5 v output voltage is applied : R1 = 1500 Ω,  R2 = 500 Ω

iv) when: R1 = 1 kΩ , R2 =  1 kΩ  is connected in parallel output voltage < 5 V

When : R1 = 1500 Ω, R2 = 500 Ω is connected in parallel output voltage > 2.5V


Current drawn from source under loaded condition ≤ 5 mA

source voltage = 10 v ,  required output = 5 v , 2.5 v

attached below is the sketch of the circuit

Resistance values

i) when the circuit is unloaded

Req = R1 + R2 = 2 kΩ  ( Req = Vs / I  = 10 / 5*10^-3 = 2 kΩ )

ii) when  output voltage = 5 v

we will apply voltage divider rule

R1 = 1 kΩ ,

R2 =  1 kΩ

iii) When the output voltage = 2.5 v

applying voltage divider rule

R1 = 1500 Ω

R2 = 500 Ω

iv) when the load is connected to each tap one at a time

i.e. when the resistance are in parallel

when: R1 = 1 kΩ , R2 =  1 kΩ  is connected in parallel output voltage < 5 V

When : R1 = 1500 Ω, R2 = 500 Ω is connected in parallel output voltage > 2.5V

attached below is the detailed solution to the given problem

Related Questions

A force measuring instrument comes with a certificate of calibration that identifies two instrument errors and assigns each an uncertainty at 95% confidence over its range. Provide an estimate of the instrument design-stage uncertainty.
Resolution: 0.25 N
Range: 0 to 100 N
Linearity error: within 0.20 N over range
Hysteresis error: within 0.30 N over range



[tex]U=\pm 0.382N[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Resolution: 0.25 N

Range: 0 to 100 N

Linearity error: within 0.20 N over range

Hysteresis error: within 0.30 N over range

Generally the equation for Stage Uncertainty is mathematically given by



[tex]u_0=Zero\ order\ uncertainty[/tex]

[tex]u_0=\pm 0.5*0.25[/tex]



u_T=Total instrumental Uncertainty



l_e=Error of linearity

h_e=Error due to hysteresis



[tex]u_T=\pm 0.36[/tex]



[tex]U=\pm 0.382N[/tex]

Please help me:
Use the Node analysis to find the power of all resistors


‘Politics and planning are increasingly gaining prominence in contemporary urban and regional planning debates’. Using relevant examples, discuss this assertion reflecting on the critical success factors for the successful implementation of the land reform program in South Africa.

Air enters a diffuser operating at steady state at 540°R, 15 lbf/in.2, with a velocity of 600 ft/s, and exits with a velocity of 60 ft/s. The ratio of the exit area to the inlet area is 8. Assume that The air is the ideal gas model for the air and ignoring heat transfer, determine


Answer: Hello the question is incomplete below is the missing part

Question:  determine the temperature, in °R, at the exit


T2= 569.62°R


T1 = 540°R

V2 = 600 ft/s

V1 = 60 ft/s

h1 = 129.0613  ( value gotten from Ideal gas property-air table )

first step : calculate the value of h2 using the equation below

assuming no work is done ( potential energy is ignored )

h2 = [ h1 + ( V2^2 - V1^2 ) / 2 ] * 1 / 32.2 * 1 / 778

∴ h2 = 136.17 Btu/Ibm

From Table A-17

we will apply interpolation

attached below is the remaining part of the solution

Which of the following would make a column more likely to buckle?

Increase its ultimate compressive strength

Increase its length

Increase its Young’s modulus

Increase its cross-sectional area

Increase its area moment of inertia

True or false: Increasing a material’s ultimate compressive strength makes it less likely to crush under its own weight (assuming all other things equal).



True or false: The area moment of inertia of an object only depends on its shape, not its size.





1) B: Increase its length

2) True

3) True


1) Columns are compressive members and are subjected to primarily compressive stresses.

Now, there is what we call slender Ness ratio in columns which is basically used to check the ability of a column to resist buckling.

The formula is;

Slenderness ratio = Effective length of column/radius of gyration

Thus, the longer the column the more the Slenderness ratio and the more likely it is to buckle.

Thus, increasing the length is what makes columns likely buckle.

2) Compressive strength is the ability of a material to withstand loads that may reduce size or make the material crush under load.

Now, increasing the compressive strength simply means more ability to withstand loads that may lead to crushing under load.

Ultimate compressive strength is the maximum amount of compressive stress that a material can take before it crushes under load. Thus, increasing the ultimate compressive strength means it is less likely to crush under its own weight.

3) There are different factors that affect moment of inertia and they are;

- the mass of the body

- axis of rotation of the body

- shape and size of the body.

However, for area moment of inertia, what is most relevant to us is the shape of the body in question since we are dealing with area and not how big it is.

For an applied transformer with a primary winding of 220, a secondary winding of 113 turns, a core of 45 cm2 cross-section and a rated supply voltage of 220 V, frequency f = 50 Hz, number system Core style K = 1,2.
one. Calculated from the sensor in the core transformer.
NS. Calculate the rated capacity of the transformer application.
C. Calculating no-load voltage and current levels.
NS. If the power point is reduced by 7% from the voltage level; voltage scortation feature.
e. If use the core machine variable on random form; powerpress same as the host variable on; compare the capacity of the random transformer with the capacity of the transformer application.



Block A hangs by a cord from spring balance D and is submerged in a liquid C contained in beaker B. The mass of the beaker is 1.20 kg; the mass of the liquid is 1.85 kg. Balance D reads 3.10 kg and balance E reads 7.50 kg. The volume of block A is 4.15 × 10−3 m3.
a) What is the density of the liquid?
b) What will the balance D read if block A is pulled up out of the liquid?
c) What will the balance E read if block A is pulled up out of the liquid?



a)  [tex]m_e= 3.05 Kg[/tex]

b)  [tex]\rho=1072.3kg/m^3[/tex]

c)  [tex]m_e= 3.05 Kg[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Beaker Mass [tex]m_b=1.20[/tex]

Liquid Mass [tex]m_l=1.85[/tex]

Balance D:

Mass [tex]m_d=3.10[/tex]

Balance E:

Mass [tex]m_e=7.50[/tex]

Volume [tex]v=4.15*10^{-3}m^3[/tex]


Generally the equation for Liquid's density is mathematically given by





Generally the equation for D's Reading at A pulled is mathematically given by

m_d = mass of block - mass of liquid displaced

[tex]m_d=m- (\rho *v )[/tex]

[tex]m=3.10+ (1072.30 *4.15*10^{-3}m^3 )[/tex]



Generally the equation for E's Reading at A pulled is mathematically given by


[tex]m_e = 1.20 + 1.85[/tex]

[tex]m_e= 3.05 Kg[/tex]

If an elevator repairer observes that cables begin to fray after 15 years, what process might he or she use to create a maintenance schedule for their replacement? fallacious reasoning reductive reasoning inductive reasoning deductive reasoning



inductive reasoning


Inductive reasoning is one of the type of reasoning method in which generalized consequences are derived from limited observations. By observing few data, general conclusions are drawn. The conclusions drawn are false in inductive reasoning. In the given situation, the conclusion drawn by the elevator repairer has been drawn by inductive reasoning. His observation of some cables led him to draw the conclusion about all the cables. The result of the reasoning is false.

Doubling the diameter of a solid, cylindrical wire doubles its strength in tension.





True ❤️

-Solid by solid can make Cylindrical wire doubles Strengths in tension

On the inner surface of the cylinder, the third principal stress is not zero. The third principal stress acts in the radial direction. Determine the third principal stress. Include the proper sign for your value.



σ1, σ2 and σ3.


The three principal stresses are labelled or written as σ1, σ2 and σ3. The σ1 is the maximum principal stress or most tensile stress, σ2 is the intermediate principal stress and σ3 is the minimum or most compressive principal stress. Principal stresses are the maximum and minimum extensional stresses present in an object. The principal directions have no shear stresses connected with them.

A piece of coaxial cable has 75ohms Characteristics impedance and a nominal capacitance of 69pF/m. what is its inductance per meter ? If the diameter of the inner conductor is 0.584mm, and the dielectric constant of the insulation is 2.23, what is the outer diameter of the conductor ?​



A) L = 0.388 μm

B) D = 3.78 mm


We are given;

Characteristics impedance; Z_o = 75 ohms

Nominal capacitance; C = 69pF/m = 69 × 10^(-12) F/m

dielectric constant; k = 2.23

Inner diameter of conductor; d = 0.584 mm

A) Now formula for Characteristics impedance is given as;

Z_o = √(L/C)

Where L is the inductance per metre.

Making L the subject, we have;

L = (Z_o)²C

L = 75² × 69 × 10^(-12)

L = 0.388 × 10^(-6) m

L = 0.388 μm

B) To get the outer diameter, we will use the formula;

Z_o = (138/√k) log(D/d)


D is outer diameter.

Thus, Plugging in the relevant values;

75 = (138/√2.23) × log (D/0.584)

log (D/0.584) = 0.81158611538

(D/0.584) = 10^(0.81158611538)

D/0.584 = 6.48016576435

D = 6.48016576435 × 0.584

D = 3.78 mm

EnQueue(X): Thêm phần tử X vào Queue
DeQueue() : Lấy 1 phần tử ra khỏi Queue
Hãy cho biết phần tử ở đầu của Queue có giá trị bằng bao nhiêu sau khi thực hiện lần lượt các phép toán sau:
EnQueue(1); EnQueue(2); DeQueue(); EnQueue(3);
EnQueue(4); DeQueue(); DeQueue();


Yes that is right no matter what you are talking about I’m not sure tho

Two engineers are to solve an actual heat transfer problem in a manufacturing facility. Engineer A makes the necessary simplifying assumptions and solves the problem analytically, while engineer B solves it numerically using a powerful software package. Engineer A claims he solved the problem exactly and, thus, his results are better, while engineer B claims that he used a more realistic model and, thus, his results are better. Will the experiments prove engineer B right



Engineer A results will be more accurate


Analytical method is better than numerical method. Engineer A has used analytical method and therefore his results will be more accurate because he used simplified method. Engineer B has used software to solve the problem related to heat transfer his results will be approximate.

Wave flow of an incompressible fluid into a solid surface follows a sinusoidal pattern. Flow is two-dimensional with the x-axis normal to the surface and y axis along the wall. The x component of the flow follows the pattern
u = Ax sin (2πt/T)
Determine the y-component of flow (v) and the convective and local components of the acceleration vector.



sorry , for my point


Calculate the minimum area moment of inertia for a rectangular cross-section with side lengths 6 cm and 4 cm.



Minimum area of rectangle = 24 cm²



Length of rectangle = 6 cm

Width of rectangle = 4 cm


Minimum area of rectangle


Area of rectangle = Length of rectangle x Width of rectangle

Minimum area of rectangle = Length of rectangle x Width of rectangle

Minimum area of rectangle = 6 x 4

Minimum area of rectangle = 24 cm²

An unconstrained 10mm thick plate of steel 100mm on a side with a 25mm diameter hole in the center is heated from 20 degrees C to 120 degrees C. The linear CTE is 12x10-6/⁰C. What is the final diameter of the hole



The correct answer is "25.03 mm".



Thickness of plate,

= 10 mm

On a side,

= 100 mm

Diameter hole,

= 25 mm

Coefficient of thermal expansion,

CTE = [tex]12\times 10^{-6} /^{\circ} C[/tex]


⇒ [tex]D_i\times (12\times 10^{-6}) \Delta \theta = \Delta D[/tex]

=  [tex]25\times 12\times 10^{-6} \Delta \theta[/tex]

= [tex]3\times 10^{-4} \Delta \theta[/tex]

= [tex]3\times 10^{-2}[/tex]


The final diameter of hole will be:

[tex]D_f=25.03 \ mm[/tex]    

How would you describe what would happen to methane if the primary bonds were to break?



All the bonds in methane (CH4CH4) are equivalent, and all have the same dissociation energy.

The product of the dissociation is methyl radical (CH3CH3). All the bonds in methyl radical are equivalent, and all have the same dissociation energy.

The product of that dissociation is methylene (CH2CH2). All the bonds in methylene are equivalent, and all have the same dissociation energy.

The product of that dissociation is methyne (CHCH) .

The C-H bonds in methane do not have the same dissociation energy as C-H bonds in methyl radical, which in turn do not have the same dissociation energy as the C-H bonds in methylene, which are again different from the C-H bond in methyne.

If (by some miracle) you were able to get all four bonds in methane to dissociate absolutely simultaneously, they would all show the same dissociation energy… but that energy, per bond broken, would be different than the energy required to break just one C-H bond in methane, because the products are different.

(In this case, it’s CH4→C+4HCH4→C+4H versus CH4→CH3+HCH4→CH3+H.)

To alter hydrocarbons you add enough energy to break a C-H bond. Why does only one bond break? What concentrates the energy on one C-H bond?

the weakest CH bond is the one that breaks. in plain alkanes it has to do with the molecular orbital interactions between neighboring carbon atoms. look at propane for example. the middle carbon has two C-C bonds, and each of those C-C bonds is strengthened by slight electron delocalization from the C-H bonds overlapping with the antibonding orbitals of the adjacent carbons.

since the C-H bonds on the middle carbon donate electron density to both of its neighbors, those two are weakest.

one of them will break preferentially.

which one actually breaks depends on the reaction conditions (kinetics). frankly it's whichever one ramdomly approaches a nucleophile first. when the nucleophile pulls of one of the H's, the other C-H bonds start to share (delocalize) the negative charge across the whole molecule. so while the middle C feels the majority of the negative charge character, the other two C's take on a fair amount as well...

by the way, alkanes don't really like to break and form anions like that.

a better example would be something like isopropyl iodide, where the C-I bond breaks and the I carries away the electron pair, forming a carbocation (also not particularly stable, but more so than the carbanion).

c. Assuming a fixed-priority scheduling. Consider two tasks to be executed periodically on a single processor, where task 1 has period p= 4 and task 2 has period p= 6.
If execution time of task I be e;=1
Find the maximum value for the execution time e2 of task 2 such that the Rate Monotonic (RM) schedule is feasible. ​



hi hello tata byebye nice

As per the given data, the maximum value of e2 such that the RM schedule is feasible is 0.985.

What is fixed-priority scheduling?

Fixed-priority scheduling is a scheduling algorithm used in real-time operating systems to assign priorities to tasks based on their relative importance or urgency.

In a fixed-priority scheduling algorithm, tasks with higher priority are assigned shorter periods.

Since task 1 has a period of 4 and task 2 has a period of 6, we can assume that task 1 has a higher priority than task 2. Therefore, we can apply the Rate Monotonic (RM) scheduling algorithm.

The RM scheduling algorithm states that a feasible schedule exists if the following condition is satisfied:

Σ (ei / pi) ≤ n(2^(1/n)-1)

Where Σ (ei / pi) is the sum of the ratio of execution time to period for all tasks, n is the total number of tasks, and the base of the exponential function is 2.

In this case, we have two tasks, so n = 2. We know that e1 = 1 and p1 = 4. For task 2, we need to find the maximum value of e2 such that the schedule is feasible. Therefore, we can set e2 = x and p2 = 6.

Substituting the values into the RM scheduling formula, we get

(e1/p1) + (e2/p2) ≤ 2^(1/2) - 1

(1/4) + (x/6) ≤ 0.4142

Multiplying both sides by 12, we get:

3 + 2x ≤ 4.97

2x ≤ 1.97

x ≤ 0.985

Therefore, the maximum value of e2 such that the RM schedule is feasible is 0.985.

For more details regarding priority scheduling, visit:


Karl and Susan have agreed to come to our party, _______ has made Maria very happy.   that   which   what   who​




I am not sure that this is the answer

but i hopethis will help you

Karl and Susan agreed to come to our party, which made Maria very happy. The correct option is b.

What are relative pronouns?

Relative pronouns are words that are used to show the relation between two statements. Who/whom, whoever/whomever, whose, that, and which are the most common relative pronouns. "what," "when," and "where" might operate as relative pronouns.

Relative pronouns introduce dependent sentences called relative clauses. Happy is an emotion that is non-living things and with non-living things, which is used.

The relative pronouns "which" and "that" begin adjective clauses. Both provide additional information about the noun they follow.

Therefore, the correct option is b, which. Karl and Susan agreed to come to our party, which made Maria very happy.

To learn more about relative pronouns, refer to the link:


If a cylindrical part with a length of 20 mm and a diameter of 20 mm is to be machined to a cylindrical part with 18 mm in diameter with the same length. The machine has a mechanical efficiency of 50% and a power of 80 kW. If the cutting rake angle is 0 degrees and the cutting tool is made of uncoated carbides and the cutting speed is 10 m/s. What material can we choose for the cylinder



Titanium Alloy


Length ( L ) = 20 mm

D1 = 20 mm

d2 = 18 mm

l = 20 mm

Mechanical efficiency = 50%

power = 80 kW

cutting rake angle = 0°

cutting speed ( v ) = 10 m/s

Determine the material to be for the cylinder

In order to choose a material for the cylinder we have to calculate the cutting force

P = Fc * V

80  = Fc * 10 m/s

therefore Fc = 80 / 10 = 8 N

Hence the material we can use is Titanium Alloy   due to low cutting force value

A gas tank is known to have a thickness of 0.5 inches and an internal pressure of 2.2 ksi. Assuming that the maximum allowable shear stress in the tank wall is 12 ksi, determine the necessary outer diameter for the tank. Assume that the tank is made of a cold drawn steel whose elastic modulus is 35000 ksi and whose Poisson ratio is 0.292. If y





From the question we are told that:

Thickness [tex]T=0.5[/tex]

Internal Pressure[tex]P=2.2Ksi[/tex]

Shear stress [tex]\sigma=12ksi[/tex]

Elastic modulus [tex]\gamma= 35000[/tex]

Generally the equation for shear stress is mathematically given by



r_i=internal Radius








Generally the equation for outer diameter is mathematically given by




Assuming that the thin cylinder is subjected to integral Pressure

Outer Diameter is


Alternating current lesson 4 exam


huh? whats the question?

in plumbing what is a video snake used for



How to stop toilets  


I think

Hope this helps

Also called a plumbing snake or a pipe snake, a drain snake is a coiled wire tool that can effectively clear out clogs from your plumbing. In addition to removing clogs, drain snakes can have cameras attached to them so your plumber can see what's going on inside your pipes.

The maximum tensile force a solid, cylindrical wire can withstand increases as the thickness of the wire increases.





Don’t mind this

OSHA requires that fall protection be provided at elevations of four feet in general industry workplaces, five feet in shipyards, six feet in the construction industry and eight feet in longshoring operations.

Tech A says that proper footwear may include both leather and steel-toed shoes. Tech B says that when working in the shop, you only need to wear safety glasses if you are doing something dangerous. Who is correct?



Tech A is correct.


If a person is doing something dangerous in a shop, he should wear safety glasses to protect his eyes from danger and also wear leather shoes to protect himself from any electric shock. Leather boots will disconnect a person with direct earth and therefore he can save himself if he gets a electric shock.

What are the assumptions made for air standard cycle analysis?
a.The working medium is prefect gas throughout i.e. it follows PV=mRT
b.The working medium does not undergo any chemical change throughout the cycle
c.The compression and expansion processes are reversible adiabatic i.e. there is no loss or gain in entropy.
d.All of above


d i took this hope it helps

La iluminación de la superficie de un patio amplio es 1600 lx cuando el ángulo de elevación del sol 53°. Calcular la iluminación cuando el ángulo de elevación del Sol sea 37°



 I = 1205.69 Lx


The irradiation or intensity of the solar radiation on the earth is maximum for the vertical fire, with a value I₀

          I = I₀ sin θ

in this case with the initial data we can calculate the initial irradiance

         I₀ = [tex]\frac{I}{sin \ \theta }[/tex]

         I₀ = 1600 /sin 53

         I₀ = 2003.42 lx

for when the angle is θ = 37º

         I = 2003.42 sin 37

         I = 1205.69 Lx

A shunt regulator utilizing a zener diode with an incremental resistance of 8 ohm is fed through an 82-Ohm resistor. If the raw supply changes by 1.0 V, what is the correspondig change in the regulated outut voltage?



[tex]\triangle V_0=0.08V[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Incremental resistance  [tex]R=8ohms[/tex]

Resistor Feed [tex]R_f=82ohms[/tex]

Supply Change [tex]\triangle V=1[/tex]

Generally the equation for  voltage rate of change is mathematically given by



 [tex]\triangle V_0=\triangle V*\frac{R}{R_fR}[/tex]

 [tex]\triangle V_0=1*\frac{8}{8*82}[/tex]

 [tex]\triangle V_0=0.08V[/tex]

A symmetric biplane having forward / aft wedge angles 2° is placed in supersonic
flow as shown below.
Estimate the lift and drag of this configuration by using the idea of method of
characteristics. (Recall v±0=const on different direction i.e left or right running waves)
The wave pattern on the biplane is shown in dashed lines.



you are good thx dedo please ❤️


please give me thx pls pls pls

9. What is a whip check?



¿Cuál es el efecto látigo?

Es un grave desajuste entre la demanda real de un producto y la demanda de los actores intermediarios en la cadena de suministro

Explanation: espero que te  yueda

A bullet weighing 0.08 lb is fired with a horizontal velocity of 1800 ft/s into the lower end of a slender 23-lb bar of length L = 30 in. Knowing that h = 12 in. and that the bar is initially at rest. Determine the angular velocity of the bar immediately after the bullet becomes embedded.


Answer: hello attached below is the missing image the slender weight is different from what is in the question here so I worked with 23-Ib as requested in the question


≈ 12.17 Rad/sec


weight of bullet ( Wb ) = 0.08 Ib

horizontal velocity = 1800  ft/s

Slender(Wr) = 23-Ib bar with

length ( L ) = 30

h = 12 inches

Vro = 0

Calculate the angular velocity of the bar immediately after the bullet becomes embedded  

attached below is a detailed solution

6.708 = ( 0.05011 + 0.5011 ) w'

w' = 6.708 / 0.55121 ≈ 12.17 Rad/sec

Other Questions
Pattison Products, Inc., began operations in October and manufactured 40,000 units during the month with the following unit costs: Direct materials $5.00 Direct labor 3.00 Variable overhead 1.50 Fixed overhead 7.00 Variable marketing cost 1.20 Fixed overhead per unit 1.20Total fixed factory overhead is $280,000 per month. During October, 38,400 units were sold at a price of $24, and fixed marketing and administrative expenses were $130,500.Required:1. Calculate the cost of each unit using absorption costing.2. How many units remain in ending inventory? What is the cost of ending inventory using absorption costing?3. Prepare an absorption-costing income statement for Pattison Products, Inc., for the month of October. I add 7 to a certain number. I double the result. My final answer is 34. What was my number? find the sum of (-260)+(-30) Please help me determine the general equation for the graph above as well as solve for a. Thank you. Select all of the following statements that represent the differences between a voltaic cell and an electrolytic cell. Group of answer choices The electrodes will change in mass for only the electrolytic cell Reduction happens at the cathode for only the electrolytic cell The redox reaction is spontaneous for only voltaic cell Electrode with the lowest reduction potential is reduced in an electrolytic cell A potential is generated when the voltaic cell runs Which of the following are true statements about the Java wrapper classes (Select all that apply.): Select one or more: a. Objects of these type are immutable b. Objects of these types are mutable c. The wrapper classes do not have no-arg constructors d. The wrapper classes do have no-arg constructors Ex: REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES BEGINNING WITH THE WORDS GIVEN 1- Take these pills three times a day and you'll soon feel better.If you..........2- I couldn't meet him because he had moved.If he............3- I can't live in the country because I can't find a job there. If I.................4- Tell me your address. I might need it.Tell me your address in case............5- Unless you study hard you won't pass your exams.If you.................6- Visiting Israel won't be possible without a visa.Unless...................7- I didn't pass because I didn't study.If I..................8- Sally won't go to Nebraska because she doesn't have enough money.If Sally................9- Buy some aspirins. You might need them during your journey.Buy some aspirins in case.........10- They didn't go to England because they didn't book a room on time.Had................. 0.3 Product Ticket: CERQuestionUse the text to identify the sentences with evidence that matches the claim.Claim 1 --> Tropical rainforests contain more biodiversity than all other biomes.1) Biodiversity refers to the total number of different species of all kinds living in an area.2) Tropical rainforests have many of the climate characteristics that organisms of different species need to grow, such as warm temperatures, plenty of rain, and many food sources.3) There are large amounts of daily sunlight, which provides a great deal of energy to a variety of rainforest organisms.4) Surprisingly, rain forest soil is very poor.5) Due to the large amounts of rainfall, nutrients are leached out of the soil quickly.6) Warm temperatures cause dead organisms to decay quickly, and the nutrients are then used by many different plants.1, 2, 51, 2, 51, 3, 41, 3, 42, 3, 62, 3, 61, 4, 5 What is the area of a trapezoid.. base 14in and 7in height is 5in? A car increase its speed steadily from 30km/hr to 60km/hr in 1 min A what is the average speed during this time Which of the following is NOT a requirement for testing a claim about two population standard deviations or variances? A. The populations are independent. B. One of the populations is normally distributed. C. The two samples are simple random samples. D. This test requires that both populations have normal distributions. any 2 characteristics of columnar epithelium Can you guys help me pls A rocket blasts off. In 10.0 seconds it is at 10,000 ft, traveling at 3600 mph. Assuming the direction is up, calculate the acceleration. V sao nh qun l lun phi xy dng cc k hoch o ngc tnh hung khi ra quyt nh qun l? given A=4i-10j and B= 7i+5j find b such that A+bB is a vector pointing along the x-axis (i.e has no y component) packaging methods of watermelon CAN SOME HELP PLS I NEED HELP PASSING PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM Factor. 64x^12 + 27y^3 What informational text is an examination of a particular topic in detail?ASAP