difference between population education and environment education in points​


Answer 1


the answer is


Population education tells them about the consequences of population growth and gives them impetuses to keep the population on par with natural resources available in the country.

Environment education is important to provide them safe and clean environment.

Answer 2
Alessandro has committed to riding his bike to and from school when the weather is good. All Alessandro has committed to riding his bike to and from school when the weather is good. All week, he rides to school without any problems. But on Friday, he remembers that he, he rides to school without any problems. But on Friday, he remembers that he must bring home equiexperiment that is too big to carry on a bike. What did Alessandro forget to do before making his lifestyle change? consider his m set a routine choose an exercise consider his schedule

Related Questions

3. The ___________ senses give the body information about the outside environment.







external senses give the body information about the outside environment.

So the answer is external.




I did the test

Who discovered X-ray

Louis Pasteur
William Rontgen
GB Fahrenheit​


Wilhelm Roentgen
X-rays were discovered in 1895. Röntgen's discovery occurred accidentally in his Wurzburg, Germany, lab, where he was testing whether cathode rays could pass through glass when he noticed a glow coming from a nearby chemically coated screen. He dubbed the rays that caused this glow X-rays because of their unknown nature.

Give the physical test in each components of physical: fitness. (ex Muscular strength : push up



the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution.


When performing a blood culture test, the blank system involves drawing directly into the bottles



I'm pretty sure yeah it includes that. Not sure what the question is. Please be a little more specific.


How does this show an unhealthy expectation or negative aspect of dieting culture? In three sentences, explain how your ad depicts something unhealthy or negative in terms of dieting, weight loss, or what we see as "normal."​



Dieting or weight loss is a really great thing to loss wight and fitness. It's specially good for fat or unhealthy person. If a person is thin and If he/she does diet, there is great chance that they can be sick or even die due to lack of energy.

A warm-up routine should _______
your body temperature.
O A. stabilize
O B. increase
O C. destabilize
O D. decrease




A warm-up routine should "increase".



The athletes, dancers, wrestlers they perform the warm up so as to stretch their muscles, improve their strength and flexibility. It actually prepares the muscles for straineous activities.

Does the color blue make people feel calmer?

explain in two to three sentences what your hypothesis will be for your research question and how you could test your hypothesis.


Yes blue makes people calmer because it’s a low color and makes people relaxed

how is the y chromosome different from the x chromosome?



y chromosome is responsible to determined the sex of the child

x chromosome don't determined the Sex of the child


Everyone has at least one x chromosome. If you're a girl, you have two x chromosomes and no y chromosomes (xx). If you're a boy, you have one x chromosome and one y chromosome (xy). When a future mother and father are expecting a child, it's actually up to the father to determine the gender since the mother will always give the child an x chromosome, and the father can give an x or a y.


Brainliest, please!

Please Help !! Cause I Don’t Know


Where is the question

The term "peer influence" is best described as when

A. an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior
B. a parent encourages a child to improve their health through daily activities
C. one friend encourages another friend to improve their health through daily activities
D. print media influences teenagers to engage in unhealthy and risk behaviors





Peer influence is best described as when an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior. The correct option is A

What is peer influence ?

The concept of "peer influence" describes how people or groups who are the same age, social rank, or background as you can impact your peers' attitudes, behaviors, and decisions. It concerns how one's decisions and behavior are affected by those of friends or other members of the same social group.

Therefore, Peer influence is best described as when an individual or group has an impact on another person's choice of behavior.

Therefore, Option A is correct.

Learn more about peer influence here :brainly.com/question/28918988


1: what is safety aid?
2: what is first aid ?



1. Safety aid is similar as First aid

2. First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by a non-expert person .

What are three ways you can protect yourself from infectious diseases?



Frequent washing of hands, cleaning and patching up of cuts, not sharing eating or cleaning utensils with other people, not touching open cuts or face with uncleaned hands or items, list could go on and on.

If there are specific answers you are to choose from then those would need to have been provided, furthermore a more specific question is recommended because there are a loooot of answer to this question.

Sorry if this didn't help much :)


What health risk associated with high blood pressure


It can lead to a heart attack and also affect all the other major organs in your system.

What happens in Diabetes?​


Diabetes occurs when the pancreas, a gland behind the stomach, does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, or the body can't use insulin properly. Insulin helps carry sugar from the bloodstream into the cells. Once inside the cells, sugar is converted into energy for immediate use or stored for the future.

I’ll give u 20 points



Physical fitness gives you a better/nice body image. Your body image is one part of your self-concept. If you are physically fit your healthy mentally and physically.

Andre is at a party with a friend. After a couple of hours, Andre realizes he has not seen his friend for a while and goes to search the house for him. He finds his friend in the bathroom and observes that he has cold, clammy skin, his breathing is shallow, and he seems confused when he tries to speak with him. Andre knows his friend has a history of taking oxycodone prescription drugs.

What should Andre do in this situation?

A. Call 911 first, then try to get his friend to respond to him coherently if possible.
B. Carry his friend to a bedroom so he can sleep for a few hours until he feels better.
C. Get his friend in the car as soon as possible and drive him home away from the party.
D. Give his friend as many fluids as possible to get him hydrated quickly.​



I think the answer would be A


You need to make sure that officials are called and then try to help him your self.

Hope this helps.

Andre does in the situation is to Call 911 first, then try to get his friend to respond to him coherently if possible. The correct option is A.

What is an emergency situation?

An emergency situation is a sudden, unexpected situation that is dangerous and can be an immediate risk to health or any other thing. An emergency situation can be a danger to life.

Here, Andre's friend has a health emergency, he has a cold, clammy skin, and his breathing is shallow, so the best is to immediately call 911 and give him basic treatment if possible.

Thus, the correct option is A. Call 911 first, then try to get his friend to respond to him coherently if possible.

Learn more about emergency situations, here:



How could this negatively impact someone's health? In three to five sentences, analyze how what is shown or written in the ad could influence unhealthy behaviors.​


Take a photo of the question

If not enough calories are burned, the excess energy is used to make fat ? True or False



I think it is true


All of the following might be an indication of social media addiction EXCEPT

A. an inability to walk away from social media for any significant period of time
B. checking your social media feed the first thing after waking up
C. using social media to share information about causes important to you
D. scrolling through social media feed even while watching television​



C. using social media to share information about causes important to you

All of the following might be an indication of social media addiction except using social media to share information about causes important to you. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is Social media addiction?

Social media addiction is the unhealthy dependence on the interactive social media platforms. Like most of the dependencies, social media addiction manifests as the overuse and difficulty in abstaining. One of the most common effect of this problem is social isolation.

Some examples of social media addiction include the increased use during other activities, such as hanging out with friends and family, or while eating food, increased reliance on social media as a way to cope up with the problems, restlessness and irritability whenever a person is not using social media.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Social media addiction here:



explain about nutritious food



The food having good nutritous value is known as nutritious food. Some of the foods having good nutritous value are Salmon, Garlic, Potatoes, Kale, Liver, etc.

what are you most likely to find on a health website?


importance of daily exercise

types of diets

common diseases and their symptoms

home remedies for some common diseases


What causes asthenopia?



Asthenopia is more commonly known as eyestrain or ocular fatigue. It's a common condition that occurs when your eyes become tired from intense use. Staring at a computer screen for long periods or straining to see in dim light are common causes.


may this answer is helpful for you

Staring at a computer screen long periods or straining to dim light are common causes.

What kind of disease persists for long periods of time or recurs throughout life?
A. chronic disease
B. emerging disease
C. viral disease
D. trichomoninsis disease



A, chronic disease


hi <3

A. Chronic disease

hope you have a great day <3

Which is a possible consequence for violating a zero-tolerance school policy



Detention, suspension, expulsion and even arrest are used as punishments for students who violate zero policies.

Give an introduction to female gonad​


Female gonad: The female gonad, the ovary or "egg sac", is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries have two functions: they produce eggs (ova) and female hormones.

I took a health test by that

Hope this helps :))

Which of the following describes transmission of a disease by indirect contact?
1. Person A has acne -> Person A and Person B are physically intimate -> Person B does not develop acne
2. Person A has a cold -> Person A sneezes near uninfected Person B
3. deer has Lyme disease -> tick bites deer -> tick bites uninfected person
4. Person A has malaria -> mosquito bites Person A -> mosquito bites uninfected Person B



the answer is 4.


i got it right

1. What component of fitness does yoga fall under?

Cardiovascular Endurance

Muscular Strength


1. What component of fitness does yoga fall under?

answer = Flexibility


If you need to choose one answer then I would say Flexibility, otherwise I would say all three I think.


what drug can cause rotten teeth and mouth cancer


So when you smoke crack or put powdered cocaine in your mouth, the acids coat your teeth and can break down their protective enamel. This can cause gum disease and tooth decay. If you rub it on your gums, it can cause mouth sores. Smoke from pot is a carcinogen and can cause mouth cancer.
methaphetamine can also cause tooth decay and mouth cancer

What is a benefit of joining the YMCA instead of a private health club?

The YMCA is likely to be in an upscale neighborhood.The YMCA is likely to be in an upscale neighborhood. , ,

The YMCA is much more affordable.The YMCA is much more affordable. , ,

The YMCA has restaurants and spa services.The YMCA has restaurants and spa services. , ,

The YMCA has nicer equipment and buildings



The YMCA is much more affordable.

The benefit of joining the YMCA instead of a private health club is that the YMCA is much more affordable. Correct option is 2.

YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) facilities are typically community-based and non-profit organizations. As such, they often offer more affordable membership fees compared to private health clubs, which are usually for-profit businesses. The YMCA's focus is on providing accessible health and wellness services to the community, making it a cost-effective option for individuals seeking fitness and recreational activities.

While some private health clubs might boast of nicer equipment and buildings, and a few may have restaurants and spa services, these amenities often come with higher membership fees. The YMCA, on the other hand, prioritizes affordability and inclusivity, making it an attractive choice for people seeking a budget-friendly option to achieve their health and fitness goals.

To know more about YMCA :



Risk factors are aspects of a person's life that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of
optimal health.
O False



The answer is False because risk factors are not an aspects of a person' s life

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