Discuss at least five ways of practicing good device care and placement


Answer 1


The points according to the given question are provided below.


Batteries are quite a highly crucial part of EVs and should be handled accordingly.Whenever a part becomes obsolete, it should have been substituted every year using an innovative version.Before using an electric car, it should have been fully charged and ready to go.Within a certain duration of time, the gadget needs to be serviced again.Be sure to keep your mobile device or another gadget in such a secure location.

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What is the importance of using Onedrive in Windows 10 and how knowledge of it will have an impact in today's workplace?


The importance of one drive in windows 10 is that it helps the user to synchronize files in their computer.

Onedrive is a cloud storage system that is useful for the storage of files in a secured manner. A person can easily access their files whenever they want to.

In todays workplace a knowledge of onedrive has a great impact because

Onedrive offers an unlimited access to files whenever they are neededThe files can be available and accessed from anywhereIt helps with the organization of files in the work place.

One drive allows for this to be done even when offline. When online, there is an automatic synchronization of the made changes.

Read more at https://brainly.com/question/17163678?referrer=searchResults

Windows 10's one drive is useful because it enables users to synchronize information among various computers.Onedrive is indeed a cloud storage solution that can be used to store data in a secure environment.The user gets easy access to their files when their desire.In today's workplace, knowing how to use OneDrive is necessary because it gives unrestricted access to files anytime they're needed.The information can be transferred anywhere at.It assists with the arrangement of files in the workplace.It can be done and if you're not linked to the Network. Once you're online, the modifications you've performed are synchronized immediately.

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Arrays are commonly used to store data items. Arrays can be managed in ways that fill, iterate over, add to, and delete items from the array. Why is it useful to store multiple pieces of information?



mark me brainlist


Give examples of applications that access files by each of the following methods:
+ Sequentially.
+ Random.




Usually, applications would have the capability of using either one of these options. But for the sake of the question here are some that usually prefer one method over the other.

Any program that targets an API usually uses Sequential access. This is because API's contain all of the data as objects. Therefore, you need to access that object and sequentially navigate that object to the desired information in order to access the data required.

A music application would have access to an entire folder of music. If the user chooses to set the application to randomly play music from that folder, then the application will use a Random Access method to randomly choose the music file to load every time that a song finishes.

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phone grows everyday 82 percent


explain computer coding in an understandable manner​



Coding is simply how we communicate with computers. Code tells a computer what actions to take, and writing code is like creating a set of instructions


Computer coding empowers kids to not only consume digital media and technology, but to create it. Instead of simply playing videogame or envision what their own website, or app might look like and they'll have the outlet for the expression

In order to print multiple worksheets, what needs to happen before printing?




Click the File tab.

Click Print, or press the control p keyboard command.

On the Print screen, select the printer and other settings.

Click Print.

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input process and output hehe

Fasilitas untuk pengaturan batas kertas pada Microsoft Word adalah….

a. Margin
b. View
c. LayOut
d. Paragraph

Office 92 sering disebut juga dengan….

a. Office 3.0
b. Office 7.0
c. Office Xp
d. Office 2.0


Fasilitas untuk pengaturan batas kertas pada Microsoft Word adalah


Office 92 sering disebut juga dengan

A.Office 3.0

You have n warehouses and n shops. At each warehouse, a truck is loaded with enough goods to supply one shop. There are m roads, each going from a warehouse to a shop, and driving along the ith road takes d i hours, where d i is an integer. Design a polynomial time algorithm to send the trucks to the shops, minimising the time until all shops are supplied.


Following are the steps of the polynomial-time algorithm:

Split the routes according to their categorizationAssuming that mid = di of the middle road, low = road with the least di, and high = road with the highest di, we may do a binary search on the sorted list.All shops must be approachable only using these roads for every road, from low to mid.Check if all shops can be reached from[tex]\bold{ low \ to\ mid+1}[/tex] using only these roads.There is a solution if every shop can be reached by road only up to [tex]\bold{mid+1}[/tex], but not up to mid.You can [tex]\bold{set \ low = mid+1}[/tex] if all businesses aren't accessible using both [tex]\bold{mid\ and\ mid+1}[/tex] roads.If every shop could be reached using both mid and mid+1, then set high to mid-1.With these layouts of businesses and roads, no response can be given because [tex]\bold{ low > high}[/tex]You can do this by [tex]\bold{set\ mid = \frac{(low + high)}{2}}[/tex]The new low, mid, and high numbers are used in step (a).

In a minimum amount of time, this algorithm will determine the best strategy to supply all shops.

Learn more:

polynomial-time algorithm: brainly.com/question/20261998

Discuss the OSI Layer protocols application in Mobile Computing



The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system. The OSI model characterizes computing functions into a universal set of rules and requirements in order to support interoperability between different products and software.

Create a multimedia project that contains the text element and all the contents that you have studied about that element




You can insert only the row
only to
True or false




good luck bro

have a great day




e) Point out the errors( if any) and correct them:-
class simple
double sumNumber
int d = a + b + c;
double e = d/5.6;
return e;
void show Number()
a = 10, b = 20, c=5;
double f = sumNumber(a,b,c);



double e-d/5.6;is wrong it should return to c

What do you do if your computer dies/malfunctions? Reboot (Restart) Shut Down Recovery CD and Recover your system Call a person to fix it​





Simply I may restart my pc if it dies/malfunctions. I'll not restart immediately, I'll wait for an hour and do restart my computer. If it doesn't work then maybe I'll Call a person to fix it.

Select the scenario that describes a top-down approach to data warehouse design.

Cathy’s Cards and Gifts, which has three stores, creates data marts for its sales, marketing, and delivery departments to study the possibility of establishing a new store.

Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed.

Cynthia’s Florals, which is dealing with debt, creates new data marts for the service, delivery, and sales departments to develop a strategy to stay in business.

Connor’s Meat Market, which just opened, creates data marts to track the sale of each of the following meats: beef, pork, lamb, and fish.



Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed.

The scenario defines a top-down approach to data warehouse design as "Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed".

What is a top-down approach to data warehouse design?

In the "Top-Down" method system, a data warehouse exists defined as a subject-oriented, time-variant, non-volatile, and integrated data storage for the entire business data from various sources exist validated, reformatted, and saved in a normalized (up to 3NF) database as the data warehouse.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b) Crawford's Fabrics, which wants to expand its operations, combines data from the purchasing and sales departments into a central database, to be divided into new data marts as needed.

To learn more about warehouse design



Write a program named lastname_firstname_cities.py that works with information about large cities. Your program will open the cities.txt downloadfile. Each line in the file has the name of a city, its country, and its population. The first few lines of the file look like this:


Answer and Explanation:

Open your text editor and open new file. Save new file file as lastname_firstname_cities.py. The program will open the file cities.txt downloadfile hence :

dfile= open(cities.txt, "r")

If we write this into our lastname_firstname_cities.py file it will open our cities.txt downloadfile in read mode and text mode(by default unless we specify binary mode which is for images)

Explain the purpose of the open() and close() operations.



The open() operation notifies the system that the named file is about to become active. The close() operation notifies the system that the named file is no longer in active use by the user who issued the close operation.

Chất xơ có nhiều trong thực phẩm nào?


Answer: rau củ quả đều có lượng chất xơ nhiều hơn so với các loại thực phẩn khác


I connected to an external hard drive to transfer some photos from my vacation. When I try to drag the photo, it bounces right back and does not transfer. What is the likely cause of this issue?

a. hard drive is full

b. photos were taken in a different country

c. USB port is broken

d. the file structure of the 2 hard drives are not compatible


Your answer is D.

Hope this helps and if you could answer the question I just uploaded titled giving brainliest that would be great. Basically, what you have to do is research why the book titled the list of things that will not change and explain why it’s your favorite book based on the message it tells you! Go to my profile and go to questions.

The answer is D, What is the likely cause of this issue is that the file structure of the two hard drives are not compatible.

The file structure or file system, of a hard drive, tells the disk how to read, write and store information on the drive. Some file systems do not allow the disk to store any files and often do not display error messages. If we try to drag a file onto a hard drive with this kind of file structure, the action would simply not be performed. This can be fixed by formatting the disk partition into a new file system.

Option B states that the issue may be that the photos were taken in a different country. This is not the cause of the problem because regardless of where the pictures are taken, they are all stored in common formats such as:


Any external hard drive capable of storing images will have the ability to receive files in these formats as well as many other image formats. For this reason, option B is False.

The question states that you were able to connect the external Hard drive and drag files onto it, though unsuccessfully. This tells us that the USB port is working as intended, if it were not working, it would not display the Hard drive onto the computer and we would not be able to drag files to it. Therefore, option C is false

Insufficient Hard drive storage space is a common issue in not being able to transfer files between hard drives. However, if this were the case, the user would be shown a message displaying the error. The message may look like:

"Insufficient space on the disk.""The Disk is full.""Not enough memory to complete this action"

The exact wording may vary depending on the operating system in use. Since the question states that the files simply "bounces back" without an error message displaying, we can infer that option A is false.

For more help with Hard drive issues see: https://brainly.com/question/14254444?referrer=searchResults

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
Which testing requires coding the test cases into a scripting language?
testing requires coding the test cases into a scripting language.



sorry I forgot it


because I am now in a last position

Select the correct statement(s) regarding IP addressing.
a. IPv4 and IPv6 addressing is fully compatible with one another.
b. CIDR address format represents a Class C network only used within an intranet.
c. Subnet masks are used with both class and classless IP addresses.
d. all statements are correct.


Yeah the answer is b

Subnet masks are used with both class and classless IP addresses is the correct statement. Therefore, the correct option is C.

What is an IP address?

A device on the internet or a local network may be identified by its IP address, which is a special address. The rules defining the format of data delivered over the internet or a local network are known as “Internet Protocol,” or IP.

Only C is correct, rest other statements are incorrect because:

a. IPv4 and IPv6 addressing is fully compatible with one another is incorrect. While IPv4 and IPv6 can coexist on the same network, they are not fully compatible with one another.

b. CIDR address format represents a Class C network only used within an intranet is incorrect. Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is a technique used to allocate IP addresses more efficiently.

Therefore, subnet masks are used with both class and classless IP addresses is the correct statement. Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about,  here



How to prepare and draw a corresponding flowchart to compute the sum and product of all prime numbers between 1 and 50



Create boxes with the following content

Initialize sum to 0, product to 1 and number to 1Check if number is a prime. If yes, update sum += number and product *= numberIncrease number by 1If number is <= 50, go back to "check" block.

The check block has a diamond shape.

At the "yes" branch of the check block, you can create separate blocks for updating the sum and the product.

Connect the blocks using arrows.

Indicate the start and the end of the flow using the appropriate symbols.

The block to check if a number is a prime you could further decompose into the steps needed to do such a check.

hi, please help me.solution.​




An error due to wrong input by the user



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Which one is the result of the ouWhen you move a file to the Recycle Bin, it will be immediately deleted from your computer.

A. True

B. Fals



B => false


it just keep it on recycle bin => not being removed


Explaination :

The deleted file will stay in Recycle Bin for a short period of time before it's permanently deleted from your computer

Write a program that asks the user to enter in a username and then examines that username to make sure it complies with the rules above. Here's a sample running of the program - note that you want to keep prompting the user until they supply you with a valid username:


user_in = input ("Please enter your username: " )

if user_in in "0123456789":

print ("Username cannot contain numbers")

elif user_in in "?":

print ("Username cannot continue special character")


print (" Welcome to your ghetto, {0}! ".format(user_in))

how did hitles rules in nazi germany exemplify totiltarian rule?



hope this helps if not srry

By Using the following schema, answer the following SQL queries and commands: Product(P_code.P_name, P_price, P_on_hand,vend_code) Vender(vend_code, vend_fname, vend_areacode, vend_phone) 1- find the venders names who sell products in TN-5 area and their names include "dan". 2- find the code, name and vender code of product that has price between 1500S and 2500S and the product that has price between 48005 and 5600S. 3- Find the name, and code of venders who had 5 microwaves that has price less than 3500S. 4- Find the phone numbers of venders who sell Televisions. 5- Delete the records of venders who their first name is 'smith'



answer me pls i need sol bbbd

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Central Process Unit and Random Access Memory

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