Do you agree or disagree that the trouble with welfare is that people get too comfortable and don't want to go back to work defects rewritten approrpiate scale of measurement?


Answer 1
i think people have just gotten a little bit too reliant on they’re tax or wherever they could get money from, such as child support and so on that they don’t wanna go back to work and put in the effort and time

Related Questions

What are the task of welfare economist


Welfare economics seeks to evaluate the costs and benefits of changes to the economy and guide public policy toward increasing the total good of society, using tools such as cost-benefit analysis and social welfare functions.

what do you mean by infrastructures of development? explain the importance of such development for a country.​



It needs to be emphasized that good quality infrastructure is important not only for faster economic growth but also to ensure inclusive growth. By inclusive growth we mean that benefits of growth are shared by the majority of the people of a country. Thus the inclusive growth will lead to the alleviation of poverty and reduction in income inequality in the country.

Hope this helps...

telecommuting is working from home, making use of the internet, email and etc


It is also touted as a tool that permits workers to minimize use of "personal days" in instances where they have to stay home and care for a sick child, etc.

why is development necessary?​



Human development is necessary for developing human life. Human development always emphasizes more on social justice than economic growth. It's necessary for third world countries specially. It reduce the discrimination between different social communities.

Hope it's helpful for you

pls mark me in brainlist

writte theories of race ? ​
if u can answer all .. Guys



A common theory of race is that it is a social construct.


Another theory that explores race as a theory is critical race theory, an academic framework that explores structural racism and significant, historical events of racial discrimination.

सपनों का भारत पर अनुच्छेद लिखो।​



मेरे सपनों का भारत वो भारत है जो सभी के लिए बराबर रोजगार के अवसर प्रदान करता है जिससे कि हम सभी हमारे देश के विकास और सुधार के लिए काम करें। जातिवाद एक और बड़ा मुद्दा है जिस पर काम करने की आवश्यकता है। मेरे सपनों का भारत एक ऐसा स्थान होगा जहां लोगों से जाति, पंथ या धर्म के आधार पर भेदभाव नहीं किया जाता हो।

Dollar bills are legal tender in the U.S.



The answer is True.

Good luck!




2. write the names of any
two important
heritage Sites lying in province no 5




Ajanta Caves

Ellora Caves

Agra Fort

Taj Mahal

Konark Sun Temple

which tradition of our society need to be reformed list them and write the ways to Reform them ​



They are;

1) Animal sacrificing

2) Superstition

2) Dowry Custom

4) Untouchability

5) Gender discrimination etc






Ocean currents can be caused by wind, density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations, gravity, and events such as earthquakes or storms.

the core characteristics of appropriate technology




Which of the following best explains why a company might want to be based
in a free trade zone?
O A. Products are freely available because of government intervention.
B. There is the possibility of very low or no taxes.
C. High taxes pay for essential infrastructure for local companies.
O D. Tariffs on imports promote local businesses.





The answer is B because a free trade zone is a zone where there are little to no custom regulations, which allows for products to be easily accessible to the public. And that could boost sales for the company.

What is your role as a student in the society



For the prosperity and betterment of a society, the foremost role of student is to gather knowledge and wisdom and must not waste his/her precious time carelessly. He must submit himself to the rules of discipline to build a civilized society. ... A student can understand and help common people to understand their rights.

Which of the following statements is generally true about flixable people? a) They get confused easily. b) are open to trying new things. c) They prefer to work with people who are similar to themselves. d) They prefer to focus on many tasks simultaneously.



Which of the following statements is generally true about flixable people? b) are open to trying new things.

_________reflexes are stimulated by stretching or chemical stimulation of the myenteric plexus, which can result in peristaltic contractions. ________ reflexes utilize the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the nerve. Hormonal secretions like _______ and _______ secretin are released into the blood and stimulate relatively distant parts of the digestive tract. Paracrine secretions like and prostaglandins diffuse through the tissue fluids and stimulate nearby target cells.




1. Short reflexes are stimulated by stretching or chemical stimulation of the myenteric plexus, which can result in peristaltic contractions.

2. Long reflexes utilize the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the Vagus nerve.

3. Hormonal secretions like gastrin and secretin are released into the blood and stimulate relatively distant parts of the digestive tract.

4. Paracrine secretions like histamine and prostaglandins diffuse through the tissue fluids and stimulate nearby target cells.

42. What is the name of the pyramid found on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico?



Chichen Itza


it is Chichen Itza found on the yucatan peninsula in mexice

The claim that foreign policy and domestic policy are two faces of the same coin



The phrase means that domestic policy and foreign policy are influenced and implemented by the federal government and both types of policy have a macroeconomic impact on the economy.


Domestic policy is a series of legislative, judicial, and executive actions that impact the standard of living in one's country. Foreign policy is a series of decisions that impact a country's international relations with other countries and internationalist or supranational organizations.

what is curriculum integration


An integrated curriculum is described as one that connects different areas of study by cutting across subject-matter lines and emphasizing unifying concepts.

What branch of government did Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick work in?



Detroit, Michigan, U.S. Carolyn Jean Cheeks Kilpatrick (born June 25, 1945) is a former American politician who was U.S. Representative for Michigan's 13th congressional district from 1997 to 2011. She is a member of the Democratic Party

Jane Addams's ideas for urban social reform were inspired by Group of answer choices reading of Jacob Riis' How the Other Half Lives. Toynbee Hall, a social settlement in England. extensive travels in Germany. studies under the efficiency expert Edward Taylor.


The correct answer is "Toynbee Hall, a social settlement in England."

Jane Addams's ideas for urban social reform were inspired by Toynbee Hall, a social settlement in England.

This Toynbell Hall was an institution that supported poor people. We can say it was a charitable organization that helped the people in need in London, England.

Jane Adams established the Hull House, one of the first community centers in the United States. It was founded in 1889 by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. It was located at 800 South Halsted Street that still growing in the following years. The place offered many services that could be found in a community center to help the people in need such as baby caring and community dining.

Fill in the blank:
"Throughout time men have
given their word, and their
has bound them.'' -DrB
A. stubbornness
B. pity
C. arrogance
D. honor


"Throughout time men have given their word, and their honour has bound them." (Answer: D)

In ancient times, Oaths were an accepted Institution in which a party was obliged to do something in favor of the other party and viceversa, whose unfulfillment for any of the parties would mean grave consequences, even at cost of Life and Honor. Oaths prospered in civilizations (i.e. West Europe in the Middle Ages, Japan) where Honor stands in important and Dishonor is considered worse than Death.

Therefore, we conclude that correct answer is: "Throughout time men have given their word, and their honour has bound them." (Answer: D)

Please see this question related to Honor:

In terms of the evolution of the vertebrate brain, one trend that is evident, especially if one compares the brains of amphibians with those of mammals is the complete covering of the __________ by the __________:
a. brain/spinal cord.
b. midbrain/forebrain.
c. midbrain/hindbrain.
d. fourbrain/fivebrain.
e. none of the above.


It’s the answer (B) Midbrain/forebrain) hope this helps!

Using your own words, briefly summarize Darwin’s theory of evolution.



Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Natural Selection. While Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a relatively young archetype, the evolutionary worldview itself is as old as antiquity. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Anaximander postulated the development of life from non-life and the evolutionary descent of man from animal.


What is meant by gender identity?


Answer: it depends really

Explanation: Gender identity is your deeply-held inner feelings of whether you're female or male, both, or neither. Your gender identity isn't seen by others. Gender identity may be the same as the sex you were assigned at birth (cisgender) or not (transgender). Some people identify as a man (or a boy) or a woman (or a girl).

1. Mention the importance of federalism.



Federalism, and other forms of territorial autonomy, is generally seen as a useful way to structure political systems in order to prevent violence among different groups within countries because it allows certain groups to legislate at the subnational level.


Because it permits some groups to legislate at the subnational level, federalism and other types of territorial autonomy are often seen as abeneficial methods to build political systems in order to reduce bloodshed among various groups inside countries.

~Hope it helps u :)

Which belief defines Christianity as a religion separate from Judaism?



I guess the belief In the holy scripture

Answer:  The correct answer is "belief in Jesus as the savior".







plz are cells made of molecules btw its in science



All cells are made from the same major classes of organic molecules: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.


explain briefly about the relationship between training and profession​



Relation between Profession and Training

Relation between Profession and TrainingTraining helps an individual to obtain new skills and experiences and also to build their career and become self-dependent. It helps to develop professionalism. With the help of training, the employees are strongly motivated.

The relationship between training and profession are=
1) trained person can do there professions punctually and easily
2) trained person can get professions very easily
3) trained person can do there works without making any mistakes

Suppose the federal reserve raises interest rate what statement presicts the most likely effect



The money supply will decrease, meaning that banks will give fewer loans, and prices for goods and services will fall.


Higher interest rates means that it is more expensive to borrow money and therefore fewer people and businesses will request loans. This increases the money supply, economic growth, and the rate of inflation. A higher reserve rate means that banks have to keep more cash, decreasing the money supply.

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