Do you feel that the United States is living up to principles today?


Answer 1




they are because they abide by all rules and regulations in the country

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How does the
justify his
Idecision to
appease Hitler?



Well, the cartoonist is actually critical of Hitler in the drawing. The cartoonist is satirizing the appeasing position that many people had with Hitler, perhaps out of fear, but most likely out of hidden sympathy that with time became more and more explicit until the point that many people came out as Nazi supporters in the end.

The cartoonist is bringing attention to the dangers of initial appeasing a tolerant position to totalitarian regimes like national socialism, because this attidues can easily turn into political affiliation.

Complete each of the following sentences by selecting the correct option from the dropdown menu.

While there were relatively few educational opportunities for people in antebellum Mississippi, the
had the most educational options. Sons of wealthy planters were generally educated at
. On the other hand
had virtually no access to formal education in the state.
were legally barred from learning to read and write.


I'd say, there are many ways to answer this. The best way is to use wikipedia and other web pages similar to that.

Definición de imperialismo



El imperialismo (generalmente en forma de un imperio) —que se basa en ideas de superioridad​ y aplicando prácticas de dominación— es el conjunto de prácticas que implican la extensión de la autoridad y el control de un Estado o pueblo sobre otro.

Do you remember how New England was settled ?


Answer: The first European settlement in New England was a French colony established by Samuel de Champlain on Saint Croix Island, Maine in 1604.As early as 1600, French, Dutch, and English traders began to trade metal, glass, and cloth


Hope it helps you if not sorry





The decision in Marbury v. Madison greatly expanded the power of the Supreme Court by establishing its right to overturn acts of Congress, a power not explicitly granted by the Constitution.

What was the impact of the American and French Revolution *atleast a paragraph * (URGENT)


The revolution led to the establishment of a democratic government for the first time in Europe. Feudalism as an institution was buried by the Revolution, and the Church and the clergy were brought under State control. It led to the eventual rise of Napoleon Bonaparte as the Emperor of France.

How was the Treaty of
Kanagawa similar to the
treaties that China signed with
various European powers?


Answer: they both allowed the foreigners to trade with the countries at several treaty ports. it had also extended extraterritorial rights to many foreign nations


In August 2002, President Parwez Musharraf issued a ‘Legal Framework Order that (1 Point) Changed the economic policies of the country Changed the borders of the country Amended the Constitution of the country All the above



Amended the Constitution of the country


In simple words, In August 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf issued the Legal Framework Order, 2002. It allowed for the parliamentary campaigns of 2002, as well as the resuscitation of Pakistan's 1973 Constitutional and several modifications to it.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct option is C.

What proof does McCarthy give that communism is a serious threat?


Senator Joseph McCarthy is known for starting or contributing to McCarthyism, which is also known as the Second Red Scare. This was when many people were scared of communism and communists  infiltrating  the country. Fear was sparked into Americans and many of them started to question those around them, which Joseph McCarthy did not help with.

Joseph McCarthy preached that communism was a serious threat because communists were a risk to society, as they had no morals, ethics, or religion. He would call out people in the government for being communists, often with no proof or evidence. He even stated that many people in the United States government were communists and that he had a list, but his credibility slowly fell when he started getting criticized for his lack of evidence and his changing stories.

Even after Joseph McCarthy had little to no credibility anymore and nobody really believed him, he had already ruined many people's lives by his false words. He struck fear into Americans and caused many people their careers by accusing them of being communists.

PLEASE HELP ME!! Which of the following was not one of the goals of the Renaissance Humanists? (CLICK ALL THAT APPLY)

O To encourage virtuous, well-educated people to engage their culture

O To teach a person to write and speak with clarity

O To educate a person fully, to be academically "well-rounded"

O To develop a scholar who studied in seclusion, away from society



To encourage virtuous, well-educated people to engage their culture

cuales son las crisis de la republica romana​


Entre los años 133 a 44 a.C se produjo en Roma un cambio político de gran trascendencia. Se pasó de un gobierno aristocrático, la Res Publica, representado por el Senado, a lo que en definitiva era una monarquía, el princeps, que se inicia bajo el mandato de Augusto.


Based on Livingstone's observations, why might European countries be interested in colonizing Africa?



reason for European interest in Africa is the industrialization when major social problems grew in Europe: unemployment, poverty, homelessness, social displacement from rural areas, etc. ... Europe saw the colonization of Africa as an opportunity to acquire a surplus population, thus settler colonies were created.


hope i helped , have a nice day

B. What impact has "The Balfour Declaration" had on the world today? Explain your





The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.

Immediately following their declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire in November 1914, the British War Cabinet began to consider the future of Palestine; within two months a memorandum was circulated to the Cabinet by a Zionist Cabinet member, Herbert Samuel, proposing the support of Zionist ambitions in order to enlist the support of Jews in the wider war. A committee was established in April 1915 by British Prime Minister H. H. Asquith to determine their policy towards the Ottoman Empire including Palestine. Asquith, who had favoured post-war reform of the Ottoman Empire, resigned in December 1916; his replacement David Lloyd George, favoured partition of the Empire. The first negotiations between the British and the Zionists took place at a conference on 7 February 1917 that included Sir Mark Sykes and the Zionist leadership. Subsequent discussions led to Balfour's request, on 19 June, that Rothschild and Chaim Weizmann submit a draft of a public declaration. Further drafts were discussed by the British Cabinet during September and October, with input from Zionist and anti-Zionist Jews but with no representation from the local population in Palestine.

By late 1917, in the lead up to the Balfour Declaration, the wider war had reached a stalemate, with two of Britain's allies not fully engaged: the United States had yet to suffer a casualty, and the Russians were in the midst of a revolution with Bolsheviks taking over the government. A stalemate in southern Palestine was broken by the Battle of Beersheba on 31 October 1917. The release of the final declaration was authorised on 31 October; the preceding Cabinet discussion had referenced perceived propaganda benefits amongst the worldwide Jewish community for the Allied war effort.

The opening words of the declaration represented the first public expression of support for Zionism by a major political power. The term "national home" had no precedent in international law, and was intentionally vague as to whether a Jewish state was contemplated. The intended boundaries of Palestine were not specified, and the British government later confirmed that the words "in Palestine" meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine. The second half of the declaration was added to satisfy opponents of the policy, who had claimed that it would otherwise prejudice the position of the local population of Palestine and encourage antisemitism worldwide by "stamping the Jews as strangers in their native lands". The declaration called for safeguarding the civil and religious rights for the Palestinian Arabs, who composed the vast majority of the local population, and also the rights and political status of the Jewish communities in other countries outside of Palestine. The British government acknowledged in 1939 that the local population's views should have been taken into account, and recognised in 2017 that the declaration should have called for the protection of the Palestinian Arabs' political rights.

The declaration had many long-lasting consequences. It greatly increased popular support for Zionism within Jewish communities worldwide, and became a core component of the British Mandate for Palestine, the founding document of Mandatory Palestine, which later became Israel and the Palestinian territories. As a result, it is considered a principal cause of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict, often described as the world's most intractable conflict. Controversy remains over a number of areas, such as whether the declaration contradicted earlier promises the British made to the Sharif of Mecca in the McMahon–Hussein correspondence.

What did the Supreme Court rule about treatment of the Japanese in the Korematsu case?


Conviction affirmed. The Supreme Court ruled that the evacuation order violated by Korematsu was valid, and it was not necessary to address the constitutional racial discrimination issues in this case.

What is the most likely reason that the steamboat was developed soon after the steam locomotive?


The locomotive used the same technology but could travel more broadly.


The answer to your question is The steamboat used the same technology as the locomotive. hope this helps, thanks


took test on it and got it correct

Prior to Billy Beane, how efficiently were scarce resources allocated throughout Major League Baseball? Was it a smart allocation? Explain.

Movie: Moneyball



Yes the allocation of resources was smart


Prior to Billy Beane, The resources were not allocated efficiently however Billy introduced the use of statistics to determine the value of asset and also determine the ability of players.

The techniques was simple that allows  small-market teams to buy assets that are considered undervalues by other teams. On the other hand these small-market teams sell assets that are considered overvalued by other teams.

Yes, the allocating resources was well-thought-out.

According to Billy Beane, supplies were not distributed efficiently, but Billy pioneered the use of analytics to evaluate the worth of assets as well as player abilities.

The strategy was straightforward, and it allowed small-market teams to purchase properties that the other teams felt undervalued. These smaller clubs, on the other hand, sell off assets that some other teams believe are overpriced.

Learn more:

what does perspectives mean



Someone's perspective, or point of view, is stating what the person (or people) is/are seeing or hearing. The denotation (dictionary definition) states that "the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.".

Read the following point of view: Ali should not step forward at the induction center when he is called to do so. Who had this point of view?
(A) people who did not want Ali to fight in the Vietnam War
(B) the New York Boxing Commission
(C) the draft board in Kentucky
(D) people who were ready to serve in the Vietnam War

u guys meant be like who is ali is Muhammad AIi is short for his name


B is the correct answer

1. Identify the type of plate boundary at the intersection of line AB and the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge.



It’s number 3. It’s a divergent

6. In the 5th century B.C.E., began to appear in Greek sculpture. (2 points)
O great emotion and feeling
Okouroi and korai
O stiff, rigid forms
O depiction of movement​



great emotion and feeling


In the 5th century B.C.E., GREAT EMOTION AND FEELING began to appear in Greek sculpture.

This period was known as the classical period, and it is characterized by an increase in statues and sculptures as means of building decoration. These artistic designs and formation move from rigid forms to artworks that depict great emotion and feelings, such as the mourning mother, and the dutiful son which illustrates real people.

What was seen as the key to preventing future dictators like Hitler from emerging after ww2

1-stable governments
2- non violent societies
3-No socialist of communists in government
4-stable economies



The answer would be Stable Governments.


The reason was due to the creation of the UN (United Nations) and through help from the U.S.S.R (Soviet Union) and U.S (United States) aid plans to countries after the war. With aid, weak countries were able to recover from the largest, and deadlist war in history.

What Part of Europe did the Soviet Union dominate over?

Western Europe
Southern Europe
Northern Europe
Eastern Europe



Eastern Europe if i don’t make mistake

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<333
Hello! Eastern Europe is the correct answer! Good luck!

what form of goverment was represent by Egyptian pharaohs,in that they were both political leaders and religions figures?​


It was a Theocratic Monarchy which means that their leaders were both religious and leaders for life.

How did the scientific revolution affect societies between the 17th and 19th


It might be the third one I think

What things can you do improve the style of your report? Add more reasons to support your main claim. Move some of your paragraphs around. Make sure you use a variety of sentences types or structures.


Answer: Before we work more on piecing ideas together to form summaries and paragraphs, we need to look at fundamental sentence construction. Imagine you are reading a book for school. You need to find important details that you can use for an assignment. However, when you begin to read, you notice that the book has very little punctuation. The sentences fail to form complete paragraphs and instead form one block of text without clear organization. Most likely, this book would frustrate and confuse you. Without clear and concise sentences, it is difficult to find the information you need.

For both students and professionals, clear communication is important. Whether you are typing an email or writing a report or essay, it is your responsibility as the writer to present your thoughts and ideas clearly and precisely. Writing in complete sentences is one way to ensure that you communicate well. This section covers how to recognize and write basic sentence structures and how to avoid some common writing errors.


hope this helps

Increase the number of arguments favoring the main point; this will help improve the report's style. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is a report?

A report is a written document that presents data in a structured manner for a particular audience and objective. Whole reports are nearly always presented in written documents, despite the possibility of oral report summaries.

An effective report delivers and examines data and proof pertinent to the particular issue or problem of the brief. By the desired format of your department, all references and acknowledgements of sources utilized should be included in the entire document.

A report is a particular type of writing structured around succinctly identifying and discussing problems, occurrences, or conclusions that have occurred physically, such as occurrences within an organization or conclusions from a research inquiry.

A report is a decision-support tool for stakeholders. The fundamental management tool for problem-solving and decision-making is a report. Communicating with external stakeholders: Sharing information with external and internal stakeholders is helpful.

Learn more about the report here:


Fred Korematsu argued that internment was unconstitutional mainly because internees
did not receive due process.
did not pose a threat to the US.
were citizens who paid taxes.
made the country safer.



The right answer is, he did not receive due process

Internment, according to Fred Korematsu, was unlawful primarily because internees were denied due process. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

What do you know about Fred Korematsu ?

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Korematsu v. United States (1944) that Roosevelt's proclamation was legitimate.

Nevertheless, Korematsu's conviction for avoiding internment was overturned in US District Court forty years later as a result of the presentation of fresh evidence contesting its validity, which the US government had kept from the courts throughout the war.

Ultimately, in Trump v. Hawaii, 585 U.S.  (2018), the Korematsu decision itself was formally decried after seventy-four years.

The first celebration of "Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution" for an Asian American in the United States was held on his 92nd birthday, January 30, 2011, to honor his work as a civil rights activist posthumously.

Learn more about Fred Korematsu , from :


Describe the types of attacks Israel and Palestinians used on each other?


are you talking about the 2021 isreal-palestine crisis or their conflict in general?

Identify one way to get fair, accurate representation from an opinion poll survey.
Ask different questions to everyone in the sample population.
Publish the survey findings from the sample population.
Write biased survey questions to appeal to the sample population.
Ask the same questions to everyone in the sample population.


D. Ask the same question to everyone in the sample population

One way to get fair, accurate representation from an opinion poll survey is to ask the same questions to everyone in the sample population. The correct option is d.

What is a survey?

A survey is a method of gathering information using relevant questions from a sample of people to understand populations as a whole. Surveys provide a critical source of data and insights for everyone engaged in the information economy, from businesses to media, to government and academics.

Four modes of surveys are commonly used. They are Face-to-face surveys, Telephone surveys, Self-administered paper and pencil surveys and Self-administered computer surveys. While surveys vary widely in how they’re conducted, there are several common components. Many of these features have been studied in extensive detail by survey methodologists, psychologists, statisticians, and in many other fields of research.

There are several benefits to online surveys over more traditional methods, such as paper surveys, and not just because of the money we can save.

Learn more about survey, here:


El fin de sus culturas tradicionales en la población indígena con la llegada de los europeos fue una: *


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente no anexas opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta. Sin esas, cualquier respuesta que tenga sentido podría ser válida.

De ahí que lo que podemos hacer es responder en términos generales en base a nuestro conocimiento.

El fin de sus culturas tradicionales en la población indígena con la llegada de los europeos fue una consecuencia de a conquista y colonización.

Cuando los europeos llegaron a América, además de apropiarse de los territorios de los nativos indígenas, también les quisieron quitar su identidad, cultura, y creencias religiosas o espirituales.

Por ejemplo, los ingleses que llegaron a Norte América para fundar las 13 colonias, desplazaron a los nativos de sus tierras y quisieron imponer el Cristianismo.

En el caso de los españoles que llegaron a Mesoamérica y a Sudamérica, ellos destruyeron los templos y centros ceremoniales de culturas como la civilización Azteca, para construir sus misiones o iglesias y evangelizarlos en la religión Católica. Además de forzarlos para que trabajaran en el sistema que se llamó la Encomienda.

Lo mismo sucedió con los Incas en Sudamérica.

Research one crop that developed in the Americas (such as corn or potatoes) and its impact on the world today.



Corn, As one of the worlds most dominant food groups with tons of land dedicated to its production corn is used for a variety of purposes including animal feed, grain for human consumption, ethanol,  high fructose syrup, sweeteners and starch. Corn and corn silk are also used to lower blood pressure and help with inflammation on the kidneys, bladder, urinary system, and prostate. Corn was one of the first foods to be used as a medicine and is still used for multiple purposes today.


Im not sure if this is a good answer for whatever youre working on but i hope it helps! Im only a measely college student so if this wont help you dont have to use this as your answer. You can change whatever you like if it sounds to technical.

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