do you think the government is spending too much money on the military? why or why not? btw they spend over $718 billion every year


Answer 1

Answer: In my opinion no because all they are doing is to protect the country I think they use the money to buy supplies and emergency funding which is caused by the crisis, natural disaster, or rapid changes in the price of commodities they spend most of the money on training and planning, maintenance of equipment, and most of the military healthcare system

Explanation:  btw I really what to go to the military!!



Answer 2
I think the government is spending too much on the military. While people in the richest country on earth are homeless, starving, and becoming crippled with hospital debt while trying to stay alive, the country delegates all of its money to terrorize third world countries and scare others. While having an advanced military is effective, redistributing some funds to domestic issues like the housing crisis and supportive healthcare would make the United States as a whole more united. Arguably, having a secure and cohesive population trumps the need for excessive military weapons.
I hope this helps :)

Related Questions

How did the Atlantic slave trade contribute to conditions that eventually led to the Haitian Revolution?
A) It helped Saint-Dominique win its independence from France but greatly weakened its military
B) It created great wealth in Saint-Dominique, but only for a small percentage of Haitians
C) It lead to greater social equality in Saint-Dominique, but it undermined the democratic political system
D) It helped Saint-Dominique’s leaders become more popular in Haiti, but it outraged European powers.



I believe that the Atlantic slave trade contributed

to conditions that eventually led to the Haitian revolution by resulting in African slaves making up the vast majority of the Ste Domingue's population thus giving them strength in numbers to overthrow a slave system and from their own sovereign government

Create a graph illustrating the effect of a price floor on the quantity of good. In three or four sentences, summarize the
graph. Upload the graph below.



    Any price control by the government, whether in the form of a price ceiling or a price floor, is damaging to the market and leads to inefficiency. With the help of the graph below, we will be able to comprehend.

                                      (INSERT GRAPH HERE)

    The market was at a $4 equilibrium, and the quantity in the market was 100. Following a storm, the government decided to set a price ceiling of $2 for the good. According to the government, a reduced market price will help people to build demand in difficult times.

    At $2, the total supply in the market is 75, while demand has climbed to 125, resulting in a 50-unit shortfall. It will raise the price of the goods to $5, resulting in a market deadweight loss. It may also increase the market's black marketing of items. Overall, market price control regimes are bad since they affect the intended benefactors, namely the customer.


Que considera usted que fue uno de los aspectos políticos del siglo XIX que se ha mantenido hasta la actualidad?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no especificas el país al que te refieres ni anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos responder en términos generales.

uno de los aspectos políticos del siglo XIX que se ha mantenido hasta la actualidad?

Uno de los aspectos políticos del siglo XIX que se ha mantenido hasta la actualidades la importantísima separación entre la iglesia y el Estado, que ha favorecido el crecimiento social y el desarrollo político-económico de los países.

También llamada secularización, esta separación entre iglesia y gobierno ha permitido la implementación de un Estado laico, sin ninguna asociación a doctrinas religiosas, lo que le permite gobernar sin ninguna influencia y presión eclesiástica, como sucedía en el pasado, durante la presencia de la corona española en Latinoamericana y tiempo después de la independencia de algunos países como México.

Hoy en día, esa separación es muy importante para que los países puedan tener una sociedad libre y plural.

Need help with my work please help



Religious officials who work for the church



it's the fourth one


a clergy is someone who works at a Christian Church for religious duties

Which of these was not one of the main causes of the devastating explosion in Chernobyl?
A. radiation
B. excess steam
C. human error
D. hydrogen


The answer is D. hydrogen, since the Chernobyl explosion was caused by a flawed reactor design that was operated with a trained personnel. It was stream explosion which released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the environment.

Which of the following developed at the junctions of railroad lines?


Switches & signaling

what was the comprehensive list of existing roman laws created by justinian i called


It was called Justinian Code


the Justinian Code


edge… you’re welcome

In early 1900, how much contact did a Russian tsar have with the people


Answer: A Russian Tsar was rarely seen and was removed from the people.

Explanation: The Tsar was unpopular and represented an old and horrible system of government. In this point of time in Russia the Bolsheviks were starting to take control and there was a Civil War in the fight for power.

Which depicts the correct hierarchy of local government officials during the Spanish-era Philippines?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Which depicts the correct hierarchy of local government officials during the Spanish-era Philippines?


The Spanish crown ruled the Philippines through the same viceroy that ruled México until Mexico got its independence in 1821. After this event, teh Spanish king decided to establish a governor-general composed of a national form of government with local governments that managed the operations of provinces and towns.

At the top of the hierarchy was the Governor General, followed by the Residencia, then the Visita, followed by the Royal Audience. At the bottom of the Spanish hierarchy was the Provincial government, the municipal government, and the system called the Encomienda.

THe kingdom of Spain ruled the Philippines from 1565 to 1898. Three hundred and thirty-three years of Spanish dominion.

Which statement is the best explanation of how The Chicago Defender, an African American newspaper, encouraged the Great Migration? It published stories about Northern cuisine. It referred to the North as the "Promised Land." It published stories about the best of New York life. It published interviews with important Northern politicians.


Answer: It referred to the North as the "Promised Land."


The Chicago Defender was one of the most prominent Black owned newspapers when it was formed in the first half of the 20th century. It had a readership surpassing 100,000 and was widely influential with African Americans.

When the newspaper began to support the Great Migration, they succeeded in convincing more than 1.5 million African Americans to move from the South to the North in 10 years by referring to the North as the "Promised Land".


B. It referred to the North as the “Promised Land.”


Edge 2021

Where did nearly all of the state constitutions written in the late 1770s place most of
the power?

in the Supreme Court

in the legislatures

in the governor

in local judges



The legislature


Answer: It Was the Legislators!


treaty of versailles is said to be dictated peace .explain​



Treaty of Versailles, peace document signed at the end of World War I by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, France, on June 28, 1919; it took force on January 10, 1920.




La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

No podemos hacer el mapa conceptual por ti, ya que esa es tu tarea. Pero lo que sí podemos hacer con gusto es compartir la información necesaria para que la puedas incluir dentro de tu mapa conceptual.

La historia es la ciencia social que nos ayuda a estudiar el pasado para comprender los acontecimientos que nos antecedieron como sociedad, con objeto de entender los eventos y fenómenos actuales.

Las fuentes históricas son aquellos recursos informativos que nos ayudan para obtener la información necesaria para investigar los acontecimientos.

se dividen en fuentes primarias y fuentes secundarias.

Las fuentes primarias son las que se obtienen directamente de una persona que atestiguo el acontecimiento histórico o vivió en esos tiempos. Estamos hablando de una diario escrito por el personaje, una entrevista en un periódico de la época, una fotografía, un testimonio de un participante del acontecimiento.

En el caso de las fuentes secundarias, tenemos el caso de un libro escrito por un autor que consultó fuentes primarias para escribir su historia, o las enciclopedias.

El Historiador es aquella persona que estudia e investiga los acontecimientos históricos. Es propiamente el que realiza las consultas en las fuentes primarias y secundarias, para luego escribir sus conclusiones.

El tiempo y el espacio son los factores que nos permiten ubicar ese momento histórico en el pasado. El tiempo se refiere a la fecha, día, mes o año, Mientras que el espacio es la ubicación y el entorno físico o geográfico donde se ubica el evento o acontecimiento histórico.

In major urban centers, (1)___ and their children made up 80% or more of the population in 1890. Native-born Americans moved from rural area to cities when (2)___ changed work on farms. African Americans who moved to Northern cities after 1914 hoped to find jobs as well as less (3)___ and violence. In large, crowded cities, the poorest residents lived in (4)___. The (5)___ included the families of professional people. The name (6)___ suggested both the extravagant wealth of the time and the poverty that lay underneath.



In major urban centers, (1)WOMEN and their children made up 80% or more of the population in 1890.

Native-born Americans moved from rural area to cities when (2)TECHNOLOGY changed work on farms.

African Americans who moved to Northern cities after 1914 hoped to find jobs as well as less (3)RACISM and violence.

In large, crowded cities, the poorest residents lived in (4)SLUMS/ GHETTOES/PUBLIC HOUSING.

The (5)MIDDLE CLASS included the families of professional people.

The name (6)WEALTH GAP suggested both the extravagant wealth of the time and the poverty that lay underneath.

How did slaves come to North American? how were they treated



The first 19 or so Africans to reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship. Colonists do not appear to have made indenture contracts for most Africans.Slaves proved to be economical on large farms where labor-intensive cash crops, such as tobacco, sugar and rice, could be grown. By the end of the American Revolution, slavery became largely unprofitable in the North and was slowly dying out.


What impact did world war 2 have on the U.S. economy


Answer:  It greatly helped the economic state of the U.S.

Explanation:  The US was coming out of the Great Depression and due to the war effort, all the factories were being repurposed to make weapons and other needed items. It also caused a rush of women being able to work in factories and they really stepped up and did their job causing the economy to significantly increase.


Following the economic depression in the U.S, World War two caused many businesses to move from the production of consumer goods to the production of war supplies and military vehicles, meaning there were more job openings in America causing the economy to move further along and out of the depression. In addition, women were also accepted into the work force causing more work to get done in a shorter amount of time due to the plentiful amount of workers.

Explanation: is a good example source for this answer if evidence is needed! :DD

Part D What specific language in the document indicates that the freeing of slaves is for moral reasons? ​


Hi. You have not shown the document the question refers to, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The only way to answer this question is to read the document. As this document is not available, this reading must be done by you. During this reading, you will need to identify the type of language used to emphasize moral thoughts about the freedom of slaves.

Moral thoughts on this subject generally reported that slaves were human beings just like any white citizen and therefore it was not right to enslave them. In addition, documents usually use formal and cultured language, with flowery words, as they intend to establish seriousness in the subject presented, showing that it is important that this subject is formally considered.

What strategy is this ad using to get people to support its product?

It claims that everyone agrees that these basketballs are the best.
It details how these basketballs will improve performance.
It provides stats about players who use these basketballs.
It uses a celebrity to endorse these basketballs.



I would need to see the add but since its ab a basketball i would say It uses a celebrity to endorse these basketballs.


Hope this helped!


D.) It uses a celebrity to endorse these basketballs.


The poster quotes a "Super star" using his celebrity status to promote basketballs

Which of the following describes a similarity between the ways in which the
Islamic caliphates and Christian states dealt with conquered territories during
the postclassical era?



C. both religious groups often tried to force conversion.

Based on your reading of Matthew Chapter 10, the disciples of Jesus would be brought before ____ for His sake, as a testimony to them.

the lost sheep of Israel
kings and governors
the sick and the lepers



Based on your reading of Matthew Chapter 10, the disciples of Jesus would be brought before

-- > kings and governors <-- for His sake, as a testimony to them.


Define the word (transformed)



make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character..



past tense: transformed; past participle: transformed

make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.

"lasers have transformed cardiac surgery"






























stir up

turn upside down




keep the same

undergo a transformation.

"an automobile that transformed into a boat"

change the voltage of (an electric current).

The verb or past form of the word transform mean to change a thing into a different thing. transform implies a major change in form, nature, or function.


Hope it helped ~●~

Read the excerpt.

Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should consent longer to remain in it.

–The Mississippi Ordinance of Secession, 1861

Which group most strongly supported this statement?






Fire-eaters are the group of pro-slavery Democratic leaders who supported the secession of their states from the Union. They believe that slavery is a necessity and an important part of their livelihood which renders them an enemy of the Northern states' abolitionist attitude.

In the given excerpt from The Mississippi Ordinance of Secession, the declaration is that the longer they stay in the Union, they will only be subjugated, meaning they will be controlled or put under control.

Thus, this declaration will be most strongly supported by the Fire-eaters.

The Declaration of Independence explained


ANSWER: The Declaration of Independence was the first formal declaration by the people of a country asserting their right to form their own government.

Judaism was established in a region called Israel, which is found at which statement is most like the Golden Rule?


i need examples of the statement

Which three advancements were developments of the Islamic golden age?
Arabic numerals
medical guidebooks
first system of written laws
creation of Silk Road
new chemical compounds



Arabic numerals

Medical guidebooks

New chemical compounds


The Islamic Golden Age dated from the 8th century to the 13th century. The era ruled by the Abbasid Caliphs where scholarship thrives. They introduce the Arabic numerals in Europe by Arab merchants.  During this period, literature, science, and cultural works increased. Islamic medicine built on the writings left behind by Greek and Roman physicians and scholars which, later translated scholars into Arabic.




all of the following statements about the Articles of Conferderation are true EXCEPT



C. They gave the national government control over domestic affairs of the states.


The Articles of Confederation is the document that is considered as the initial written constitution of the United States. The primary function of the written laws was to define thee functions of the government. The organization of the states was stated in the agreement. It intended towards establishing and preserving the independence of the states. The power from the hands of the central government was revised. The Central government was entitled with the power to declare war.

Which of the following examples shows the separation of powers and checks and balances of the Roman Republic? Censors appointed, and could remove, senators.

Tribunes could veto laws.

Consuls were elected for one-year terms.

All of the choices are correct.



all the choices were correct


You see Rome hated the monarchy and did a lot to stop a single individual from gaining to much power by disturbing it, Consuls had one year terms as executives and there were two to keep each other in their place, tribunes who repsented people were supposed to be able to give power to the people and keep them happy with the government (SPQR right?) Censors were almost parents watching to make sure nothing bad happened.


Which civil rights tactic was most directly responsible for African Americans
gaining equal access to the ballot box, especially in southern states, during
the 20th century?
A. Lawsuits targeting state laws that disenfranchised African
B. Strikes targeting industries that employed many African
C. The election of African American politicians to serve in southern
state legislatures
D. Mass protests pressuring members of Congress to pass new laws



Pretty sure, D. Mass protests pressuring members of Congress to pass new laws

what was the Results of the adams-onis treaty



Owagan si Bebejane Japan

Onís-Adams Treaty of 1819 (also called the Transcontinental Treaty and ratified in 1821)

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. Which ideas are addressed by both Roosevelt and Lincoln? Select 2 options.


I looked this question up and found out it compares Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" and Roosevelt's "The Four Freedoms Speech." Since the speech is too long, I will not add it here, but it can be easily found online. As for the answer choices, they are the following:

A. the importance of equality

B. the importance of freedom

C. the importance of taxation

D. the importance of avoiding war

E. the importance of lost soldiers


The ideas that are addressed by both Roosevelt and Lincoln are:

A. the importance of equality

B. the importance of freedom


Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd. Their speeches, "Gettysburg Address" and "The Four Freedoms Speech" are both famous for their themes as well as their rhetoric.

Two ideas that both speeches have in common are the importance of freedom and the importance of equality. Even though the contexts in which each speech was given were very different, both Presidents focused on how freedom is, or should be, a premise in everyone's life. Both of them believed in that ideal, and both claimed that it was the groundwork of the American nation. Likewise, both Presidents speak of equality between all human beings. We are all born the same, and disrespecting that fact is what leads to wars and injustices.

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