does the speaker of Mending Wall feel empathy for his neighbor​


Answer 1


The speaker views his neighbor as being a man

who lives according to tradition without thinking.

each spring,his neighbor restore the breaks in the store wall that divides their properties,even

though there is no purpose for the wall.

Related Questions

To remember details when reading you should ______ .
1. scan
2. outline
3. skim
4. read slowly


It should be outline

To remember details when reading you should read slowly. is the correct answer

writing a poem with don't



Poem with don't


When the roses wilt

When the sky clouds

When the day ends

When darkness comes

Whispers are heard

Don't explore

Don't wonder

And thats what they said to her

For that was never the solution.

As she faced the whispers

Everyone's words washed away.

When she faced the whispers

She never had anything else to say

mention the factora that determine the choice of medium of communication seven point​



Nature of Message




Scale of Organisation

Supporting Technology




Explain how the theme river is personified.
[westminster bridge poem] ​



The name of the river mentioned in the poem “Upon Westminster Bridge” is river Thames which flows through the city of London. The poet William Wordsworth personifies the river Thames and refers to it as 'his'. ... The natural flow of the river remains unhindered. Thus, it flows freely and at its own 'sweet will'.

What is the best way to describe "sometimes" in the following sentence? "She sometimes returns her books late."
A. A when adverb modifying a verb
B. A how often adverb modifying a verb
C. A how often adverb modifying an adverb
D. A when adverb modifying an adverb



B)  how often adverb modifying a verb


In the sentence, "She sometimes returns her books late." the adverb "sometimes" describes how often the "verb" happens so it is rightful to say that the adverb talks about the frequency of the action. On the other hand, the other choices provided are inappropriate to describe the scenario and the construction of the sentence.

The purpose of an essay's introduction is to
summarize and restate the thesis
hook readers and state a thesis
explain and develop ideas
provide examples and details




B)  hook readers and state a thesis


When writing an introduction, the goal is to summarize and repeat the thesis; hook readers' attention and establish a thesis; clarify and expand concepts by including illustrations and supporting information.

Read the following passage. Write the correct article in each blank space. If no article is needed, leave the space blank. The first one has been done for you.
Articles - a, an, the
John lives in apartment with his mom, dad and sister Katy. (1)……… apartment has three bedrooms,(2)……... kitchen,(3)…….... bathroom and (4)……………… living room. John’s mom works in (5).....… and his dad stays at (6)....…… home and looks after (7).....……. apartment. He spends much of his time in (8).....……, preparing meals. John and Katy help their dad with (9)....……housework. John likes using (10)…….. vacuum cleaner and Katy likes to sweep (11)..…….. floor. Dad gives John and Katy money when they help him. They usually spend the money on (12)...……. computer games!



John lives in apartment with his mom, dad and sister Katy. …The… apartment has three bedrooms, ……a… kitchen, ……a.... bathroom and ……a…… living room. John’s mom works in… and his dad stays at ....…… home and looks after .....the……. apartment. He spends much of his time in ....the.……, preparing meals. John and Katy help their dad with ....……housework. John likes using …the….. vacuum cleaner and Katy likes to sweep ..…the….. floor. Dad gives John and Katy money when they help him. They usually spend the money on ...……. computer games!



Complete the blanks with a/an/the

The blanks have been completed (see answer section).

The key things to note are:

(1) The "the" article is used for when the subject is specific and definite.

e.g. the boy/house --->There are many boys/houses but in this case, we are referring to a particular boy/house

(2) The"a/an" article is used when the subject is not specific and indefinite.

e.g. a boy/house ----> This means any boy/house

an orange --> This means any orange

However, a is used when the sound that follows is consonant while an is used for vowel sounds

Read the proverb "A meaningful life is not being rich and popular. It is being sincere, humble, and able to share ourselves for others "What does it mean?


A meaningful life doesn’t always mean that we have to aspire for riches and fame, in other words, materialistic items, but rather to focus on the small things which will matter. Thus, being meaningful!

find and correct one spelling mistake in each of these sentences
the machine was installed sucessfully



The machine was installed successfully


everything is correct except for sucessfully

the correct spelling is successfully

Unforgiveness vs Forgiveness

What is your reaction when someone does something to hurt you? (0) Did you forgive the person? Or do you pent (9) down all the hurt and anger inside? Unforgiveness is not a good thing to have in our heart. It has been (10) prove that unforgiveness can (11) causes us physical ailments. This may appear as a surprise to many, (12) so it is true. Imagine someone has hurt you and you happen to see the person. If you have not (13) forgive that person, your first reaction will be to get angry. Anger will raise your blood pressure. (14) Got angry frequently will also raise your chances of (15) have heart attack. Psychologically, getting angry will (16) ruining your outlook and destroy your peace of mind. This may lead to anxiety, sleeplessness and a host of other ailments that are interconnected with each other.



If someone do something to hurt me I will forgive the person,but I will never forget that what they have done to hurt me. Anger is not a solution.If someone try to hurt us it easily means that they are jealous of us or something like that.If you don't forgive them,then they start to hurt you more.

So,in my opinion forgive people but don't forget what they have done to you..

Did you have any problems finding our house


Lol……………… wdym, so confused rn

Example of anticlimax?




Examples of Anticlimax: 1. Tension builds in a horror movie as a young girl approaches a closed door. There is a scratching sound coming from behind the door.

If any parts manufactured by Brown Machine Inc. should prove defective within one year from the date it is delivered new to the purchaser, the product will be ____________ immediately.

Select one:
A. revised
B. replaced Correct
C. prepared
D. consumed


I see you have already provided the correct answer. I will confirm it and add an explanation.


. . . the product will be replaced immediately. (letter B)


When filling in the blanks, we must pay attention to the context given by the passage or sentence that we are supposed to complete. In this case, our job is made easier by the fact that the options are words that have completely different meanings.

The passage is about a defective product, which means it is imperfect, that it is not functioning properly. When we buy something that does not work properly, the manufacturer of the product must give us another one, that is, they must replace it with one that does work. Therefore, the best option is letter B. replaced.

You cannot be at the railway station when your father arrives there.
Your friend is going to help you to pick him up.
Write an email in about 50-80 words to your friend.
You should say:
- when your father will arrive;
- what he looks like;
- what he will be wearing.


Answer and Explanation:

Dear Tom,

I'm writing to let you know that my father will be arriving tomorrow morning at 10:00am. If you cannot be there right on time, that is no problem. He will be waiting for you by the old statue inside the station.

Dad is tall and thin. He has short gray hair and light brown eyes. He is 62 years old. He told me he will be wearing a white shirt, black pants and shoes, and a brown jacket. He always wears glasses as well. I believe he will be carrying a black briefcase.

Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it! I hope I can return this favor soon!

Best regards,

your name

what correction in spelling of the pronoun you would use in place of the highlighted words in the sentence: Email the report to Wendy and Alma's lawyer



Where are the highlighted words?

3. Which story events begin to create a sense of mystery and tension?
For story, “Where is Here”


Answer: Throughtout the whole story not knowing anything about the strangers life created the tension and mystery


Throughout the story the authour only gives hints about the strangers life and never actually tells us which creates the mystery behind the whole story.

The teachers and students roles in the Silent Way method and their roles in the Desuggestopedia method are remarkably different. How different are they?


They are totally different
- They are very different because teacher teaches them like a noob
And Students remarks their own test like me

Help me please…………………..


the answer is going to be B

Need help please I’m so confused with this



"Is it cheaper if I pump it myself"

My dad likes surfing___
A the Net
B. the computer
C the lbrary
D. the cinema





The answer would be “my dad likes surfing the net.” Which is A.

7 steps of narrative​


Plan for success Sizzling start. Tension. Dynamic dialogue. Show. Ban the boring. Exciting ending

my sister watches three movies with her friend last night. (true or false?)​



False I think .

but I don't know its write or wrong .

Help me please………………………



C - Having Specific Goals


A - is incorrect because having only short-term goals will work out in the short-term, but once those are completed there needs to be something more.

B - is incorrect because while having educational goals are important, it will not make sure that you reach those goals.

C - is correct because having something specific in mind can help to visualize what you need in order to achieve those goals, which can help you on a path forward.

D - is incorrect because financial goals, while important, will not help you reach any goals, and because money isn't everything.

I believe this is right, if I'm wrong, please let me know!

IF Antirhodos disappeared 1600 years ago how did Franck goddio know antirhodos existed?​


Franck Goddio knew that Antirhodos existed because he carried out numerous archaeological investigations at the seas, in which he found this island.

Goddio's investigations were motivated by numerous ancient writings that mentioned the existence of this island in the vicinity of Alexandria.

Antirhodos Island was an island in Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea, next to Alexandria, of which in ancient times it was part of. Today it is submerged in the port of the modern city. It is probable that the palace of Cleopatra was located on the island.

The island, as well as part of the ancient city, sank in the sea after earthquakes and rising sea between the 4th and 8th century. They were found after investigations in 1996 that are still ongoing.

Learn more in

“The stars are my road map, marking the way.” What rhetorical device is being used in this sentence?


Answer: Metaphor


A metaphor refers to the figure of speech whereby a comparison is made between two things which are not alike but when they have something in common. The comparison in a metaphor is more indirect unlike the simile where like.or as is used for the comparison.

The rhetorical device used in "The stars are my road map, marking the way" is the metaphor. In this case, the " starts are my roadmaps" symbolize what the stars means to the speaker.

In what way would a television's live report from the scene of a war differ
from a book written about the war years later?
A. Historical context would provide the book's account with a better
sense of how important the events of the day were.
B. The television reporter would have more thorough information
than the writer of the book.
C. The book would provide a more objective assessment of the
D. The television reporter would have the ability to speak to more
sources about the subject.



the telivision repoter would have the ability to speak to more sources about the subject.

A television's live report from the scene of a war differ from a book written about the war years later because the television reporter would have the ability to speak to more sources about the subject. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

What is a television report ?

A TV report can inform viewers about current events. It can also provide background information and explanations for news events, as well as convey the perspectives and experiences of others through images, sounds, and words.

The television reporter would have the first hand information on the event, because it had just taken place. The reporter also have the scope of speaking to the war veterans which would contain a real time view of the scene  from the battlefield. The author who is writing the book years later does have this advantages, as the event have happened a long ago and there is a high possibility that all the sources about the subject may not be available.

Therefore, option d is correct.

To learn more on television report, click here:


Identify the adjective in the following sentence. Then determine whether it is a noun, possessive noun, or pronoun being used as an adjective.

Mr. Smith's suit was indigo blue.
Adjective Use



indigo blue


possessive noun because it explains about noun or subject.

write a speech to be delivered on your schools graduation day on the school achievement and failures in the academic year.


This is really hard to answer since it’s personalize to your experience but I recommend looking back at the entirety of your year and what you could’ve done better or different and the things you’re most proud of.

“Comrades!” he cried. “You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!”

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

Which details support the central idea that people in power use lies and deceit to control others? Check all that apply.

“‘Comrades!’ he cried.”
“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?”
“We pigs are brainworkers.”
“Day and night we are watching over your welfare.”
“It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples.



2 4 and 5 :D


“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?”“It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples.”

These two details support the central idea that people in power use lies and deceit to control others. Thus, option A and D are correct.

What is the meaning Central idea?

The central idea is the main point or message that an author is trying to convey in a piece of writing, speech, or other forms of communication. It is the overarching theme that ties together all of the details, examples, and arguments presented in the work.

The central idea can also be referred to as the main idea, thesis, or primary purpose of the work. It is usually stated explicitly or implicitly in the introduction or conclusion of the work, and serves as a guide for the reader or audience to understand the purpose and direction of the piece.

Learn more about Central idea here:


Read this sentence from the first paragraph.
The banks did not think they would ever be paid back.
What did the banks learn in the end?
A. People needed time to pay their loans back.
B. Most people would pay their loans back.
C. Most people only wanted small loans.
D. People needed loans to build a better life.



Because people are in different situations and some could put back quicker than others
Hi! I think the answer is option A. or People needed time to pay their loans back. I think this because when you get a loan you don’t already have that money and that’s why you are getting a loan. You need to work to be able to pay back the loans. Option B. can’t be correct because the loans have to be paid back or they will go to jail. Option C. Doesn’t really match with the banks did not think they would be paid back. Option D. also doesn’t match with the banks did not think they would ever be paid back. I hope I explained this well enough and Goodluck :)
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Anthony dollar has a radius of 0.52 inches. Find the area of one side of the coin to the nearesthundredth. What is the figurtive meaning of the moon in the passage dover beachA. Light B. SleepC. Passing of timeD. Soothing feelings 4x+1+8-x+5x-2=23 linear equations I am struggling and I would be so happy if any of you helped me. Can someone help me with the last two red boxes please? The rest of the question is for reference to help solve the problem. Thank you for your time! i hi gia nhim k VII ng ra nhng kh khn v thch thc lin h hin nay A student measured the flow time of 10 g of syrup at different temperatures and graphed the data.What is the dependent variable shown on this graph?The flow time is the dependent variable.The temperature is the dependent variable.The dependent variable is the amount of syrup, which is not shown on the graph. One angle of a rhombus measures 108, and the shorter diagonal is 9 inches long. Approximately how long is the side of the rhombus? The table below shows the estimated number of customers that are subscribed to a streaming service between 2013 and 2017. The equation y=95,000(1.2)x describes the curve of best fit for the subscribed customers (y). Let x represent the number of years since 2013.Year Subscribed Customers2013 95,0002014 114,0002015 136,8002016 164,1602017 196,992Using this equation, what is the approximate predicted number of subscribed customers in the year 2025?A 236,390B 847,030C 1,016,435D 1,368,000 How did Kepler's discoveries contribute to astronomy?O They supported the heliocentric model.O They established the laws of planetary motion.O They explained how the Sun rises and sets.O They made astronomy accessible to people who spoke Italian. They made astronomy accessible to people who spoke italian I need help ASAP!! PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER At Tubman Middle School, there are 6 English teachers and 5 science teachers. If eachstudent takes one English class and one science class how many possible combinations ofteachers are there? Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.Which of the following statements best describes this paragraph? The paragraph describes the purpose of laws in a community but lacks the use of any text connections. The paragraph describes a simple comparison between a family protest and a community protest. The paragraph uses categories of comparison to judge whether individual or group rights are most important. The paragraph uses the analogy of a family is to choosing dinner as a community is to balancing rights and safety.Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows.The USS Alabama, built in 1942, is a monster weighing in at 35,000 tons. The ship was built during the Second World War and spent 40 months actively assisting the war effort in the Pacific Ocean. During that time, she was in 26 battles. In 1964, the ship moved to her present home in Mobile, Alabama.Which sentence contains a text connection? 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Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.To what is a family compared to in this paragraph? Voting Community Public protest Laws and rightsQuestion 9(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows.Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.What type of connection is used in the paragraph? Simile Contrast Category AnalogyQuestion 10(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows.Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.What signal word or phrase indicates there is a comparison in this paragraph? Were outvoted by Is similar to With each Or otherYou must check the box below prior to submitting your exam! Check this box to indicate you are ready to submit your examFDK391.12 b. Rank the following services in order of importance to you, while selecting a new mobile service provider. The most preferred as 1, the next as 2 and so on. 1. SMS 2. Caller tone 3. Connectivity 4.Internet The Grand Council ofNative Americans wasformed toA. settle disputesB. decide how to share landC. decide how to govern peopleD. all of the above The following information is available for a company's cost of sales over the last five months. Month Units sold Cost of sales January 470 $ 33,800 February 870 $ 40,500 March 1,950 $ 52,500 April 2,470 $ 64,500 Using the high-low method, the estimated total fixed cost is: Multiple Choice $26,586. $106,344. $53,172. $17,533. $30,700. Name the electrolyte in the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution