Donnell backed up the information on his computer every week on a flash drive. Before copying the files to the flash drive, he always ran a virus scan against the files to ensure that no viruses were being copied to the flash drive. He bought a new computer and inserted the flash drive so that he could transfer his files onto the new computer. He got a message on the new computer that the flash drive was corrupted and unreadable; the information on the flash drive cannot be retrieved. Assuming that the flash drive is not carrying a virus, which of the following does this situation reflect?
a. Compromise of the security of the information on the flash drive
b. Risk of a potential breach in the integrity of the data on the flash drive
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above.


Answer 1


b. Risk of a potential breach in the integrity of the data on the flash drive


The corrupted or unreadable file error is an error message generated if you are unable to access the external hard drive connected to the system through the USB port. This error indicates that the files on the external hard drive are no longer accessible and cannot be opened.

There are several reasons that this error message can appear:

Viruses and Malware affecting the external hard drive .Physical damage to external hard drive or USB memory .Improper ejection of removable drives.

Related Questions

6 things you should consider when planning a PowerPoint Presentation.


Answer: I would suggest you consider your audience and how you can connect to them. Is your presentation, well, presentable? Is whatever you're presenting reliable and true? Also, no more than 6 lines on each slide. Use colors that contrast and compliment. Images, use images. That pulls whoever you are presenting to more into your presentation.


(TCO 4) Give the contents of Register A after the execution of the following instructions:

Data_1 EQU $12
Data_2 EQU %01010101
LDAA #Data_1
ADDA #Data_2

A) $12
B) $67
C) $55
D) $57


It’s b.$67 I hope it helps I am not that good at technology I am good at other thing

3.34 LAB: Mad Lib - loops in C++

Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, which are then used to complete a short story in unexpected (and hopefully funny) ways.

Write a program that takes a string and integer as input, and outputs a sentence using those items as below. The program repeats until the input is quit 0.

Ex: If the input is:
apples 5
shoes 2
quit 0

the output is:
Eating 5 apples a day keeps the doctor away.
Eating 2 shoes a day keeps the doctor away.

Make sure your answer is in C++.



A Program was written to carry out some set activities. below is the code program in C++ in the explanation section




#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

string name; // variables

int number;

cin >> name >> number; // taking user input

while(number != 0)


// printing output

cout << "Eating " << number << " " << name << " a day keeps the doctor away." << endl;

// taking user input again

cin >> name >> number;



Note: Kindly find an attached copy of the compiled program output to this question.

In this exercise we have to use the knowledge in computational language in C++ to describe a code that best suits, so we have:

The code can be found in the attached image.

What is looping in programming?

In a very summarized way, we can describe the loop or looping in software as an instruction that keeps repeating itself until a certain condition is met.

To make it simpler we can write this code as:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

string name; // variables

int number;

cin >> name >> number; // taking user input

while(number != 0)


// printing output

cout << "Eating " << number << " " << name << " a day keeps the doctor away." << endl;

// taking user input again

cin >> name >> number;



See more about C++ at

Create a program that generates a report that displays a list of students, classes they are enrolled in and the professor who teaches that class. There are 3 files that provide the input data: 1. FinalRoster.txt : List of students and professors ( S: student, P: professor) Student row: S,Student Name, StudentID Professor row: P, Professor Name, Professor ID, Highest Education 2. FinalClassList.txt: List of classes and professor who teach them (ClassID, ClassName, ID of Professor who teach that class) 3. FinalStudentClassList.txt: List of classes the students are enrolled in. (StudentID, ClassID) The output shall be displayed on screen and stored in a file in the format described in FinalOutput.txt You will need to apply all course concepts in your solution. 1. Student and Professor should be derived from a super class "Person" 2. Every class should implement toString method to return data in the format required for output 3. Exception handling (e.g. FileNotFound etc.) must be implemented 4. Source code must be documented in JavaDoc format 5. Do not hard code number of students, professors or classes. Submit source Java files, the output file and screenshot of the output in a zip format



All the classes are mentioned with code and screenshots. . That class is shown at last.






* atauthor your_name

* This class denotes Class at the college.



public class Class {


  private String className,classID;

  private Professor professor;



  * atparam className

  * atparam classID

  * atparam professor


  public Class(String className, String classID, Professor professor) {






  * at return classID of the class


  public String getClassID() {

      return classID;



  * Override toString() from Object Class


  public String toString() {    

      return classID+" "+className+" "+professor.getName()+" "+professor.getEducation();        






* atauthor your_name

* This class represents Person



public class Person {    

  protected String name;  

  /**method to fetch name

  * at return


  public String getName() {

      return name;


  /**method to set name

  * at param name


  public void setName(String name) { = name;



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;  


* at author your_name


*This class represents professors



public class Professor extends Person{    

  private String professorID, education;

  private List<Class> classes=new ArrayList<Class>();    


  * at param name

  * at param professorID

  * at param education


  public Professor(String name,String professorID,String education) {      ;




  * at return


  public String getEducation() {




  * at return


  public String getprofessorID() {

      return this.professorID;


  /** to add classes

  * at param Class


  public void addClass(Class c) {




  * Override toString() from Object Class


  public String toString() {

      String result=this.getName()+" - "+professorID+" - "+education;

      for(Class c:classes) {



      return result;





import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;  


* This class represents students

*  at author your_Name



public class Student extends Person{    

  private String studentID;

  private List<Class> classes=new ArrayList<Class>();    


  * atparam name

  * atparam studentID


  public Student(String name,String studentID) {    ;




  * atreturn


  public String getStudentID() {

      return studentID;



  * atparam c


  public void addClass(Class c) {




  * atreturn


  public int getClassCount() {

      return classes.size();



  * Override toString() from Object Class


  public String toString() {

      String result=this.getName()+" - "+studentID+"\n";

      for(Class c:classes) {



      return result;



NOTE: Kindly find an attached copy of screenshot of the output, which is a part of the solution to this question

*Sometimes it is difficult to convince top management to commit funds to develop and implement a SIS why*


Step-by-step Explanation:

SIS stands for: The Student Information System (SIS).

This system (a secure, web-based accessible by students, parents and staff) supports all aspects of a student’s educational experience, and other information. Examples are academic programs, test grades, health information, scheduling, etc.

It is difficult to convince top management to commit funds to develop and implement SIS, this can be due to a thousand reasons.

The obvious is that the management don't see the need for it. They would rather have students go through the educational process the same way they did. Perhaps, they just don't trust the whole process, they feel more in-charge while using a manual process.

This represents a group of Book values as a list (named books). We can then dig through this list for useful information and calculations by calling the methods we're going to implement. class Library: Define the Library class. • def __init__(self): Library constructor. Create the only instance variable, a list named books, and initialize it to an empty list. This means that we can only create an empty Library and then add items to it later on.



class Library:      def __init__(self):        self.books = [] lib1 = Library()lib1.books.append("Biology") lib1.books.append("Python Programming Cookbook")


The solution code is written in Python 3.

Firstly, we can create a Library class with one constructor (Line 2). This constructor won't take any input parameter value. There is only one instance variable, books, in the class (Line 3). This instance variable is an empty list.

To test our class, we can create an object lib1 (Line 5).  Next use that object to add the book item to the books list in the object (Line 6-8).  

Rewrite this if/else if code segment into a switch statement int num = 0; int a = 10, b = 20, c = 20, d = 30, x = 40; if (num > 101 && num <= 105) { a += 1; } else if (num == 208) { b += 1; x = 8; } else if (num > 208 && num < 210) { c = c * 3; } else { d += 1004; }



public class SwitchCase {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int num = 0;

       int a = 10, b = 20, c = 20, d = 30, x = 40;

       switch (num){

           case 102: a += 1;

           case 103: a += 1;

           case 104: a += 1;

           case 105: a += 1;


           case 208: b += 1; x = 8;


           case 209: c = c * 3;

           case 210: c = c * 3;


           default: d += 1004;





Given above is the equivalent code using Switch case in JavaThe switch case test multiple levels of conditions and can easily replace the uses of several if....elseif.....else statements.When using a switch, each condition is treated as a separate case followed by a full colon and the the statement to execute if the case is true.The default statement handles the final else when all the other coditions are false

D-H public key exchange Please calculate the key for both Alice and Bob.
Alice Public area Bob
Alice and Bob publicly agree to make
N = 50, P = 41
Alice chooses her Bob
picks his
Private # A = 19 private #
B= ?
I am on Alice site, I choose my private # A = 19.
You are on Bob site, you pick up the private B, B and N should have no common factor, except 1.
(Suggest to choose B as a prime #) Please calculate all the steps, and find the key made by Alice and Bob.
The ppt file of D-H cryptography is uploaded. You can follow the steps listed in the ppt file.
Show all steps.



See explaination


Please kindly check attachment for the step by step solution of the given problem.

Retail price data for n = 60 hard disk drives were recently reported in a computer magazine. Three variables were recorded for each hard disk drive: y = Retail PRICE (measured in dollars) x1 = Microprocessor SPEED (measured in megahertz) (Values in sample range from 10 to 40) x2 = CHIP size (measured in computer processing units) (Values in sample range from 286 to 486) A first-order regression model was fit to the data. Part of the printout follows: __________.




Base on the scenario been described in the question, We are 95% confident that the price of a single hard drive with 33 megahertz speed and 386 CPU falls between $3,943 and $4,987

Write a program to read as many test scores as the user wants from the keyboard (assuming at most 50 scores). Print the scores in (1) original order, (2) sorted from high to low (3) the highest score, (4) the lowest score, and (5) the average of the scores. Implement the following functions using the given function prototypes: void displayArray(int array[], int size) - Displays the content of the array void selectionSort(int array[], int size) - sorts the array using the selection sort algorithm in descending order. Hint: refer to example 8-5 in the textbook. int findMax(int array[], int size) - finds and returns the highest element of the array int findMin(int array[], int size) - finds and returns the lowest element of the array double findAvg(int array[], int size) - finds and returns the average of the elements of the array


Answer: Provided in the explanation segment


Below is the code to carry out this program;

/* C++ program helps prompts user to enter the size of the array. To display the array elements, sorts the data from highest to lowest, print the lowest, highest and average value. */


//include header files



using namespace std;

//function prototypes

void displayArray(int arr[], int size);

void selectionSort(int arr[], int size);

int findMax(int arr[], int size);

int findMin(int arr[], int size);

double findAvg(int arr[], int size) ;

//main function

int main()


  const int max=50;

  int size;

  int data[max];

  cout<<"Enter # of scores :";

  //Read size


  /*Read user data values from user*/

  for(int index=0;index<size;index++)


      cout<<"Score ["<<(index+1)<<"]: ";



  cout<<"(1) original order"<<endl;


  cout<<"(2) sorted from high to low"<<endl;



  cout<<"(3) Highest score : ";


  cout<<"(4) Lowest score : ";


  cout<<"(5) Lowest scoreAverage score : ";


  //pause program on console output


  return 0;



/*Function findAvg that takes array and size and returns the average of the array.*/

double findAvg(int arr[], int size)


  double total=0;

  for(int index=0;index<size;index++)




  return total/size;


/*Function that sorts the array from high to low order*/

void selectionSort(int arr[], int size)


  int n = size;

  for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)


      int minIndex = i;

      for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)

          if (arr[j] > arr[minIndex])

              minIndex = j;

      int temp = arr[minIndex];

      arr[minIndex] = arr[i];

      arr[i] = temp;



/*Function that display the array values */

void displayArray(int arr[], int size)


  for(int index=0;index<size;index++)






/*Function that finds the maximum array elements */

int findMax(int arr[], int size)


  int max=arr[0];

  for(int index=1;index<size;index++)



  return max;


/*Function that finds the minimum array elements */

int findMin(int arr[], int size)


  int min=arr[0];

  for(int index=1;index<size;index++)



  return min;


cheers i hope this help!!!

Describe the Software Development Life Cycle. Describe for each phase of the SDLC how it can be used to create software for an Employee Payroll System that allows employees to log the number of hours completed in a work period and then generate their pay. Use Microsoft Word to complete this part of the assessment. Save your file as LASTNAME FIRSTNAME M08FINAL1 were LASTNAME is your lastname and FIRSTNAME is your first name. Upload your answer to this question; do not submit this assessment until you have completed all questions. This question is worth 25 points.



Check the explanation



SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle

It provides steps for developing a software product

It also checks for the quality and correctness of a software

The main aim of SDLC is to develop a software, which meets a customer requirements

SDLC involves various phases to develop a high-quality product for its end user

Phases of SDLC

           There are seven phases in a software development life cycle as follows,

Requirement Analysis   Feasibility Study   Design    Coding    Testing Deployment      Maintenance

kindly check the attached image below

Requirement analysis

This is the first stage in a SDLC.

In this phase, a detailed and precise requirements are collected from various teams by senior team members

It gives a clear idea of the entire project scope, opportunities and upcoming issues in a project

This phase also involves, planning assurance requirements and analyze risk involved in the project

Here, the timeline to finish the project is finalized

Feasibility Study

In this stage, the SRS document, that is “Software Requirement Specification” document is defined, which includes everything to be designed and developed during the life cycle of a project


In this phase as the name indicates, software and system design documents are prepared, based on the requirement specification document

This enable us to define the whole system architecture

Two types of design documents are prepared in this phase as follows,

High-Level Design

Low-Level Design


In this phase, the coding of project is done in a selected programming language

Tasks are divided into many units and given to various developers

It is the longest phase in the SDLC


In this stage, the developed coding is tested by the testing team

The testing team, checks the coding in the user point of view


In this stage, a product is released by the company to the client


Once the product is delivered to the client, the maintenance phase work will start by fixing errors, modifying and enhancing the product.

Employee Payroll System

Requirement analysis

Gather information from various team for requirement

Analyze the number of employees to handle the project

Timeline to finish the project, eg.1 month

Feasibility Study

The system requirements such as how many systems are required

Decide which software to be installed to handle the project.

For example, if we are going to develop the software using C language, then software for that has to be installed

The SRS document has to be prepared


In this the HLD and LLD is prepared, the overall software architecture is prepared

The modules involved in coding are decided

Here the modules can be employee, payroll manager, Employee Log time, account details

The input and output are designed, such as employee name is the input and output is the salary for him, based on working hours


Here the coding is divided into various sections and given to 2 or more employees

One may code employee detail, one will code working hours of employees and one may code the banking details of employee


The coding is tested for syntax, declaration, data types and various kinds of error

The testing team will test the coding with various possible values

They may even check with wrong values and analyze the output for that


Now the software is installed in the client system and the client is calculating the payroll for an employee based on working hours in a month


If any error occurs, the team will clear the issue.

When a new employee joins, then the employee data will added to the database and the database is updated

Also if the client asks for any new features, it will done in this phase.

Dave owns a construction business and is in the process of buying a laptop. He is looking for a laptop with a hard drive that will likely continue to function if the computer is dropped. Which type of hard drive does he need?



Solid state drive


The term solid-state drive is used for the electronic circuitry made entirely from semiconductors. This highlights the fact that the main storage form, in terms of a solid-state drive, is via semiconductors instead of a magnetic media for example a hard disk.  In lieu of a more conventional hard drive, SSD is built to live inside the device. SSDs are usually more resistant to physical shock in comparison to the electro-mechanical drives and it functions quietly and has faster response time. Therefore,  SSD will be best suitable for the Dave.

Design an application for Bob's E-Z Loans. The application accepts a client's loan amount and monthly payment amount. Output the customer's loan balance each month until the loan is paid off. b. Modify the Bob's E-Z Loans application so that after the payment is made each month, a finance charge of 1 percent is added to the balance.



part (a).

The program in cpp is given below.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


   //variables to hold balance and monthly payment amounts

   double balance;

   double payment;

   //user enters balance and monthly payment amounts

   std::cout << "Welcome to Bob's E-Z Loans application!" << std::endl;

   std::cout << "Enter the balance amount: ";


   std::cout << "Enter the monthly payment: ";


   std::cout << "Loan balance: " <<" "<< "Monthly payment: "<< std::endl;

   //balance amount and monthly payment computed




         { payment = balance;}



           std::cout << balance <<"\t\t\t"<< payment << std::endl;

           balance = balance - payment;



   return 0;


part (b).

The modified program from part (a), is given below.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


   //variables to hold balance and monthly payment amounts

   double balance;

   double payment;

   double charge=0.01;

   //user enters balance and monthly payment amounts

   std::cout << "Welcome to Bob's E-Z Loans application!" << std::endl;

   std::cout << "Enter the balance amount: ";


   std::cout << "Enter the monthly payment: ";


   balance = balance +( balance*charge );

   std::cout << "Loan balance with 1% finance charge: " <<" "<< "Monthly payment: "<< std::endl;

   //balance amount and monthly payment computed



           std::cout << balance <<"\t\t\t\t\t"<< payment << std::endl;

           balance = balance +( balance*charge );

           balance = balance - payment;



         { payment = balance;}          

   std::cout << balance <<"\t\t\t\t\t"<< payment << std::endl;

   return 0;



1. The variables to hold the loan balance and the monthly payment are declared as double.

2. The program asks the user to enter the loan balance and monthly payment respectively which are stored in the declared variables.  

3. Inside a while loop, the loan balance and monthly payment for each month is computed with and without finance charges in part (a) and part (b) respectively.

4. The computed values are displayed for each month till the loan balance becomes zero.

5. The output for both part (a) and part (b) are attached as images.

4. Write an interface ObjectWithTwoParameters which has a method specification: double area (double d1, double d2) which returns the area of a particular object. Write three classes RectangleClass, TriangleClass, and CylinderClass which implement the interface you created. Also, write a demo class which creates objects of RectangleClass, TriangleClass, and CylinderClass and call the corresponding methods



The java program for the given scenario is as follows.

import java.util.*;

//interface with method area

interface ObjectWithTwoParameters


double area (double d1, double d2);


class RectangleClass implements ObjectWithTwoParameters


//overriding area()

public double area (double d1, double d2)


return d1*d2;



class TriangleClass implements ObjectWithTwoParameters


//overriding area()

public double area (double d1, double d2)


return (d1*d2)/2;



class CylinderClass implements ObjectWithTwoParameters


public double area (double d1, double d2)


return ( 2*3.14*d1*d1 + d2*(2*3.14*d1) );



public class Test


public static void main(String[] args)


//area displayed for all three shapes

ObjectWithTwoParameters r = new RectangleClass();

double arear = r.area(2, 3);

System.out.println("Area of rectangle: "+arear);

ObjectWithTwoParameters t = new TriangleClass();

double areat = t.area(4,5);

System.out.println("Area of triangle: "+areat);

ObjectWithTwoParameters c = new CylinderClass();

double areac = c.area(6,7);

System.out.println("Area of cylinder: "+areac);




Area of rectangle: 6.0

Area of triangle: 10.0

Area of cylinder: 489.84


1. The program fulfils all the mentioned requirements.

2. The program contains one interface, ObjectWithTwoParameters, three classes which implement that interface, RectangleClass, TriangleClass and CylinderClass, and one demo class, Test, containing the main method.

3. The method in the interface has no access specifier.

4. The overridden methods in the three classes have public access specifier.

5. No additional variables have been declared.

6. The test class having the main() method is declared public.

7. The area of the rectangle, triangle and the cylinder have been computed as per the respective formulae.

8. The interface is similar to a class which can have only declarations of both, variables and methods. No method can be defined inside an interface.

9. The other classes use the methods of the interface by implementing the interface using the keyword, implements.

10. The object is created using the name of the interface as shown.

ObjectWithTwoParameters r = new RectangleClass();

The equation of certain traveling waves is y(x.t) = 0.0450 sin(25.12x - 37.68t-0.523) where x and y are in
meters, and t in seconds. Determine the following:
(a) Amplitude. (b) wave number (C) wavelength. (d) angular frequency. (e) frequency: (1) phase angle, (g) the
wave propagation speed, (b) the expression for the medium's particles velocity as the waves pass by them, and (i)
the velocity of a particle that is at x=3.50m from the origin at t=21.os​



A. 0.0450

B. 4

C. 0.25

D. 37.68

E. 6Hz

F. -0.523

G. 1.5m/s

H. vy = ∂y/∂t = 0.045(-37.68) cos (25.12x - 37.68t - 0.523)

I. -1.67m/s.


Given the equation:

y(x,t) = 0.0450 sin(25.12x - 37.68t-0.523)

Standard wave equation:

y(x, t)=Asin(kx−ωt+ϕ)

a.) Amplitude = 0.0450

b.) Wave number = 1/ λ


From the equation k = 25.12

Wavelength(λ ) = 2π/25.12 = 0.25

Wave number (1/0.25) = 4

c.) Wavelength(λ ) = 2π/25.12 = 0.25

d.) Angular frequency(ω)

ωt = 37.68t

ω = 37.68

E.) Frequency (f)

ω = 2πf

f = ω/2π

f = 37.68/6.28

f = 6Hz

f.) Phase angle(ϕ) = -0.523

g.) Wave propagation speed :


h.) vy = ∂y/∂t = 0.045(-37.68) cos (25.12x - 37.68t - 0.523)

(i) vy(3.5m, 21s) = 0.045(-37.68) cos (25.12*3.5-37.68*21-0.523) = -1.67m/s.

Select the correct navigational path to create the function syntax to use the IF function.
Click the Formula tab on the ribbon and look in the ???
Select the range of cells.
Then, begin the formula with the ????? click ?????. and click OK.
Add the arguments into the boxes for Logical Test, Value_if_True, and Value_if_False.​



1. Logical




just did the assignment

For dinner, a restaurant allows you to choose either Menu Option A: five appetizers and three main dishes or Menu Option B: three appetizers and four main dishes. There are six kinds of appetizer on the menu and five kinds of main dish.

How many ways are there to select your menu, if...

a. You may not select the same kind of appetizer or main dish more than once.
b. You may select the same kind of appetizer and/or main dish more than once.
c. You may select the same kind of appetizer or main dish more than once, but not for all your choices, For example in Menu Option A, it would be OK to select four portions of 'oysters' and one portion of 'pot stickers', but not to select all five portions of 'oysters'.)

In each case show which formula or method you used to derive the result.



The formula used in this question is called the probability of combinations or combination formula.



Given that:

Formula applied is stated as follows:

nCr = no of ways to choose r objects from n objects

  = n!/(r!*(n-r)!)

The Data given :

Menu A : 5 appetizers and 3 main dishes

Menu B : 3 appetizers and 4 main dishes

Total appetizers - 6

Total main dishes - 5


Part A :

Total ways = No of ways to select menu A + no of ways to select menu B

          = (no of ways to select appetizers in A)*(no of ways to select main dish in A) + (no of ways to select appetizers in B)*(no of ways to select main dish in B)

          = 6C5*5C3 + 6C3*5C4

          = 6*10 + 20*5

          = 160

Part B :

Since, we can select the same number of appetizers/main dish again so the number of ways to select appetizers/main dishes will be = (total appetizers/main dishes)^(no of appetizers/main dishes to be selected)

Total ways = No of ways to select menu A + no of ways to select menu B  

          = (no of ways to select appetizers in A)*(no of ways to select main dish in A) + (no of ways to select appetizers in B)*(no of ways to select main dish in B)

          = (6^5)*(5^3) + (6^3)*(5^4)

          = 7776*125 + 216*625

          = 1107000

Part C :

No of ways to select same appetizers and main dish for all the options

= No of ways to select menu A + no of ways to select menu B  

= (no of ways to select appetizers in A)*(no of ways to select main dish in A) + (no of ways to select appetizers in B)*(no of ways to select main dish in B)

=(6*5) + (6*5)

= 60

Total ways = Part B - (same appetizers and main dish selected)      

= 1107000 - 60

= 1106940

Other Questions
Question 1 (1 point)Too much stress can lead to which of the following?Mental disorders such as depression and addictionInfectious diseases such as viruses, flu, and asthma.Pain such as headaches, back pain, and muscle stiffnessAll of the above what is the surface of the square pyramid ?A. 168,750 square yardsB. 5625 square yardsC. 14,625 square yardsD. 20,250 square yards(50 points) What is the uterus?O A muscular organ where the fetus develops during pregnancyThe place where oocytes and estrogen are producedO A female structure crucial in blocking bacteria and spermThe passageway allowing the oocyte to travel to where it can implant NEED HELP PLEASE: Four shaded circles, each of radius 4 feet, are packed in a square as shown. Suppose you drop a coin onto the square at random. What is the probability that the center of the coin lands in a non-shaded area? What is the medical term for infection of the gallbladder? HEEEEELP I IS TTTTTTIIIIIMMMMMEEEEEDDDDWhat is the shape of the cross section of the figure that is perpendicular to the triangular bases and passes through a vertex of the triangular bases?A triangular prism.a parallelogram that is not a rectanglea rectanglea triangle that must have the same dimensions as the basesa triangle that may not have the same dimensions as the bases In today's world, voting is both a responsibility and somethingthat you should do. Many corrupt politicians thrive on low voterturnout and people not voting.Which rewrite best improves this passage while leaving the original meaning intact?A. Voting is a responsibility and a duty. Many corrupt politicians thrive onlow voter turnout and lack of votes.B. Voting prevents corrupt politicians from thriving.C. Voting is both a responsibility and a way for corrupt politicians to thrive.D. Voting is a responsibility. Many corrupt politicians thrive on low voterturnout. its the same thing as before but I gotta put it up again, cuz they didn't see its don't mind this PILGRIMS PROGRESS:is Christian a dynamic character or static character, and why? Has anyone read the book Third level Solve: 3(x - 6) = -12 The probability that an egg on a production line is cracked is 0.01. Two eggs are selected at random from the production line. Find the probability that at least one egg is cracked. Write the entire decimal answer. Discuss and DecideWhich type of character do you usually encounter in the stories you read, acharacter developed by direct characterization or by indirect characterization?Cite text evidence in your discussion. without calculating steven says that prisms A and B have the same volume. Explain why Steven is correct Now move points C, D, and E on the circle, and note the interior angle measurements for the quadrilateral in the table below. Notice that mB is predetermined, so set that angle measure first. [2x + 3y = 1][5x - 4y = 14] Write down all the factors of 15. Your job as a researcher for a college is going well. You have gained confidence and skill at pulling data and you are not making as many rookie mistakes. The college executives are begging to take notice of your skills. The college has had serious problems with reporting in the past for several reasons. One problem is there was no centralized department for numbers. Human Resources did some reporting, financial aid another, and the rest was covered by the registrars office. It was difficult to determine simple things like number of students enrolled in the fall semester because different departments would generate different. The higher ups want one consistent number they can rely on and they think your department should be in charge of generating that number. As the first report as the official office numbers they want you to generate a report that tracks student demographics over time (a longitudinal study). Your college has a large percentage of its student body who are affiliated with the military (active duty military, retired military, military spouse, military dependent). For this study the college executives want to see how they stack up to other colleges that have a large percentage of military students. After doing some research you find a field in the database that named mil_status. The documentation you have on the field says this is the field you are looking for. Since you need to determine when the student was in the military to generate this report you look for a start and end date associated with mil_status. Sure enough the table also has a mil_status_start and a mil_status_end field. These fields when combined with enrollment data allow you to determine if a student was in the military when they were a student. You query the data to check for bad dates and discover a serious issue. Most of the start dates and end dates are NULL. You once again make some quick phone calls to find out whats going on. It seems this field is not populated unless the college receives official paperwork from the military listing the soldiers enlistment date. In addition to this you find out that students are not required to update their information ever semester. This means once their mil status is set it is unlikely to ever change. Based on this information prepare a post that addresses the following: 1) What recommendation(s) would you make to the colleges executives to address this issue? 2) Collecting this data will have tangible and intangible costs associated with it. For example requiring official paper work adds an extra burden on registration and on the student. Students may decide to go elsewhere instead of supplying the paperwork or may stop identifying themselves as military. The executives want the data but they dont want its collection to impact enrollment or place an undue burden on registration (the line is long enough already). How would you respond to these concerns?3) You noticed something odd in the mil_Status field. The possible values are "Active Duty Military", "Military spouse", "Retired military", "Military Reserves", and "Military dependent". In what way is this field problematic? How could you fix it? what is the volume of a hemisphere with a radius of 6? The graph of f(x) = x^2 was transformed to create the graph of g(x) = f(x) - 9. Which statement about the graphs is true? A.The graph of g is a reflection of the graph of f across the x-axis.B. The vertex of the graph of g is 9 units to the right of the vertex of the graph of fC. The y-intercept of the graph of g is 9 units below the y-intercept of the graph of f.D. The graph of g is a reflection of the graph of f across the y-axis.