In economics, the production possibility frontier (PPF) is a graph that illustrates the trade-offs faced by an economy between two products or services when the resources are limited.
A production possibility frontier graph for bicycles and motorcycles is shown below. It shows the maximum output of bicycles and motorcycles that an economy can produce when the resources are used to their full potential.
The graph illustrates that the economy has to choose the combination of bicycles and motorcycles to produce since resources are limited. Point A represents the combination of bicycles and motorcycles produced when all resources are used for bicycles. On the other hand, point B represents the combination of bicycles and motorcycles produced when all resources are used for motorcycles.
As the economy moves along the PPF, the opportunity cost of producing motorcycles reduces as the production of motorcycles increases. However, the opportunity cost of producing bicycles increases as more resources are used to produce motorcycles. Therefore, the production possibility frontier illustrates the tradeoffs between producing bicycles and motorcycles and the opportunity costs of producing more of each product.
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