Draw a rough sketch of a quadrilateral KLMN. State, (a) two pairs of opposite sides, (b) two pairs of opposite angles, (c) two pairs of adjacent sides, (d) two pairs of adjacent angles. please draw the answer


Answer 1


Please find attached the drawing of quadrilateral KLMN created with MS Whiteboard using the Ink to Shape command

(a) Two pairs of opposite sides are [tex]\overline {KN}[/tex], [tex]\overline {LM}[/tex] and [tex]\overline {KL}[/tex], [tex]\overline {NM}[/tex]

(b) Two pairs of opposite angles are ∠LKN, ∠LMN, and ∠KLM and ∠KNM

(c) Two pairs of adjacent sides are [tex]\overline {KN}[/tex], [tex]\overline {NM}[/tex] and [tex]\overline {KL}[/tex], [tex]\overline {LM}[/tex]

(d) Two pairs of adjacent angles are ∠LKN, ∠KLM and ∠LMN, ∠KNM

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Please help:)))))))))))



good evening good evening good evening good evening

If the base of a triangle is 3 and its height is 4, then its area is 6. This triangle has an area of 6, so its base is 3 and its height is 4

Valid or invalid


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

There is more than one set of dimensions that will give a triangle with an area of 6. The fact that the area is 6 implies nothing about the dimensions (except that their product is 12).

The converse is invalid.


The first sentence is valid but the second one is invalid.

Step-by-step explanation:

You can't say just because the area of the triangle is 6, its base is 3 and its height is 4, it might have a base of 1 and a hight of 12 so there are more than one answers for the second one.

Feel free to message me if you still have questions :)




Solution given:

Relationship between base and hypotenuse is given by Cos angle

Cos Angle(?)=base/hypotenuse



The indicated angle is 46°

If sin0=3/5 then tan0=



I believe it is 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

write 2^60 as an exponent with a base of 16


Recall that 2⁴ = 16. So you have

2⁶⁰ = 2⁴ˣ¹⁵ = (2⁴)¹⁵ = 16¹⁵

please help




19 + 1 + 9 + 1

put any of those in the slots


19 + 1 + 9 + 1


Joyce paid $39.00 for an item at the store that was 70 percent off the original price. What was the original price?


Answer:the answer is 10 because if u subctract it will work

Step-by-step explanation:

jack takes a job after school to earn money to buy a sport car.He knows that the more hours he works .the more money he will make


Answer: What's the question? I'll edit my answer to the question if you would give me the actual problem

Step-by-step explanation:

Can anyone help with this question? The population of a small industrial town was 12 910 in 2000. Each year, the population decreases by an average of 5%. Estimate the population in the year 2020. Round to the nearest whole number.



Population of town in 2020 = 4626 (Approx.)

Step-by-step explanation:


Population of town in 2000 = 12,910

Decrease rate = 5% = 0.05 yearly


Population of town in 2020


Number of year = 20 years

Population of town in 2020 = Population of town in 2000[1-r]ⁿ

Population of town in 2020 = 12,910[1-0.05]²⁰

Population of town in 2020 = 12,910[0.95]²⁰

Population of town in 2020 = 12,910[0.3584]

Population of town in 2020 = 4625.944

Population of town in 2020 = 4626 (Approx.)


The population is 4628.

Step-by-step explanation:

Population in 2000 = 12910

Rate of decrease = 5 %

Time, t = 2020 - 2000 = 20 years

Let the population is P.

Use the formula

[tex]P = Po\left ( 1-\frac{r}{100} \right )^t\\\\P = 12910\left ( 1-0.05 \right )^2\\\\P = 4628[/tex]

Dividing with powers of 10


You could Divide powers of 10 multiple times depending on the question

6. Which of the following equations has a slope of -2 and passes
through the point (3,-4).
O) y=-2x - 4
O) y=-2x + 2
O) y = -2x+3
O) y = -2x - 1




Step-by-step explanation:

substitute either the x or y value into the equations, if you substitute x=3 and get back y=-4, the equation is correct

double the sum of all prime numbers between 10and 30 then add thrice the product of all positive numbers less than 8 what is the quotient​


hope so this might help

ans is above in the pic


picture included!! PLEASE and thx


Answer: C) 3 units up and 4 units left


Like with the previous problems, the answer comes fairly straight forward from the values of c and d.

c = 4 tells us we have a shift of 4 units to the left

d = 3 indicates we're shifting 3 units up.

Note: we shift left instead of right because x+c = x+4 means the xy axis has been shifted 4 units to the right, giving the illusion the cosine curve is shifted 4 units to the left.

Who know how to do this??


find what the whole line is equal to then take 6.5 and subtract it from the whole thing


Step-by-step explanation:

With some research I found that the medians (QK, RJ, and SI) are broken into 2:1 ratios.

So what this means is that QD is twice as long as DK.

QD = 2DK

QD = 2 * 6.5

QD = 13

how didi the temperature change if at it decreased by 60% then increased by 80%



It decreased

Step-by-step explanation:

It decreased. Assuming that the temperature is 100 and it is now reduced by 60% then the temperature will be at 40 and if it increased by 80% then the final temp is 72. So it is 48% of the original temp.

help plsssssssssssssssssssss



Question 10:

Answer: b.

[tex]{ \tt{f(x) = 5 {x}^{2} + 9x - 4}} \\ { \tt{g(x) = - {8x}^{2} - 3x - 4 }}[/tex]

(f + g)x, add f(x) and g(x):

[tex]{ \tt{(f + g)x = (5 - 8) {x}^{2} + (9 - 3)x - 4 - 4}} \\ { \tt{(f + g)x = - 3 {x}^{2} + 6x - 8}}[/tex]

Question 11:

Answer: a.

In relation with solution of question 10, same procedure:

[tex]{ \tt{(f - g)x = - 3 {x}^{3} + (1 - 2) {x}^{2} + ( - 3 - 4)x + 9 - ( - 9)}} \\ { \tt{(f - g)x = - 3 {x}^{3} - {x}^{2} - 7x + 18 }}[/tex]

Solve the system by substitution
y= 5x− 22
y= 4x− 17
(show your work pls)



i think 5 is the answer not sure check with other helpers or brainer

Step-by-step explanation:

Consider two parabolas: One has equation 1 ( 4)( 4) 2 y x x =−+ . The other has the same xintercepts, but goes through the point (2,−12) How far apart are the vertices of the two parabolas



Following are the responses to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\to y=(\frac{1}{2})(x-4)(x+4)\\\\\to y=(\frac{1}{2}) (x^2-16)\\\\\to y=(\frac{1}{2})(x-0)^2-8\\\\vertex \to (0,-8)[/tex]

The general x-intercept parabola equation [tex]y=k(x-4)(x+4)[/tex]

Parabola crosses the dot (2,-12)

[tex]\to k(2-4)(2+4)=-12\\\\\to k(-2)(6)=-12\\\\\to -12k=-12\\\\\to k=\frac{-12}{-12}\\\\\to k=1[/tex]

The parabolic equation which crosses the position [tex](2,-12)[/tex] is[tex]y=(x-4)(x+4)[/tex]

[tex]\to y=(x-4)(x+4)\\\\\to y=x^2-16\\\\\to y=(x-0)^2-16\\\\vertex \to (0,-16)[/tex]

The distance among the vertices of the two parabolas:

[tex]= \sqrt{(0 - 0)^2+(-8-(-16))^2}\\\\ = \sqrt{0+(-8+16))^2}\\\\ =\sqrt{0+(8)^2}\\\\=\sqrt{(8)^2}\\\\= 8\\\\[/tex]

Over what interval is the function in this graph constant?​




Step-by-step explanation:

answer is d

I NEED HELP PLEASE i don’t understand how to do it!!



1 Cups (US) = 0.24992635042 Quarts

either divide or multiply by 0.24992635042

52* 0.24992635042 = 13

13 /  0.24992635042 = 52

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 1 3/4 − 3 9/10?



-2 3/20 or -2.15

Step-by-step explanation:

There is an app you can get on your phone called fraction calculator, its an app for mulitplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting any number with a fraction:)

I wrote the steps on how to do it with the answer at the end in decimal and fraction form

A parallelogram is cut out of a 12 inch by 8 inch sheet of paper there are four right triangles remnats two have the dimensions 2 inches by 9 inches and the other two have the dimensions 3 inches by 6 inches



96 in²

36 in²

60 in²

6.51 in

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

Dimension of paper = 12 in by 8 in

Dimension of right triangles :

2 in by 9 in ; 3 in by 6 in

Area of sheet of paper = 12 in * 8 in = 96 in²

Area of triangle = 1/2 base * height

Therefore, area of remnant right triangle :

2 * 1/2 * 2 * 9 = 18 in²

2 * 1/2 * 3 * 6 = 18 in²

Combined area of triangle left = 18in + 18in = 36 in²

Area of parallelogram = Area of sheet - Area of triangles left

Area of parallelogram = 96in² - 36in² = 60 in²

Base, b of parallelogram = 9.22 in

Area of parallelogram = base * altitude,h

60in² = 9.22h

h = 60 / 9.22 = 6.51 in

please help in it is simple question
[tex] {x}^{2} - 4 \\ {x}^{3} - 27[/tex]


x^2 - 4 = (x-2) x (x + 2)
x^3 - 27 = (x-3) x (x^2+ 3x+9)


[tex]\sf {x}^{2} - 4 \\ \sf \: Use \: the \: sum \: product \: method[/tex]

[tex]\sf {x}^{2} - 4 \\ = \sf{x}^{2} + 2x - 2x - 4[/tex]

[tex]\sf \: Now \: take \: the \: common \: factor \: out \\ \sf{x}^{2} + 2x - 2x - 4 \\\sf = x(x + 2) - 2(x + 2)[/tex]

[tex]\sf \: Factorize \: it \\ \sf \: x(x + 2) - 2(x + 2) \\ = \sf(x - 2)(x + 2)[/tex]

Answer ⟶ [tex]\boxed{\bf{(x-2)(x+2)}}[/tex]



[tex]\sf {x}^{3} - 27[/tex]

[tex]\sf {x}^{3} \: and \: 27 \: ( {3}^{3} ) \: are \: perfect \: real \: cubes.[/tex]

[tex]\sf \: So \: use \: the \: algebraic \: identity \: \\ \sf {a}^{3} - {b}^{3} = (a - b)( {a}^{2} + ab + {b}^{2} )[/tex]

[tex]\sf \: a = \sqrt[3]{x^{3}} = x \\ \sf \: b = \sqrt[3]{27} = 3[/tex]

[tex] \sf \: {x}^{3} - {3}^{3} \\ \sf= (x - 3)( {x}^{2} + 3x + {3}^{2} ) \\ = \sf \: (x - 3)( {x}^{2} + 3x + 9)[/tex]

Answer ⟶ [tex]\boxed{\bf{(x-3)(x^{2}+3x+9)}}[/tex]

Hoping to be named Salesperson of the Month, Luther called the names from 1/4 of a page of the phone book last week. This week, he called the people listed on another 1/2 of a page of the same phone book. How many pages worth of people did Luther call in all?




Step-by-step explanation:

Fraction of names called last week = 1/4 of a page

Fraction called this week = 1/2 of a page

The number of pages worth of people called ;

This is an addition problem, as the total will be the sum. Of the fractions called this week and last week


Total page worth of names called :

(1/4 + 1/2) = (1 + 2) / 4 = 3/4

The domain of {(x, y): y = 2x2 + 1 ls




Step-by-step explanation:

Graph the inverse of the relation shown. Include at least 5 points. (Picture attached)



Step-by-step explanation:

I'm not sure if I am too late to answer this but the trick to this is to reflect the function over the line y = x.

Basically, if you have the point (-2, 3)

you turn in into (2, -3) and you'll be good. (switch the two coordinates and take the negative for both.)

Express (13/15 - 7/10) as a percentage.


8383 because the number is right as period ahhh



Step-by-step explanation:

9 x 4=36 is the answer

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

Independent Practice

Which of the following is a recursive formula for a geometric sequence that has first term 7 and common ratio −3negative 3?

an=−3 · 7n−1a subscript n baseline equals negative 3 times left parenthesis 7 right parenthesis superscript n minus 1 baseline

an=7 · (−3)n−1a subscript n baseline equals 7 times left parenthesis negative 3 right parenthesis superscript n minus 1 baseline

a1=−3an=7 · an−1a subscript 1 baseline equals negative 3 line break a subscript n baseline equals 7 times a subscript n minus 1 baseline

a1=7an=−3 · an−1a subscript 1 baseline equals 7 line break a subscript n baseline equals negative 3 times a subscript n minus 1 baseline




a1=7an=−3 · an−1a subscript 1 baseline equals 7 line break a subscript n baseline equals negative 3 times a subscript n minus 1 baseline

Step-by-step explanation:

Can you answer this math homework? Please!



Put both of those equations into slope-intercept form (in order to be typed into the graphing calculator).  

2x + 3y = 16.9

3y = -2x + 16.9

y = (-2/3)x + 16.9/3  

5x = y + 7.4

5x - 7.4 = y  

So in the graphing calculator,

Y1 = (-2/3)x + 16.9/3

Y2 = 5x - 7.4  

Then find the point of intersection and the x value of that would be the solution.

You get the coordinate (2.3, 4.1). So x = 2.3, y = 4.1

Step-by-step explanation:

The solution to the system of linear equations is (2.3,4.1)
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