During the Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin and his supporters promised
O A. establish an overseas empire by seizing colonies from Great
Britain and France.
B. improve the Russian economy by implementing capitalist reforms.
C. end Russian participation in World War I by making peace with
D. transform the Russian government to resemble western European


Answer 1
It’s b I did this in one of the test
Answer 2

A promise that Vladimir Lenin and his supporters made during the Bolshevik Revolution was C. end Russian participation in World War I by making peace with Germany.

What did Lenin promise the people?

The first World War had led to widespread shortages and discontent in Russia and the people were tired.

Lenin therefore promised that should the Bolsheviks come to power, Russia would negotiate peace with Germany and exit the first World War.

Find out more on the Bolshevik revolution at https://brainly.com/question/810738.


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what is speed lathe machine​



A speed lathe is a lathe that does one or two operations really fast but is less versatile. It is a useful tool for machining parts and for other purposes.

A speed lathe is a type of lathe that is designed to operate much faster than its common counterpart. These machines are generally only used for small tasks such as finishing an object or removing burs left over from earlier manufacturing steps. ... A common machining lathe holds on to a work piece at two points.

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Men controlled females for a significant duration as well as restricted their access to quality education, possessions for work, elections, and so on. A further explanation is provided below.


Young ladies would just have to struggle hard to obtain their rights since males were unwilling to respond swiftly to feminist's requests.The constitution, essentially banned discriminating on grounds of male or female from taking place and permitted all US residents to represent regardless of gender, prevents males from voting.

This also contributes to the effectiveness of something like the push for women's suffrage, on the opposing side. Female might compel males to participate for their purpose, that the very first stage throughout carrying about the alteration

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Ezra thinks building a series of forts to protect the colonists in Virginia's frontier is a good idea. He is likely a _

Select the best answer from the choices provided.

A.supporter of Nathaniel Bacon

B.poor farmer

C.friend of American Indians

D.wealthy planter



B) es la correcta, está en un libro

Yes, B is correct! Good job above

about how many slaves were there in British America by 1750


1750 there were 100,000 slaves in Virginia, far outnumbering indentured servants.

Q: What challenges did
immigrants, city dwellers,
land the middle class


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although your question has no context in particular or any specific reference to any moment in history, we can answer it in general terms.

The challenges that immigrants, city dwellers, land the middle class

experienced in times such as the end of the 1800s and the beginning of the 1920s, were the increase in population in the cities, the rise of crime, dirty streets, and noise due to the number of people that came to the larger cities where the factories and industries were located.

Farmers decided to leave the rural areas of America to get jobs in the industries. Thousands if not millions of immigrants arrived in the United States looking for better jobs and a better life for their families.

Some authors called this process of an increasing number of people in the cities "urbanization."

The Industrial Revolution created industries and factories in large American cities, as was the case of Chicago or Nee York City. People accepted low-paid jobs under unhealthy conditions, but that offered a better life than farming in the South.

Another factor was immigration. Thousands of immigrants from Europe and Asia arrived at these cities to offer their families a better way of living. Once in these cities, they had to live in poor and overcrowded spaces because these people were poor also and had no money to invest in better housing.

Who of the following called for African Americans to “pull themselves up from their own bootstraps”?



W.E.B. Du Bois.


What was the significance of the Brown v. Board of Education decision?
It ended school segregation forever.
It ended racist politicians' control over the South.
It solidified the advances of Plessy v. Ferguson.
It was the first major victory for civil rights.


It ended school segregation forever

what makes venus the hottest planet among the planets in the solar system it is the test because of the
A. frozen ice and dust in its atmosphere
B. presence of hydrogen and helium in the atmosphere
C. dense clouds of carbon dioxide that causes the greenhouse effect
D. comets meteor asteroids and other heavenly bodies in the solar system​



honestly im not sure but i think it is Bor A

How did Lincoln’s intentions in relation to slavery change from the beginning of the war to the end?



At the outset of the Civil War, President Lincoln had not spoken out specifically on issues relating to slavery, but on the contrary, had established that abolition of slavery was not one of the mainstays of the Union, but the maintenance of national unity.

Now, as the years and battles progressed, this position was mutating, and in 1863 President Lincoln made his Emancipation Proclamation, by which he freed all the African-American slaves that were in the southern states that were falling into the hands of the Union, urging in turn that they join the northern cause.

Thus, through these types of policies, President Lincoln was including slaves and abolitionists within his political position, leaving the Confederation in ideological check.

Which is an example of the executive branch imposing a check on the legislature's power to make laws?


Answer:The correct answer is The president vetoes a bill.


I hoped this helped!

checa my questions for answers like this with a lot of points​



number three


I didn't before so I know trust me

discuss the benefits of applying the sociological imagination to individual troubles​


Sociological imagination can be further used to understanding not only the personal issues of an individual but the various behaviors pertaining to an individual. ... These might not end up being social problems but sociological imagination helps us understand how something so routine is influenced by the society.

Enabling Forces of Imperialism:Question 1
Steel was critical in efforts to imperialize because:


Steel was critical in efforts to imperialists because steel doesn’t rust which need a criticize

how did Mikhail Gorbachev end the cold war?? needs to be 3-5 sentences




A summit that took place in December, 1989, where Gorbachev and Bush declared an end to the Cold War. They agreed on US economic support, the future of Eastern Europe (Germany and Baltic Republics), and reductions of forces in Europe. Also, Gorbachev also suggest loosening ties to the USSR.

The Sumerian civilization is a very old one. Give one reason why we know so much about it.





the Sumerians invented the cuneiform writing system which was adopted by the Akkadians, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians

How did the Hundred Years’ War affect French and English peasants?



Explanation:    Besides the obvious death and destruction that many of the battles visited upon soldiers and civilians alike, the war made England virtually bankrupt and left the victorious.

What event or factor made Sparta a special polis?



Early in their history, a violent and bloody slave revolt caused the Spartans to change their society. A Spartan, Lycurgus, drafted a harsh set of laws that required total dedication to the state from its people.

How did the economies of the North, the West, and the South differ?



The North was more industrial while the South was more agricultural.


The North was more industrial while the South was more agricultural.

This difference played out heavily in the US Civil War - while the South was better led, constant shortages of weapons and equipment, along with blockades of ports to prevent supplies from coming in, led ultimately to the South losing the war.

The answer above is correct

In west African society most African slaves were treated as?



Although legally considered property, most African slaves were treated as family members.


ushistory.org article on West African Society at the Point of European Contact

Consider a personal essay that begins with the following thesis:
I wanted to quit my job and start my own business, but I
wasn't sure if I could make it — this would be a life-
changing decision.
Which paragraph below would not fit into the body of this essay?
A. A paragraph describing my business idea
B. A paragraph detailing the stock performance of my current
C. A paragraph expressing my fears of starting a new business on
my own
D. A paragraph about the reasons I wanted to quit my job


It has no bearing on the author's choice to leave their current position and launch their own firm, paragraph B, which analyses the stock performance of the author's existing company, would not be appropriate for the essay's main body.

Discussing the stock performance of the author's current company does not advance the essay's narrative because it is more concerned with the author's personal journey and decision-making process. As a result, choice B is the right response.

The rationale for this is that mentioning the stock performance of the author's present company does not further the essay's narrative, which is centered on the author's personal journey and decision-making process. As a result, the section outlining the stock performance of the author's present company is unrelated to the major thesis of the essay and should not be included in the essay's body.

learn more about business here



Answer: B


what happened in the u.s. when herbert hoover took office



ya deaddd



fue derrotado aplastantemente por el demócrata Franklin D. Roosevelt, en medio de la crisis económica, de 1932.


Elabora tu opinión acerca de los cambios y permanencias que crees que han ocurrido en el Perú tomando en cuenta el himno nacional


the Answer is B


The answer is A and B

How and why did the British North American Colonies (Canada) had a role in the United States Civil War?


Although Canada was part of Britain until 1867 and officially neutral, Canadians fought on both sides. The pressures of the 1861-65 Civil War, and the threat of an American invasion, helped urge Canada to its own confederation and independence.

What was the Catholic Church's reaction against the Protestant Reformation called?


Answer: Counter-Reformation


The Catholic Church's reaction against the Protestant Reformation was referred to as the Counter-Reformation.

During Counter-Reformation, the efforts of the Roman Catholic were directed against the Protestant Reformation during the 16th century and then directed towards the internal renewal.

The Counter Reformation occurred before the act of Martin Luther where Ninety Five theses were mailed to the Castle Church door.

What role did teenagers play during the Holocaust?


When the war in Europe ended in May 1945, more than 1 million and perhaps as many as 1.5 million Jewish children were dead
they played as the bad guys lolololokololololololol

thế nào là nguồn vốn của ngân hàng thương mại


I don’t know what this means

Which of the following countries
surrendered during WWII?
A. Japan & China
B. Germany & France
C. Japan & Germany




Japan & Germany


the United States drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki Japan causing them to surrender.

Germany losing many soldiers and leaders

Islam recognizes Jesus and Moses. Does this mean that Islam respects other religions?





They are not dismissing that there could be Jesus and Moses, this leads me to believe that they do have some level of respect for other religions, if they can "respect" one.

Yes, they’re a very restful religion and feel other religions are just as valid

Why does Carnegie bring the construction of the bridge to a



He ran out of money; mounting debt


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