During the Bronze Age, the leaders of two emerging kingdoms stood out. Akhenaton of ______(Mesopotamia/Persia/Egypt)
promoting monotheistic religion in his kingdom, while Sargon the Great of _______(Mesopotamia/Persia/Egypt)
ability to build a vast empire from military success.


Answer 1


During the Bronze Age, the leaders of two emerging kingdoms stood out. Akhenaton of Egypt promoting monotheistic religion in his kingdom, while Sargon the Great of Mesopotamia ability to build a vast empire from military success.

I hope I helped you^_^

Related Questions




3 1 2


Tình hình kinh tế, chính trị nước ta nửa cuối thế kỉ XIX là:



Thực dân Pháp ráo riết mở rộng cuộc chiến tranh xâm lược Nam Kì, chuẩn bị tấn công đánh chiếm cả nước ta.

- Triều đình Huế vẫn tiếp tục thực hiện chính sách nội trị, ngoại giao lỗi thời, lạc hậu.

=> Việt Nam rơi vào khủng hoảng nghiêm trọng. Cụ thể:

+ Chính trị: bộ máy chính quyền mục mát từ trung ương đến địa phương.

+ Kinh tế: nông nghiệp, thủ công nghiệp và thương nghiệp đình trệ, tài chính cạn kiệt.

=> Tình hình trên làm cho các cuộc khởi nghĩa của nông dân lại tiếp tục bùng nổ dữ dội trong những năm cuối thế kỉ XIX.



The Ottoman governmental structure a.required that all slaves in the empire come from the Muslim population. b.included non-Muslims at the top levels. c.was a blend of old tribal traditions and a more recent, sedentary environment. d.moved from Constantinople to Ankara. e.made conspicuous use of the Sublime Porte, a docking area for elite pleasure craft.


The correct answer is C) was a blend of old tribal traditions and a more recent, sedentary environment.

The Ottoman governmental structure was a blend of old tribal traditions and a more recent, sedentary environment.

The Ottoman Empire was impressive. It conquered and ruled many lands in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Their rulers were despotic people, being the Sultan the great leader of the Ottomans.

The governmental structure of the Ottomans was a blend of past and different administrations but was based on a powerful central government led by the military elite. This allowed the military to effectively control their many provinces and people.

In the Ottoman Caliphate, Islam was the official religion. Muslims of any background had the same rights under the Muslim court.

People from what continent want to rob mansa musa and distroy his riches the most?





When is it Chinese New Year?



Tuesday, February 1, 2022 (02/01/2022)


Chinese New Year starts next year on February 1st (2022)

How did industrialization help Europe colonize the rest of the world



The industrial revolution was the force behind this New Imperialism, as it created not only the need for Europe to expand, but the power to successfully take and profitably maintain so many colonies overseas. The industrial revolution created the need for Europe to take over colonies around the world.

Hope it helps you

have a nice day

how did the twenty-sixth amendment address concerns about age discriminations



Concerns about age discrimination were addressed by the 26th amendment, which stated that people who are eighteen years of age or older shall not be denied or restricted by government officials, whether federal or state, based on their age.


Ada Orang Indonesiaaaa ????
gw Wibu bro :v​



yahahah ketemu anjay :v


tidak (∩ ^ 7 ^)⊃━☆ , * + * , ' - * , + ' - . *

How did France’s contributions help the Americans in the War of Independence?


The primary ally for the American colonies was France. At the start of the war, France helped by providing supplies to the Continental Army such as gunpowder, cannons, clothing, and shoes. In 1778, France became an official ally of the United States through the Treaty of Alliance. At this point the French became directly involved in the war. The French navy entered the war fighting off the British along the American coast. French soldiers helped to reinforce the continental army at the final battle of Yorktown in 1781.

Where is Hinduism most prevalent?
Catholic Christianity
Orthodox Christianity
Protestant Christianity
Sunni Islam
Shiite Islam
Prevailing Religion
Islam (other groups)
Chinese Religion
Theravada Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism
Vajrayana Buddhism
Nature Religions
Other Groups
A. Vietnam
B. India
C. China
D. Indonesia


The answer is

B. India


Hinduism is most prevalent in India.

The Hinduism is most prevalent in India. Hinduism has roots in the Indian subcontinent. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is one of the oldest and most diverse religions in the world, with roots in the Indian subcontinent. It is a major world religion with over a billion adherents, primarily in India and Nepal, but also with significant communities in other countries.

It does not have a single founder or central authority, and its teachings are found in a variety of ancient texts, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Puranas, among others. Hinduism includes a diverse pantheon of gods and goddesses. The concept of dharma, or duty, is central to Hinduism.

In India, the Hinduism is most prevalent.  Thus, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about  Hinduism here:



PLEASE HELP ME, Brainliest!!

Choose two people and explain why the persons you chose were important in America’s fight for independence.


Thomas Jefferson was one of the most important and prominent figures in history to be involved in Americas fight for Independence. He was a founding father and attributer to the writing of the Declaration of Independence

If a citizen commits an ordinance violation in Mississippi, who oversees the case?



If the conduct of the officer is found to be a violation of law, the district attorney shall file the appropriate criminal charges and prosecute the officer.

What activities were popular at the turn of the twentieth century?

going to the movies
attending a baseball game
watching television
going to the amusement park



attending a baseball game

hope it helps

please mark Brainliest


going to the movies

baseball game

amusement park


Which action contributed to the Southern belief that their economy was threatened?

The founding of the Republican party
The finalization of the Missouri Compromise
The support of popular sovereignty in territories
The approval of protective tariffs on manufactured goods


The approval of protective tariffs on manufactured goods contributed to the belief that their economy was threatened. Option D is correct.

The people in the south believed that their economy was threatened because, there was an approval of tariffs on goods.

They already had water bodies that they could use to transport their goods, They were then opposed to paying tariffs on roads and canals because they felt that they gave them no benefits.

They wanted a situation where even though they paid these tariffs they would derive some economic benefits too.

read more here https://brainly.com/question/24314777?referrer=searchResults

Answer: it is not option D


I did the assignment and did not get any points for the question




Compare and contrast Fine Art and Applied (Functional) Art.


fine art : art (such as painting, sculpture, or music) concerned primarily with the creation of beautiful objects —usually used in plural .

applied art :The applied arts are all the arts that apply design and decoration to everyday objects in order to make them aesthetically pleasing.

How is fine art differ from applied art?

Fine art is mainly for it's beauty and applied art is a term to describe functional art that is aesthetically pleasing.

What kinds of objects were considered suspicious in this cartoon? What point is this cartoon making?



1. The objects considered suspicious were totally harmless objects and used for educational purposes such as maps, photographs, books and math tests thrown in the trash.

2. This cartoon is showing how the Anti-Subversive Committees were useless and existed to intimidate innocent people, without any evidence to incriminate them.


The cartoon presented in the question above is a criticism of the Anti-Subversive Committees, which claimed to be fighting a communist threat in the country, but acted abusively, making absurd decisions and intimidating innocent people who had no connection with the communist party, such as the teachers, as shown in the cartoon. People interrogated and monitored by these committees, without any incriminating evidence.

Which advantages did Britain have against America during the American war for independence​


The advantages did Britain have against America during the American war for independence is They had a well-trained army and access to funds to recruit foreign soldiers. Thus the correct option is B.

What is independence?

Independence is referring to freedom from slavery where an individual, an organization, or a country is free to make their own decsion without the intervention of external sources.

The American war with The British army has given a competitive advantage to Britain as they have strong military forces with highly equipped weapons that where American army lacks in it.

They have strong financial resources through which they can recruit foreign soldiers and train them to participate in the battle for victory. Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about the American war, here:



The complete question is Probably

Which advantages did Britain have against America during the American war for independence​

A) They were battling on their home turf and had access to funds to recruit foreign soldiers.

B) They had a well-trained army and had access to funds to recruit foreign soldiers.

C) They had the support of all the American Indian tribes and the African Americans.

D) They had a well-trained army and the support of France, Spain, and Germany.

Which of the following pairs of countries became colonial allies during the American Revolution?
O France and Spain
O France and Great Britain
O Russia and Spain
O Spain and Great Britain
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France and Spain supported the American Colonists during the American Revolution


pls give me brainliest

Riddle of the Day
Listo, the leader of a band of assassins, was taken captive by an opposing kingdom. "Give your daggers," said one of the generals, "Or you are to be executed. But since you killed so many of our knights, we shall give you a small test. You must say a statement. If the statement is true, we burn you on a stake. If the sentence is false, we stab you through the heart. If you do not say anything, you are thrown to the lions. If you say something we can't verify, you will be forced to drink a cup of hemlock. If it is not a statement or if it is a paradox, we simply toss you into the nearby volcano. We shall give you one hour to ponder." What should Listo say?



stab the general and run, you obviously still have the daggers and you'll die anyways so just take your chances

What is the best description of the effect that the homestead act had on American politics in the late 1800’s



Which is the BEST description of the effect that the Homestead Act had on the American economy in the late 1800's? They received low wages, labored in hazardous working conditions, and lived in overcrowded areas.

Answer: The Act created sectional tension between northern and southern politicians over the issue of slavery's expansion into new territories.

Explanation: I had a similar question and this was the answer.

What was the effect of the Chinese exclusion act


Chinese immigrants moved to many locations around the world instead, changing the demographics of many communities. Ultimately, as Chinese were one of the only ethnicities at the time that were willing and able to provide manual labor in MANY industries and situations, the US hurt its own economy. The number of Chinese immigrants able to enter the country was severely limited, and Chinese immigrants already here did not leave the country to visit family for fear of being denied reentry.

Hey there! I'm happy to help!

The Chinese Exclusion Act was created in 1882 to decrease the Chinese population in the United States, especially in California. Their presence caused many uprisings, riots, and racist hate crimes by other miners during the California Gold Rush, which led to things like the Foreign Miners Tax during that time.

In 1882, President Chester A. Arthur signed the Chinese Exclusion Act into law, which banned Chinese immigration for the next ten years and it didn't allow the Chinese people to be naturalized. The most obvious effect of this is that it decreased the Chinese population in the United States, because the Chinese population couldn't increase due to immigration and the Chinese didn't receive the same rights and privileges as U.S. Citizens, so they were at a disadvantage.

Have a wonderful day! :D

According to the bar graph, the percentage of the workforce engaged in farming in 1840 was approximately

Between 1840 and 1900, the percentage of the US workforce engaged in farming


63 percent of the people were related to farming.

The workforce engaged in farming in the United states of America in 1840 is 63 percent. Between 1840 and 1900, the percentage of the US workforce engaged in farming decreases because more labour force shift to the industrial sector that provides good income and facilities to the labour so workforce attracted towards the industrial sector and decline of workforce occur at the agricultural sector.


Earlier in this lesson you examined four themes related to the history of the world since 1917:

Unresolved global conflicts
Decolonization and nationalism after World War II
Human rights and civil rights: working toward social justice
You will now write a two- or three-paragraph journal entry describing how each of these themes applies to situations in the world today. Identify at least one current problem that fits each theme, and explain how an understanding of these themes may help with finding a solution to that problem. If possible, use examples from your own personal experience.

Hint: Are you still not sure what you should include in your journal entry? Here are a few clarifying questions that may help:

What examples can you find that show how each of the four themes relates to a current issue?
How do these historical themes affect people living today?
How can understanding these themes help solve current issues?
How important is it to look at world problems in their historical and cultural contexts?

please help if u can!
Thanks :)



Which class do you study in??

It's kinda so long questionn

Please help me! I don't know!



A answer

please mark my answer as brainly




gandhi promoted freedom

When, where, and why did agriculture first develop?


Agriculture was developed at least 10,000 years ago, and it has undergone significant developments since the time of the earliest cultivation. Independent development of agriculture occurred in northern and southern China, Africa's Sahel, New Guinea and several regions of the Americas.

Agricultural communities developed approximately 10,000 years ago in a few small hubs around the world, such as the Fertile Crescent, which is a region of the Near East including parts of modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan. These were the days when humans began to domesticate plants and animals. By establishing domesticity, families and larger groups were able to build communities and transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle dependent on foraging and hunting for survival.

Name two things the colonists did not find at Jamestown.




In 1607, England finally got the opportunity when Jamestown, Virginia, became the first permanent English settlement in North America. Lured to the New World with promises of wealth, most colonists were unprepared for the constant challenges they faced: drought, starvation, the threat of attack, and disease.

Which of the following is true about the Chinese Civil War?

Select one:
a. Chiang Kai-shek received support from the Soviet Union
b. Japan helped the Chinese Nationalists win the civil war
c. Mao Zedong wanted to bring back China's emperor
d. Mao Zedong and the Communists won the civil war


your answer is A.) Chiang Kai-shek received support from the soviet union

What provision of NATO was the most instrumental in deterring communist aggression during the Cold War?
All NATO members were armed with nuclear weapons.
NATO offered membership to any defecting Soviet Bloc country.
NATO maintained ground forces far superior in number to the Soviet Union.
An attack on any NATO member was considered an attack on all members.


I think the answer should be b

What are some current issues you feel are still a concern regarding your right to vote in the United States?



This being an election year, Human Rights magazine is devoting two full issues to voting rights. The first included articles on voter registration, problems facing Native American voters, voter roll purges, the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment, and racial gerrymandering. This volume features articles on redistricting, voting by disabled persons, voting on college campuses, cybersecurity, campaign finance, and many others. Together, these two issues of Human Rights provide a great tutorial on current issues in voting rights and election administration—subjects that have gained widespread public attention in recent years. Since our first issue on voting rights, a new challenge has emerged: how to conduct elections in the midst of a public health emergency.

Other Questions
What does the third quantum number (m) describe?A. Which energy level the electron is inB. What type of orbital the electron is inC. What direction the electron is spinningD. The specific orbital within a sublevel 3. Read the given text and do the activities given below, There are 30 different kinds of pet cats. They have different body shapes and sizes, colouring, fur length, eye colour, tail length, voice and temperament. House cats do not like swimming Cats like to eat meat and will kill and eat small mammals, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and snakes, Cats started living with people over 7,000 years ago and still live with us today, A. Choose the correct answer.a. Cats are kept as i. food ii. cars iii.pets b Cats do not like.. i. swimming ii. meat iii, people c.How many kinds of cats are there? i.100 ii. 50 iii. 30 d. Cats like to cal.......... i. clouds ii. wood iii. meat B. Answer these questions. 3x2=6 a What do cats generally eat? b. To which animals will the cats kill and eat? What is Untouchability components of plasma C mt "tu l" ca nc ngoi hot ng kho st du kh trn bin, cch b bin Vng Tu ca nc ta 160 hi l. Vn dng nhng kin thc hc v ch quyn lnh th, bin gii quc gia; Anh, ch cho bit tu l ny c vi phm ch quyn lnh th ca Vit nam hay khng?; nu c, theo anh ch ng, Nh nc ta nn gii quyt vn ny nh th no? Will give brainliest answer into how many types of human resources can be divided ? name those types. world war 1 resulted in which of the following medical advancements A 25.00 gram sample of an unknown metal initially at 99.0 degrees Celcius is added to 50.00 grams of water initially at 10.55 degrees Celcius. The final temperature of the system is 20.15 degrees Celcius. Calculate the specific heat of the metal. (The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g*C). (0.000010)(0.00055)(0.002) On April 1, a company established a $150 petty cash fund. On April 15, the petty cash fund contains $5 in cash and the following paid petty cash receipts: Petty Cash Receipts Amount Advertising Expense $29.00 Gasoline Expense38.00 Miscellaneous Expense 50.00 Office Supplies 25.00 Prepare the general journal entries to (1) establish the petty cash fund, to (2) reimburse the fund, and to (3) increase its amount to $200 on April 15. The "crime index" reflects which of the following? 2(3+4)(73)(2 2) subtract -5/6 from 1/3 ABCD is rotated counterclockwise about the origin. By how many degreeswas ABCD rotated? I_____ (be) sorry for the mistake I made. Which synonym best replaces theunderlined word in the followingsentence?Sometimes student loan debt isan inevitable pathway towardspaying for college.A. unavoidableB. certainC. predeterminedD. fateSorr The surface of silver metal, Ag(s), became tarnished when it was exposed to oxygen, producing Ag2O. In Ag2O, the oxidation state of silver is 1. According to this information, silver metal was _____. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices reduced The crash of the 1929 stock market is known in history as If a fourth plant produces 150 widgets in 60 days, which statement is true?A. It makes more than Plant A.B. It makes less than Plant B.C. It makes less than Plant A.