During the course, you may experience some stressful moments. How will you organize yourself and what strategies will you use to cope with stress during the course? What is your goal for the course and how do you plan to achieve this goal?


Answer 1

stay calm, that is the basis of every technique and every method, they each do something different but it all comes down to one thing, the root, the answer to it all.. its stay calm. This is what will help you keep your head in stressful situations and stay on task and organized.

Related Questions

How does Kezia begin to see her father as a human being who needs her sympathy ?
chapter 3 beehive



chapter? class?



when kezia's grandma was sick and her mother had went to hospital with grandma, Kezia was left at home with the maid Alice and her dad. When she had a nightmare, her dad came into the room to calm her. So her dad took Kezia to his bedroom. That was when Kezia began to see her dad as a human being who needs her sympathy


Which part of the American Dream is challenged in The Great Gatsby?
A. Anyone can succeed with hard work.
B. No one can be rich and moral.
C. Wealth leads to happiness.
D. Inheriting property is a privilege.


Wealth leads to happiness

writing ( about 80 - 100 words ) :
what is your best leisure activity? why?



i hope it will help you


People participate in leisure activities when they have free time in the evenings and on weekends. They are never work oriented and do not involve tasks such as housework or sleeping. Examples of leisure activities are bicycling, bowling, curling, horseback riding, golfing, hiking/walking, skating, skiing and swimming.


i can give you a short answer my best leisure activity is watching tv and singing and they help me rest from all the work l have and also to pass time

Most of pupils / students come to school shabbily dressed. As the Head Prefect, write down a speech you would give to the pupils/ students to make them dress neatly and properly.​



Dress code. It's something we all can overlook. It's easy to forget, easy not to do, but we also forget the importance of it. Dress your neatest. The way you dress represents who you are as a person, it fills in your persona, it says " hi I'm hipster " or " hi I'm classy " ect. ect. and that is something worth a thousand words. Let's try to act like we care about how we dress, as it shows who we are.


Ex: REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES BEGINNING WITH THE WORDS GIVEN 1- Take these pills three times a day and you'll soon feel better.

If you..........

2- I couldn't meet him because he had moved.

If he............

3- I can't live in the country because I can't find a job there.

If I.................

4- Tell me your address. I might need it.

Tell me your address in case............

5- Unless you study hard you won't pass your exams.

If you.................

6- Visiting Israel won't be possible without a visa.


7- I didn't pass because I didn't study.

If I..................

8- Sally won't go to Nebraska because she doesn't have enough money.

If Sally................

9- Buy some aspirins. You might need them during your journey.

Buy some aspirins in case.........

10- They didn't go to England because they didn't book a room on time.




If you take these pills 3 times a day you'll soon feel better.

If he had not moved, I could have met him.

If I lived in the country, I wouldn't be able to find a job there.

Tell me your address in case I need it.

If you study hard you'll pass your exams.

Unless you have a visa, you won't be able to visit Israel.

If I studied, I would have passed.

If Sally had enough money, she would go to Nebraska.

Buy some aspirins in case you need them on your journey.

Had they booked a room on time, they would've been able to go to England.

Please give brainliest :)

What informational text is an examination of a particular topic in detail?



An essay means to deep dive in a certain topic

The informational text is an examination of a particular topic in detail include option A: Essay.

What do you mean by Essay?

An essay is considered as a  short piece of writing in a particular subject.

Moreover, the types of essay include Narrative, Expository, Compare and Contrast, Synthesis, Persuasive/Argumentative, Review and Rhetorical.

Therefore, correct option is A.

Learn more about informational text, refer to the link:



Describe one national event that took place recently and state at least two effects it had on the people in your area



Natural disasters include brush fires, dust-storms, storms, typhoons, thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, volcanoes, tsunamis, storm surges, and other geological events, earthquakes, tidal waves, storms, and other geological events.

Secondary hazardous events, such as fires, power outages, and blockages, can occur as a result of natural occurrences, and can be equally detrimental to human and wildlife environments.

6 6) write a poem using the following words: Ice, neccessans, jungle, dream



l have a dream

I have a dream

One day my life

will turn to ice

It is necessary

I shall not live with my fate to be decided by a roll of a dice.



bhaisab chutiagiri mat karo

How was science fiction writing considered a reaction to the advancements in technology?​



Science fiction literature has affected society significantly. It has inspired many to pursue careers in science which has, in turn, resulted in advancements in technology such as the developments in cloning, rockets, artificial intelligence, satellites, wireless internet, etc.

Science fiction reacted to mechanical advances by envisioning its societal suggestions, reflecting trusts, fears, and moral concerns, and forming viewpoints.

How was science fiction writing considered a reaction to the advancements in technology?​

Science fiction has risen as a reaction to quick mechanical progressions, reflecting society's interests, trusts, and fears. Creators imagined potential results, investigating moral, social, and philosophical measurements of development.

By anticipating envisioned prospects, they hooked with humanity's advancing relationship with innovation, advertising cautionary stories and idealistic dreams that challenged winning standards and philosophies.

This sort of gives an inventive space to look at the effect of logical advance on human presence, empowering basic reflection on the potential benefits and perils of advancement, eventually impacting open talk and forming discernments of mechanical alter.

Learn more about science fiction here:



Bài 7: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.

1.My mother told me to (put/ get) on warm clothes before I went out

2. Jim really (got/ put) me down when he forgot my birthday.

3. My father never (tells/ drops) me off but my mother is always shouting at me.

4. I couldn’t believe she (turned/ got) down my invitation for the second time.

5. My mother often lets me (look/ take) after my younger brother.

6. “Why did she (break/ stay) up with you?”“She said I didn’t care much about her”.

7. Please (drop/ tell) me off in front of the theater.

8. We’ve been (saving/ looking) up to travel to New York this summer.

9. Have you (take/ put) out clean towels for the guests?

10. (Take/ Dress) off your rain coat before you come in.

11. I remember (paying/ looking) Jim back but he kept asking me for his money.

12. Jim’s poor test results (got/ looked) his parents down.

13. grandmother (died/ passed) away before I was born.

14. I have many tasks to (attend/ took) to.

15. Who does this bag (belong/ own) to?

Bài 8: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây bằng cách điền tiểu từthích hợp vào chỗ trống.

1.We will set _________for Tokyo in the next few hours.

2. Everyone says that Jim takes _________his father but I think he is more like his mother.

3. Who will take _________your position when you are on parental leave?

4. There are four of us so Peter cuts the cake _________four pieces.

5. I am going to buy a new bike, so I put my old one _________.

6. Remember to put the trash _________before the garbage truck comes.

7. You must take _________yourhat before you come intoa temple.

8. I hate the way my manager shuts me _________when she disagrees with me.

9. What are you looking _________ ? My car keys.

10. Watch _________for the dog. Everyone says that it is a fierce dog.





(a) This is a new English grammar book. (What) AA​



Language Arts.


Please define your question next time :)

Rewrite each sentence using correct capitalization, end punctuation and adding commas where needed.

1. we send food medicine and supplies to many countries overseas such as ethiopia and thailand

2. janice michael henry and denise often go skating at the oldtown skating rink on monday nights

3. "john played saxophone for the band" said ms. smith

4. "let's go swimming in the pond" paul said, "and then we can warm up by the fire


1. We send food,medicine, and supplies to many countries overseas such as Ethiopia and Thailand.

2. Janice, Michael, Henry, and Denise often go skating at the Oldtown Skating Rink on Monday nights.

3. “John played saxophone for the band.” said Ms.Smith.

4. “Let’s go swimming in the pond” Paul said, “and then we can warm up by the fire.”


1. We send food, medicine and supplies to many countries overseas such as Ethiopia and Thailand

2. Janice, Michael, Henry and Denise often go skating at the Oldtown skating rink on Monday nights.

3. "John played the saxophone for the band said Ms. Smith."

4. "Lets go swimming in the pond Paul said," "and then we can warm up by the fire".


Which of the following is an example of personification?
A. I never would have trusted him if I had known he'd turn out to be a
O B. He started by eating all of the lobster in Maine and then washed it
down with a bathtub-sized glass of soda.
C. That old apron told hundreds of stories; it spoke of family dinners
and long days in front of a stove.
D. We all laughed as Maggie stood there turning redder than a ripe





Personification is when you write about an object acting like a person. An apron can't actually tell stories, but the writer told it like that.



Essay about our culture,our identity​


Every single person has his own unique identity. So, the culture in which he is brought up has impact on one's entire life. ... People acquire the knowledge of language, costumes, food and social norms and values.



[EASY] What is the definition of happiness?



a feeling and an emotion of unlimited and unrelenting joy


Brainliest pls


the state of being happy.

Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, safe, or lucky, they feel happiness. The "pursuit of happiness" is something this country is based on, and different people feel happiness for different reasons.

can you tell me what are the metaphors in John Keats poem please​


Answer:Keats uses here two elaborated metaphors: one of the imagination as a charioteer who can fly into the heavens and "do strange deeds / Upon the clouds" (evidently a reference to the imagination's creative func tion), and one of poetry itself as being a planet of sound, rolling through the heavens.

Some people think that learning English at a very young age may increase the stress levels of students. What do you think about that?​




There's no scientific explanation to prove this but I think the earlier the better.

Based on the following quotes who are NOT working well in the group?
A. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand your idea. Can you explain it again?”
B. “I don’t think that is a good idea. While I see your point, I don’t think we have enough time.”
C. “Whatever you guys want is fine.”
D. “I really like your idea. It should work. Let’s do it!"


Answer: C.


They are showing a lack of effort.




I think that's the answer

essay:the best time of the year​



A Little Christmas Dinner

Christmas is the time of year renowned for bringing families together in a way no other holiday can quite muster up to. Family togetherness feels like a cup of hot chocolate on the first cold night of the year; heart warming. That magical day when relatives flock from all over to be in one house, at one table, and to eat one meal, nothing is more special than a little Christmas dinner.

Christmas is known for coming quicker and quicker each passing year. Many people begin to silently panic as soon as they hear the first Christmas song on the radio. To me it strikes into my head that our yearly family Christmas dinner is ever so close. As a child I enjoyed the Christmas dinner but not for the wholesome heart warming reasons that echo through my words now, but for the greedy natured presents. Admittedly the presents still are a highlight of the Christmas dinner, but after a few seasoned years of learning that Christmas is not about materialistic items I now feel that the Christmas dinner is the best part of this day.

Every year we have the dinner at my grand parent’s quant house in the country. It takes a few hours to get there, but the country ride is more mesmerizing than any movie that I have ever seen. The twists and turns on a single lane road surrounded by tree’s help set the tone for what the day will bring. Every year I am always the first one there to help my grandparents to set up. The first thing I always remember to do is hug each one of them for as long as I can, thankful for another year to take in their open arms.

I hope this will help you if not then sorry i have tried my best :)

Answer: Here's a format


Thesis statement: Summer is often the least stressful and most relaxed time of the year.

Explain what you do with free time and hobbies

Pleasant weather

Less stress over school


My shoes need cleaning. *
a)Cleaning is needed for my shoes.
b)I have to clean my shoes.
c)I need to have my shoes cleaned.
d)I need to clean my shoes.

Dave / pressed / because of / parents/ high expectation / study results. *
a)Dave was pressed despite of his parents’ high expectation of his study results.
b)Dave was pressed because of his parents have high expectation of his study results.
c)Dave was pressed because of his parents’ high expectation of his study results.
d)Dave was pressed in spite of his parents’ high expectation of his study results.

We must take care of all living species on Earth. *
a)All living species on Earth are taken care of by us.
b)All living species on Earth must be taken care of by us.
c)ll living species on Earth had been taken care of by us.
d)All living species on Earth will be taken care of by us.



1. c

2. d

3. b


These sentences would make the most sense.


Cleaning is needed for my shoes


i hope it is correct

The old lady took the ______ to go from the first floor to the basement since she is unable to walk.

(1) stairs
(2) steps
(3) elevator
(4) conveyor



3. Elevator


The elevator is an automatic system that allows the old lady to not strain herself.

The correct answer is C

how do supporting details reinforce the central idea in this passage?

A.The supporting details explain criticisms against new artificial limbs.

B.The supporting details help the reader understand how artificial limbs work.

C.The supporting details give evidence that cheetahs are the animals best designed for running.

D.The supporting details show why new designs for artificial limbs are better than old designs.



B.The supporting details help the reader understand how artificial limbs work.


what is the purpose of a society's oral tradition?

A. To validate a king's power

B. To pass on understanding of values and culture.

C. To make sure the right person gets credit for making up stories.

D. To persuade others to join a culture.​





Oral tradition refers to stories and tales that are told throughout the society. Also known as spreading info/cultural beliefs by word of mouth


To pass on understanding of values and culture.


B is correct one.

3 facts about the Achievement Gap;




Low-income and black and Hispanic students are less likely to graduate from high school, less likely to enroll in college, and less likely to graduate from college.


Explanation: The “achievement gap” in education refers to the disparity in academic performance between groups of students. The achievement gap shows up in grades, standardized-test scores, course selection, dropout rates, and college-completion rates, among other success measures.

Question 6 of 10
Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to enhance the flow
and writing style of a story?
A. As he walked through the dark forest, Javi stepped on a dry twig. It
made an echoing "crack." He looked left and right. He saw no
movement among the trees, so he walked on.
B. Javi walked through the dark forest, and he stepped on a dry twig.
It made an echoing 'crack," and he looked left and right. He saw no
movement among the trees, so he walked on
C. As he walked through the dark forest, Javi stepped on a dry twig.
Because it made an echoing "crack," he looked left and right. When
he saw no movement among the trees, he walked on.
D. Javi walked through the dark forest. He stepped on a dry twig. It
made an echoing 'crack." He looked left and right. He saw no
movement among the trees. He walked on.


Answer B i took the test and i got it correct

Suppose you are the coordinator of the organizing committee for the"Sports Week"at your school.Write an email inviting the other members of the committee for the first time.



To : Jack.bite98

cc : Kate.narrow23



Subject : Invitation for committee meeting

Dear friends,

All of you are hereby informed that we are organizing sports week in our school. As the members of the sports committee, I am organizing our first ever meeting to talk about the arrangements and distribution of responsibilities.

Kindly be at the school hall at 12:30 Thursday.



I am a good student
This is the correct answer if we use I

What is the meaning of freedom ? ( in big terms, very descriptive)



Freedom is the quality or state of being free . Such as : being able to have rights for using water , being able to participate in different programs, being able to fulfill the needs etc. Freedom is the most necessity that a human being needs and deserves.

Freedom, to me is not getting help down by something, having the ability to do whatever you want, whenever and wherever. No matter what you do, you will not be criticised, marked down or scrutinised. For example, Singapore, here we have the freedom of speech, meaning we have the rights/ the ability to voice out our thoughts freely without having to worry about getting shot down (not literally) or getting cancelled.

describe this picture​



The picture shows how the kids play in the past then the modern


In the past, before technology was not that popular as it is today kids used to play outside with their friends. Now (before the pandemic) kids like to play video games not playing outside because of technology rising in fame.


Which is the right answer
Adverbial Clauses Of Concession



well it sounds much better with although I'm a rich man I always get what I want.


this is my opinion and not sure if it's correct.


I always get what I want


What you're trying to say is "Although I'm not a rich man,.....", there has to be something what you don't get everyday but what a rich man does. And what is that? Rich people get whatever they want. The correct answer would be "Although I'm not a rich man, I always get what I want.

I Hope This Helps!

Please Mark Brainliest!

Other Questions
evaluate b+c d b=-2, c= -1, d=3 What are the formal means of socialization? if you run 250 ft of cable and lose rate 3.6 dB how much rate you lose at 100 ft 6.25 g of HCl(g), a strong acid, is dissolved in water to make a 280-ml solution.Calculate the pH of the resulting solution. What are three blood cells in a human body Express 7 as a decimal to 6 significant figures. baby was born with a mass of 3.6 kg.After three months this mass had increased to 6 kg. Calculate the percentage increase in the mass of the baby? Im so confuseddddd Climate change as well as other human-driven environmental changes continue to cause loss of biodiversity in thecoming decades in addition to high rates of species extinctions. Biodiversity is a term that can be used to describebiological diversity at a variety of different scales, but for now let's consider species diversity. Each rectangle represents aplant community containing individuals of various species indicated by color and the total number of individualscorresponds to the productivity of the ecosystem. Based on trends illustrated by the images, what conclusions apply?Choose ALL that are appropriate.-)))A)While species may fluctuate, biomass remains constant.ScientificCalcB)The green species increases in abundance during warm years,C)The productivity of the ecosystem decreases as the climate changes.D)Invasive species, represented by red, move in and displace nativespecies.HighlightTimemaining3:17:40e ToolsE)Decrease in one species is compensated for by an increase in anotherspecies.24) Start with the following Python code. alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" test_dups = ["zzz","dog","bookkeeper","subdermatoglyphic","subdermatoglyphics"] test_miss = ["zzz","subdermatoglyphic","the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"] def histogram(s): d = dict() for c in s: if c not in d: d[c] = 1 else: d[c] += 1 return d Copy the code above into your program but write all the other code for this assignment yourself. Do not copy any code from another source. Write a function called has_duplicates that takes a string parameter and returns True if the string has any repeated characters. Otherwise, it should return False. Implement has_duplicates by creating a histogram using the histogram function above. Your implementation should use the counts in the histogram to decide if there are any duplicates. Write a loop over the strings in the provided test_dups list. Print each string in the list and whether or not it has any duplicates based on the return value of has_duplicates for that string. For example, the output for "aaa" and "abc" would be the following. aaa has duplicatesabc has no duplicates Print a line like one of the above for each of the strings in test_dups. Escriba e identifique el sujeto y el verbo:Los padres y los nios nadaron todo el da en el lago it is a polynomial or not write step in step what would happen if the diet if a chid provide enough calories but is deficient in poteinsgvery short Explain how various animal species have rapidly evolved as a result of human impact. how can i round 162 to the nearest hundred in a easier way with multiplying Find the value of X. What is 0.04% of 30? Round to the nearest hundredth If there is no slipping, a frictional force must exist between the wheels and the ground. In what direction does the frictional force from the ground on the wheels act What bug is this please help I found it on the ground and want to make it my pet I need answers ASAP what bug is this please 13) Jim ran 2-miles after school while Tom ran 5miles. How many miles did Tom and Jim run total?Write your answer as a mixed number.sunt