Economists have found that the amount of corruption in a country's government is correlated to the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of that country. This can be modeled by y=1400(1.05)^x where x is the corruption score and y is GDP per capita in dollars. Corruption scores range from 0 to 100 with 0 being highly corrupt and 100 being least corrupt.

What does the y-intercept of this function represent?

A. the corruption score needed for a GDP per capita of zero
B. the increase in GDP per capita for every increase of one in corruption score
C. the GDP per capita of a country with a corruption score of zero
D. the GDP per capita necessary to decrease the corruption score by one


Answer 1

Economists found that amount of corruption in a country is correlated to the Gross domestic products of the country.

Whenever there is high corruption in a country it leads to great negative impacts on the economic growth of that country.

The equation represents the the corruption score for every dollar per capita rise.

The slope of the equation will represent the GDP per capita of a country with corruption score of zero.

The correct answer is C.

C. The GDP per capita of a country with a corruption score of zero.

Related Questions

Can I have help I am stuck on this problem It would mean the world if u helped me and tysm!! =-)


9514 1404 393


   10·2^-8 grams

Step-by-step explanation:

The each day, the initial amount for that day is multiplied by 1/2. After 8 days, the initial amount has been multiplied by (1/2)^8, where the exponent of 8 signifies that (1/2) is a factor 8 times in the product.

After n days, the quantity remaining is ...

  q(n) = 10·(1/2)^n = 10·2^(-n)

after 8 days the remaining amount is ...

  q(8) = 10·2^-8 . . . grams

How many terms of the series 2 + 5 + 8 + … must be taken if their sum is 155


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of terms of an arithmetic series is ...

  Sn = (2a +d(n -1))·n/2 = (2an +dn^2 -dn)/2

For the series with first term 2 and common difference 3, the sum is 155 for n terms, where ...

  155 = (3n^2 +n(2·2 -3))/2

Multiplying by 2, we have ...

  3n^2 +n -310 = 0 . . . . . arranged in standard form

Using the quadratic formula, the positive solution is ...

  n = (-1 +√(1 -4(3)(-310)))/(2(3)) = (-1 +√3721)/6 = (61 -1)/6 = 10

10 terms of the series will have a sum of 155.

Answer: 10 terms

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \ \Large \boldsymbol{} S_n=\frac{2a_1+d(n-1)}{2} \cdot n =155 \\\\ \frac{4+3(n-1)}{2} \cdot n =155 \\\\\\ 4n+3n^2-3n=310 \\\\ 3n^2+n-310=0 \\\\D=1+3720=3721=61^2\\\\n_1=\frac{61-1}{6} =\boxed{10} \\\\\\n_2=\frac{-61-1}{3} \ \ \o[/tex]

A farmer weighs a dozen chicken eggs. The heaviest egg is 56 g. ​


Step-by-step explanation:


what is your question?

Step-by-step explanation:

please tell full questions

Question 20 plz show ALL STEPS and hurry PLEASE



(a) You will get ten

Step-by-step explanation:

single cell = 3 min

30 min = ?

30 divided by 10 = 3

Have a good day!

Four people share a taxi to the airport the fare was $36 and they gave the driver a tip equal to 25% of the fair. If they equally share the cost of the fair tip, how How much did each person pay?




Step-by-step explanation:

Total money given to the taxi driver=36+25% of 36=45

Each person will pay (45/4)=11.25

Find the unit rate.
1/3 kilometer in 1/3hour



1 kilometer in 1 hour

Step-by-step explanation:

unit rate is km(kilometer) per hour(hr)

1/3 km = 1/3 hr

multiply both sides by 3

1 km in 1 hour

2/5 = 6/ = 10/30 = 14/

Please tell asap





Step-by-step explanation:

2/5 = 6/x

Cross multiply:

2x = 5*6

x = 15


10/30 = 14/x

10x = 30*14

x = 420/10

x = 42.

SI unit of areaWhat is the SI unit of area ​


square meter is the SI unit of area.


95% confident that the true mean difference in mean crying time after being given a vitamin K shot between infants using conventional methods and infants held by their mothers is between ____________and ___________________. In other words, the mean crying time of infants given vitamin K shot using conventional methods is anywhere from ______________ less than to _______________more than the mean crying time of infants given vitamin K shot using new methods.


Solution :

Two sample T-test and CI : Conventional methods, New methods

Two sample T for conventional method Vs new method

                                                  N        Mean           StDev     Se Mean

Conventional mean                 30        35.3              20.8         3.8

New methods                          30         35.1              22.3          4.1

Difference = μ (conventional method) - μ (new method)

Estimate for difference : 0.17

95% CI for difference : (-10.976, 11.309)

T-Test of difference = 0(vs <): T-value = 0.03   P-value =0.5119  DF = 57

95% confident that the true mean difference in mean crying time after being given a vitamin K shot between infants using conventional methods and infants held by their mothers is between -10.976 and 11.309. In other words, the mean crying time of infants given vitamin K shot using conventional methods is anywhere from -10.976 less than to 11.309 more than the mean crying time of infants given vitamin K shot using new methods.

From -13°C to 15°C.
a. -28°C
b. -2°C
C. 28°C
d. 2°C




Option B

-13°c-2°c= 15°c

hope it helps

find each measurement indicated round your answers to the nearest tenth. Part 1d. NO LINKS OR ANSWERING QUESTIONS YOU DON'T KNOW!!!



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Sine rule in all 3 questions


[tex]\frac{a}{sinA}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{b}{sinB}[/tex] , substitute values , firstly calculating ∠ B

[ ∠ B = 180° - (78 + 49)° = 180° - 127° = 53° ]

[tex]\frac{a}{sin78}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{18}{sin53}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

a sin53° = 18 sin78° ( divide both sides by sin53° )

a = [tex]\frac{18sin78}{sin53}[/tex] ≈ 22.0 ( to the nearest tenth )


[tex]\frac{c}{sinC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{a}{sinA}[/tex] , substitute values

[tex]\frac{35}{sinC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{45}{sin134}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

45 sinC = 35 sin134° ( divide both sides by 35 )

sinC = [tex]\frac{35sin134}{45}[/tex] , then

∠ C = [tex]sin^{-1}[/tex] ( [tex]\frac{35sin134}{45}[/tex] ) ≈ 34.0° ( to the nearest tenth )


Calculate the measure of ∠ B

∠ B = 180° - (38 + 92)° = 180° - 130° = 50°

[tex]\frac{a}{sinA}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{b}{sinB}[/tex] , substitute values

[tex]\frac{BC}{sin38}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{10}{sin50}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

BC sin50° = 10 sin38° ( divide both sides by sin50° )

BC = [tex]\frac{10sin38}{sin50}[/tex] ≈ 8.0 ( to the nearest tenth )

A cell phone carrier charges a fixed monthly fee plus a constant rate for each minute used. Part 1. In January, the total cost for 150 minutes was $ 62 while in February, the total cost for 175 minutes was $ 64 . The constant charge for each minute used is:

a. 0.09

b. 0.1

c. 0.08

Part 2. The fixed montly fee charged by the carrier is;

fee = $__________________


9514 1404 393


  c.  $0.08

  fee = $50

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given two ordered pairs:

  (minutes, charges) = (150, 62) and (175, 64)

The slope of the graph of charges is ...

  m = (y2 -y1)/(x2 -x1) = (64 -62)/(175 -150) = 2/25 = 0.08

The charge for each minute is $0.08.


The y-intercept of the graph can be found from ...

  b = y -mx

  b = 62 -150(0.08) = 62 -12 = 50

The fixed monthly fee is $50.

Rs 600 will gave Rs 90 simple interest at 5 % per annum. ​


Step-by-step explanation:




time = I × 100/p×r

= 90×100/600×5

= 3 years.

A square steel bar has a length of 5.1 ft and a 2.7 in by 2.7 in cross section and is subjected to axial tension. The final length is 5.10295 ft . The final side length is 2.69953 in . What is Poisson's ratio for the material



The Poisson's ratio for the material is 0.0134.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Poisson's ratio ([tex]\nu[/tex]), no unit, is the ratio of transversal strain ([tex]\epsilon_{t}[/tex]), in inches, to axial strain ([tex]\epsilon_{a}[/tex]), in inches:

[tex]\nu = -\frac{\epsilon_{t}}{\epsilon_{a}}[/tex] (1)

[tex]\epsilon_{a} = l_{a,f}-l_{a,o}[/tex] (2)

[tex]\epsilon_{t} = l_{t,f}-l_{t,o}[/tex] (3)


[tex]l_{a,o}[/tex] - Initial axial length, in inches.

[tex]l_{a,f}[/tex] - Final axial length, in inches.

[tex]l_{t,o}[/tex] - Initial transversal length, in inches.

[tex]l_{t,f}[/tex] - Final transversal length, in inches.

If we know that [tex]l_{a,o} = 61.2\,in[/tex], [tex]l_{a,f} = 61.235\,in[/tex], [tex]l_{t,o} = 2.7\,in[/tex] and [tex]l_{t,f} = 2.69953\,in[/tex], then the Poisson's ratio is:

[tex]\epsilon_{a} = 61.235\,in - 61.2\,in[/tex]

[tex]\epsilon_{a} = 0.035\,in[/tex]

[tex]\epsilon_{t} = 2.69953\,in - 2.7\,in[/tex]

[tex]\epsilon_{t} = -4.7\times 10^{-4}\,in[/tex]

[tex]\nu = - \frac{(-4.7\times 10^{-4}\,in)}{0.035\,in}[/tex]

[tex]\nu = 0.0134[/tex]

The Poisson's ratio for the material is 0.0134.

The area between z=.34 and z=1.93




0.36693 - 0.0268 = 0.34013

Step-by-step explanation:

z=.34 and z=1.93

0.34  0.36693

1.93           0.0268

Please help! Thank you!!!!!


9514 1404 393


f(x) = x² -3g(x) = 6x +7h(x) = 3^x

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) is copied from the problem statement.

g(x) is a symbolic representation of the English wording, using x to represent "a number."

h(x) is the exponential function that corresponds to the geometric sequence in the table. It has a common ratio of 3, and a multiplier of 1 at x=0.

Which phrase describes the linear relationship between the x and y values shown in the table?

x l y
8 l 2
9 l 3
10 l 4

A. y is 6 times x
B. x is 6 times y
C. y is 6 less than x
D. y is 6 more than x


9514 1404 393


  C. y is 6 less than x

Step-by-step explanation:

It is not hard to check.

  A. 6 times x is 6×8 = 48, not 2

  B. 6 times y is 6×2 = 12, not 8

  C. 6 less than 8 is 2; 6 less than 9 is 3

  D. 6 more than 8 is 14, not 2


The relation described in C matches the table.

solve the inequality y-6>/2y-4



Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve your inequality step-by-step.

y - 6 > 2y - 4

y - 2y > -4 + 6

-y > 2

now divide by -1 and inequality sign changes

-y/-1 < 2/-1

y < -2

What lines are parallel?



Parallel lines are lines that never intersect or touch

No image? No help. Sorry if this doesn’t help

i will give brainliest help please



SA = 52 square meters

Step-by-step explanation:

First, the equation I'll be using for this problem is SA=2(wl+hl+hw)! Our width is 4m, our length is 3m, and our height is 2m. To begin to solve this problem we are going to input these values in to the equation above.

SA = 2(4 × 3 + 2 × 3 + 2 × 4)

Next, we are going to multiply our values inside the parenthesis based on the PEMDAS strategy (if you have any questions about this, feel free to ask below :).

SA = 2(12 + 6 + 8)

Now, we can add our values inside the parenthesis.

SA = 2(26)

Finally, all we have to do is distribute the 2 outside of the parenthesis to inside the parenthesis.

SA = 52 square meters

Hope this Helps! :)

Have any questions? Ask below in the comments and I will try my best to answer.


define ascending and descending order by your and give one example​



ascending order} an order of numbers from least to greatest like 1 2 3 4

descending order} an order of numbers from greatest to least like 4 3 2 1

One number is eight less than a second number. Five times the first is 6 more than 6 times the second. Find the numbers.
The value of the first number is -




Step-by-step explanation:

x = y - 8

5x = 6 - 6y

So now solve the system of equations, divide everything in the second equation by 5 to get it to x = 6/5 - 6y/5


x = y - 8

x = 6/5 - 6y/5

Now substitute first equation into the second and x is gonna be -42/11 or the first number

find the quadratic equations whose roots are 3 and -4




Step-by-step explanation:

(x-3)*(x+4)=0 or x²+x-12=0


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displyastyle \Large \boldsymbol{} (x-x_1)(x-x_2) \ \ x_1 \ ; \ x_2 -roots \\\\(x-3)(x-(-4))=(x-3)(x+4)=\boxed{x^2+x-12}[/tex]

The president of the student council wants to survey the student population about parking. She decides to take a random sample of 100 of the 1,020 students at the school. Which of the following correctly labels the population?





I think its (B), 01-1020.



Should be (B)



The correct label for the population is 1 - 1020,

Option A is the correct answer.

What is random sampling?

It is the way of choosing a number of required items from a number of population given.

Each items has an equal probability of being chosen.

We have,

The population in this case refers to the entire group of interest, which is the entire student body of the school.

The total number of students is 1,020.

The population is usually labeled with a range or interval that includes all the possible values of the variable of interest.

In this case, the variable of interest is whether or not a student has an opinion on parking.

The correct label for the population is 1-1020, as this range includes all possible student identification numbers at the school.

The other options (01-1020, 001-1020, and 0001-1020) are not correct because they suggest that there are leading zeros in the student identification numbers, which is not usually the case.


The correct label for the population is 1-1020,

Learn more about random sampling here:


Julie needs to cut 4 pieces of yarn, each with the same length, and a piece of yarn 7.75 inches long. let x represent the length of each of the equal pieces of yarn that julie decides to cut. what is the equation that can be used to determine the total length of all the yarn that she ends up cutting, y? is the graph of the equation continuous or discrete?



The answer is below

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the length of each of the equal piece of yarn. Since they are 4 equal pieces of yarn, then the total length of the equal pieces of yarn = 4x.

Also, besides cutting the 4 equal pieces of yarn Julie further cuts a yarn 7.75 inches long, therefore if y represent the total length of all the yarn that she ends up cutting, hence:

y = 4x + 7.75

Since the graph produced by this equation have all points connected to each other, hence this is a continuous graph.

Describe what is contained in a credit report



Your credit report contains personal information, credit account history, credit inquiries and public records. This information is reported by your lenders and creditors to the credit bureaus. Much of it is used to calculate your FICO® Scores to inform future lenders about your creditworthiness.

If p is true and ~ q is false, then p ~ q is _____ false.
a. sometimes
b. always
c. never


Vas happenin
Hope you having a good day
I think it’s A
Hope this help *smiles*

6. 5x = -25
a. X= 5
b. X=-5
c. x=2



x = -5

Step-by-step explanation:

5x = -25

Divide each side by 5

5x/5 = -25/5

x = -5


[tex]Option\ B,\ x = -5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Divide both sides by 5

[tex]5x = -25[/tex]

[tex]5x / 5 = -25 / 5[/tex]

[tex]x = -25/5[/tex]

[tex]x = -5[/tex]

Answer:  [tex]Option\ B,\ x = -5[/tex]

What is the equation of a line that passes through the point (8,-2) and is parallel to the line whose equation is 3x+4y=15?



y = -3x/4 + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

slope m = -3/4


or, b = 4

y = mx + b

y = -3x/4 + 4

Answered by GAUTHMATH

A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers where the next term equals to

the previous term multiplied by a common factor (for example, (3, 6, 12, 24, ...)

is a geometric sequence with the first term ”3” and the common factor ”2”). If

the 5th term of a geometric sequence is 24 and the 7th term is 144, what is the

first term of the sequence?

(A) 2

(B) 3/2

(C) 2/3

(D) 1/3

(E) 1/4




Step-by-step explanation:

Let the first term be a and the common ratio be r.

ATQ, ar^4=24 and ar^6=144, r=sqrt(6) and a=24/(sqrt(6))^2=24/36=2/3

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