Election are chosen by


Answer 1




A democracy allows the citizens to elect a leader of their choice.

Related Questions

1. Este tipo de organización social se desarrolló en el periodo Paleolítico; es el término con el que se denomina a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria, su final se produjo con la Revolución neolítica, cuando el ser humano dejó de ser nómada, comenzó a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron. 1Comunidad primitiva
2Civilización primitiva
3Organización primitiva
4Grupos primitivos


La respuesta correcta es la número 1) Comunidad Primitiva.

> Estamos hablando de lo que los historiadores y Antropólogos han llamado "Comunidad Primitiva."

> La comunidad científica afirma que este tipo de organización social se desarrolló en el periodo Paleolítico.

> Los antropólogos han identificado este término para denominar a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria.

> La comunidad primitiva agrupaba a los primero humanos por necesidad, buscando protección ante las inclemencias del tiempo y las amenazas de los animales.

> La disolución de este tipo de comunidades comenzó con la Revolución Neolítica, cuando el ser humano dejó de ser nómada, comenzó a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron.

> Esto se debió a que los humanos comenzaron a desarrollar y aprender técnicas de cultivo y decidieron asentarse en un sólo sitio, y ya no seguir a las manadas de animales que debían de cazar para poder alimentar a sus familias.

> Los historiadores coinciden en señalar que la civilización más antigua en la Tierra es Sumeria.

> Estos primeros humanos se asentaron en medio de los Ríos Tigris y Éufrates, en el Medio Oriente.

> En estos momentos, daba inicio una importante etapa en la historia de la humanidad llamada la Revolución Neolítica o la Revolución de la Agricultura.

Podemos concluir que cuando los humanos comenzaron a aprender técnicas de agricultura, se establecieron en un sólo lugar para formar asentamientos más formales que posteriormente se convertirían en los orígenes de la civilización formal, tal y como la conocemos.

Aprende más sobre este tema aquí:


There is no democracy and human rights in America。



there is democracy and human rights

Which of the following would be a good thesis statement for a personal
A. With my daughter wanting to stay with me and my boss needing
me at work, I was caught in one of the uncomfortable points of
B. According to experts, the best way to grow the economy is
through tax cuts for the middle class.
C. A green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl
should be limited whenever possible.
D. All of the above are correct.


The answer choice that would be a good thesis statement for a personal essay is C. Green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl should be limited whenever possible.

What is a Personal Essay?

This refers to the type of essay that contains information or facts about the personal life of the writer or another person that shows important life lessons.

Hence, we can see that based on the given question, the best thesis statement should be stated about the personal essay, and with this, we can note that option C best does this, because it gives the central point of the writing.

Read more about thesis statements here:



compare and contrast the conflict and functionalist apporach to deviance​



Conflict theory looks to social and economic factors as the causes of crime and deviance. Unlike functionalists, conflict theorists don't see these factors as positive functions of society. They see them as evidence of inequality in the system.


What was the outcome of most European revolts of the 1830s?


Answer: They resulted in little to no change.


The revolutions in 1830 shook many places in Europe. The places such as France, Germany, Belgium, etc were in great flux. The revolutions that broke in Europe in 1830 were Romanticism, the Belgian Revolution, and the July Revolution.

These revolutions were considered as the lengthy continent-wide crisis. The origin of these revolts lie in the governmental mistakes. But these revolutions were unable to bring a satisfactory outcomes as hoped for because of lack of preparations by the revolutionaries. And also, these revolutions did not get any international help. So, the European revolutions of 1830 resulted in only little or no changes.

Which artist photographed the above images? What did he pioneer?
Name the series of photographs above, and its significance.



Hey! the artist is Eadweard Muybridge,

He was revered for his work because he set up a system of trip-wires that would each activate a shutter on a set of cameras


the guy above is incorrect


The artist Eadweard Muybridge produced the above images. He was revered for his work because he set up a system of trip-wires that would each activate a shutter on a set of cameras. So as a person or animal ran past, he could capture it in a variety of sequenced possess. Like with the image above, entitled Horse in Motion, he captured a horse as it galloped. Besides the process used, this image was important because it was the first time anyone had noticed that all four of the horses feet leave the ground at the same time, during one point of its gallop.

This is the real answer

What were the two reasons President Eisenhower thought the bombs were unnecessary? How did its use
affect him?



Truman stated that his decision to drop the bomb was purely military. A Normandy-type amphibious landing would have cost an estimated million casualties. Truman believed that the bombs saved Japanese lives as well. Prolonging the war was not an option for the President.


plz follow

24 is high and low is 15

Explain the extent to which the Columbian Exchange had beneficial effects on both the
Native Americans and Europeans.


Answer:A positive effect of the Columbian exchange was the introduction of New World crops, such as potatoes and corn, to the Old World. A significant negative effect was the enslavement of African populations and the exchange of diseases between the Old and New Worlds.


The native cuisine was preferred by the Native Americans. However, the Native Americans readily borrowed animals from the Eurasian stables. Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and a variety of other beneficial species were introduced to the Americas through the Columbian Exchange.

What are the pros and cons of the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange solely had beneficial effects on Europeans' life in terms of benefits. They acquired a variety of goods, including slaves from Africa, land in the Americas, and crops like maize and potatoes. The spread of disease, mortality, and slavery, on the other hand, are some of the negative effects of the Columbian Exchange.

By bringing new crops from the Americas, the Columbian Exchange increased Europe's population and sparked the continent's economic transition to capitalism. Ecosystems were upset by colonization, which introduced new species like pigs while entirely eradicating others like beavers.

Learn more about The Columbian Exchange here:



why do you think early American read so much work produced in England?



The basic assumption for "Early Americans" or at least "Early United Statians", is that, quite frankly, their ancestors came from Great Britain, whether they were fleeing religious persecution, or that they were inmates that were sent west to help relieve overflowing prison system, or even prospectors and adventure seekers. They would establish settlements such as Roanoke and Jamestowns, and with new incomers as well as a growing population, would slowly expand. Remember, these settlers were primarily from England, meaning that English would be their primary language. As such, any works they would read would be in English, and that left mainly works produced in America by British colonists, or else it would simply come from England. Unless they understood a different language, those would be the two places of origin for the information and reading materials that they would acquire.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a strong thesis for a personal
A. Presents one point
B. Comes from your own experiences and thoughts
C. Is of interest only to you
D. Is of interest to you and your reader





You want to interest your reader as well, always! :) Unless you are journaling, in which case, go you and your mental health!

The characteristic of a strong thesis for a personal essay excludes interest only to you. Thus the correct answer is C.

What is a Thesis?

The phrase that outlines a writing assignment's core concept serves as the synopsis and supports structuring the ideas that will be presented in the research paper. It is more than just an issue. It analysis shows the writer's evaluation of a literary work or a personal interaction.

A strong thesis statement includes one point that highlights the key issue for which the research has taken place. The solution for the key issue will be provided.

These come from the experiences and thoughts of the researchers through the evaluation which helps in developing interest to him as well as the reader.

The statement interest only to the writer is not a characteristic of the strong thesis as it is used by group of people so it should be fundamental in nature.

Therefore, option C  Is of interest only to you is appropriate.

Learn more about the thesis, here:



Why did ancient humans fight wars against each other


For resources, land, etc. things necessary not only to survive but thrive

The dehumanizing aspects of the slave system were seen in which of the following? Select all correct responses.

The threat and anticipation of punishment





acting sick

Explanation:mark brainlest plz ;)

Why don't Americans get much information on the news about what is happening in other countries, unless it's a tragedy; yet everyone else in the world gets news updates about America constantly ?




Interesting question. You mean like Fox News?

I saw an ad the other day from a young lady living in Turkey. It was a plea really. She was asking that the powers that be would send planes to her homeland that we all live on this planet.

As far as I know, no one replied and Fox didn't care it.

In which African region is settled agriculture difficult?
A. Equatorial
B. Savannah
C. Mediterranean
D. Southern Africa


The answer is Equatorial

who is known as the father of our nation​



Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Explain a significant development in Europe by the 15th and 16th centuries that caused a surge in exploration .



In the 15th century, Europe sought to expand trade routes to find new sources of wealth and bring Christianity to the East and any newly found lands. This European Age of Discovery saw the rise of colonial empires on a global scale, building a commercial network that connected Europe, Asia, Africa, and the New World.


mark me a brainlist

Europe attempted to extend its trade networks by the fifteenth century throughout order to locate new income sources as well as spread Christianity towards the newly discovered countries.

Europe attempted to strengthen its trading paths throughout the fifteenth century to discover new healthful benefits, bringing the Christian community eastwards to all eventually discovered countries.Throughout this European enlightenment period, conquering armies have emerged worldwide, setting up a trade network between Europe, Asia as well as the New Frontier.

Learn more:







What was one cause of the Hundred Years' War?



"The immediate causes of the Hundred Years War were the dissatisfaction of Edward III of England with the nonfulfillment by Philip VI of France of his pledges to restore a part of Guienne taken by Charles IV."


Which of the following best captures Kant’s Formula of Humanity as End?

a) “I ought never to act in such a way that I could not also will that my maxim should become a universal law.”
b) “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in any other person, only as an end, never as a means.”
c) “Never make an exception for yourself.”
d) “Act only on that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.”
e) “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in any other person, always at the same time as an end, never merely as means.”


The statement that best captures Kant’s Formula of Humanity as End is Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in any other person, always at the same time as an end, never merely as means."

What is the Kant’s view?

As a philosopher, Immanuel Kant argued that the supreme principle of morality is a principle of practical rationality that he dubbed the “categorical Imperative”. He characterized the CI as an objective, rationally necessary and unconditional principle that we must follow despite any natural desires we may have to the contrary.

All specific moral requirements are justified by this principle which means that all immoral actions are irrational because they violate the CI. Some other philosophers like Hobbes, Locke and Aquinas, had also argued that moral requirements are based on standards of rationality.

Read more about Kant



Answer: e


How are dependent school districts different from independent school distrida
OA A dependent district can use property taxes to pay for the schools,
OB. An appointed school superintendent runs a dependent distria
OC. A dependent district is part of a municipal or county government.
D. Students and their familles pay to attend schools in a dependent district,


Dependent school districts differ from independent school districts in that they can pay their schools using property taxes.

What is the school district?

A school district is described as a special-purpose district that operates local public primary and secondary schools.

It is a special-purpose government unit that can operate independently or rely on a local government, such as a city or county, for its management.

Dependent school districts are distinct from independent school districts in that they can use property taxes to fund their schools.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the school, refer to:



One of the main results of the French and Indian War was
A) the British and their American colonies developed a much friendlier relationship.
B) several Indian tribes were allowed to settle along the Atlantic coast as a reward for their
C) the British government expected the colonists to help pay for the huge cost of the war.
D) France remained the most influential nation in North America.



nepal is the ans of this question


oooo plz write my question

About how many people were killed
by the atomic bomb in Nagasaki?
A. 200,000
B. 75,000
C. 300,000


B) 75,000 not fully sure tho


about 80,000

So probably it will be B.

According to the population pyramid, in 2000 China had about 120 million people in which age-group?

A. 45-49
B. 35-39
C. 30-34
D. 5-9


C is the answer for that


C. 30-34


if you add up how many people (both women and male), which would be a little over 60 million each, it'll end up being the 120 million the question is asking for.

there for the answer is C. 30-34

help me please! with this​



America goods were supplied to noribeligerent countries witholvelut fu  USiSnoUu ne rrD


Trade in the Vedic Age occurred through

the bartering of goods for each other
the exchange of coins for goods
the use of written contracts as promises of payment
the exchange of land and animals for money



the bartering of goods for each other


The answer is (A) The bartering of goods for each other.

Explanation: Why? The truth is I did this quiz for FLVS and got it right. But the answer is quite simple. This helped get the Vedic Age get through life.

Which factor played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in
Italy during the 20th century?
O A. The rapid growth of Jewish populations in Italian cities
B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy
C. The declining popularity of nationalism and militarism in Italy
O D. The replacement of the Italian monarchy with elected leadership



B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy


Totalitarianism can be defined as a form of centralized government that has an absolute control over the state. Thus, totalitarianism completely prohibits individual freedom, opposing ideologies, principles, political parties, and requires the people to be subservient to the state.

Simply stated, totalitarianism is an autocratic or dictatorial form of government.

An authoritarian government is also known as dictatorship and it can be defined as a type of government in which an individual who is a sole administrator is responsible for controlling, managing and directing the affairs of the particular country.

The world War I (WWI) was a period of battle between various countries from 1914 to 1918. It started formally on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.

In April 1915, Italy officially joined the World War I (WWI) and it was estimated that six hundred thousand (600,000) Italians died by the end of the war while several assets (properties) were completely destroyed.

Hence, the damage caused by World War I (WWI) to Italy's economy played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in Italy during the 20th century.

Benito Mussolini who was born on the 29th of July, 1883 in Varnano dei Costa, in Romagna became a fascist leader of Italy by gaining power through turmoil.




1. A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer.

What limited resource is responsible for this trade-off decision?

A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

B. The consumer has a limited amount of money available for purchases.

2. What resources do consumers typically have in limited supply that forces them to make trade-off decisions in consumption?

A. natural resources, land, and labor

B. time, attention, and capital

C. time, money, and attention

D. money, labor, and capital



the consumer has a different benefit from each possible product

then number 2 must be A

A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer, because they have a limited amount of money available for purchases; and consumers typically have a limited supply of natural resources, land, and labor that forces them to make trade-off decisions in consumption. Therefore, the options 1-B and 2-A hold true.

What is the significance of a consumer?

A person, or an individual, who purchases anything with the aim of consuming it for his or her own benefits, is known as a consumer. In a perfectly competitive market, a consumer is always assumed to have a rational mind.

Using this rational mind, the consumers make purchases with the limited amount of resources that they have, thereby ensuring that they get maximum utility upon consumption of their purchases.

Therefore, the options 1-B and 2-A hold true regarding the significance of a consumer.

Learn more about a consumer here:



What was the name of the largest city in the Mississippian Empire?
Cuzco Cahokia natchez




Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement of the Mississippian culture.

Can somebody help me



Scarcity leads to the idea of choice because it is important that people choose what they can satisfy or not. Scarcity makes it required that people make less of the other topic we left in an unsatisfied manner.


hope this helped! :)))

What is one point of view in Mein Kampf?



Adolf Hitler


Adolf wrote the book Mein Kampf while in jail. The book is translated to "my struggle". Due to this book being an autobiography about his political plans and beliefs, he is a point of view.

There are others too, such as an ally. Since the allies were fighting against the axis powers during WW2 it makes since that once would have a negative view on the book.

I hope this helps :)

Other Questions
Calculate the mass of sodium phosphate in aqueous solution to fully react with 37 g of chromium nitrate(III) an aqueous solution?(report answer in grams and only three Sigg figs do not put the unit) Suppose that the owner of Boyer Construction is feeling the pinch of increased premiums associated with workers compensation and has decided to cut the wages of its two employees (Albert and Sid) from $25 per hour to $21 per hour. Assume that Albert and Sid view income and leisure as "goods," that both experience a diminishing rate of marginal substitution between income and leisure, and that the workers have the same before- and after-tax budget constraints at each wage. Albert and Sid's opportunity set is presented below:What is the value of A when the wage is $25?What is the value of A when the wage is $21?At the wage of $25 per hour, both Albert and Sid are observed to consume 14 hours of leisure (and equivalently supply 10 hours of labor). After wages were cut to $21, Albert consumes 12 hours of leisure and Sid consumes 16 hours of leisure. Determine the number of hours of labor each worker supplies at a wage of $21 per hour:Albert's supply of labor = _______Sid's supply of labor = ________How can you explain the seemingly contradictory result that the workers supply a different number of labor hours?A. Albert has no income effect, and Sid has no substitution effect when the wage declines to $21.B. Albert's substitution effect dominates his income effect when the wage declines to $21, and vice versa for Sid.C. Albert has no substitution effect, and Sid has no income effect when the wage declines to $21.D. Albert's income effect dominates his substitution effect when the wage declines to $21, and vice versa for Sid. how to convert binary number into decimal number HELP! GIVING BRAINLIEST!!Conjugate the verbs below using the CONDITIONAL tense and reflexive verb format. 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