ellen and billy have been non-married lovers for 10 years. when billy dies, ellen will likely experience which type of grief?


Answer 1

Ellen will likely experience  Disenfranchised grief

How does bereavement become disenfranchised?

Disenfranchised sorrow arises when the sadness you are experiencing is not supported or recognized by society. Disenfranchised sadness, often known as concealed grief or sorrow, is frequently not acknowledged, validated, or understood.

A loss that is “not openly acknowledged, socially mourned, or publicly supported” is referred to as disenfranchised sorrow.  Some people may dismiss the loss of a job, a pet, or a friendship as unimportant enough to be mourned. Hostility, irritation, or agitation directed against someone involved in the killing. Withdrawal and alienation from family, friends, and school. Lack of faith in others. Having difficulty sleeping (fear of being alone at night)

To learn more about Disenfranchised refer:





Related Questions

According to the declaration of independence, who has the power to alter or abolish the government if it fails to protect the rights of its citizens?


According to the declaration of independence, the people have the power to alter or abolish the government if it fails to protect the rights of its citizens.

The Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. 13 British colonies in North America were declared to have seceded from Great Britain, according to the document. It was the penultimate stage in a process that eventually led the colonies to break away completely from Great Britain.

There are three main concepts in the Declaration of Independence: The primary function of government is to defend these rights; if a government attempts to restrict these rights, the people have the right to revolt and establish a new government. God created all individuals equally and endowed them with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Know more about Declaration of Independence here



essie's therapist asks her to visualize being in the same room with the object that she fears. the therapist asks her to think about walking closer to the object, bending down, and picking it up. which therapeutic technique is the therapist utilizing?


Aversive conditioning is the process of stopping a bad behavior by applying anything unpleasant or a punishment.

What does an therapist do?

People who attend therapy sessions with a psychologist to talk and learn how to handle their problems Your therapist will first question you about your problems. They ask you more questions about your family, your schooling, and your overall health. They focus on your experiences to better understand you.

Why are therapists different from psychologists?

A crucial academic and therapeutic contribution offered by psychologists is their ability to conduct research. A therapist is a trained expert who typically holds a license to offer patients a range of therapies and therapy.

To know more about therapist visit:


Which two countries are economically interdependent?


i believe two countries that are economically interdependent are usa and china.

Who is next in line for the presidency if both the president and the vice president are unable to fulfill the duties of the office?


cheif of staff


the president of a country has dedicated the bulk of the country’s military power to an invasion of a neighboring country. for a time, the war seems to be going his way. then the enemy begins to take the offensive, conducting massive encircling movements, taking tens of thousands of prisoners, and forcing whole divisions into retreat. still the president presses on, ordering more troops to the front, in spite of protests from his generals. this is known as


Then the enemy goes on the attack, launching enormous encirclement operations, capturing 1000s of prisoners, and using the nation's military power might to invade a neighboring nation.

What does a nation's military strength look like?

In a broad sense, the term "military strength" can apply to a nation's armed forces as well as to the ability of a group like a regular team, squad, etc. A military term for a large power.

Can a whole nation be destroyed by a nuclear bomb?

cannot completely destroy a nation. Nuclear weapons can only entirely destroy a small country, including Vatican City or Monaco, which have land sizes of 44 hectares and 202 ha, respectively.

To know more about military power of a country visit:



jim is over at a friend's house to pregame before going out. he takes a substance that provides an instant rush of euphoria followed by heightened self-esteem, alertness, energy, and feelings of competence. he has most likely taken:


Before leaving for the night, Jim is pregaming at a friend's house. He consumes a cocaine that gives him an immediate burst of happiness followed by increased confidence in his abilities. Most likely, he used cocaine.

What medical purposes does cocaine serve?

A local anesthetic is cocaine. It is used to numb or produce a loss of feeling in specific bodily parts, such as the nose, tongue, or throat. This enables some surgeries and procedures to be carried out painlessly.

Is cocaine still used in medicine?

Dopamine and its equivalents are still often used in ear, nose, as throat surgeries today as local anesthetics. They are also used in a drug administered to people with terminal illnesses to decrease their physical and emotional anguish.

To know more about cocaine visit:



Why does the emily howell bot, and others like it, pose a potential threat to workers?


Workers may be threatened by artificial intelligence (AI) systems like Emily Howell because they may replace or reduce the necessity for human labor in certain jobs.

Who is Emily Howell Bot?

Generally, Emily Howell is a computer program created by David Cope during the 1990s.

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems like Emily Howell can potentially pose a threat to workers by replacing them or reducing the need for human labor in certain tasks.

For example, if an AI system is able to perform the same tasks as a human worker, the company that owns the AI system may choose to use the AI system instead of hiring or retaining human workers. This could lead to job loss and unemployment for the affected workers.

Additionally, even if an AI system is not able to fully replace human workers, it may still be able to automate certain tasks that were previously done by humans, which could lead to a reduction in the number of human workers needed.

Read more about  David Cope



cheng's father has constantly told him to put his bike in the garage when he is not using it. after a long day of soccer practice, cheng is tired and ready for dinner. he puts his bike next to the garage door but does not put it inside. the next morning, cheng cannot find his bike anywhere. his father thinks that someone saw it outside and took it. of what kind of crime is cheng most likely a victim? question 11 options: robbery larceny shoplifting burglary


Insanity the federal insanity defense now requires the defendant to prove, by "clear and convincing evidence,"

Which type of crime is the most common?

A positivist theory known as environmental criminology contends that a person's spatial environment influences, if not actually causes, crime. It is the study of crime as it occurs within a specific geographic location. Sociologist Robert K. Merton created the social strain typology, which describes misbehaviour in various contexts. Subcultural, serial, situational, and cultural deviance are the four categories that the theory contends exist. Goals and means in society are said to be in conflict, which forms the foundation of Merton's theory. There are three major sociological categories that can be used to define deviant behaviour: conflict theory, symbolic interaction, and structural functionalism.

To learn more about crime refer to:



what is the type of migration that involves movers who are part of an established migrant flow from a common origin to a prepared destination?


Chain migration refers to the flow of migrants from a common origin to a prepared destination.

Migration: What is it?

The action of relocating a person or people to another nation, region, location of residence, etc. An example of this Moving is a fundamentally common human action. Humans have always left their "country, locality, and place of dwelling" and moved to new locations.

Why do people migrate?

Some people move to be closer to family, to explore possibilities for education, to obtain job, or to pursue economic prospects. Others move in an effort to escape conflict, persecution, violence, or violations of human rights. Some people move away in response to unfavorable environmental factors like natural disasters or climate change.

To know more about migration visit :



Political tensions due to religious differences are part of the overall character of the Middle East. The only Middle Eastern country in which Islam is not the primary religion is __________.


The primary religion is Israel.

true or false: when effectively instituted, social regulation helps maintain political support for the capitalist system.


Social control can sustain political support for the capitalist system when it is implemented successfully.

What is capitalist system?\Although the continuous development of capitalism as a system dates only from the 16th century, antecedents of capitalist institutions existed in the ancient world, and flourishing pockets of capitalism were present in Europe during the later Middle Ages. The development of capitalism was spearheaded by the growth of the English cloth industry during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The feature of this development that distinguished capitalism from previous systems was the use of accumulated capital to enlarge productive capacity rather than to invest in economically unproductive enterprises, such as pyramids and cathedrals. This characteristic was encouraged by several historical events.In the ethic fostered by the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, traditional disdain for acquisitive effort was diminished while hard work and frugality were given a stronger religious sanction. Economic inequality was justified on the grounds that the wealthy were more virtuous than the poor.

To learn more about enterprises refer to:



mary is the primary caregiver of her husband, paul. mary has no prior experience in caregiving but assumes that it is solely her responsibility. what may happen with mary?


Paul's primary carer is his wife, Mary. Mary has no past experience providing care, but she feels that since it is exclusively her responsibility, she will inevitably grow worn out and despondent.

What responsibility really means?

Being accountable is meeting your duties and taking responsibility for your actions. A duty is something you are required to do. Being responsible means carrying out your obligations. Popular synonyms for the word "responsible" include "accountable," "approachable," "responsive," and "liable." While all of these terms refer to being "susceptible to being called to account," the word "responsible" denotes having a particular office, responsibility, or trust.

Why responsibility is important?

In order to develop resilience in the face of adversity on both a personal and societal level, responsibility is essential. One gets a sense of direction from it as well. Similar to an addiction, avoiding accountability may feel good in the short term, but it will ultimately lead to much more suffering. Being responsible entails taking ownership of your actions and putting up your best effort to finish the task at hand. Executing tasks with integrity is being responsible. The sense of accomplishment that comes from being responsible. I can contribute something valuable since I'm a responsible person, and so can others.

To know more about Responsibility visit:



which is the best characterization (description) of operant conditioning? a. an individual performs some action, and, depending on what happens as a consequence of that action, the likelihood of that same behavior occurring again will either increase or decrease. b. automatic responses become associated with new stimuli when they occur at the same time. c. over time and with repeated experience, the person changes how to best understand a concept or problem. d. when a person is exposed to a great deal of information, the person relates the new information to pre-existing knowledge, and then organizes all the new information in a coherent way.


The finest aspect of operant conditioning is that when a person does an action, the likelihood that they will repeat the same behavior either increases or decreases based on what happens as a result of that activity. The right response in this case is option A.

Operant conditioning is a strategy that instructs both humans and animals on how to behave so as to reap rewards and avoid punishments. Additionally, it is the name of the experimental psychology paradigm that investigates these processes of learning and decision-making.

Operant conditioning establishes a framework of responsibility by giving prompt answers to employee actions. Employees are aware that their contributions to the firm directly affect the penalties and rewards they get. They are aware of how their behavior affects how they are treated and given chances.

To learn more about operant conditioning



elena is an adult attending mandatory therapy sessions. her doctor just wants her to talk about her childhood. what kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?


Elena is an adult who is attending mandatory therapy sessions. her doctor just wants her to talk about her childhood. The kind of psychotherapeutic orientation this exemplify is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

What is  Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on the psychological causes of emotional pain. Its defining characteristics include self-reflection, self-examination, and the utilisation of the therapeutic alliance as a window into the patient's dysfunctional relationship patterns.

Its objective is to aid people in leading healthier lifestyles in addition to resolving the most visible symptoms.

The client will become aware of emotions and feelings that may have been suppressed during psychodynamic therapy. In order to address unsolved issues and feelings, the client will also bring these subconscious aspects into their waking awareness.

For instance, a client with depression can learn how to investigate how past experiences might have an impact on how they react to the present.

To learn more on Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from the link:



who did scottish author robert louis stevenson write a defence of, supporting their work, in 1889?


Robert Louis Stevenson wrote a defense of Oscar Wilde, an Irish playwright and poet, in 1889.

Who is Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson?

Generally, Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer who is best known for his adventure novels, including "Treasure Island" and "Kidnapped." He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850 and was the son of a prosperous engineer and inventor. Stevenson was a sickly child who suffered from severe respiratory problems, which may have contributed to his early interest in writing.

In the defense, which was published in the magazine "Fortnightly Review," Stevenson argued that Wilde was the victim of a "brutal and unmanly" attack by the press and that the charges against him were baseless.

Wilde was subsequently convicted of gross indecency and sentenced to two years' hard labor, a punishment that took a severe toll on his health. Despite Stevenson's defense, Wilde's reputation was severely damaged by the trial and he died in exile in Paris a few years later.

Read more about  Robert Louis Stevenson



A _____________ is created by a consumer problem, need, or desire.
a. financial prediction
b. company scope
c. competitive analysis
d. business opportunity please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d



business opportunity


The purpose of a business is to solve a problem while profiting off of it, so it is a great business opportunity.

working with screen flow configuration answer questions relating to the screen flow fundamentals superbadge unit.


Working with screen flow configuration answer questions relating to the screen flow fundamentals superbadge unit.

The statement is True

How does this occur?

Superbadges are skill-based, domain-level credentials that require you to demonstrate your Salesforce knowledge by resolving difficult problems drawn from actual business problems. Superbadges are unlocked by completing required Trailhead badges on basic ideas before you may earn them.

By earning the necessary badges, you can unlock a superbadge. Use the knowledge you've gained to overcome practical, everyday problems.

Gamification is the foundation of Trailhead; users earn badges (and other rewards) to advance through the ranks, with "Ranger" being the highest. A significant accomplishment for Trailblazers is earning 100 badges and 50,000 points to become a Trailhead Ranger.

To know more about Screen flow here



mr. hassan prepares his lessons for 3rd grade math and offers many ways to complete the assignment correctly. mr. hassan is helping his students feel competent and allow them to experience success in the classroom as they meet which of maslow's needs?


They satisfy Maslow's demands for self-esteem, which enables students to succeed in the classroom.

What leads to low self-esteem?

The reasons behind poor self-esteem

unhappy childhood characterized by strong criticism from parents or other important figures like teachers. Low academic achievement at school leading to low confidence ongoing difficult life situation, such as a failed relationship or money problems.

What triggers a low sense of self?

Self-worth perceptions can start as early as infancy. Denunciation from one's family might follow people into their adult lives. A chaotic workplace or a terrible school setting can both contribute to low self-esteem. A person's sense of value might also change as a result of an unhappy relationship.

To know more about self esteem visit:



according to sternberg, in cultures where marriages are arranged by parents rather than chosen by the young people themselves, the marital relationship tends to start as what type of love?


Parents arrange marriages; children do not choose their own spouses. Marriage relationship begins as an empty form of love.

What kind of marriage relationship is that?

Although there are still disagreements, marriage attachment security is seen in world literature as a number of co structure that evaluates both the and objective components of a marriage, including levels of companion, communications, affection, trustworthiness, and disagreement.

What function does a relationship serve?

Through maturity, a secure and fulfilling marriage can be a significant source of practical and emotional assistance. It is also linked to better physical, mental, and financial wellbeing. Healthy relationships need work and compromise from both parties and require clear dialogue, honesty, respect, and respect.

To know more about marriage relationship visit:



define and explain the role of a priest or priestess in religion and how he/she is different from or similar to a shaman.


A religious leader who is important for a coordinated religion is viewed as a minister or priestess. Various religions. The essential capability of all clerics is controlling the congregation's seven ceremonies: submersion, affirmation, admission, heavenly fellowship, marriage, sacred orders, and blessing of the debilitated.

The essential job of the minister is that of the custom master, the person who has unique and some of the time secret information on the methods of love, including spells, petitions, conciliatory demonstrations, melodies, and different demonstrations that are accepted to connect the partition.

A priest is a full-time individual that can decipher what the heavenly is talking about. A Shaman works part-time and was picked by the otherworldly and can control it. Both communicate with the otherworldly yet shamans can work and change it and the ministers can decipher.

Learn more about role of a priest or priestess:



In what area were the Progressive reforms known
as "initiative", "referendum", and "recall" designed to
make improvements?
A) social improvements for the urban poor
enforcement of Jim Crow laws throughout the
C) economic developments in industry
D) political power of the people


It is correct to state that the area where the Progressive Reforms known as "initiative", "referendum", and "recall" designed to make improvements was in the area of "political power of the people" (Option D).

What are Progressive Reforms?

Reformers of the Progressive Era tried to use the federal government's power to eradicate unethical and unfair corporate practices, curb corruption, and mitigate the bad social repercussions of industrialization.

Progressives' main aims were to promote morality, economic change, efficiency, and social welfare. The Progressives had several techniques and ideas for resolving societal problems.

Thus, it is right to state that the Progressive Reformssought to to make improvements in the area of "political power of the people"

Learn more about Progressive Reforms:

in row 1 of the following spreadsheet, the words rank, name, population, and county are called what?
O Descriptors
O Criteria
O Attributes
O Characteristics


Answer: Attributes

Explanation: Attributes: a property of an object or entity that is normally encoded as a name and value pair.

Why is there still a dispute at the russian border


Border dispute  After the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, which was followed by Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, and the Donbass War, in which Russia backed the separatist rebels of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, relations between the two nations deteriorated.

China and Russia — do they have a border dispute?

The ultimate disagreement was settled in a boundary agreement signed on October 14th, 2003, between China and Russia. Zhenbao Island, around 50% of Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island (Heixiazi Island), and Tarabarov Island (Yinlong Island), all of which are located close to Khabarovsk, were given to China. A border of almost 4,300 kilometers currently separates Russia and China. In the past, there have been violent conflicts along the Sino-Soviet and Sino-Indian borders, including the Sino-Indian military conflict of 1962 and the Sino-Soviet armed conflict of March 1969 over the Ussuri river island, Damansky.

To know more about border dispute visit:



some psychologists refer to individual differences in the ability to cope with stress as resulting from a personality trait of hardiness. which aspect of hardiness reflects seeing the world as interesting and seeking involvement rather than withdrawal?


What contributes significantly to people's happiness and is in line with the text's focus on social environment.

How does one become a psychologist?

Resilience, compassion, originality, understanding, sympathy, honesty, truth, and faith in the significance of one's work—whether applied or research—are therefore qualities that define a psychologist. someone who is motivated more by understanding and curiosity than by ambition and pride.

Why do psychologists and therapists differ from each other?

The capacity to conduct research is a vital intellectual and therapeutic contribution made by psychologists. A therapist is a professional that has trained and is frequently licensed to provide patients with a variety of therapies and rehabilitation.

To know more about psychologist visit:


answering questions about what she had read in her psychology textbook improves shauna's memory of the material more effectively than rereading the textbook material. this best illustrates


The testing effect, often referred to as retrieval practise, active recall, practise testing,test enhanced learning, contends that long-term memory is boosted. The right response is D) the testing effect.

When a portion of the learning time is devoted to retrieving information from memory. It differs from the broader practise effect, which is described in the APA dictionary of psychology as "any change or improvement that arises through practise or repetition of task items or activities."

Because evaluating prior knowledge is more effective for learning than reading or passively absorbing information, especially when the test is more difficult for memory, cognitive psychologists are working with educators to examine how to use tests as a teaching tool rather than as an assessment tool.

complete question:

answering questions about what she had read in her psychology textbook improves shauna's memory of the material more effectively than rereading the textbook material. this best illustrates

A) the peg-word system.

B) automatic processing.

C) the self-reference effect.

D) the testing effect.

To know more about the testing effect visit:



recognition guidance is typically addressed in section 25 of each codification topic. in addition, what other section(s) within a topic may address recognition-related issues?


Recognition guidance is typically addressed in Section 25 of each Codification topic.

According to the social cognitive theory, which is applied to psychology, education, and communication, a person's knowledge acquisition might be in part directly tied to how they see other people in the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences.The acts of other people in their environment or role models can teach people both positive and harmful behaviour. For instance, both being rude and inconsiderate of others as well as being nice and courteous are frequently learnt through role models.

To know more about Recognition guidance here



why can the profile of asian immigration to the united states be described as resembling an hourglass?



immigrants from the same country supported each other.


when the person pursues a goal that is wholeheartedly accepted, embraced, and owned by the self vs. forced to pursue an uninteresting or not-valued goal is an issue of:


An issue of goal concordance is when a person follows a goal that is fully accepted, embraced, and owned by the self as opposed to being compelled to pursue an uninteresting or unvalued objective.

An individual with performance aspirations typically works toward success with little to no visible effort. The goal-setting theory discusses how creating objectives affects performance in the future. According to Edwin Locke's research, people who set particular, challenging goals outperformed people who set general, simple goals.

The deliberative-implementation mentality distinguishes between motivation and volition, which it defines as the initial direction of behavior and pre-decisional processes that energize and direct action (ongoing maintenance and persistence of motivated action and past-decisional processes that sustain ongoing action). The findings demonstrated that by establishing precise, difficult ER targets, students' intrinsic motivation rose. It follows that setting goals affects intrinsic motivation.

Learn more about concordance visit: brainly.com/question/15019124


what type of coffee tree does the hacienda alsacia farm research to help ensure a sustainable future for coffee?


Rodriguez uses the farm as a proving ground for his varietal and hybrid creations, pushing the boundaries of agronomy research to develop trees that are immune to the roya, or coffee leaf rust, which is devastating Latin American coffee crops.

To boost the yield of coffee trees, he also examines the soil and perfects pruning methods. Since farmers all over the world are being forced to modify their growing techniques due to climate change, it is hands-on labor with nothing less than the future of your cup of coffee on the line.

In this situation, Rodriguez is useful. At the farm's nursery, he spends a lot of time cultivating hybrid coffee tree seedlings with the intention of producing robust, fruitful trees that are loaded with high-quality coffee cherries.

New varietals and growing methods aren't kept in a business vault as part of Starbucks' open-source strategy to strengthen the coffee industry; instead, they are openly shared with researchers and farmers throughout the world.

The company's findings are useful to farmers who don't do business with Starbucks.

To learn more about Starbucks coffee from given link



the standards of behavior that a group accepts for and expects of its members are called a.values. b.customs. c.norms. d.rules. e.roles.


Option C. Norms is the standards of behavior that a group accepts for and expects of its members.

Norms are the societal characteristics that may be predicted, according to social psychology. They consist of the conventions, traditions, and values of that culture and are an informal set of conduct that are accepted in that society. Social norms are accepted standards of conduct among various social groups. Social norms may be unwritten rules and laws or they may be formalized understandings that direct how people of a society behave. Norms prevent awkward situations. Norms inform group members when a behavior or subject is harmful to another member by defining acceptable and prohibited actions. For instance, a rule forbidding using profanity warns members of the group that doing so might damage someone there and should be avoided.

Know more about the Norms at: https://brainly.com/question/15706409


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