Escribir un manifiesto en el que declares tu posición sobre la importancia y valoración de las diversas manifestaciones y expresiones culturales, y te comprometas con ella.


Answer 1

La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Mi posición sobre la importancia y valoración de las diversas manifestaciones y expresiones culturales, es la siguiente.

Es de suma importancia ser respetuosos de la diversidad de pensamientos, acciones y culturas que no coinciden con la nuestra. Si queremos tener el respeto de los demás, debemos ser los primeros en respetar a esas personas que son diferentes o piensan disto a mi.

Las expresiones culturales son aquellas actividades particulares que caracterizan y le dan sentido a una región en particular.

Éstas pueden ser la historia del país o la región, su cultura y manera de expresarla, su etnia y cómo se ha desarrollado, su religión y la manera de profesarla, sus expresiones artísticas como la danza, la música, la pintura o la arquitectura, y los sistemas de creencias expresados en comportamientos, ceremonias, ritos y tradiciones.

Todo esto representa un gran valor para las personas de cierto lugar y desean que se respeten.

Así como nosotros tenemos las nuestras y queremos que se respeten, de igual manera debemos aprecias y respetar las culturas ajenas.

Es importante comprometerse y segur al pie de la letra este manifiesto ya que permitirá la convivencia armónica, la interculturalidad, las diferentes manifestaciones culturales y lingüísticas entre las regiones y los países.

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6. The Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata was commissioned to create a likeness of a recently deceased commander of the Venetian armies. The bronze sculpture was completed in 1450, and many aspects of it were
similar to the equestrian statues of ancient Rome. It was also one of the first bronze sculptures since andent times to be placed in a public place and not a tomb. Who sculpted this famous plece?
da Vind





The Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata was a sculpture done by Donatello, located at the Piazza del Santo, Padua, Italy. This sculpture is a portrait of Erasmo da Narni, known as "Gattamelata", thereby titled "The Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata".

This sculpture, made of bronze, was commissioned in the likeness of the deceased commander. Completed in 1450, the sculpture was one of the first bronze sculptures since ancient times to be placed in a public place and not in a tomb like it is usually done.

Let Us Try : Guess the picture!



1.miss saigon

2. himala

it’s a
pictures i hope

animales muy sencillos cojmcuerpo bando a Anelidos b Artropodos c nidarios d Equinodermos



La opción correcta es C. Cnidarios.


Los cnidarios son una tribu de animales acuáticos. La tribu incluye entre sus miembros más conocidos a las medusas. Los cnidarios viven exclusivamente en el agua, la mayoría en el mar, pero también hay grupos que viven en agua dulce. El cuerpo de un cnidario es de construcción simple y se compone principalmente de mesoglea, una suerte de hidroesqueleto de contextura blanda.

Clocks are melting on a tree branch, rectangular surface, and a round surface. In the background is a cliff.
In the above painting by Salvador Dalí, entitled Persistence of Memory, which of the following objects do not occupy positive space?
the clocks
the tree trunk
the ground
the cliff





The Tree trunk is placed forward into the painting which is not the positive space

In the above painting by Salvador Dalí, entitled Persistence of Memory, the tree trunk objects do not occupy positive space. The correct option is (C).

Who was Salvador Dalí?

Salvador Dal (1904-1989), one of the most well-known artists in history, is renowned as much for his lavish demeanour and recognisable moustache as for his artistic output, which included painting, sculpture, product and set design, as well as film.

Salvador Dali established and nurtured a style that was unimportant before his time, making it the most well-known and inventive of the 20th century.

His sexual aspirations as a child and the exploration of the unconscious mind were the main subjects of his work.

Therefore, in the above painting by Salvador Dalí, entitled Persistence of Memory, the tree trunk objects do not occupy positive space.

To know more about the Salvador Dalí, visit:


In hip-hop and R&B music, beats two and four are called the

A. slidebeats
B. upbeats
C. backbeats
D. sidebeats


The answer is C. backbeats




Just did test

Qué comunicamos los seres humanos a través del baile con la música?




es una manera de expresar nuestro estado de animo o sentimiento dependiento de la musica yque estamos bailando y de como la bailamos

Arts Grade 9

Arrange the jumbled names of the characters correctly. Write your answers on the space provided.











Salamat po!!!



do you know the awnser beacsue i dont im so sorry this and that


but yeah

4. Your classmate Tamira is discussing Renaissance art sculpture and is discussing a sculptor from this period. Which artist is she MOST LIKELY discussing?
Jan van Eyck


Donatello because everyone else is a painter

During a formal discussion, what is an effective way to demonstrate understanding of another participant's viewpoint?


The options are:

a). Respond by stating a different idea.

b). Take notes while others are speaking.

c). Use prior knowledge to make a connection.

d). Question the supporting data used to make the point.


c). Use prior knowledge to make a connection.


According to the question, the 'use of prior knowledge in order to develop an association with the idea that is being explained' would promote the better comprehension of the other participant's perspective or point of view. The prior knowledge will provide the required context for understanding the new information as they would be able to develop connections between the previous information and the new information that will encourage effective understanding and evoke desired outcomes. Hence, option c is the correct answer.

What was Peter Paul Ruebens life like? (Answer with at least 2-3 sentences)


Peter Paul Rubens, (born June 28, 1577, Siegen, Nassau, Westphalia [Germany]—died May 30, 1640, Antwerp, Spanish Netherlands [now in Belgium]), Flemish painter who was the greatest exponent of Baroque painting's dynamism, vitality, and sensuous exuberance.

_______ is the principle of organization around a central tone. a. Harmony b. Meter c. Polyphony d. Tonality



d. Tonality


The principle of organization around a central tone is called tonality.




I looked it up and it said that ^^

In society, do you believe there is social stratification that correlates with religious beliefs What about within the practitioners of a given religion? provide examples for it.


Answer: Yes, I do think tha there is a social stratificaion that correlates with religious beliefs wihin the practioners of a given relgion


6. Alin sasumusunod ang hindihalimbawa ng musical element?
a. tempo
shers c. musical texture
d. musical phrase priser
mong at ang may tinianamataas



B. dynamics.


this is the answer in your question.

Calypso ask for Odysseus to stay. What is his response? What does his response tell you about his feelings for home ?


He responded angrily

A musical manscript, also called a ____ is the blue print to a musical piece.


Answer: hello there here is the answer i think it is

A musical manuscript, also called a Score is the blue print to a musical piece.


Musical manuscripts are written by composers, the manuscript or score is written on a paper or sheet and the score is handwritten source of music.

hope this helps have a good day!


A score, may I have the brainiest? pls.


Does anyone have tips on learning lines faster? I have a drama I'm in and its in 2 weeks can you give me tips on learning lines faster



stand in front of mirror and speak loudly

u can practice this. many times may help yu

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Full camouflage suit, ladder and binoculars


vaseline,whiskey and a large piece of fruit

How can you respectfully experience art in a gallery?
A.Touch the art to see what it feels like.
B. Stand very close to the art so others can't see it.
C.Talk about the art in a quiet and polite way.
D.Use a camera flash when photographing the art.


You can not touch art. Others must be able to see the art to enjoy it and photography(especially with flash) is strictly prohibited in art museums. C is the answer

One can respectfully experience art in a gallery by talking  about the art in a quiet and polite way. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is the meaning of an art gallery?

A gallery is a place where artwork is shown and offered for sale. As a result, the art gallery is a business that represents a variety of artists. The gallery serves in the capacity of the dealer, promoting and disseminating the respective artists' works.

The terms "art museum" and "art gallery" are both used to refer to institutions that are dedicated to the presentation of art. By having quiet, respectful conversations about the art, one can respectfully experience it in a gallery.

A gallery's main objectives are to support visual artists, publicize their work, and expose them to the general public, collectors, the media, and other cultural organizations.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about art gallery from here:


This art is often created in order to make more than one copy. Once the image is created on the original medium, it can be reused multiple times.
A. Painting
B. Printmaking
C. Sculpture
D. Photography



B. printmaking


printmaking is the ability to make an original available to the masses.

What is space?

A. The setting of a work of art

B. The place where an artist lived

C. The distance between objects


Distance between objects
Um I believe c would be the answer

Reconoce el sujeto y su nucleo en las siguientes oraciones se reunieron los ingenieros y el jefe de la empresa


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Reconoce el sujeto y su núcleo en las siguientes oraciones:

Se reunieron los ingenieros y el jefe de la empresa.

El sujeto y su núcleo son; "ingenieros y el jefe."

Recordemos que el sujeto es el "quién" o "quienes" realizan la acción de verbo. De hecho es así como la mayoría de maestros lo enseñan. "Pregúntale al verbo en quién en recae la acción."

Solo por darte mayores referencias, además del sujeto, también puedes encontrar el predicado y los complementos directo, indirecto o preposicional.

Dentro de la estructura del predicado en una oración, el Complemento Directo afecta directamente o acompaña al verbo el núcleo del predicado. Y como la palabra misma lo dice, en el caso del Complemento Indirecto, hacen lo mismo pero de forma indirecta.

Eb el caso de Complemento Preposicional, la palabra es una preposición que afecta al sustantivo de la oración.

what is this squigly line before a measure in music? what is the name and what does it mean? this is in Clair De Lune by Debussy​



An arpeggiated chord


It means that you play the notes quickly in order and starting from the lowest note to the highest ( pitch wise) to create a sound almost like a harp.

I hope this helps!

Summarize the article in one sentence (your own words). What is the main idea?

Newspaper Coverage of the Invasion at Normandy

War News Summarized
June 6th 1944 | New York Times

The invasion of western Europe began this morning.

General Eisenhower, in his first communique from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, issued at 3:30 am, said that “Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France.”

The assault was made by British, American, and Canadian troops who, under command of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, landed in Normandy. London gave no further details but earlier Berlin had broadcast that parachute troops had landed on the Normandy Peninsula near Cherbourg and that invasion forces were pouring from landing craft under cover of warships near Havre. Dunkerque and Calais were being heavily bombed, the Germans said.

Later announcements from Berlin said that there was fighting between Caen and Trouville and that shock troops had swung into action to halt the invasion.

General Eisenhower, in an order of the day to each member of the “great crusade” told his men the enemy would fight savagely: “We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good luck.” In a broadcast to the “Peoples of Western Europe,” he said the day would come when he would need their full help.
A special word to France added that Frenchmen would rule the country. Almost simultaneously it was announced that General de Gaulle had arrived in London.

The liberation of Rome in no way slowed the Allied pursuit of the tired and disorganized German armies in Italy yesterday. Armored and motorized units sped across the Tiber River to attack upon the retreating enemies' heels. Five hundred heavy bombers joined with lighter aircraft to smash rail and road routes leading to northern Italy and to add to the foe’s demoralization. The Eighth Army, despite heavy opposition, especially northeast of Valmontone, captured a number of strategic towns.

General Clark said that parts of the two German armies had been smashed. He doubted the ability of the Germans Fourteenth to put up effective opposition, and felt the Allied victory would come soon.

President Roosevelt warned the people of the United States in a radio talk last night not to overemphasize the military significance of the liberation of Rome. “Germany has not yet been driven to surrender,” he said. “Victory still lies some distance ahead… it will be tough and costly…”



You can use the website in the explanation bar to rewrite it for you and then use word hippo to change out any other words


Cuantas palabras puedo formar con la palabra



DAGUERROTIPIA puede formar, con sus letras, las siguientes palabras:

-DAgueRrotipia = DAR


-daguerROTipiA = ROTA, RATO

-dagueRROTipiA = ROTAR

-DAGuerrotipiA = DAGA

In 1876, Winslow Homer painted this imaginary scene between a former slave and a slaveowner. What does he suggest about the relationship among freedmen and former slaveowners in his painting



Freed blacks no longer had to show reverence to their former owners.

Freed blacks and former slave owners still interacted frequently after emancipation.

In 1876, Win slow Homer painted this imaginary scene between a former slave and a slaveowner known as a visit from old mistress. Win slow suggested and depicted that the relationship among freed man and former slaveowners has been changed and  Blacks who had gained freedom no longer had to respect their previous owners.

The official equality between the standing numbers hints to the equilibrium that the country sought during the trying Reconstruction years.

In the South after the war, a tentative encounter is depicted in A Visit from the Old Mistress. One of the independent slaves stays seated, something she would not have been permitted to do before the war, as they are no longer required to extend friendly greetings to their old mistress.

Who was Win slow homer?

Winslow Homer was an American landscape painter and printmaker who lived from February 24, 1836, to September 29, 1910. He is most known for his works featuring sea life. He is regarded as a major figure in American art and one of the best painters of the 19th century.

Homer, who was primarily self-taught, started out his career as a commercial illustrator. He then started painting in oil and produced significant studio pieces that were distinguished by the weight and density he drew from the medium.

Supporting answer

To learn more about Winslow homer paintings here


method of liming application in a fish pond​


Method of Application

Limestone is best applied directly to the pond bottom prior to filling the pond with water. It should be spread evenly over the entire bottom. For large new dry ponds, a lime spreading vehicle will make the job easier. A disk harrow can be used to further incorporate the lime into the soil.

Frida Kahlo is one of the twentieth century's most commented-upon artists. In the painting The Broken Column, she created a work that communicates some of the pain she endured because of an initial injury and numerous later surgeries. What makes this artist's personal story worth caring about for viewers of this work? Is it because of the intensity of her expression, or because she seems to speak for all women?


Answer: A lot of "art" fans can relate when an artist shows their own hurt in their art. Which is something Frida showed frequently. She was not only speaking to women but men as well. Though Frida was a female activist she had many of men on her side.


1) This represents a subjective view of personal experiences and tragedies and it is an example of how personal experiences are a good source for art creation.

2) This work is convincing, since it speaks to women that real femaleness is not on the outside, but in the inside, marked by courage and determination to overcome any tragedy.

In this question we are going to respond on the two questions contained in statement:

What makes this artist's personal story worth caring about for viewers of this work?

R/ This work is interesting as reflects a subjective view of personal experiences and tragedies, given that such experiences are a good sources of symbols and elements than can applied in art creation, associated to impressions, feelings and emotions.

In this case, this work represented a reaction of Frida Kahlo before her past marked by injuries and surgeries and how everyone can create something great and meaningful even from most tragical events.

Is it because of the intensity of her expression, or because she seems to speak for all women?

R/ In this work, the elements of femaleness and bravery to deal with tragedies are the most important issues of composition. I think that she wanted to transmit that real femaleness is not on the outside, but on the inside.

And such inside is defined by courage, determination and an open mind to understand and deal with tragedies.

We kindly invite to check this question on Frida Kahlo:

Involves moving a tool across a dry surface to create marks on that surface.






It’s either painting or drawing. It’s not photography, and with sculpture, the clay needs to be moist, so that leaves you with painting or drawing, but it could be either of those.

A precursor to jazz, the basic form of the __________ is that one line of text is sung twice and then a conclusion or response is added as the third line, outlining the chord structure of the I for the first line, IV to I in the second line, and a V to IV to I in the third line.





Jazz music is a broad style of music characterized by complex harmony, syncopated rhythms, and a heavy emphasis on improvisation. Black musicians in New Orleans, Louisiana developed the jazz style in the early twentieth century.

Jazz is considered as a musical form that was created by African Americans and also influenced by both European harmonic structure and African rhythms.

A precursor to jazz, the basic form of the Ragtime is that one line of text is sung twice and then a conclusion or response is added as the third line, outlining the chord structure of the I for the first line, IV to I in the second line, and a V to IV to I in the third line.

Ragtime is a solo piano style that was the forerunner to jazz. It dates from the late  1800s through the early 1900s.

To know more about jazz music, refer to the link:

The Byzantine Empire produced Christian art that was highly abstracted, partially due to what reason?


Answer:Surviving Byzantine art is mostly religious and, for the most part, highly ... Rabula Gospel display the more abstract and symbolic nature of Byzantine art. ... Justinian hoped to recreate the glory of the Roman Empire, partly through his building ... many art historians, architects, and engineers because of the innovative way the ...


The Byzantine Empire produced Christian art that was highly abstracted, partially due to the reasons below:

Christian art were most based on Christian literature and the holy bible and as such, they are stories written a long time ago and it requires thinking outside the box so as to interpret it. Byzantine art is known to originate and evolved from the Christian Greek culture of the Eastern Roman Empire and its content was from both Christianity and classical Greek mythology. Artists expressed their skills through Hellenistic modes of style and iconography.

Early Byzantine architecture was also drawn based on earlier elements of Roman architecture and this also requires abstract thinking.

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