Evaluate the line integral 2 + x2y ds where c is the upper half of the circle x2 + y2 = 1.


Answer 1

Parameterize C by

r(t) = 〈x(t), y(t)〉 = 〈cos(t), sin(t)〉

with 0 ≤ t ≤ π. Then the line integral is

[tex]\displaystyle \int_C (2+x^2y)\,\mathrm ds = \int_0^\pi (2+\cos^2(t)\sin(t))\left\|\mathbf r'(t)\right\|\,\mathrm dt \\\\ = \int_0^\pi (2+\cos^2(t)\sin(t)) \,\mathrm dt = \boxed{\frac23+2\pi}[/tex]

Related Questions

Find the measure of arc BC?




Step-by-step explanation:



AD = 3x + 24

BC = 4x - 11

3x + 24 = 4x - 11

4x - 11 = 3x + 24

4x - 3x = 24 + 11

x = 35

BC = 4x - 11

= 4 ( 35 ) - 11

= 140 - 11

BC = 129






[tex]BC=4\times 35-1[/tex]




Hope it helps..

Have a great day!!

Help fast please in a test and don’t know the answer I have tried Googling and everything please help



Surface Area = 3,543.7 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of the cylinder = 2πr(h + r)


radius (r) = 12 cm

height (h) = 35 cm

Plug in the values into the surface area formula

S.A = 2*π*12(35 + 12)

S.A = 24π(47)

S.A = 3,543.71651 cm²

≈ 3,543.7 cm² (approximated to the nearest tenth)

Jernel has to figure out the area of her square garage. She knows that one side of the garage is equal to the length of her rabbit pen. The dimensions of the rectangular rabbit pen are 13 by 10.



Step-by-step explanation:13 x 13 = 169

You would take the larger side of the pen (13) or else it wouldn’t fit if you chose 10.

help asap no wrong answers----------------------




Step-by-step explanation:

1. Approach

Given information:

The graph intersects the midline at (0, -7)The graph has a minimum point at ([tex]\frac{\pi}{4}[/tex], 9).

What conclusions can be made about this function:

The graph is a sine function, as its y-intercept intersects the midlineThis graph has a negative coefficient, this is because after intersecting the midlines at the y-intercept, the function has a minimum.This graph does not appear to have undergone any horizontal shift, as it intercepts the midlines with its y-intercept

Therefore, one has the following information figured out:


Now one has to find the following information:


2. Midline

The midlines can simply be defined as a line that goes through a sinusoidal function, cutting the function in half. This is represented by the constant (b). One is given that point (0, -7) is where the graph intersects the midline. The (y-coordinate) of this point is the midline. Therefore, the midline is the following:

y = -7

2. Amplitude

The amplitude is represented by the coefficient (n). It can simply be defined by the distance from the midline to point of maximum (the highest part of a sinusoidal function) or point of minimum (lowest point on the function). Since the function reaches a point of minimum after intercepting the (y-axis) at its midlines, the amplitude is a negative coefficient. One can find the absolute value of the amplitude by finding the difference of the (y-coordinate) of the point of minimum (or maximum) and the absolute value of the midline.

point of minimum: [tex](\frac{\pi}{4},9)[/tex]

midline: [tex]y=-7[/tex]

Amplitude: 9 - |-7| = 9 - 7 = 2

3. Period

The period of a sinusoidal function is the amount of time it takes to reach the same point on the wave. In essence, if one were to select any point on the sinusoidal function, and draw a line going to the right, how long would it take for that line to reach a point on the function that is identical to the point at which it started. This can be found by taking the difference of the (x- coordinate) of the intersection point of the midline, and the (x-coordinate) of the point of minimum, and multiplying it by (4).

point of minimum: [tex](\frac{\pi}{4},9)[/tex]

midline intersection: [tex](0, -7)[/tex]

Period: [tex]4(\frac{\pi}{4}-0)=4(\frac{\pi}{4})=\pi[/tex]

However, in order to input this into the function in place of the variable (a), one has to divide this number by ([tex]2\pi[/tex]).


4. Assemble the function

One now has the following solutions to the variables:

[tex]n =-16\\a=2\\b=-7\\[/tex]

Substitute these values into the function:


If the outliers are not included what is the mean of the data set 76,79,80,82,50,78,79,81,82



The answer is 80

Step-by-step explanation:

we know that

the outlier is 50, as it is not around the other numbers in the data set.


mean=[76+ 79 + 80 + 82+ 78 + 83 + 79 + 81 + 82]/9





Step-by-step explanation:

mean=[76+ 79 + 80 + 82+ 78 + 83 + 79 + 81 + 82]/9



Find the percentage of the following:



20/60 = 33%

18/60 = 30%

21/60 = 35%

31/60 = 52%

Step-by-step explanation:

Just divide em'

Simple as that.


20/60 = 33%18/60 = 30%21/60 = 35%31/60 = 51.67%

I hope th is helps you I just divided the fractions by the way :)

If f(x) =3x^2 +1 and g(x) = 1 -x, what is the value of (f-g) (2)?



(f-g)(2) = 14

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) =3x^2 +1 and g(x) = 1 -x

f(2) = 3(2)^2 +1 = 3(4)+1 = 12+1 = 13

g(2) = 1-2 = -1

f(2) - g(2) = 13 - -1 = 13+1 =14



Step-by-step explanation:

(f-g)(2) means f of x minus g of x when x equals 2.

To solve, first set up the equation


Change the signs in the second part. {because this is subtraction}


Replace x with 2.






write and expression for the perimeter of a rectangle with length L and width 6



P = 2(L + 6)

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter (P) of a rectangle is = 2(Length + Width)

Length = L

Width = 6

.: P = 2(L + 6)

2L + 2(6)=P
The L gets multiplied by 2 because there are two L in a rectangle and 2 times 6 because there are two widths

True or false..?

In a parallelogram, consecutive angles are supplementary.




Step-by-step explanation:

Both pairs of opposite angles are congruent. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square. Both pairs of opposite sides are congruent. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square. All consecutive angles are supplementary. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square. diagonals bisect each other. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square.



Step-by-step explanation:

any 2 consecutive angles are supplamentary

I have 15.00 and I want to go to the movies tickets cost 12.35 how much will I get back plz help




Step-by-step explanation:

15.00 - 12.35 = 2.65

...I don't really know how do explain it but yeah thats the answer.

Hope it helps c:

Help Please
Find The Surface Area Of The Prism



360 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area of each face of the triangular prism.

Imagine the triangular prism as its net, it is composed with 2 triangular faces (these are tye bases of the prism) and 3 rectangular faces.

Areas of the 2 triangular bases (they are similar triangles):

1/2 x 8 cm x 6 cm = 24 cm^2

24 x 2 = 48 cm^2

Area of the rectangular face:

8 x 13 = 104 cm^2

Area of another rectangular face:

6 cm x 13 cm = 78 cm^2

Area of another rectangular face:

13 cm x 10 cm = 130 cm^2

Add up all the areas of all faces:

48 + 104 + 78 + 130 = 360

So the SA is 360 cm^2

A high school football team has raised $1000 to spend on team jackets. The cost is $50 per jacket. Which equation below can be used to solve for the number of jackets the team can buy? Explain.
A. 50 = 1000n
B. 50n = 1000
C. 1000n = 50n


B. 50n =1000
n is for the number of jackets so n times 50 per jacket equals the $1000 the team raised

what is constant in graphing ?



the constant is the number without an x attaches to it.


y = 2x + 9

9 is a constant because it is not attached to any x

y = x^3 + 2x^2 + 10x + 19

19 is a constant because it is not attached to any x

Estimate the sum of 7.2 + 7.3 + 6.9 + 6.8.




Step-by-step explanation:

7.2 is rounded down to 7, 7.3 is rounded down to 7, 6.9 is rounded up to 7, and 6.8 is rounded up to 7. Then you can add 7+7+7+7 to get an estimation of 28.

PLEASE HELPPPPPP!! I need to find x!!!!



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \frac{7}{x} = \frac{15}{10} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 7 \times 10 = 15x \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 15x = 70 \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto x = \frac{70}{15} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto \boxed{ \sf x = 4.6cm}[/tex]


i can help you i know this answer

What is the probability of rolling 2 standard dice which sum to 9?


Answer: 1/9

Explanation: Tbh I can’t explain how my brain just clicks sometimes

23. Two swimmers are training over a two-week period to increase the number of laps each can do consecutively. Swimmer A can do 14 laps to start, and increase her total by 3 laps each day. Swimmer B is charting her progress in the table below. Compare the initial values for each. ​



Answer is A

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer is C because if swimmer A does 14 laps to start an 3 laps every day after that and on the chart swimmer B does 11 laps to start and 2 laps every day after that you would compare.

on day 3 swimmer B has 17 (shown on chart)

on day 3 swimmer A has 23 (14, 17, 20, 23)

if you would want it to complicate it 14:3 and 11:2

14 ÷ 14 is 1

3 ÷ 14 is .214

11 ÷ 11 is 1

2 ÷ 11 is .181

Factor of 3x^3-x^2-20x-12




Step-by-step explanation:

Factor by grouping

Factor by grouping

Factor by grouping

Factor by grouping


Factor by grouping

Factor by grouping

Factor by grouping

Factor by grouping


what is 3 over 4 divided by 1 over 6


The answer is eighteen
3 over 4 of 6 over 1
18 divided by 4

F(x) = 6x+2, find f (x+3)




Step-by-step explanation:

F(x) = 6x+2

f(x+3) means replace x with x+3

F(x+3) = 6(x+3)+2

         = 6x+18+2

         = 6x+20


A; F(x+3) = 6x^2 + 20x + 6

Step-by-step explanation:

To find it you just would multiply F(x) onto the other side. So it would look like this:

           F(x+3) = 6x + 2 (x+3)            

          F(x+3) = 6x^2 + 2x + 18x + 6            *combine like terms getting you

           F(x+3) = 6x^2 + 20x + 6    

Hope this helped!!

What is the equation of the graph ? ILL pay



Step-by-step explanation:

You have it right it is 6^x -3

You have the right idea, but you don't need to type in the "y=" portion since that is already taken care of. So you just need to type in -3 + 6^x

What is the value of expression below when z=5? 5z−4




Step-by-step explanation:

5×5-4 you replace the z with the 5 then multiply by 5 and subtract by 4



Step-by-step explanation:

5×5-4 you replace the z with the 5 then multiply by 5 and subtract by 4

Determine what type of model best fits the given situation:
The temperature of a cup of coffee decreases by 5 F every 20 minutes.
A. none of these
B. quadratic
C. exponential
D. linear



T = -t / 4 + T0   where t is the temperature in minutes elapsed, T is the final temperature, and T0 is the initial temperature

This is a linear equation in T and t

(-1 / 4 represents -5 deg / 20 min  = - 1 deg / 4min

The given situation is linear equation in T and t. so option D is correct option.

What is a system of equations?

A system of equations is two or more equations that can be solved to get a unique solution. the power of the equation must be in one degree.

The given situation:

The temperature of a cup of coffee decreases by 5 F every 20 minutes.

T = -t / 4 + T0  

where t is the temperature in minutes elapsed.

T is the final temperature.

T0 is the initial temperature.

We need to find the type of model best fits the given situation.

(-1 / 4 represents -5 deg / 20 min  = - 1 deg / 4min

Therefore, The given situation is linear equation in T and t. so option D is correct option.

Learn more about equations here;



The equation of the line with slope −4 that goes through the point (8,−3)
can be written in the form y=mx+b
where m is:
and where b is:



y = -4x + 29

Step-by-step explanation:

-3 = -4(8) + b

-3 = -32+b


The equation whose slope is -4 and passes through (8,-3) is y=-4x+29 where slope is -4.

What is equation?

Equation is relationship between two or more variables that are expressed in equal to form. Equation of two variables look like ax+by=c. It is of many types like linear equation, quadratic equation, cubic equation, etc.

How to form equation?

We have been given slope of line being -4 and point through which it passes (8,-3) and we have to find the equation of line.

The equation from two points can be calculated through the following formula:

y-[tex]y_{1}[/tex]=m(x-[tex]x_{1}[/tex]) and slope is m.

Putting the values of points and slope in the formula given above.






Hence the equation is y=-4x+29 where slope is -4.

Learn more about equation at https://brainly.com/question/2972832


Which of the following is not a real number?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Wendy brought 4 cakes and 2 pies for $20. The cost of a cake is twice the cost of 1 pie. A) What was the cost of one cake b)What was the cost of 1 pie?



a. The cost of one cake is $4.

b. The cost of one pie is $2.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the cost of cake be C.Let the cost of pie be P

C = 2P  .....equation 1

4C + 2P = 20  .....equation 2

Substituting eqn 1 into eqn 2, we have;

4(2P) + 2P = 20

8P + 2P = 20

10P = 20

P = 20/10

Pie, P = $2

Next, we would determine the cost of a cake;

From equation 1;

C = 2P

Substituting the value of "P" we have;

C = 2 * 2

Cake, C = $4

Therefore, we would have the following answers;

a. The cost of one cake is $4.

b. The cost of one pie is $2.


From equation 2;

4C + 2P = 20

4(4) + 2(2) = 20

16 + 4 = 20

20 = 20

if sectheta=13/12 and 270°<theta<360°, then tantheta=​



this should be 450° hahah sorry if I am wrong I don't know!

Choose the correct sum of the polynomials (6x3 − 8x − 5) + (3x3 + 6x + 2).



9x³ - 2x - 3

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I


Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


(6x³ - 8x - 5) + (3x³ + 6x + 2)

Step 2: Simplify

Combine like terms (x³):                                                                                   9x³ - 8x - 5 + 6x + 2Combine like terms (x):                                                                                    9x³ - 2x - 5 + 2Combine like terms:                                                                                         9x³ - 2x - 3

Suppose △ABC≅△LMN.

Which other congruency statements are correct?

Select each correct answer.






if so then let's say just want to try am new MNL

your answer is triangle MLN.

Which values for h and k are used to write the function f(x) = x2 + 12x + 6 in vertex form?
h=6, k=36
h=-6, k=-36
h=6, k=30
hs-6, k=-30

Someone please help me with this I can’t fail this test !


i gotchu bro you ain’t getting this wrong

ITS D!!! h = -6 k = -30

The equation of a vertical parabola in vertex form is equal to

f(x)= a(xh)² + k


a is a coefficient

(h,k) is the vertex

we have

f)x) = x² + 12x + 6

Convert to vertex form

Complete the square

f)x) 6= x² + 12x

f)x) - 6+36= (x² + 12x +36)

f)x)+ 30 = (x² + 12x +36) -

f)x)+30= (x+6)²

f)x) = (x+6)² – 30. -----> equation in vertex form


The vertex is the point (-6,-30)

h=-6, k=-30

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