Evaluate the ways in which the political compass is effective in measuring political ideology. Provide examples.


Answer 1


The Political Compass Definitions

There have to be other measures for a political compass

You can’t be libertarian and left wing

Where are the right-wing social libertarians on the international chart?

Why is Hitler slightly right? The Nazis were socialists, so they weren’t fascists either.

How can I be in the same quadrant as Pol Pot/Hitler/Stalin? I’m no Pol Pot/Hitler/Stalin!

You’ve got liberals on the right. Don’t you know they’re left?

Politics have moved, but you’re still using the old economic parameters.


Some of the questions are slanted

Respondents are going to feel under pressure to be politically correct

Some of the propositions are culturally biased

My position on The Political Compass™ is at odds with the politicians I support

In some cases none of the four possible responses reflected my attitude

You should have a “don’t know” option

Why don’t you collect statistics and report on test results?

Where would Jesus and/or Mohammed appear?

How can you determine where politicians are honestly at without asking them?

Answer 2

Political compass is basically a website which uses responses to a set of 62 propositions to rate political ideology.

What is the significance of political ideology?

Political ideology refers to the set of moral and ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or any large group that basically explains how a society should work morally and how it should offers some political and cultural plan for a certain social order.

Political ideology is consider as one of the major concept for the development of any country. It determines the political behavior of different parties, politicians, activists, voters etc. It deliberately provides the plans of action for public policy with the motive of making a country stable.

Basically, political ideologies are of different types that may include Nationalism, Conservatism, Communism, Liberalism, Fascism etc.

Learn more about political ideology here:-



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The Keystone Research Center was created to broaden public discussion on strategies to achieve a more prosperous and equitable Pennsylvania economy.

As a research and policy development organization, the Keystone Research Center conducts original research, produces reports, and promotes public dialogue that addresses important economic and civic problems, and proposes new policies to help resolve those problems.

Established in 1996, Keystone operates through the collaborative efforts of Pennsylvania citizens drawn from academia, labor, religious and business organizations. Rather than simply outlining Pennsylvania's problems, the Keystone Research Center is dedicated to using research and collaboration to propose workable policy alternatives.

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Freedom from the strict schedules of nursing facilities.

The ability to retain much of their own independence.

The comforts of remaining in their most familiar place.

Personal possessions that they may not be able to keep in a nursing facility.

Freedom to have family and friends visit whenever they like.


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ëê5ïíogthk íù1á by the fddfg

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1. You have observed the vigorous production of gas bubbles in a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast.
Write a scientific question that you could explore with an investigation.


A scientific question that you could explore with an investigation after you observed the vigorous production of gas bubbles in a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast is; " Is yeast responsible for the evolution of gas?"

A scientific question is a question that is testable. It can be verified by an experiment.

According to the question, it was observed that gas bubbles were produced in a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast.

If we ask the scientific question;  " Is yeast responsible for the evolution of gas?" we can answer it by having two set ups.

One should contain water and sugar without yeast while the other will contain water, sugar, and yeast.

This two set ups are observed for evolution of gas. In that way, we can answer the question; " Is yeast responsible for the evolution of gas?"

Learn more; https://brainly.com/question/967776

Girls are generally expected to be sweet, whereas boys are generally expected to be aggressive. In complying to these expectations, girls and boys are fulfilling which of the following?

a. heterosexism
b. gender expressions
c. gender identities
d. gender roles


The answer is d

It can’t be A.) because that regards sexuality and not gender

It can’t be B.) because that regards how someone shows their gender - which is fairly obvious between girls and boys

It can’t be C.) because that is about how someone identifies theme selves in regards to gender

Therefore it must be D.) which regards the perceptions surrounding what specific genders should do/act.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx



All except the one that said Egyptians paid taxes

Can you please help (15 points)



They can also be used to represent nonphysical information, like DNA and brain mapping. Spaces being mapped can be two dimensional e.g the earth's surface or three dimensional like in the earth's crust. Physical maps show the earth's features, like landscapes, mountains, rivers, valleys, deserts, lakes and oceans..


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Which approaches to creating an ethical and socially responsible workplace is likely to be the most powerful?



1. moral obligation.

Business ethics deals primarily with

a. social responsibility.

b. the pricing of products and services.

c. moral obligation.

d. being unfair to the competition.

2. Ethics are important because

a. suppliers prefer to deal with ethical companies.

b. customers prefer to deal with ethical companies.

c. employees prefer to deal with ethical companies.

d. all of the choices.

The most powerful approach to creating an ethical and socially responsible workplace is top management acting as models of the right behavior.

for better understanding, we have to define what  ethics and ethical and social responsibility is.

Ethics is simply defined as a group or sets of laid down moral principles or values that governs what individuals known as right and wrong as partains to a person or group. Ethical Behaviour are refered to as human behaviour that that is usually accepted under the principles of right and wrong. in the workplace, the top management officials are said to be the best models of right behavior due to the fact that as they behave in a certain acceptable organizational way, their surbodinates will follow their footsteps.

Therefore, we can conclusively say that the most powerful approach to creating an ethical and socially responsible workplace is top management acting as models of the right behavior.

you can learn more about ethics and ethical and social responsibility from:


I really don’t want to do this so like if y’all know the answer can you tell me (T-T)





Name any two factors that can cause a to person change her status from
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Two factors that can lead to a change in a person's status from  employed to not economically active are :

1. The employed person decides to leave her job in order to become a full-time student

2. The employed person retires from their job.

A person is regarded as not economically active if they are between the ages of 15 to 65 and they are not available to work.

Reasons why a person might not be available to work includes :

if the individual becomes a full time studentif the individual retiresif the individual become a full time homemaker if the individual in unable or unwilling to work

A person is considered employed if the individual has a job. An example of an employed person is a teacher

To learn more, please check : https://brainly.com/question/2416551?referrer=searchResults

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they wanted to get money

Question 15 of 20 :
Select the best answer for the question.
15. What did the Nuremberg Race Laws accomplish?
O A. They stripped Jewish people of their citizenship and rights.
O B. They expelled Jewish people from Germany.
O C. They authorized violent attacks upon Jewish people.
O D. They sent Jewish people to concentration camps.
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i believe the answer is A



Which European Physical Feature is closest to number 1?
Ural Mountains
Iberian Peninsula


Answer: A. Ural Mountains

Explanation: Hope this helps!

What features of the modern
labor industry are results of
union action? Essay


Features of the modern labor system resulting from union action include no work on weekends, 8 hour workday, enforced work safety regulations, paid vacation/sick days, national holidays off, overtime pay, and the minimum wage.

The modern labor industry is the effect of union action. The important feature of modern labor system includes the national holidays off, overtime compensation, etc.

What is labor industry?

The labor industry is  often called as the job market. It is concerned with the demand and supply for labor, with employees supplying the supply and employers providing the demand.

It is an important part of any economy and is intertwined with capital, goods, and service markets.

No work on weekends, enforced work safety laws, an 8-hour workday, paid vacation/sick days, national holidays off, overtime compensation, and the minimum wage are all features of the current labor system as a result of union activism.

Therefore, the labor industry is the outcome of the Union action.

Learn more about the union action, refer to:


Please help me (15 points)



Italy is the right answer


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Pls help me this is do today



the second one I think is data... I hope that helped

relate human resources development to the utilization of other resources.



I hope U like my answer and my answer helped U ...

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can be creative u reading books and dictnory


i think helping you.. good luck (:

We can be creative by thinking out side of the box

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How inequity affects the person and society?


Living in an unequal society causes stress and status anxiety, which may damage your health. In more equal societies people live longer, are less likely to be mentally ill or obese and there are lower rates of infant mortality.

measure to conserve our heritages ?​


1.Awareness campaign to educate community.

2.Adopt monuments.

3..Strict Government action & plan to save monuments, setting up of Archaeological departments.

4.Collecting, generation of funds & donation for their renovation.

5.Chemical treatments of monuments & restoration.

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hope U like my answer and my answer helped U..

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What role did religion play in Cromwell's life?

Cromwell was a Puritan. He was a highly religious man who believed that everybody should lead their lives according to what was written in the Bible. The word “Puritan” means that followers had a pure soul and lived a good life. Cromwell believed that everybody else in England should follow his example.


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not complete


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write the important kichen garden.​



The importance of a kitchen garden is great and manifold. A kitchen garden ensures an inexpensive, regular and handy supply of fresh vegetables which are basic to nutrition. The green vegetables contain vitamins and minerals which protect us against diseases. ... Kitchen garden also helps us to solve our food problem.


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The important of kitchen garden are:-

The important of kitchen garden are:-•Kitchen Gardening is a fun activity that reduces mental stress in your busy working life.

The important of kitchen garden are:-•Kitchen Gardening is a fun activity that reduces mental stress in your busy working life.•It’s a good outdoor habit that will stick in your lifetime.

The important of kitchen garden are:-•Kitchen Gardening is a fun activity that reduces mental stress in your busy working life.•It’s a good outdoor habit that will stick in your lifetime.•Kitchen Garden’s should solve the problem of nutrition that is a big issue in the world.

The important of kitchen garden are:-•Kitchen Gardening is a fun activity that reduces mental stress in your busy working life.•It’s a good outdoor habit that will stick in your lifetime.•Kitchen Garden’s should solve the problem of nutrition that is a big issue in the world.•It has great potential where you can sell to your

The important of kitchen garden are:-•Kitchen Gardening is a fun activity that reduces mental stress in your busy working life.•It’s a good outdoor habit that will stick in your lifetime.•Kitchen Garden’s should solve the problem of nutrition that is a big issue in the world.•It has great potential where you can sell to your neighbors or on the market some of the goods.

The important of kitchen garden are:-•Kitchen Gardening is a fun activity that reduces mental stress in your busy working life.•It’s a good outdoor habit that will stick in your lifetime.•Kitchen Garden’s should solve the problem of nutrition that is a big issue in the world.•It has great potential where you can sell to your neighbors or on the market some of the goods.•You can grow 100% organic vegetables that have high nutritional and health quality

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A speaker presides over the meeting of Legislative Assembly

Have a happy day

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