Every year, a town surveys the size of its wetland ecosystems. This equation estimates the total wetland area, in acres, over time, t, in years.

F(t)= 740(0.95)^t

Which statements are supported by the function?

When t=10, the town is predicted to have around 443 acres of wetlands.

At one time, the town had 740 acres of wetlands.

The wetland area in the town decreases by 5% per year.

When t=10, the town is predicted to have around 492 acres of wetlands.

The wetland area in the town increases by 95% per year.


Answer 1


When t=10, the town is predicted to have around 443 acres of wetlands.

At one time, the town had 740 acres of wetlands.

The wetland area in the town decreases by 5% per year.

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]f(t) = 740 * (0.95)^t[/tex]


The true statements

[tex](a)\ f(10) = 443[/tex]

We have:

[tex]f(t) = 740 * (0.95)^t[/tex]

Substitute 10 for t

[tex]f(10) = 740 * (0.95)^{10[/tex]

[tex]f(10) = 443[/tex]

Hence, (a) is true

[tex](b)\ f(t) = 740[/tex]

We have:

[tex]f(t) = 740 * (0.95)^t[/tex]

Substitute 740 for f(t)

[tex]740 = 740 * (0.95)^t[/tex]

Divide through by 740

[tex]1 = 0.95^t[/tex]

Express 1 as 0.95^0

[tex]0.95^0 = 0.95^t[/tex]

Cancel out the bases

[tex]0 = t[/tex]

[tex]t = 0[/tex]

Hence, the area had 740 acres initially;

(b) is true

[tex](c)\ r = 5\%[/tex]

We have:

[tex]f(t) = 740 * (0.95)^t[/tex]

Using the general formula

[tex]f(t) = a * b^t[/tex]

By comparison:

[tex]b = 0.95[/tex]

0.95 < 1 means that:

[tex]b = 1 - r[/tex] --- where r = rates

[tex]0.95 = 1 - r[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]r = 1 - 0.95[/tex]

[tex]r = 0.05[/tex]

Express as percentage

[tex]r = 5\%[/tex]

Hence, (c) is true

[tex](d)\ f(10) = 492[/tex]

In (a)

[tex]f(10) = 443[/tex]

Hence, (d) is false

[tex](e)\ r = 95\%[/tex]

In (c)

[tex]r = 5\%[/tex] ---- decrement

Hence, (e) is incorrect

Answer 2

Answer: When the town is predicted to have around 443 acres of wetlands.

At one time, the town had 740 acres of wetlands.

The wetland area in the town decreases by 5% per year.

Step-by-step explanation:

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The Next fiver tems are - 2, -2,-8,-12,-16

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

a1 = 2

an = -an-1 -4

Let n =2

a2 = -a1 -4 = -2-4 = -6

Let n=3

a3 = -a2 -4 = - (-6) -4 = +6 -4 = 2

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I purchased a new Apple iPad on Amazon for $249.00. The tax rate is 8.625%. What is the total purchase price of the iPad?




Step-by-step explanation:

249 is the original price

(249/100) · 8.625 = 21.47625 the tax total

249 + 21.47625 = 270.47625

please help me with geometry



A. If the side lengths are the same, then a triangle is not scalene.

Step-by-step explanation:

A triangle can be defined as a two-dimensional shape that comprises three (3) sides, three (3) vertices and three (3) angles.

Simply stated, any polygon with three (3) lengths of sides is a triangle.

In Geometry, a triangle is considered to be the most important shape.

Generally, there are three (3) main types of triangle based on the length of their sides and these include;

I. Equilateral triangle: it has all of its three (3) sides and interior angles equal.

II. Isosceles triangle: it has two (2) of its sides equal in length and two (2) equal angles.

III. Scalene triangle: it has all of its three (3) sides and interior angles different in length and size respectively.

This graph represents which expression?



x >7

Step-by-step explanation:

There is an open circle at 7, which means it cannot equal 7.  The line goes to the right

x >7

Find the equation of a line that is perpendicular to x+y=8 and passes through the point (8, 10).



Y = -x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

y = -x + 8

y = 1x + b

10 = 8 + b

b = 2








identify the roots of the equation and the multiplicities of the roots 8(x - 2)³ = 0​



The root of the equation is 2 with multiplicity 3

Step-by-step explanation:



The root of the equation is 2 with multiplicity 3

Find the measures of angles S and T in the triangle below.



60 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

The type of triangle we’re looking at is a equilateral triangle meaning all sides and all angle measures measure the exact same thing.

With all this information, angle S and T measure 60*
doomdabomb: All brainliest
and thanks are appreciated
and would mean a lot to me,

which of these figures has rotational symmetry


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The parallelogram has rotational symmetry of degree 2. It looks the same after rotation by 180°.


Additional comment

When a figure only looks like itself after a full rotation of 360°, it is said to have rotational symmetry of degree 1. All of the figures here will return to their original appearance after one 360° rotation. So, we assume the intent of the question is to identify figures with a rotational symmetry of degree greater than 1.

b) Use Greens theorem to find∫x^2 ydx-xy^2 dy where ‘C’ is the circle x2 + y2 = 4 going counter clock wise.​


It looks like the integral you want to find is

[tex]\displaystyle \int_C x^2y\,\mathrm dx - xy^2\,\mathrm dy[/tex]

where C is the circle x ² + y ² = 4. By Green's theorem, the line integral is equivalent to a double integral over the disk x ² + y ² ≤ 4, namely

[tex]\displaystyle \iint\limits_{x^2+y^2\le4}\frac{\partial(-xy^2)}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial(x^2y)}{\partial y}\,\mathrm dx\,\mathrm dy = -\iint\limits_{x^2+y^2\le4}(x^2+y^2)\,\mathrm dx\,\mathrm dy[/tex]

To compute the remaining integral, convert to polar coordinates. We take

x = r cos(t )

y = r sin(t )

x ² + y ² = r ²

dx dy = r dr dt


[tex]\displaystyle \int_C x^2y\,\mathrm dx - xy^2\,\mathrm dy = -\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^2 r^3\,\mathrm dr\,\mathrm dt \\\\ = -2\pi\int_0^2 r^3\,\mathrm dr \\\\ = -\frac\pi2 r^4\bigg|_{r=0}^{r=2} \\\\ = \boxed{-8\pi}[/tex]

Which equation can be used to find the length of Line segment A C?



I don't see the problem.

Step-by-step explanation:

Assume that the matrices below are partitioned conformably for block multiplication. Compute the product.

[I 0] [W X]
[K I] [Y Z]


Multiplying block matrices works just like multiplication between regular matrices, provided that component matrices have the right sizes.

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{IW}+\mathbf{0Y}&\mathbf{IX}+\mathbf{0Z}\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf{IY}&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf{IZ}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W+\mathbf 0&\mathbf X+\mathbf 0\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf Y&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf Y&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

(I assume I is the identity matrix and 0 is the zero matrix.)

A history teacher gives a 17 question True or false exam. In how many different ways can the test be answered if the possible answers are true or false or possibly to leave the answer blank?



Step-by-step explanation:

if it's only true or false there are 2¹⁷=131072 outcomes

if it's true, false, or blank there are 3¹⁷=129140163 outcomes

Suppose Event A is taking 15 or more minutes to get to work tomorrow and Event B is taking less than 15 minutes to get to work tomorrow. Events A and B are said to be complementary events.

a. True
b. False



Hence the answer is TRUE.

Step-by-step explanation:

If event A is taking 15 or more minutes to urge to figure tomorrow and event B is taking but a quarter-hour to urge to figure tomorrow, then events A and B must be complimentary events. this is often because the occurring of 1 is going to be precisely the opposite of the occurring of the opposite event and that they cannot occur simultaneously. In other words, events A and B are mutually exclusive and exhaustive.  


P(A) + P(B) = 1.

what is the least common multiple between 25 and 8




Step-by-step explanation:

Break down 25 = 5*5

Break down 8 = 2*2*2

They have no common factors

The least common multiple is

5*5*2*2*2 = 25*8 = 200



Step-by-step explanation:

list the factors of 25: 5,5

factors of 8:2,2,2,

A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity​ (v) of 13 meters per second. Suppose that the initial height​ (h) above the ground is 7 meters. At what time t will the ball hit the​ ground? The ball is on the ground when S=0. Use the equation S=−5t2+vt+h.



the correct answer is, 4

If a seed is planted, it has a 90% chance of growing into a healthy plant.

If 6 seeds are planted, what is the probability that exactly 2 don't grow?



[tex]\displaystyle\frac{19,683}{200,000}\text{ or }\approx 9.84\%[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

For each planted seed, there is a 90% chance that it grows into a healthy plant, which means that there is a [tex]100\%-90\%=10\%[/tex] chance it does not grow into a healthy plant.

Since we are planting 6 seeds, we want to choose 2 that do not grow and 4 that do grow:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}[/tex]

However, this is only one case that meets the conditions. We can choose any 2 out of the 6 seeds to be the ones that don't grow into a healthy plant, not just the first and second ones. Therefore, we need to multiply this by number of ways we can choose 2 things from 6 (6 choose 2):

[tex]\displaystyle \binom{6}{2}=\frac{6\cdot 5}{2!}=\frac{30}{2}=15[/tex]

Therefore, we have:

[tex]\displaystyle\\P(\text{exactly 2 don't grow})=\frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \binom{6}{2},\\\\P(\text{exactly 2 don't grow})=\frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot 15,\\\\P(\text{exactly 2 don't grow})=\boxed{\frac{19,683}{200,000}}\approx 9.84\%[/tex]


[tex] {?}^{?} However, this is only one case that meets the conditions. We can choose any 2 out of the 6 seeds to be the ones that don't grow into a healthy plant, not just the first and second ones. Therefore, we need to multiply this by number of ways we can choose 2 things from 6 (6 choose 2):

\displaystyle \binom{6}{2}=\frac{6\cdot 5}{2!}=\frac{30}{2}=15(26)=2!6⋅5=230=15

Therefore, we have:

\begin{gathered}\displaystyle\\P(\text{exactly 2 don't grow})=\frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \binom{6}{2},\\\\P(\text{exactly 2 don't grow})=\frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{1}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot \frac{9}{10}\cdot 15,\\\\P(\text{exactly 2 don't grow})=\boxed{\frac{19,683}{200,000}}\approx 9.84\%\end{gathered}P(exactly 2 don’t grow)=101⋅101⋅109⋅109⋅109⋅109⋅(26),P(exactly 2 don’t grow)=101⋅101⋅109⋅109⋅109⋅109⋅15,P(exactly 2 don’t grow)=200,00019,683≈9.84%


please help with math




Step-by-step explanation:

2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50... 98

Hope this helps. Have a great day!

find the missing length indicated​


I think x is 144 by using tan theta=p/b


[tex] {a}^{2} + {b}^{2} = {c}^{2} [/tex]

Use The (Pythagorean Theorem) to find the length of any side of a right triangle. Form it like its shown in picture above. Follow the instructions that also shown in the picture above.

Solve each system by graphing.


9514 1404 393


  (x, y) = (4, -3)

Step-by-step explanation:

The solution is the point on the graph where the lines intersect:

  (x, y) = (4, -3)

Question with last attempt is displayed for your review only
Amanda rented a bike from Ted's Bikes.
It costs $9 for the helmet plus $5.25 per hour.
If Amanda paid about $43.13, how many hours did she rent the bike?

Let h = the number of hours she rented the bike. Write the equation you would use to solve this problem.



[tex]43.13 = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve this by making an equation.

$9 for the helmet, and $5.25 per hour.

h will stand for hours, C will stand for Amanda's cost.

[tex]C = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

Now, substitute in what we learned from the problem.

[tex]43.13 = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

This is an equation you can use to solve for the hours.

Conan puts tennis balls into tubes after gym class. There are 17 tennis balls, and each tube holds 3 balls. How many tubes does Conan completely fill? How many tennis balls are left?


the answer is 5 tubes 2 left over

While walking in the country, you count 39 heads and 116 feet in a field of cows and chickens. How many of each animal are there?


Answer: 58

Step-by-step explanation:

its 58 because chickens have two feet each so divide 2 %  166 and its 58

because each chicken has 2 legs count the 2 legs up to 116 then u get ur answer

Can someone help me out plz


Volume = πr²h

Radius = 3yd

Height = 12yd

Take π = 22/7

Volume = 22/7×3×3×12

= 2376/7

= 339.4285714yd³

Rounding off to nearest tenth

= 339.43yd³

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

The population standard deviation for the heights of dogs, in inches, in a city is 3.7 inches. If we want to be 95% confident that the sample mean is within 2 inches of the true population mean, what is the minimum sample size that can be taken?
Use the table above for the z-score, and be sure to round up to the nearest integer.


Answer:  14



At 95% confidence, the z critical value is roughly z = 1.960

The population standard deviation is given to be sigma = 3.7

The error is E = 2 since we want to be within 2 inches of the population mean mu

The min sample size needed is:

n = (z*sigma/E)^2

n = (1.960*3.7/2)^2

n = 13.147876

n = 14

We always round up to the nearest whole number to ensure that we clear the hurdle (otherwise, the sample is too small). It doesn't matter that we're closer to 13 than to 14.

May I get some help with this question?


bisector perpendicular is a line perpendicular to the segment and passes through the midpoint of the segment. S is midpoint of the segment.
third choice

Karissa purchased a set of LED lights online that normally sells for $72.00 but was marked down to $48.96. What is the discount rate Karissa received? (2 points)


47 % because it didn’t go down as much as the other ones would be

please help this is due right now




Step-by-step explanation:

Help please ….. help



Step-by-step explanation:

a) categorical

b) add all of the numbers and divide by how many numbers there were.

c) outliers means any that were far away from the rest of the data

d) not entirely, you can make an estimate based on it, but nat an exact answer.

Helpppp please !! Thank you :)


Answer: Because they are corresponding angles (second option is the answer).


second option...because they are corresponding angles..

STEP BY STEP EXPLANATION: corresponding angles are formed when two parallel lines are intersected by the transversal

the corresponding angles are 2 and 6

in how many ways 6 gentleman and 4 ladies can be choosen out of 10 gentleman and 8 ladies? ​



5880 ways

Step-by-step explanation:

For selections like this, we solve using the combination theory. Recall that

nCr = n!/(n-r)!r!

Hence given to find the number of ways 6 gentleman and 4 ladies can be choosen out of 10 gentleman and 8 ladies,

= 10C6 * 8C4

= 10!/(10-6)!6! * 8!/(8-6)!6!

= 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6!/4 *3 *2 * 6! * 8 * 7 * 6!/2 * 6!

= 210 * 28

= 5880 ways

The arrangement can be done in 5880 ways

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