Explain how the looting of shops and malls will affect businesses in terms of the relationship between the social responsibility and triple bottom line​


Answer 1

Businesses decrease their incentives that will lead to minimizing their ability to carry out their part for social responsibility of the triple bottom line.

The bottom line is an obligation on businesses to not just look for their profit but include and maintain a good balance between these factors:

economic growthsocial welfareenvironment impact

Similarly, businesses need to follow the Triple bottom line in these ways:

Making profitsMaking sure that there is positive social welfare on their part.Maintain ecological footprint

Thus, by the looting of shops and malls, the ability of businesses to meet both their social responsibility and Triple bottom line is minimized and not as it was in normal conditions.

Learn more about social responsibility and Triple bottom line here: brainly.com/question/1339420

Related Questions

Allegheny Company ended Year 1 with balances in Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $70,000 and $3,600, respectively. During Year 2, Allegheny wrote off $6,600 of Uncollectible Accounts. Using the percent of receivables method, Allegheny estimates that the ending Allowance for Doubtful Accounts balance should be $5,600. What amount will Allegheny report as Uncollectible Accounts Expense on its Year 2 income statement



Uncollectible account expense  $8,600


The computation of the amount as the Uncollectible Accounts Expense on its Year 2 income statement is given below:

Allowance account - Beg year 2    $3,600 Credit

Written off account   $6,600    Debited by

 Unadjusted balance in Allowance account  $3000  Debit

Adjusted balance required in Allowance account  $5,600  Credit

Uncollectible account expense  $8,600

Identify the true statements about materials requirements planning. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. It is considered a push system. It is used widely, especially in manufacturing. It is similar to kanban scheduling. It uses a time-phased schedule that is based on lead time. It solely considers the number of actual orders for the planning of material requirements.


Material requirements planning is simply used for the management of manufacturing processes.

The main aim of the materials requirement planning is that it helps in keeping production activities on track. Also, there's better inventory control and an improvement in scheduling.

Based on the options given, the true statements about materials requirements planning include:

• It is used widely, especially in manufacturing.

• It is considered a push system.

• It uses a time-phased schedule that is based on lead time.

Read related link on:


Working capital is ______. Multiple select question. treated as a cash inflow when released at the end of a project. not discounted when computing the net present value of an investment treated as a cash outflow when required at the beginning of a project. not treated as a cash flow in an investment project.



treated as a cash inflow when released at the end of a project.


A statement of cash flows is also known as cash flow statement and it is a financial statement which is used to illustrate how changes in income and various account of the balance sheet affect cash and cash equivalents.

The statement of cash flows is also used by financial experts or accountants to breakdown the cash-flow analysis into;

1. Cash-flow from operating activities

2. Cash-flow from investing activities.

3. Cash-flow from financing activities.

Basically, a cash inflow can be defined as an amount of money that flows into a business.

In Financial accounting, working capital is calculated by subtracting the value of current liabilities from current assets.

Working capital often increases when a new project is taking up, is treated as a cash inflow when released at the end of a project and it's typically treated as a cash-outflow if it's required at the start (beginning) of a project.

A warranty in which the seller warrants that he or she has valid title to the goods he or she is selling and that the transfer of title is rightful is known as a warranty ________. of good title of no interference of no security interests against infringements



of good title.


A good can be defined as any physical object or material that typically satisfy and meets the demands, needs or wants of customers. Some examples of a good are mobile phones, television, microphone, microwave oven, bread, pencil, freezer, beverages, soft drinks, etc.

A warranty can be defined as a written promise or guarantee made by a manufacturer, lessor or seller about the identity or quality of goods and services or a property to a purchaser, promising him or her to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified time frame.

Hence, a warranty in which the seller of a good or service warrants that he or she has valid title to the goods he or she is selling and that the transfer of title is rightful is known as a warranty of good title.

A legal title can be defined as the actual (absolute) ownership of a property that is recognized and enforceable in a court of competent jurisdiction.

What is price index number?​



Price index number can be defined as a measure of how the price of goods and services change over a specific period of time.


Price can be defined as the amount of money that is required to be paid by a buyer (customer) to a seller (producer) in order to acquire goods and services. Thus, it refers to the amount of money a customer or consumer buying goods and services are willing to pay for the goods and services being offered.

Generally, the price a consumer (buyer) would pay for goods and services are primarily being set by the seller or service provider.

In sales and marketing, pricing of products is considered to be an essential element of a business firm's marketing mix because place, promotion and product largely depends on it.

Price index number can be defined as a measure of how the price of goods and services change over a specific period of time.

Hence, it's a statistical value (number) that is typically used for expressing the price change of goods and services as a percentage of prices in a base year.

On a related note, the consumer price index (CPI) is a measure used to analyze and examine the weighted average or aggregate of prices of a basket of goods and services paid for by consumers such as medical, food, and transportation.

government revenue will increase if taxes are leved on --------- -perfectly elastic demand -unitary elastic demand -perfectly inelastic demand -fairly elastic demand​



If the price for an inelastic good is lowered, the demand for that good does not increase, resulting in less overall revenue due to the lower price and no change in demand


to hard ooooooo help me bro

A client has a third-degree burn on the leg. The wound is being treated by the open method. After about 4 days, a hard crust has formed around the leg and is impairing the circulation to the leg. What procedure would be done to relieve pressure on the affected area?
A. escharotomy
B. debridement
C. allograft
D. silvadene application


your answer is third hope it's helpful to you

Allograft procedure would be done to relieve pressure on the affected area.

What is Allograft?

Allograft refers to the transplant of an organ or tissue from one person of the same species to another with a different genotype. For instance, an allograft is a transplant from one individual to another who is not an identical twin. Many human transplants, including those involving cadaveric, live related, and living unrelated donors, use allografts. also referred to as a homograft or an allogeneic graft.

Allografts can be used in a variety of conditions with varied degrees of severity. For instance, bone allograft transplants can be utilized for more cosmetic purposes in dentistry or plastic surgery, as well as to repair limbs in orthopedics.

Allograft transplants can be employed both during the operation and directly for the treatment of patients. A type of bone putty created from donated bone or tissue material is called a demineralized bone matrix. Musculoskeletal allograft transplants are the most popular kind of allograft transplants.

This relates to one of the primary justifications for the use of allograft transplants: synthetic materials can have characteristics that differ from those of biologically human tissue and may not be appropriate for the intended application. In addition, tissue from an allograft transplant usually fuses with the recipient's own tissue over time, becoming an indistinguishable component of the recipient's body. If one's own tissue cannot be used in sufficient quantities, allograft transplants may be employed.

Tissues can be prepared for allograft transplantation using a variety of techniques. To get rid of as many cellular components as feasible, the tissue is treated with antibiotics, and detergents during aseptic processing.

It is also possible to chemically sterilize allograft tissue using the sterilization process. Gamma irradiation, a type of electromagnetic radiation that purges the tissue of microorganisms, is frequently combined with this. However, viruses might not be eliminated by gamma radiation.

Hence, correct option is C.

To learn more about allograft, click here

How have people been lately good? bad? something else?



People have been very bad lately

Explain the importance of leisure activities.



leisure activities improve the productivity of people


if you feel stressed and then go to a water park, you will get less stressed right?

When units produced exceed units sold, net income will generally be ______ costing. Multiple choice question. the same under both absorption costing and variable higher under variable costing than under absorption higher under absorption costing than under variable



higher under absorption costing than under variable costing.


Costing is the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services by assessing the fixed costs and variable costs associated with each step of production.

Manufacturing costs can be defined as the overall costs associated with the acquisition of resources such as materials and the cost of converting these raw materials into finished goods. Manufacturing costs include direct labor costs, direct materials cost and manufacturing overhead costs.

In Business management, when the total units of goods produced by a business firm (manufacturer) exceed the total units of goods sold, net income will generally be higher under absorption costing than under variable costing.

Swisher, Incorporated reports the following annual cost data for its single product: This product is normally sold for $48 per unit. If Swisher increases its production to 50,000 units, while sales remain at the current 30,000 unit level, by how much would the company's income increase or decrease under absorption costing



$60,000 increase.


Calculation to determine by how much would the company's gross margin increase or decrease under absorption costing

First step is to calculate FOH per unit at 30,000 unit level

FOH per unit=$150,000/30,000 units

FOH per unit = $5 FOH per unit

Second step is to calculate FOH per unit at 50,000 unit level

FOH per unit=$150,000/50,000 units

FOH per unit= $3 FOH per unit

Now let determine by how much would the company's gross margin increase or decrease under

Gross margin=($5 - $3)*30,000

Gross margin = $2 x 30,000

Gross margin = $60,000 increase

Therefore by how much would the company's gross margin INCREASE under absorption costing is $60,000

Only one situation exists in which I would be ready to invest in penny stocks: if the money is extra and represents a very small percentage of my entire portfolio, and I am willing to lose it completely. This is because penny stocks are shares in young firms that are still in the early stages of development. The rate of return on these stocks can be enormous, but they can also go bankrupt, causing you to lose all of your money just as quickly. As a result, they're extremely hazardous investments.



Investment of excess funds is a good option to multiply the money. One can invest their savings which are not currently in use. The risk appetite of a person is assessed before it decides to invest money.


A person should never invest its full money. It should keep some money for emergency needs. Also it is needed to consider risk appetite of a person and his willingness to take risk in order to construct his portfolio. Returns are dependent on risk levels. More riskier investments will give more returns. Stocks are considered as riskier investments because a company may go bankrupt and you can loose all your money or on the other case there can be flourishing returns waiting for you.

At a price of $2,000 per unit, the demand for Rancho 60 mountain bikes from Peyton Bike's Inc. is 300 units, which is the number of bikes the company manufactures every year. This is Peyton Bike's maximum output. If the marketing managers at Peyton Bike's Inc. decide to sell each bike at a price lower than $2,000 per unit, _____.


The statement "bikes shortage should be developed" is correct.

The following information should be considered:

In the case when the firm wants to sell the product at a lower price so there should be a product shortage.The demand and supply should not achieve at equilibrium.There is no inelastic demand that should be developed.The no of bikes generated should not be increased.

Therefore we can conclude that The statement "bikes shortage should be developed" is correct.

Learn more about the product shortage here: brainly.com/question/12596577

In measuring GDP as the sum of all incomes earned in production, we should include: purchases of used goods. purchases of used goods. American purchases of foreign output. American purchases of foreign output. wages and salaries. wages and salaries.



wages and salaries.


GDP is an acronym for Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and it can be defined as a measure of the total market value of all finished goods and services made within a country during a specific period.

Simply stated, Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is a measure of the production levels of any nation.

Basically, the four (4) major expenditure categories of GDP are;

I. Consumption (C).

II. Investment (I).

III. Government purchases (G).

IV. Net exports (N).

Additionally, it is a measure of the total income of all individuals in an economy and the total expenses incurred on the economy's output of goods and services in a particular country.

In measuring GDP as the sum of all incomes earned in production, we should include wages and salaries of the people working in a particular country.

A door-to-door salesperson knocks on Mary's door and convinces her to purchase the Wonder Vacuum for $500. Soon after the salesperson leaves, Mary begins to have second thoughts about the transaction. Which statement about the situation is correct


Please give the statements in order to answer the question, thank you.

why personnel management is important to an office?Explain in details.​


Answer: See explanation


Personnel management can be defined as the the effective management of the employees in an organisation. The importance of personnel management to an office include:

• Personnel management helps in bringing the gap that exist between the performance of the employees and the objectives of the organisation.

• An efficient personnel management is important as it gives a company and edge over its rivals.

• A good and effective personnel management helps in the creation and the maintenance of a working environment that's harmonious.

Stabilisation is an important factor of



Stabilization is accomplished by increasing the shear strength and the overall bearing capacity of a soil. Once stabilized, a solid monolith is formed that decreases the permeability, which in turn reduces the shrink/swell potential and harmful effects of freeze/thaw cycles.17

Small businesses that are just getting off the ground often have problems with the difference between cash coming into the business and cash going out of the business. For example, if the company allows far too lenient credit sales terms, customers do not pay on time, which could cause cash to come in too slowly. That's why the __________ is a key financial statement of any business.


Answer: cash flow


Cash flow refers to the net amount of cash and cash equivalents which is being transferred into and out of a business.

The cash flow is an important financial statement of any business. It's vital for all businesses to keep a watch on their cash flows. This is vital in knowing if the business is making a profit or loss.

Keepsake Collectibles focuses its marketing efforts on high-income buyers of unique collectible items. The firm realizes that the number of buyers in this segment of the collectible market is small. However, they are confident that this approach will be profitable since these buyers will pay premium prices for their unique products and superior customer service. Keepsake's approach is an example of:



niche marketing.


From the question we are informed about Keepsake Collectibles which focuses its marketing efforts on high-income buyers of unique collectible items. The firm realizes that the number of buyers in this segment of the collectible market is small. However, they are confident that this approach will be profitable since these buyers will pay premium prices for their unique products and superior customer service. Keepsake's approach is an example of niche marketing.

The niche market can be regarded as subset of market whereby specific product is the target or been focused.

The market niche gives the description about product features and focus on satisfying particular market needs, it also focus on satisfying price range as well as production quality and also the demographics required for target. It can be regarded as small market segment

if a transaction says started a business with cash 80000 Rands in bank is it a contra entry?​





because, Contra entries are those entries in which same account can be debited and credited in contrary situation. For example we debit Bank account when depositing cash.At the same time we credit bank account when withdrawing money from bank.

A company has the following: Cash balance per books, December 31, $82,600. Note receivable of $1,750 plus $250 of interest collected, $2,000. Outstanding checks, $4,900. Deposits in transit, $2,500. Bank service charges, $50. NSF check, $650. The company erroneously recorded a $1,000 cash payment on its books as a $100 cash payment. Also, the bank erroneously deducted $300 from the company’s checking account. The bank should have taken the money from a different customer’s account. How much is the adjusted cash balance per books on December 31?





Calculation to determine How much is the adjusted cash balance per books on December 31?

Balance per books on Dec. 31, $82,600

Add Note collected by the bank including interest $2,000

Less Bank service charge ($50)

Less NSF check ($650)

Less Book error ($900)


Adjusted cash balance per books $83,000

Therefore the adjusted cash balance per books on December 31 is $83,000

Imagine you’re working on a client’s launch pad website. Three weeks from the proposed launch date, the client comes to you with an idea for a new section of the website they would like to implement for the initial launch. How should the strategist respond to the client’s new idea?



Ask a series of questions to better understand the new idea; then, strongly recommend that all new ideas be considered and built after the initial launch pad goes live.

Talk to your team about the effort required to implement the client’s new idea. Then slide the launch date back the required five days to implement the new idea.

They should wait to mention any new ideas until after the first six months because the launch pad and first six months of the continuous improvement cycles are already planned out.


The testator, a widower, had his attorney prepare a will according to the testator's instructions. The attorney mailed the will to the testator. The testator signed the will in the presence of his father, and asked his father to sign the will as a witness, which his father did. The testator then showed the will to his adult son, told him that the signature on the will was his, and asked his son to sign the will as a witness as well. The testator's will devised $100,000 to his adult son, with the remainder of the testator's estate passing to his other two sons in equal shares. When the testator died, the will was offered for probate. The testator was survived by the father, the adult son, and the other two sons. As witnesses, the father and the son are asked to testify to the facts concerning the execution of the will. Should the testator's will be admitted to probate?

A. Yes, because the father and the adult son both testified to the facts concerning the execution of the will.

B. No, because the father and the adult son did not sign the will in each other's presence.

C. Yes, because the will had the necessary two witnesses.

D. No, because the father and the adult son are also beneficiaries.


Answer: No, because the father and the adult son did not sign the will in each other's presence


The testator's will should not be admitted to probate because the father and the adult son did not sign the will in each other's presence.

A will requires a writing such that the testator will sign in the joint presence of two attesting witnesses. It should also be noted that both witnesses understand the importance of that act of the testator and then sign in each other's presence.

During January, the production department of a process operations system completed and transferred to finished goods a total of 90,000 units. At the end of January, 18,000 additional units were in process in the production department and were 50% complete with respect to labor. The beginning inventory included labor cost of $37,400 and the production department incurred direct labor cost of $296,700 during January. Compute the direct labor cost per equivalent unit for the department using the weighted-average method.





Computation for the direct labor cost per equivalent unit for the department using the weighted-average method.

First step is to calculate the Equivalent units

EUP and cost per EUP DL

Completed and transferred 90,000

(90,000 * 100%)

Ending Work in Process

Direct labor 9,000

( 18,000 * 50% )

Equivalent units 99,000


Second step is calculate the total cost

Costs of beginning inventory $37,400

Costs incurred this period 296,700

Total costs $334,100

Now let determine the Cost per equivalent unit

Using this formula

Cost per equivalent unit=Total costs/Equivalent units

Cost per equivalent unit $334,100/99,000

Cost per equivalent unit=$3.37

Therefore the direct labor cost per equivalent unit for the department using the weighted-average method is $3.37

Joe owns a stock with a beta of 1.5 and a standard deviation of 12%. The stock returned 16%. Ella owns a stock with a beta of 1.34 and a standard deviation of 16.4%. The stock has a total return of 14.8%. The risk free rate is 2.5%. Using the Sharpe ratio, which portfolio performed better


Answer: Joe's portfolio performed better.


The Sharpe ratio provides a risk adjusted return to allow for easier comparison across securities with different risks.

Sharpe ratio = (Return - Risk free rate) / Standard deviation


= (16% - 2.5%) /12%

= 1.125


= (14.8% - 2.5%) / 16.4%

= 0.75

Joe's portfolio performed better.

Toby operates a small deli downtown. The deli industry is monopolistically competitive. Toby, along with every other deli in town, is producing the quantity that minimizes average total cost. Assuming the delis are maximizing profits, the: Group of answer choices delis' prices equal their average total costs. number of delis will eventually increase. number of delis will eventually decrease. delis have excess capacity.



number of delis will eventually increase.


A monopolistic competition is when there are many firms selling differentiated products in an industry. A monopolistic competition has characteristics of both a monopoly and a perfect competition. the demand curve is downward sloping. it sets the price for its goods and services.

An example of monopolistic competition are restaurants  

When firms are earning positive economic profit, in the long run, firms enter into the industry. This drives economic profit to zero

If firms are earning negative economic profit, in the long run, firms leave the industry.  This drives economic profit to zero

in the long run, only normal profit is earned

The deli industry in the town is still earning economic profit because it is producing the quantity that minimizes average total cost. Therefore, in the long run, more firms would enter in the industry.

At a ski resort located over one hour from the nearest large town, there is only one grocery store and it charges prices more than 200% percent above the typical retail prices. In the long run, we would expect that: Group of answer choices demand will decrease since people will not want to pay the high prices. another store will open that will charge lower prices. another store will open that will charge equally high prices since competition is low. the store will continue to earn high profits even in the long run since the size of the market is small.



another store will open that will charge lower prices.


The only grocery store can be classified as a monopoly.

A monopoly is when there is only one firm operating in an industry. there are usually high barriers to entry of firms. the demand curve is downward sloping. it sets the price for its goods and services.

An example of a monopoly is a utility company

In the long run, if another store opens, the industry would become a duopoly

A duopoly is when there are two firms operating in industry.

The new store would charge lower prices in order to increase its customer base

PLS HELPPPP FASTTTT!!!!!! Kevin has a utility function U=W^1/2, where W is his wealth in millions of dollars and U is the utility he obtains from that wealth. In the final stage of a game show, the host offers Kevin a choice between (A) $9 million for sure, or (B) a gamble that pays $1 million with probability 0.4 and $16 million with probability 0.6.
Use the blue curve (circle points) to graph Kevin's utility function at wealth levels of $0, $1 million, $4 million, $9 million, and $16 million.

1. True or False: Kevin is risk averse.
2. Choice (A/B) offers Kevin a higher expected prize. (Hint: The expected value of a random variable is the weighted average of the possible outcomes, where the probabilities are the weights.)
3. Choice (A/B) offers Kevin a higher expected utility.
4. Kevin should pick choice (A/B) .


The answering is 3 choice A/B

Which of the following would represent the As-Is movie rental business process in 2010?Multiple ChoiceCustomer enters store, customer chooses movie, and customer pays for rental.Customer researches movie rental database online, customer chooses movie, customer picks up movie at movie store.Customer researches movie rental database online, customer chooses movie, and supplier ships movie to customer.All of these are correct.


Answer: All of these are correct


Customer enters store, customer chooses movie, and customer pays for rental, Customer researches movie rental database online, customer chooses movie, customer picks up movie at movie store, Customer researches movie rental database online, customer chooses movie, and supplier ships movie to customer.

You see a shirt you really like but it costs $50.00 and you cannot afford it right now. You see one on eBay that is exactly the same for $19.99 plus $1.50 in shipping. What percent are you saving off of the original in-store price if you buy the shirt on eBay? Please show your work. PLEASE HELP ASAP


Total cost of the shirt from

eBay is the price of the shirt plus the shipping:

19.99 + 1.50 = $21.49

Find the cost difference:

50 - 21.49 = $28.51

Divide the cost difference by original price:

28.51/50 = 0.5702

Multiply by 100 to get percent:

0.5702 x 100 = 57.02%

Answer: 57.02% ( you can probably round the answer to 57%)

Other Questions
A salesman in a highly visible and competitive field went to the police station to post bond for his son, who had been arrested for possession of a small quantity of narcotics. A photographer for the local newspaper who was at the police station took a picture of the salesman flanked by two bulky police officers. The photo, which looked like the pictures of alleged criminals being taken into custody, ran on a quarter of the front page because it was a slow news day. The photo was accompanied by a very small caption giving the salesman's name and stating that his son had been arrested for possession of narcotics. The salesman's boss was hypersensitive about the reputation of his company and fired the salesman after he saw the picture in the newspaper. If the salesman brings an invasion of privacy action against the newspaper, what is the most likely basis Select ALL the correct answers.What are three positive effects for countries that participate in international governmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations?O providing a neutral means of communication between countriesDincreasing efficiency within individual governmentschoosing political leaders for participating countriesO working together to deliver humanitarian aldsettling political disputes without military involvementResetNext A skydiver slows down from 65 m/s to 5 m/s by opening the parachute. If thistakes 0.75 seconds, what is the skydiver's acceleration?A. 45 m/s2 upB. 80 m/s2 upC. 45 m/s2 downD. 80 m/s2 down Which of the following fractions converts to a repeating decimals Why is the title of the story: The Good Samaritan? Explain. Robert is writing some checks. Write the numbers in numerals. Given h(x) = 3x - 6x +4, find h( - 6).....h( - 6) = Aaron, Blaine, and Cruz are solving the equation 4 7 (7 n) = 1. Aaron started his solution by multiplying both sides of the equation by 7 4 . Blaine started by using the distributive property to multiply 4 7 by both 7 and n. Cruz started by dividing both sides of the equation by 4 7 . P is inversely proportional DY. IF P=1.2=when y=100, calculatea the value of p when y=4b the value of y when p=3 A sailor (work)_____________ on a ship or a boat. Why did the Native American's observe the stars? What is the mean of the following list of extra credit points earned on a statistics test?10,8,18,17,7 Diseases I and II are prevalent among people in a certain population. It is assumed that 11% of the population will contract disease I sometime during their lifetime, 16% will contract disease II eventually, and 2% will contract both diseases. (a) Find the probability that a randomly chosen person from this population will contract at least one disease. .25 Correct: Your answer is correct. (b) Find the conditional probability that a randomly chosen person from this population will contract both diseases, given that he or she has contracted at least one disease. (Round your answer to four decimal places.) Choose the FALSE statement about undernourishment and malnourishment in the world. a. There is enough food produced on the planet to meet the populations nutritional needs. b. Producing more meat is the most effective way to increase food access. c. Deforestation can create more arable land to feed more people. d. Some areas have more food than they can use while other areas don't have enough food. Arrange the following events in proper chronological order: Question: 71 of 73 a. The giving of the Law b. The atoning death of Christ c. Malachi prophesies d. The promise to Abraham e. creation and fall f. Pentecost g. Exile in Babylon h. David is King over Israel i. Paul is shipwrecked j. The Judges rule over Israel IF a and bare roots of 3x - 6x + 2=0 ,then find. a, a-b List 4 Black American theatre makers (discussed in lecture) and briefly describe some of their significant contributions to contemporary theatre find the missing side length in the image below what is democracy why democracy using trig to solve for the missing angle