Explain how the positions of earthquakes (both on the surface and in the interior), seafloor paleomagnetic data and GPS data, support the plate tectonics hypothesis.


Answer 1


By providing information about tectonic plates.


The location or position of earthquake provide information about the presence of tectonic plates. The sliding of plates over one another is the main and single cause of earthquake. Continental drift is also the consequence of the movement of the plates which divides a single large continent into seven small continents so we can conclude that the location of earthquake provides evidences that supports the plate tectonics hypothesis.

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A recent study indicates that a certain drug may be useful in treating a certain disease. Which of these questions is least likely to be asked by someone critically thinking about the study? How many patients tested the drug? How long did patients take the drug? How much did patients’ conditions improve with the drug? How much does the drug cost?


The answer is a I just took the test

Which of the following
statement is true according
to the graphic in regards to
the spread of Islam?
A. Islam spread into Africa and Europe.
B. Islam was isolated in the Saudi Arabian
C. The spread of Islam only occurred from
622-632 CE.
D. The spread of Islam began in West
Africa first.


I think the answer is C
The correct answer is Ligma ha ligma balls

Assume that the east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa are separated by an average distance of 4,500 km. Assume also that global positioning system (GPS) measurements indicate that these continents are now moving apart at a rate of 3.75 cm/year. If you could assume that this rate has been constant over geological time, how long ago were these two continents joined together as part of a supercontinent



These continents joined together 120000000 years ago


Mention three sources of electricity



natural gas



When comparing groups of stars, which group has relatively low
luminosities and temperatures?


Answer: Red dwarfs


Red dwarfs are thought to be the coolest star out of the rest. They are also the smallest. Because they are so cool, their luminosity is low as well on account of the fact that relatively speaking, the fusion taking place on their surface is little.

Red dwarfs are the most numerous star in the universe and the most numerous in the Milky Way galaxy as well. We just can't see them with out naked eyes because of their low luminosities.

Why is it unlikely for stable life to develop over the first few hundred million years of Earth's history



In simple words, there existed no living on Earth for the first few million years since the environment was unsuitable for life. The original atmosphere of the Earth had a lot of water vapor but practically little oxygen. Volcanic activity blasted substances into the atmosphere such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water vapor, but no pure oxygenation.

help me please (50 POINTS)

Why was the battle of El Alamein significant?

A) The Allies defeated a major German commander.
B) The German army defeated the Allies severely.
C) It allowed Allied troops access to Egypt.
D) It served as the turning point of World War II.





The Allies defeated a major German commander: the battle of El Alamein significant. Thus, option A is the correct option.

What was the Battle of El Alamein?

Axis (German and Italian) forces of the Panzer Army Africa, which included the Afrika Korps under Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, and Allied (British Imperial and Commonwealth) forces of the Eighth Army under General Claude Auchinleck fought in Egypt in the First Battle of El Alamein (1–27 July 1942), a battle of the Second World War's Western Desert campaign.

The British stopped the Axis forces from entering Egypt again. Axis positions adjacent to El Alamein were perilously close to Egypt's ports and towns, the bases used by the Commonwealth troops, and the Suez Canal. El Alamein was just 106 kilometers (66 miles) from Alexandria. However, the Axis troops couldn't stay in El Alamein permanently because they were too distant from their headquarters in Tripoli, Libya.

Learn more about the Battle of El Alamein here:



Although freshwater biomes cover less than 1% of the Earth's surface, they are important because ________.



we depend on them for drinking water

they are home to lots of species

they are the source of our irrigation for agriculture

All of the above are reasons why freshwater biomes are important.

Although freshwater biomes cover less than 1% of the Earth's surface, they are important because fresh  water is the lifeblood of our planet they are the source of our irrigation for agriculture , are home to lots of species, we humans depend on them for drinking.

What is need to conserve freshwater?

Fresh water is any naturally occurring liquid or frozen water containing low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids.

Fresh water is vital to life and yet it is a finite resource. Although critical to natural and human communities, fresh water is threatened by a myriad of forces including overdevelopment, polluted runoff and global warming.

With this in mind, WWF partners with communities, businesses and others to decrease pollution, increase water efficiency and protect natural areas to ensure enough clean water exists to conserve wildlife and provide a healthy future for all.

Learn more about how to conserve freshwater here:



tipos de escalas sismicas


¿Escalas sísmicas?
Escala Modificada de Mercalli.
Escala de Richter.

¿Por qué es importante la red geográfica?



Por qué sirven para ubicarse en la superficie terrestre. Es fundamental para la elaboración de mapas y es la base del GPS.


espero haber ayudado

La red geográfica es la red terrestre de líneas imaginarias que sirve para localizar cualquier punto sobre la superficie terrestre mediante dos coordenadas, la Latitud y la Longitud. ... - Los meridianos sirven para obtener la coordenada relativa a la longitud (Este u Oeste).

realiza una carta dirijida para la autoridad de tu comunidad en donde expongas la problematica y las soluciones que propones para resolver el problema.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó mencionar cuál es el problema. Si no sabemos cuál es el problema, ¿cómo te ayudamos a escribir la carta?

Sin embargo, tratando de ayudarte, hicimos una exhaustiva investigación y encontramos una pregunta similar en la que el problema son las inundaciones en tu colonia.

De ser así, entonces la carta sería la siguiente.

Sistema de Agua de la Ciudad.


Estimados señores,

Por este conducto me permito expresar mi preocupación por las continuas inundaciones que se presentan en esta temporada de lluvias en el centro de la ciudad.

Sabemos que cada año sucede lo mismo, y un grupo de vecinos estamos preocupados por la situación ya que esas inundaciones provocan daños a nuestras casas, echando a perder muebles y varias posesiones de valor.

En años anteriores hemos insistido en que e sistema de alcantarillado y las tuberías son muy viejas y nunca se han hecho trabajos de reparaciones.

Por lo anterior, les vuelvo a solicitar de la manera más atenta que inicien pronto los trabajos de desazolve y reparación de tuberías dañadas porque el problema de inundación es recurrente.

Recordemos que el centro de la ciudad también es un sitio turístico. Y damos mala imagen a los turistas que nos vienen a visitar por el grado de inundación y encharcamiento de las calles.

Les agradezco su ayuda, y en espera de su amable respuesta, quedo a sus ordenes.


PLZ help me label this ​



i did not known answers to your answer and I will be mather chosen

Why is there different time zones in different parts of the world?
What's the time zone in your country?​


We have different time zones because the sun stays still but our planet earth rotates, so as the Earth rotates everyone is either receiving daylight or night! I am in Pacific daylight time :)

what are the main causes earth tremors? Please help​



The tectonic plates are always slowly moving, but they get stuck at their edges due to friction. When the stress on the edge overcomes the friction, there is an earthquake that releases energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause the shaking that we feel.

In decline in ownership of all four types of gadgets reflects problems in the economy, which statement can best be inferred from the chart above?


Answer: D. The economy was struggling in much of 2009.


In 2009, the ownership of mp3 players seemed to dip from April to September and only recovered afterwards.

Laptop computer ownership may not have decreased but stopped growing and remained the same in the same period. Desktop computer decreased in ownership and even Cellphone ownership decreased as well.

This means that all four gadgets were affected in 2009 in a negative manner which means that the economy struggled in that time period in 2009.

Explain the impact of human activities on soil and suggest measures to conserve it ??​



These include land use change, land management, land degradation, soil sealing, and mining. The intensity of land use also has a great impact on soils. Soils are also subject to indirect impacts arising from human activity, such as acid deposition (for example, sulphur and nitrogen) and heavy metal pollution

List out three methods of soil conservation

Following methods are normally adopted for conserving soil:

Afforestation: One of the best ways to conserve soil is to increase the area under forests. ...

Checking Overgrazing: ...

Constructing Dams: ...

Changing Agricultural Practices: ...


pls mark me as brainlist

The impact of human activities on soil are that some human activities have clear direct impacts.

These include land use change, land management, land degradation, soil sealing, and mining. The intensity of land use also has a great impact on soils.

Measures to conserve it include crop rotation, cover crops, conservation tillage and planted windbreaks

What is land degradation?

Land degradation is a process in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land.

It is viewed as any change or disturbance to the land perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.

Natural hazards are excluded as a cause; however human activities can indirectly affect phenomena such as floods and bush fires.

It is estimated that up to 4% of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded.

What is crop rotation?

Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area across a sequence of growing seasons. It reduces reliance on one set of nutrients, pest and weed pressure, and the probability of developing resistant pests and weeds.

A well-designed crop rotation can reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and herbicides by better using ecosystem services from a diverse set of crops. Additionally, crop rotations can improve soil structure and organic matter, which reduces erosion and increases farm system resilience.

To learn more about crop rotation here,



Leé el siguiente texto y responde: Por necesidad, por interés o por ignorancia, los diferentes grupos sociales vamos lentamente degradando el ambiente que nos rodea, incrementando nuestras vulnerabilidades o potenciando amenazas, sean de origen antrópico o natural. Las acciones que realizamos sobre nuestro medio, el uso o el desecho que hacemos de los recursos naturales están guiados por el interés inmediatista de responder a nuestra necesidades, pero este manejo genera efectos que se van acumulando, hasta que viene la sorpresa, el desastre "natural" que nadie esperaba, pero todos construimos día a día, año a año. a)¿Por qué creen que se menciona "natural" entre comillas?



Natural se encuentra entre comillas porque en realidad el desastre no es provocado por la naturaleza, es decir, que no es natural sino que es una consecuencia del mal uso de los recursos naturales, de la degradación del ambiente para satisfacer necesidades inmediatas en donde no se toma en cuenta el daño que estamos generando. Este daño se acumula e incrementa nuestras vulnerabilidades o potencia las amenazas, por ende los desastres no son naturales sino que son causados por el hombre.


Podemos deducir que la palabra natural se encuentra entre comillas al leer "vamos lentamente degradando el ambiente que nos rodea, incrementando nuestras vulnerabilidades o potenciando amenazas..." o "Las acciones que realizamos sobre nuestro medio, el uso o el desecho que hacemos de los recursos naturales...este manejo genera efectos que se van acumulando." En estas líneas se evidencia que los desastres naturales en realidad no son causados por la naturaleza sino que son una consecuencia del hombre por utilizar mal los recursos naturales y no cuidar el ambiente.

Which of the 4 strategies is best and why? (Justify your answer.)

1) Curved sea walls

2)Rock Armour

3)Beach replenishment

4)Nothing Coastal Management


Answer: All of these strategies help but also have a back side but i probably would go with the Curved Sea walls

Explanation:  sea walls are classified under term hard engineering which simply means ways to control natural processes The curved sea walls are built to on Larger scale concreted curve walls which are designed to reflect wave energy and they are easily  made in good areas of higher density and have a life span of up to 30-40 years which is more relatable and a bit long but it also have its weakness being it Expensive and its foundation might be undermined but it still is the best strategy

Which three of the following statements are probably true? Use the information in the three maps below (the World Climate Region map, the World Bioregions map, and the World Population map) and their legends to guide you.
a. Evergreen forests are associated with a steppe-type climate.
b. The tundra bioregion is found only in the polar regions.
c. Continental climates are found in the Northern Hemisphere, but not the Southern Hemisphere.
d. Climate and bioregion play a significant role in human settlement patterns.
e. There is a strong correlation, and possibly even a causal relationship, between climate and bioregion.





- Continental climates are found in the Northern Hemisphere, but not the Southern Hemisphere.

- Climate and bioregion play a significant role in human settlement patterns.

- There is a strong correlation, and possibly even a causal relationship, between climate and bioregion.


- Climate plays an important role in the location of plants and animals that in turn are crucial components of a bioregion.

- The Population Density map shows human settlement patterns. These patterns are consistent with the patterns on both the climate and bioregion maps.

- The color associated with the continental climate is blue. The color blue is found in the Northern Hemisphere but not the Southern Hemisphere.

What does the koala look like?


its in Wikipedia


you will get a lot of info from Wikipedia

An animal ……………………………..

The zone of convergence between sub-tropical and polar air masses, and where frequent traveling storms take place, is along the:



The zone of convergence between sub-tropical and polar air masses, and where frequent traveling storms take place, is along the sub-polar latitudes.


Convergence zones are meteorological systems that have a strong impact on global climate quality. These systems are formed by the interaction of various meteorological events that occur between different latitudes.

The convergence zone, which encompasses the subtropical and polar air masses, has an influence on the amount of storms that occur frequently. This convergence zone is located along subpolar latitudes, being strongly influenced by the humidity found in this region.

(a) What is irrigation agriculture?
(b) Discuss three factors which favour
irrigation agriculture in Nile Basin,
(c) List two importance and two
problems of irrigation.
(a) Describe the methods of irrigation
agriculture in either the Nile valley or the
Niger valley, (b) Give reasons for the
irrigation agriculture in any one of the
river valleys. (c) Discuss the problems
associated with irrigation agriculture in
the river valley you have chosen above



Basin or flooding mathod - involves the seasonal flooding of the nearby lands in the Nile Valley during which the flood water is trapped and cannot flow back into the Nile Valley

(ii) Perennial Method - involves the damming of rivers to create artificial reservoirs which can supply water to irrigation canals at any time of the year

(iii) The Shaduf Method - The oldest method during which farmers collect water from river channel, either with a bucket or a water bag, and pour it on their farms.

(b) Reasons for irrigation agriculture in Nile valley are:

(i) To supply water to the soil as little or no rainfall is experienced around these areas

(ii) To fight drought as Egypt experiences desert climate

(iii) To produce crops all year round.

(c) Problems associated with irrigation agriculture in the Nile Valley are:

(i) There is the problem of fluctuation in the level of water used for irrigation purposes

(ii) Presence of excess of mineral salt like sodium which are injurious to plant growth

(iii) Over-flooding could be disastrous

(iv) Construction of many dams disturbs normal flow of water.

How did Japan's geography help to control its territory and keep European traders out before the mid 1800s?


Japan's geography help to control its territory and keep European traders out before the mid 1800s by: inland geography with mountains. Japan's geography help to control its territory and keep European traders out before the mid 1800s by: inland geography with mountains.
Japan's geography help to control its territory and keep European traders out before the mid 1800s by: inland geography with mountains. Japan's geography help to control its territory and keep European traders out before the mid 1800s by: inland geography with mountains

Do you have some tips on how to memorize map locations on any map? I can remember some but it's very difficult to remember all of them ​



I mean you could memorize them and then test yourself on the locations, and those you forgot you can keep practicing them


you can also use the key, which is where certain places have a specific sign to that area, that probably didnt make sense...

please help to answer thus question asap!! please​


sorry I don't know the answer

1. Liquid because it molds into whatever shape it is put in. Like water in a glass and pouring it into a bucket.

2. Evaporation. The sun hits water and it evaporates into the clouds, eventually causing rain

Can hydrogen Bonds form among hydrogen chloride molecules? Why?​



Despite its electronegativity, size of a chlorine atom is larger and hence, the electron density is low. So, HCl does not have hydrogen bonding but, HF,NH3,H2O shows hydrogen bonding.The hydrogen bond does not form because the chlorine atom is too large. Despite chlorine's high electronegativity its big size lowers the negative charge density and it is not enough to attract a hydrogen atom in a stable phase. Nevertheless, there is a small dipole-dipole attraction between adjacent HCL molecules.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...
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