Explain the goal and purpose of an advertising company.


Answer 1


The goal is to get money


The purpose of it is to catch the peoples attention. For Example if I said you can get this toy for this amount but then I said you can get this toy and has weapons. But in reality the toy that has accessories cost more than the toy without the accessories.

Answer 2

They want to get as much money from a company like Pepsi and to make an ad for Cable to let people know they are still relevant or doing something different even though lots of people know what pepsi is if they stop their relevancy would go down and they would stop making as much money.

Basic explanation- To advertise.

Related Questions

Discuss the imagery of the Poem "Grey Day at Waterval Farm" by Lionel Murcott

550 words, please help me I need to pass the English module I failed




Explanation:whom knows

What is the meaning of the word 'set' in the given sentence? The date of the test has not been set yet. ​


Answer: it means the date hasn’t been put in place

_. I enjoy summer sports like
water skiing and baseball. The weather is usually sunny and hot, so I can go to the beach
almost every day. Gardening is my hobby and I spend many summer days working in my
garden. Unfortunately, the days pass too quickly in summer.
A. I like to garden in summer.
B. Summer is my favorite season.
C. Summer is too short.​



what's the question here ?


a and b..................................



Why is Shakespeare important?


Answer: Shakespeare is probably the most famous playwright in the world, having written 37 plays and 154 sonnets. ... Shakespeare wrote about timeless themes such as life and death, youth versus age, love and hate, fate and free will, to name but a few.

Which sentence uses the passive voice for the main verb?
Answer:C "When we can pick our reading, mythology is most often chosen in my class."


Answer: it is C


All of the following are basic elements to look for when determining the subject of a painting, except
O time period
O color
O overall scene
O composition



composition Explanation:

C : composition of a painting gives a small amount of the painter and his intentions for drawing. The time period reveals evidence of a real person , color is definitely a eye catcher reveals who the subject was the scene will tell you the stays of the person. Their outloook on the art

When writing a conclusion to an essay about providing childcare for working parents, which of the
following would be the best method to use?
A. Frighten the reader with statistics about children who are unsupervised during the workday.
B. Describe what might be possible if workplaces were to provide childcare for their employees.
C. Introduce a new point about workplace childcare for parents who live in urban areas.
D. Repeat every point mentioned in the introduction about the background of workplace childcare.





It is strongly advised that in a conclusion you don't introduce any new points. An effective conclusion provides the reader with a sense of closure and serves to wrap things up. You should repeat the points you made in your body paragraphs but make sure not to bombard the reader with too much information

e.g. If you followed this structure in your body paragraphs. (Point) (Why it's important) (Statistics), you should only mention your point in your conclusion along with a brief summary of why it's important.

Describe what might be possible if workplaces were to provide childcare for their employees. The correct option is B.

The goal of the conclusion is to restate the essay's main ideas and leave the reader with one last idea or call to action.

Option B supports this goal by presenting a picture of the advantages and opportunities that could arise if employers offered childcare to their staff.

It enables the article to close on a hopeful and forward-looking note, highlighting the possible advantages of putting such a policy into place.

The conclusion to the essay on childcare for working parents would not be strong and conclusive if it consisted of repeating the introduction (option D), frightening the reader with statistics (option A), or introducing a new topic (option C).

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding conclusion, visit:



An action that rewards a particular kind of behavior

positive sanction
negative sanction
formal sanction
informal sanction
vested interests



Positive Sanction


Ideology - A system of ideas and ideals.

Internalization -  The process of acceptance of a set of norms and values established by people.

Positive Sanction - Rewards given for conforming to norms.

Negative Sanction - Punishments for violating norms.

Formal Sanction - A personal stake or involvement in an undertaking or state of affairs.

Informal Sanction - Actions in response to someone's behavior that may serve to discourage nonconformity.

Vested Interests - Actions that are legalized and official in nature and enforced by an authoritative force.


Positive Sanction

Explanation: Edge 2021

Can someone help me


It’s d, mocking others behaviours wouldn’t allow any development


Answer is D


You don't get social awareness from mocking other people.

join the sentence He does not know anythin. That is certain​



he does not know anything, that's certain


Please help me find the nouns and adjectives for this passage



NOUN                  ADJECTIVE

Anteater.             Strange

Ants.                    Long

Termites.             Coarse

Man.                    Bushy

Ground                Hanging                      




hope this helps, have a nice day!

What is the subject of the poem America?



The poem America by Claude McKay is about how African Americans were treated. He uses a lot of figurative languages to make the poem more interesting.


What is special about the road Dorothy is to take to the City of Emeralds in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

A. The bricks are made of emeralds.

B. It is paved with yellow bricks.

C. There are hidden holes in the road that she could fall through.

D. The road is paved in silver.



If I still remember the story perfectly , I say :

B. It is paved with yellow bricks

Who is the narrator of The Great Gatsby?

A. Jordan Baker
B. Tom Buchanan
C. Nick Carraway
D. Jay Gatsby


Nick Carraway is the narrator of The Great Gatsby so C

the moment when the main character has a change of heart or figures out how to overcome the conflict at hand



meaning the person could feel bad about something that is happening

Which best describes a purpose of a business letter?

to tell a story
to share a memory
to wish someone luck
to make a formal request



to make a formal request


bc it is for buissness so it has to be as formal as possible


To make a formal request.


What part of speech does an adjective describe?
O verb
O noun
O adverb





An adjective describes a noun or a pronoun.

an adjective describes a verb

Which word from the passage gives the best indication of the speaker’s tone?





if u on here cheating and u dare to question are u ok???




A conflict is a struggle between?



A struggle between two forces




a conflict is a struggle between two opposing forces


Reread Nick's dialogue with Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby. Do you think that Nick trusts Jordan's ideas about Gatsby? What makes you think so? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer.


Based on the dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

This is highlighted when Jordan mentions that Gatsby had told her that he went to Oxford but she doesn't believe him

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done about a particular event and shows the sequence of actions involved.

Hence, we can see that based on the complete text, there is a dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

Thus, the specific example is cited above.

Read more about The Great Gatsby here:



I will never forget that lonesome hill of stone that is her
final bed, as it fades from my sight. I tread softly by my
uncle, my hand in his. I walk with my head turned, watching
that small hill as it fades from my sight. The soldiers make
us continue walking. My uncle talks to me, trying to
comfort me. I walk in loneliness.
Which statement best describes how the author's word choice contributes to
the tone of the passage?
O A. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
a sad and isolated tone.
O B. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
an angry and aggressive tone.
O C. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage an angry and aggressive tone.
D. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage a sad and isolated tone.



It would be answer D


Change in Indirect speech
Does that mobile phone cost high? ​



Did that mobile phone cost high?

Please Mark Me As Brainliest

Pretest form language in poetry



All languages are pretty in their own sense.

Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols or celebrities.


They can support the voice finder stuff and many more just showing love to the and I don’t like as many people but it’s not good

who was the author of a farewell to arms


The author would be Ernest Hemmingway


Ernest Hemingway,


hope this helped :)

Conducting research is similar to going on a trip. Choosing a topic helps you
decide where you're headed in your research. Your major research questions
then direct your course by becoming your map and helping to answer the
question, Why am I going there? Write down two possible research topics that
you're interested in learning more about and explain why you chose those topics.
Then write five research questions about each topic.



Topic One: Animation!

I'm a huge fan of animated TV shows and I want to know more about how they're done.

-How do animators come up with the vision for the characters?

-How did the artists learn to draw the style used for the show?

-How long does it take to animated one episode?

-When choosing music, how do you make a decision on the correct song?

-How long does it take to complete one series?

Topic Two: Music Artists.

I listen to music a lot, so I'm curiorus.

-How do the artists come up with the lyrics?

-How many times does it take for the artists to finally get seen?

-Why did they start learning music?

-Why did they share their music?

-How did they come up with musical chords?


I hope this helps!

As you gather sources, how do you know which sources will be useful for your project?

written answer



The sources that are trustworthy and proven to be factual.


You want to use a source that you know isn't some fake source that is just making things up. You would choose like history.com over wikipedia and that kind of thing.


By figuring out the the facts from that source of information is accurate.

Scenario - Crowded Store: There are a lot of customers in the store and you are the only associate working. For the past fifteen minutes, you have been helping the same customer. After going through the third product, the customer asks to see the first product again.

What would you MOST likely do to handle this situation?

A, Tell the customer you need to assist other customers. When a decision is made, you will be happy to check-out the customer.

B. Walk the customer back to the first product. Tell the customer you need to check on other customers but will return shortly.

C. Go over to the first product and answer the customer's questions. Continue working with the customer until the customer gets what is needed.

D. Point the customer in the direction of the first product to review independently.


D is the best so they don’t feel the pressure of you looking over them and you get to help out other customers

The scenario in the crowded store can best be handled this way: B. Walk the customer back to the first product. Tell the customer you need to check on other customers but will return shortly.

In the scenario described, the employee has to make a choice between leaving other customers unattended and satisfying the needs of the current customer.

To meet the situation halfway, it will be best for the sales representative to direct the customer to the first product and promise to return shortly after checking on the other customers.

Learn more about customer service here:


Read the passage from the story “The Minister’s Black Veil.” In this passage, the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth, tries to get Mr. Hooper to remove the veil. How might you best rewrite the request she makes of him?

From “The Minister’s Black Veil”

“There is an hour to come,” said he, “when all of us shall cast aside our veils. Take it not amiss, beloved friend, if I wear this piece of cra pe till then.”

“Your words are a mystery, too,” returned the young lady. “Take away the veil from them, at least.”

“Elizabeth, I will,” said he, “so far as my vow may su ffer me. Know, then, this veil is a type and a symbol, and I am bound to wear it ever, both in light and darkness, in solitude and before the gaze of multitudes, and as with strangers, so with my familiar friends. No mortal eye will see it withdrawn. This dismal shade must separate me from the world: even you, Elizabeth, can never come behind it!”

“If you won’t take away the veil, then please at least explain to me why you wear it.”

“Please explain the sermon you preached last Sunday when you were wearing the veil.”

“I don’t understand what you just said. Would you mind at least repeating it?”

“If you don’t remove the veil, then don’t you realize you are breaking your word to me?”


In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth, tries to get Hooper to remove the veil. In this passage, he explains why he cannot. In which sentence is Hooper’s argument for keeping the veil best summed up?

From “The Minister’s Black Veil”

“Your words are a mystery . . .” returned the young lady. “Take away the veil from them, at least.”

“Elizabeth, I will,” said he, “so far as my vow may suffer me. Know, then, this veil is a type and a symbol, and I am bound to wear it ever, both in light and darkness, in solitude and before the gaze of multitudes, and as with strangers, so with my familiar friends. No mortal eye will see it withdrawn. This dismal shade must separate me from the world: even you, Elizabeth, can never come behind it!”

“What grievous affliction hath befallen you,” she earnestly inquired, “that you should thus darken your eyes forever?”

“If it be a sign of mourning,” replied Mr. Hooper, “I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”


“No mortal eye will see it withdrawn.”


“This dismal shade must separate me from the world: even you, Elizabeth, can never come behind it!”


“I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”


“Your words are a mystery . . .,” returned the young lady. “Take away the veil from them, at least.”


C. “I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”


According to the passage from the story “The Minister’s Black Veil.”, Elizabeth tries to make Mr. Hooper remove his veil but he refuses to do so and tells her that no mortal should be able to see beyond the veil and that not even she could make him take it off.

In this passage, the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth, tries to get Mr. Hooper to remove the veil.

The best way to rewrite the request the minister’s fiancée, Elizabeth makes of Mr. Hooper to remove the veil is option C, “I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.”

How ____________ now? Better than before?
A. you are feeling
B. do you feel
C. did you feel









To solve this question you have to read all of them out so like this:

A. How you are feeling now?

B. How do you feel now?

C. How did you feel now?

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