Explain the majoritarian policy followed by Sri Lanka.


Answer 1


In Sri Lanka, there were two types of Tamils- Sinhala Tamils and Indian Tamils who migrated to Sri Lanka for job employment opportunities. Sinhala Tamils constitute the majority of the Sri Lankan population and there was a majority rule in Sri Lanka. This can be seen in the act passed in 1956 which recognized Sinhala as the official language. The majority rule was pushed to the extreme when Sinhalans came to be favored at job places and were given top priorities in terms of employment. Later, Buddhism was supported in Sri Lanka as Sinhalans were great followers of Buddism, thus disregarding the feelings of other minorities' and Indian Tamils' feelings.

Related Questions

What impact will your goals have on your schedule?
They will guide decisions about how you plan to use your time.
They will limit your available time.
They will determine what activities are available to you.
They will determine the courses you must take in high school.


The most reasonable answer is the first option.

Our country is rich in water resources but it still lags behind in development. In your view, what are the reasons behind this? Mention them.​




the reasons behind this are :

1. lack of skilled man power

2. lack of capital

2. lack of modern technology

4. corruption

5. lack of education

How did early civilizations in the Americas differ from those in the Eastern Hemisphere?



they develop slower due to the fact that civilizations in the Americas were farther spread apart than civilizations in the eastern hemisphere.

I hope this helps.

what is meant by national project​



National Projects means any of the projects funded by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) set forth in Exhibit A


i hope it'll help you


Answer: The projects which will enhance the common identity of people along with their quality of life in terms of social, economical, cultural & environmental aspects & are completed within a particular interval of time in particular places can be referred as national pride projects.

who is the president of india ?



Ram Nath Kovind



Ramnath Kovind


Ramnath Kovind is the current President of India.

A man was negligently driving down the road, not paying attention to where he was going. Because of this, he hit and seriously injured a pedestrian who was lawfully crossing the street. The accident was witnessed by the pedestrian's friend who was standing on the sidewalk. As a result of seeing the pedestrian injured, her friend suffered extreme emotional distress that physically affected her nervous system. The friend brings suit against the driver for negligent infliction of emotional distress in a jurisdiction that has adopted the majority approach in bystander cases. Will the friend prevail




Explanation:Because of the driver,she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system,so therefore,the friend has the legal right to suit the driver

Yes, Because of the driver, she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system, therefore, the friend has the legal right to sue the driver.

What are the most important traffic rules?

The maximum important rule of thumb for using is to keep away from accidents or accidents to different avenue users. you could try this with the aid of waiting for other drivers' movements, leaving a safety net, and using within the law.

What are traffic rules?

The Most Important Traffic Rules to Follow:

Don't Drink and Drive.You always have a valid Car Insurance Policy.Wear your seat belt while you are driving.Using a Mobile Phone while Riding.Speed.Skip the Red Light.

Learn more about Traffic Rules here: brainly.com/question/1071840


how can price stability affect the economy positively? (4)​



Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.


Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.

justify the statement that the constitution of Nepal ( 2072 ) was documents of political consensus.​




Randy has a box of Smarties candies. Randy leaves the room, and while he is away, Michelle plays a trick on him. She removes the Smarties and replaces them with rocks. Their son, Zeven, notices this, and starts laughing knowing that his Dad, Randy, will be tricked! Zeven has mastered:


Start knowing seven mastered

Randy has a box of Smarties candies. Randy leaves the room, and while he is away, Michelle plays a trick on him. She removes the Smarties and replaces them with rocks. Their son, Zeven, notices this, and starts laughing knowing that his Dad, Randy, will be tricked! Zeven has mastered the theory of mind.

What are the tools of the theory of mind?

A classic 'false-belief' exercise is commonly used to evaluate the theory of mind. This test demonstrates unequivocally that children comprehend that a person can be inaccurate about something they understand.

The ability to reason about one's own and others' mental states is referred to as the theory of mind. This capacity is vital for predicting and understanding the acts of others, it is necessary for effective communication, it promotes social learning, and it serves as the foundation for empathetic care.

Learn more about the theory of mind here:



Why should there be laws against using cell phones while driving ?



Cell phone use while driving has become a leading cause of vehicle crashes over the last two decades. Using a cell phone while driving increases the driver's risk of causing a crash. Drivers are distracted, decreasing the driver's awareness on the road, leading to more car crashes.


Yes because... Using a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. Physically holding a handset removes one hand from the controls, making accidents more likely, while dialling is even worse, as it also requires the user to divert their attention away from the road.

Wgat are the 5 religoin that don't believe in worshipping idol?​







christianity (jesus is not seen as an idol)

Geographically India is a________ ​



Geographically, India is a peninsula.


i thinks its


The principle of environmental sustainability states that: Group of answer choices A strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment Preventive measures should be taken when an activity raises threats of harm to the environment All people in society should receive equal treatment with respect to environmental laws and policies A polluter should bear the expense of carrying out pollution prevention and control measures



A strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment


An environment

This is simply known as all the things around us. This entails both the living and nonliving things.

Environmental science

This is said to be an interdisciplinary science. It shows or teaches us how humans interact with both living and nonliving parts of their environment.

Goals of environmental science

1. To learn how the earth has survived and thrive

2. To understand how humans interact with the environment

3. To find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more sustainable.

Find out things of national importance avaible in your community.What are the measures to promote these valueable things?Prepare an action to support these important measures.


Answer: Flora, fauna, mountains, rivers, plains, geothermic sites, monuments can be exploited by public.


Flora: The diversity of flora can be specific or confined to a particular community or region so the protection against its exploitation is suggested as some of the plants are of economic value.

Fauna: Like plants, animals, birds and other faunal species are also confined to local placed and their are also of economic value so their exploitation must be protected from hunting, poaching, and wildlife trafficking.

Resources like mountains, plains, rivers, oceans, geothermic sites must be protected against human exploitation. Like mountains can be removed from their sites for construction of roads and for other kinds of infrastructure. River, ocean water can be contaminated with agricultural waste, sewage sludge, industrial waste, some monuments can be broken to create buildings.

Action report can be created and at the individual level people must be punished according to the environmental laws.

1. The story your grandfather tells you about his experience during the Korean



This is a primary source because your grandfather witnessed and participated in the Korean war. Therefore, his story is a primary source.


Have a great day

What is corruption and how can we minimize corruptions in our country?

pls help



Ways to minimize corruption:

addressing key areas like health and education service delivery, or the development of natural resources. establishing accountability through oversight systems and transparent decision-making. strengthening the accountability function of civil society and an independent media.

Part D
What impact did price-fixing have on consumers?



Consumers were forced to pay higher prices for e-books.



The impact of practices such as price-fixing on consumers leads to paying an extra amount even for those goods that are generally priced very lower than their actual selling-price in the market.

What is the significance of price fixing?

Price-fixing is referred to or considered as such a method, where the number of sellers of a particular product or service in a particular market enter into an agreement to fix their selling prices in order to increase the profits.

When price fixing is being practiced in the market, the consumers are at loss, because they do not have any other option but to buy the products at the prices determined by the agreement between the sellers. Furthermore, any new seller in the market has to enter into agreement of selling goods at such agreed prices.

Therefore, the impact of practices such as price-fixing on consumers and its significance has been aforementioned.

Learn more about price-fixing here:



b. We learn.......from civilized society.​



These include: (1) large population centers; (2) monumental architecture and unique art styles; (3) shared communication strategies; (4) systems for administering territories; (5) a complex division of labor; and (6) the division of people into social and economic classes.

why do foreign people visit national heritage of nepal? In 4 points. ​



Nepal is a country of contrasts. Spectacular natural riches combine with a vibrant culture and sense of history. that might be one of the reasons foreign people visit.

what is soical evil define it



The problem and evils which is held in our society in

society is called socian evils

what is meant by purchasing power of customers ?
plz help​!!!



Purchasing power of customers can be defined as the financial ability of the customers to buy goods and services by making payment using a legal tender or unit of currency (money).


Economic forces can be defined as the factors that influence and determine the level of success, competitiveness and the direction of the economy in which a business firm operates in.

Basically, economic forces include factors such as; inflation rate, standards of living, unemployment rate, credit, law, tax rates, government policies, income distribution and purchasing power in a particular country.

Purchasing power of customers can be defined as the financial ability of the customers to buy goods and services by making payment using a legal tender or unit of currency (money).

Simply stated, it's the amount of goods and services that a customer can buy with a unit of currency (money) at a particular period of time.

One of the functions of money is it being a store of value because it allows the purchasing power of consumers to be transferred from the present to the future.

Hence, money being a store of value makes it possible to transfer purchasing power between traders and buyers from the present to the future.

In conclusion, the purchasing power of a customer is the amount of money that he or she has to spend in buying goods and services.

Please help me with this please please help please please help me please please please help I don’t know how much I need help with this please please help please

A. Why is Harry's insistence on being placed in Gryffindor House instead of Slytherin House so significant in terms of his development as a character?

Introductory Statement/ Hook:

Statement of Intent: reason A and B :

thesis reason A and B:


#1 Point #1: Introduce REASON A here, but use general statement

#1: Provide quotations from the novel to support Reason A

Explanation #1:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:

#2 Point #2: Introduce REASON B here, but use general statements
#1: Provide quotations from the novel to support ReasonB

Explanation #1:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:

Restate/ Summarize Thesis:
Restate/ Summarize Points:

Call to action:


This won't be the essay but it'll help maybe.

It was an easy way to set up bad guys, and to make Harry a good guy by default.

J K Rowling doesn't like Slytherins. She chose them to be her antagonists, to be the standard by which to measure appropriate behaviour. Want to be a good person? Don't act like a Slytherin.

Of course, she won't say this. Ostensibly all the official traits of Slytherins aren't particularly bad. Ambition. Cunning. Ruthless determination. They're useful, important skills. But throughout the series, we are constantly pushed to accept that these are bad traits, because they are Slytherin traits, and there ‘wasn't a dark witch or wizard that went bad that wasn't in Slytherin' despite this being blatantly untrue.

Harry choosing Gryffindor over Slytherin is supposed to represent the idea that ones choices are what makes someone a good person, rather than their circumstances, which is a theme repeated often throughout the books. Unfortunately, J K Rowling doesn't seem to believe that cunning or ambitious people can or will make that choice. Even when Snape does act in a good manner, it's then immediately said that ‘perhaps we sort too soon', as if acting like a good person suddenly made him less Slytherin.

So yeah, tangential rant but basically it was a way to push him down the path of the hero, and to set up the idea that being brave would be enough to get you through all life's perils, and to reinforce the idea that he has to be a good person, because he chose not to go sit with the evil kids.

Harry is supposed to be a foil to Voldemort, a reflection on the choices he could've made but didn't. Both Half-blood, both muggle-raised, both abused, but with Harry choosing loving his new world over hating his old one. It doesn't quite translate, because there's significant differences between Harry's and Voldemort's situations, but it was the intention. The sorting is the first step Harry takes away from following the path Tom Riddle laid down, thus portraying that for all their seeming similarities, Harry is fundamentally good, where Voldemort is just evil. Y'know, because he's Slytherin.

by someone named Alex Knight

Instructions: Select the correct answer below. The command function must be clearly established from the beginning of an incident. When command is transferred, the process must include: A meeting of all Command and General Staff to communicate tactical direction. A briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective operations. A revision of the incident objectives and the development of a new Incident Action Plan. A listing of preferred terminology for organizational functions, incident facilities, resource descriptions, and position titles.



A briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective operations.


A command may be described as an order which is usually authoritative and should be obeyed as it is usually issued by a superior. The command will entail taking necessary procedures, information on all aspects which are bound by the issued protocol. The command will usually be given in clear terms and as such everything binding in the command information given must be captured in other to ensure an enforced action.

Goal displacement is A. the tendency for workers in a bureaucracy to become so specialized that they develop blind spots and fail to notice obvious problems. B. a principle of organizational life according to which each individual within a hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence. C. overzealous conformity to official regulations within a bureaucracy. D. the process by which a group, organization, or social movement becomes increasingly bureaucratic.



Goal displacement is:

C. overzealous conformity to official regulations within a bureaucracy.


In a more literal sense, goal displacement happens when an organization chooses new goals over the original ones in order to achieve certain results or simply to keep things functioning. When it comes to bureaucracy, goal displacement refers to paying so much attention to rules and regulations that the end goal of serving and helping ends up being left aside.

are used as a means for head and neck protection in the event of a vehicle collision. a) Safety belts b) Head restraints c) Airbags d) ABS systems 3 Question 3 Changes in visibility usually have no impact on the way that the IPDE process is used. a) True b) False 4 Question 4 When using headlights, speed should: a) Be increased b) Remain the same c) Be decreased 5 Question 5 _______________ improve a driver's ability to identify hazards and conditions in the driving environment and even act as a warning to fellow drivers in certain situations.



1. b) Head restraints

2. b) False

3. c) Be decreased

4. Headlights


1. Head restraints: are used as a means for providing head and neck protection to an automobile car driver in the event of a vehicle collision.

2. False: changes in visibility usually have no impact on the way that the Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute (IPDE) process is used. Actually, changes in the level of visibility at a particular point in time usually have an effect on the IPDE driving process, which are principles that pertains to defensive driving and the complexities of visibility in traffic.

3. When using headlights, speed should: be decreased. This is the recommended and advisable thing for all drivers to do because excessive speeding at night might lead to a car accident or road traffic crash.

4. Headlights: improve a driver's ability to identify hazards and conditions in the driving environment and even act as a warning to fellow drivers in certain situations.

What does it mean to make "difficult choices" when creating a federal budget? deciding how to keep interest rates on the national debt low deciding which country to borrow from to finance spending deciding how much to lend and how much to tax deciding what will be funded and what will be cut


The correct answer is "deciding what will be funded and what will be cut."

What does it mean to make "difficult choices" when creating a federal budget?

The correct answer is: "deciding what will be funded and what will be cut."

The main job of the Office of Management and Budget is to create the federal budget based on the needs of various agencies.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) supports the President of the United States when elaboration on the annual budget for government agencies. This office prepares the budget, elaborates the regulatory policies of the executive agencies, coordinates with the legislative branch because Congress has to approve the budget, and oversees all the processes.

For this office, it is always a difficult moment when they have to decide what will be funded and what will be cut, depending on the different necessities.




Anthropology is the most liberating of all the sciences. Not only has it exposed the fallacies of racial and cultural superiority, but its devotion to the study of all peoples, everywhere and throughout time, has cast more light on human nature than all the reflections of sages or the studies of laboratory scientists. William A. Haviland, et al., Cultural Anthropology, 11th edition Group of answer choices Argument; conclusion: Not only has it exposed ... cultural superiority. Argument; conclusion: Its devotion to the study ... of laboratory animals. Argument; conclusion: Anthropology is the most liberating of all the sciences. Argument; conclusion: Anthropology is devoted to the study of all peoples.



c). Argument; conclusion: Anthropology is the most liberating of all sciences.


The given description includes the argument and the deduction that 'Anthropology is characterized as the most emancipating among all the sciences.' It is an argument as it offers proper topic for discussion along with proper reasoning through adequate factual evidence to back the claim. The mention of William A. Haviland's book functions to establish the credibility of the statement and shows that the conclusion is made on the adequate study and therefore, reliable. Thus, option c is the correct answer.

Within the last year, Mr. Shangkun has been fired by three different employers because they each discovered that he was stealing money or materials from their companies. Although he feels no remorse for his misdeeds, his outward signs of repentance have dissuaded his former employers from taking him to court. Mr. Shangkun's behavior is most indicative of Group of answer choices



The answer is "antisocial personality disorder".


Mental illness is an antisocial psychological disorder when folks start to display disregard for wrong and right. They exhibit neither regret but rather a remorse for their wrongdoing. Because of this, the laws, rules, and regulations are being broken. They were unable to, either in their home, society, or in their work to perform out the responsibilities assigned to them.

Differentiate between skilled and semi-skilled human resources in a sentence?



Most semi-skilled workers have a high school diploma. ... Most semi-skilled jobs do not require specialized education. Semi-skilled workers have skills that are highly transferrable, meaning that they can use their skills in multiple fields and multiple different kinds of jobs

You are a new teacher in rural area. You don't know the local language and society. You communicate using English, while only few people in the community can speak English. How do you solve the problem of the relationship between the language and the society you live in?


I will. try to understand their languages and try to explain my language to those people who doesn't understand me. I will treat normally like I have lived there for many time. I will behave friendly with them. I can talk with them by using sign language if theydon't understand me even after explaining my language to them.

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