Explain the process of digestion in human


Answer 1


Humans have holozoic nutrition, that means the food is consumed as a whole and the digestion occurs internally. It can be described as:

1. Ingestion of food- The food is taken in the oral cavity in the process called the ingestion. The teeth help in grinding of the food, salivary amylase helps in partial breakdown of the starch and the tongue helps in mixing the food with saliva and helps in swallowing it. The food is now called bolus.

2. Digestion- The process of break-down of complex substances into simpler substances is called digestion and it starts with the mouth where physical break-down occurs along with some chemical digestion. The bolus is swallowed in and it arrives in stomach where the digestion of proteins occurs due to presence of the enzyme pepsin. Bolus is now called the chyme. This chyme now moves into the small intestine where rest of the process of digestion will be completed. The pancreatic juice, the intestinal juice and the bile will result in breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and the rest of the proteins. The chyme is now called the chyle and it moves to the large intestine where the water is absorbed.

3. Absorption- The digested food is absorbed via the finger-like projections present on the inner surface of the small-intestine and the reach the blood stream.

4. Assimilation- The absorbed food is then used by different tissues for the energy generation. The excess food is stored as glycogen in the liver and s fats in adipose tissue.

5. Excretion- The undigested material passes from the small-intestine to the rectum of the large-intestine, from where it is removed from the body through anus.


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help pleaseee


The answer is 2. 2 Hydrogen atoms to 1 Oxygen atom.

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i think White Dwarf


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It is main sequence, my dear...

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The bone marrow has more antigens than erythrocytes. You can find erythrocytes in the bone & in the blood.

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Answer: probably 2


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The kidneys filter the blood by creating urine. The blood has to travel through these tissue cells to get into the kidney. There are lots of elastic tubes that the soon to be urine travels through while being filtered. The kidneys rely on blood pressure from the heart to move the liquid so lack muscle tissue. The kidneys do not control when you urinate as they simply pass the urine in to your bladder. Explain why the kidneys have each tissue listed below or why they don’t have each tissue.

Muscle Tissue :

Epithelial Tissue :

Nervous Tissue :

Connective Tissue :



Muscle Tissue : The kidneys rely on blood pressure to move, since they lack muscle tissue.

Epithelial Tissue : The kidneys contain simple cuboidal epithelial tissue, which secretes and absorbs. Thus absorbing toxins from blood to be turned to urine.

Nervous Tissue : Kidneys to not contain nervous tissue due to the fact that they do not control when you urinate, but rather simply just pass the urine to the bladder.

Connective Tissue : Kidneys do contain Connective Tissue, called renal fascia, in order to keep the many elastic tubes in place, and a capsule of renal fascia closely envelopes each kidney to protect, and provide support for each kidney inside.

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after you moving something like down a hill it will gradually get faster and faster


If you move some down a slope it will gradually pick the pace up

1/1 point
The vertebral region is superior to the:



The vertebral region is superior to the sacral region


Superior meaning toward the head of the body, or looking down on sacral region below

How do cells in a multicellular organism become specialized to carry out different functions?


In order for a cell to differentiate into its specialized form and function they manipulate genes and those proteins to be expressed , The primary mechanism by which genes are turned “on” or “off” is through transcription factors.

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hola soy doragsjgsjgwjwfj Rockwood

7. What is the chemical energy in the cell called?



It is Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)


Hope it helps



please help me i’ll give brainlist



smooth endoplasmic known as (SER) and rough endoplasmic which are known as (RER)


endoplasmic reticulum conponent of pathways of protein that are somewhat storage

I need help 7 through 15
I will reward you brainliest



gimme a lil bit of time brb


1. Which of the following choices is NOT part of the central nervous system?
a. Brain
c. Spinal cord
b. Ganglion
d. Gray matter



I think it's b I thinkkkk

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correct answers only:)


Atoms are divisible into electrons, neutrons, and protons.

can someone help me
I really can't understand it everyone is saying stroke SOMEONE HELP me



B. acronym


CVA is the abbreviation for cerebrovascular accident. Cerebrovascular accident is the medical name, but it is also known as a stroke.

Have a nice day!

  I hope this is what you are looking for, but if not - comment! I will edit and update my answer accordingly. (ノ^∇^)

- Heather

Knowing that death and dying is a natural part of aging process which of the following statements is true there are major reactions of stage to death people always experience family and friends.


Answer: Varies


It all connects to the afterlife being a real thing.

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the answer is the blood cells

The one that is not among the kinds of specialized cells in man is digestive cells, the correct option is c.

What are specialized cells?

Specialized cells are cells that are designed to perform a specific function in the body, such as red blood cells, which are designed to transport oxygen.

Nerve cells assist in the contraction or relaxation of muscles depending on the specific job at hand.

The intestinal epithelium contains a variety of cell types, including enterocytes, Paneth cells, goblet cells, and neuroendocrine cells. The main cell type in intestinal epithelium is enterocytes.

Specialized cells form tissues, tissues form organs, and organs form the systems that make up our bodies. Specialized cells include nerve cells, blood cells, and reproductive cells.

Thus, the correct option is c.

For more details regarding specialized cells, visit:



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A None of these

B Models help scientists understand concepts and processes

C Both of these

D Things may be too big or too small to measure or use practically



option  B


Because scientist wants to how a child is similar some what to its parent .HOW it get same feathers as its parent?

What is ridge push?



Ridge push (also known as gravitational sliding) or sliding plate force is a proposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridges as the result of the rigid lithosphere sliding down the hot, raised asthenosphere below mid-ocean ridges. Although it is called ridge push, the term is somewhat misleading; it is actually a body force that acts throughout an ocean plate, not just at the ridge, as a result of gravitational pull. The name comes from earlier models of plate tectonics in which ridge push was primarily ascribed to upwelling magma at mid-ocean ridges pushing or wedging the plates apart. Brainliest?


The food that you eat comes as a result of
Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
Best Fitness



I would say Artificial Selection.


Khan Academy defines Artificial Selection as: "Artificial selection, also called "selective breeding”, is where humans select for desirable traits in agricultural products or animals, rather than leaving the species to evolve and change gradually without human interference, like in natural selection." The other options seem a bit irrelevant to the question.


Artificial Selection


Artificial selection involves selecting breeding. This is when farmers breed two plants which bear the largest, sweetest or tastiest fruits or which give high yields of the crops. The same process happens in cows, where farmers select animals to breed, based on high milk yield, or meat production.

However, farmers are becoming to think more differently in order to improve the welfare of animals. Instead of high yields, they are looking to increase disease resistance among animals and plants alike. Banana breeders are looking towards wilder plants with more disease resistance. But all in all, it is artificial selection. It's not bad, as it increases nutritional values for us humans.

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Gymnosperms – plants with cones.
Angiosperms – plants with flowers.

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The cell structure with a similar function is the endomembrane system.


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Um I think the other answer is right too but I also know this is part of it, genetic show our physical traits (how we look) the environment affects how we act and can often change our physical traits. Examples: I’d you are in an environment were you get a lot of sun you will be more tan. If you are in an environment where you would be active our being active is influenced on you then you would be more agile or fit. Etc. hope this helped

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230 jaguars

Which type of stem cell are plant cells like?



Stem Cells in Plants. Stem cells function as a source of new cells to grow or replace specialised tissues. ... By creating genetic differences between cells of the same plant, scientists are able to track how the descendants of a single marked cell make up organs and tissues as the plant grows.


Parenchyma cells are the most common plant cells. They are found in the stem, the root, the inside of the leaf, and the pulp of the fruit.

What is the term for heat transfer because of direct contact?





Answer: Conduction


Testing your understanding
A sample of DNA was tested to find out which bases were present.
It was found that 30% of the bases in DNA were T.
a) What percentage of the bases in the DNA would you expect to be A? Explain your answer.



i think 70% I guess, not sure

Elaboramos argumentos con base en fuentes científicas y los saberes locales sobre la elección de alimentos propios de nuestra comunidad con alto valor nutricional. Completamos el siguiente cuadro, en el cual encontramos un ejemplo que contiene
información de la FAO sobre el valor nutricional de la quinua en comparación con el de otros granos. Esto nos permitirá reflexionar sobre la elección de alimentos con alto valor nutritivo para cubrir nuestros requerimientos nutricionales.

Consumir alimentos que contengan un alto valor nutricional para evitar la desnutrición, el sobrepeso y la obesidad. La célula necesita energía en forma de ATP para realizar sus funciones vitales. Esta energía la obtenemos de la glucosa presente en los alimentos, por lo que siempre debemos considerarla en
nuestro consumo diario. Las células necesitan carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y minerales para realizar sus actividades vitales y mantener el equilibrio homeostático.

Incluir en la alimentación quinua para prevenir la anemia.


Algunos de los alimentos que presentan un alto valor nutricional incluyen el arenque, la espinaca, arvejas, semillas de calabaza, etc. La energía de la glucosa se convierte en ATP mediante la respiración celular.

La célula necesita macronutrientes y micronutrientes para sobrevivir.

Los macronutrientes son aquellos que aportan energía al ser consumidos, los cuales incluyen lípidos, proteínas y carbohidratos.

Los micronutrientes no aportan energía e incluyen las vitaminas (por ej, la vitamina D) y los minerales (por ejemplo, el hierro).

Los alimentos que presentan un alto valor nutricional son aquellos que contienen un alto contenido de macro y/o micronutrientes (por ejemplo, arenque, espinaca, arvejas, semillas de calabaza, etc).

Los carbohidratos simples como la glucosa aportan energía de rápida utilización mediante la ruptura de sus enlaces químicos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo un grupo de reacciones metabólicas colectivamente referidas como respiración celular.

La respiración celular genera ATP, la moneda de cambio energética que la célula utiliza para crecer, diferenciarse y reproducirse.

Finalmente, la quinoa es un alimento del grupo de los cereales el cual contiene un alto valor energético y nutricional.

Este alimento (quinoa) es una fuente rica en hierro (es por ello que previene la anemia), magnesio, calcio y diferentes tipos de vitaminas (B, C y E).

Aprende más sobre este tema en:


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