Explain TWO possible advantages of BOTH print media and electronic media for
creating awareness of human rights violations.


Answer 1



if a government shuts down the radio and tv airwaves


if a government shuts down the news media

people can print their own literature news and censored books

like samizdat in the old soviet union

and distribute it


with internet/cell phone technology

people can be citizen journalists

and send messages/videos via their mobile phones

about whats really going on

and send them to foreign countries for broadcast

Related Questions

phép duy vật biện chứng là gì


yes very much so !! :)
I know, right?!………….

Does anyone know the answer?? Please help



local governments.


These forms of government are closest to the everyday lives of people and have a great effect on their daily activities.

What was a MAJOR difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?

The government lacked an executive branch under the Articles.

The right to treat slaves as property was not recognized under the Constitution.

Citizens participated more directly in making laws under the Articles.

The power of individual states was greater under the Constitution.


A is the answer to this question
government lacked executive branch

The teachers will use the majority criterion method to determine the final winner. However, while finalizing the votes, a member of the staff discovers that Powell did not meet the original criteria to be considered for the tickets, because of discipline issues, so Powell is eliminated from the votes. Is the irrelevant alternative criterion supported in this case





The irrelevant alternative criterion applies when the choice between A and B candidates is "spoilt" by an X candidate. For example, if A is preferred to B candidate and an introduction of X candidate shifts preference to the B candidate then the law of independent alternative criterion has been contradicted. In the example given in the question, the elimination of A candidate may cause the introduction of X candidate which may cause B candidate to be preferred or win.

who is the first prime minister of nepal​


Bishweshwar Prada Koirala


Bhishweshar Prasad Koirala in 1959


Only a handful of Nepalese prime ministers have carried a democratic mandate. The first elected prime minister was B. P. Koirala, in 1959.

Jill went to Harry's Hair Salon to get a permanent wave; the lotion Harry applied to Jill's hair burned her scalp. The test to determine whether the common law or Article 2 applies here is the ____________ test.



discuss the positive and negative economic, sociocultural and environment impacts on tourism​


Some of the positive socio-cultural impacts include income generation and employment opportunities from both community-based tourism projects and safari companies, infrastructure development such as airport and airstrips, tarred roads, hotels, lodges and camps, the improvement of social services such as banking, health ...

The positive is happy the negative is always trying to bring you down

What's the difference between retribution / retrospective punishment and rehabilitation / prospective punishment?


It is commonly said that the difference between consequentialist and retributive theories of punishment is that the former is prospective, looking to the good that punishment may accomplish, while the latter is retrospective, seeking to do justice for what a wrongdoer has done

The world has seen a dramatic explosion of movements emphasizing ethnic uniformity as the sole basis for unity in recent years. Based on what you know, which of the following is likely to accompany such a movement?

a. A nation-state that emphasizes multiculturalism.
b. Increasing communication between people in the movement's territory and those outside of it.
c. An increase in security and stability in the region
d. The violent restoration of a strict gender binary and gender roles



d. The violent restoration of a strict gender binary and gender roles


All the other answers are associated with greater intergroup contact and empathy at the social and legislative level. Furthermore, ethnic uniformity is often accompanied by an emphasis on the control of reproduction and womens' rights, in an effort to maintain racial 'purity'.

The correct option is d.) The violent restoration of a strict gender binary and gender roles. which  is likely to accompany such a movement.

What does ethnic nationalism look like?

Some organizations might think that because of their shared racial or ethnic background, their members can be viewed as "relatives" because they share the same ancestors. The distinction between the Gujarat and Punjab tribes of India, the Croatians and Bosnians of the former Yugoslavia, and other ethnic groups are examples of Ethnonationalism.

Ethnic nationalists' main argument is that "nations are characterized by a shared legacy, which typically comprises a common language, a common faith, and a common ethnic ancestry." People from other ethnic groups could be viewed as second-class citizens.

Which 4 categories best describe social movements?

Reform movements, revolutionary movements, reactionary movements, self-help movements, and religious movements are the main categories of social movements. Social movements typically need to draw sizable numbers of people in order to be successful.

learn more about ethnic nationalism movement here-



How can communities and governments help people when they may not have jobs, food, or homes?




do what china did

start partnering with other countries

to find out what those countries needed

setup factories to provide those products

this will employ a lot of people

used the increase tax money to create a safety net for those cannot work

Government plays an important role in addressing lifestyle behaviors and population health, reducing health disparities and chronic disease. Areas for government involvement include surveillance, research, programming, access to health care, quality assurance and guidelines for diet and physical activity (PA).

What two types of ideas does Locke believe we have? What is the difference between the two? Give an example of each. (philosophy)



According to Locke there are two and only two sources for all the ideas we have. The first is sensation, and the second is reflection. In sensation, much as the name suggests, we simply turn our senses toward the world and passively receive information in the form of sights, sounds, smells, and touch.


hope I help u

how has society influenced our opinions on lithium mining?!!!!



It is not environmental friendly.


Society influenced our opinions on lithium mining by thinking it not environmental friendly but this mining is very important because lithium is used in various electrical instruments such as laptops and mobile phones etc. The society seems it bad for the environment due to removal of vegetation and degradation of soil but this metal is very important for making of various technology so in this way society influenced our opinions on lithium mining.

What is the best representation of this political cartoon



The Plumb-pudding in Danger

James Gillray's The Plumb-pudding in Danger (1805). The world being carved up into spheres of influence between Pitt and Napoleon. According to Martin Rowson, it is "probably the most famous political cartoon of all time—it has been stolen over and over and over again by cartoonists ever since."

What are some important counterpoints (arguments against) to sexual assault?



there are none the victim is right


disadvantage of electronic media as part of a campaign for human rights violation​



Human rights violations are diverse in nature, stemming from willful transgressions against—or neglect of—basic principles stated in the International Bill of Human Rights and subsequent instruments. Evidence of human rights violations, correspondingly, comes in many forms and is created for many purposes.

Human Rights electronic evidence is any information created or stored in digital form that is relevant to establishing the occurrence of a human rights event. It is collected on an increasingly diverse array of devices including computers, cell phones, video recorders, and cameras. It may consist of first-person (primary source) recordings of events; testimonials and statements after the event has occurred; news articles and videos; forensic evidence collected with the intention of establishing facts of what occurred; and any manner of additional materials collected through real-time monitoring or subsequent investigation. The types of documentation created may include, but are not limited to:

digitally generated images and digitally encoded audio and video

networked communications, such as e-mail and text messages

information created and disseminated via web-based technologies (web pages, blogs, Twitter posts, and other social media)

human- or computer-generated files in “born-digital” format (text files, wordprocessing documents, spreadsheets, data files, indices, logs)

database records, indices, reports, and supporting management systems

records of transactions (including communication logs and financial transactions)

court records, testimonies, and supporting documentation gathered as a result of judicial processes, and

digitally converted evidence from content previously contained in analog formats (scanned images of a physical document, digitized audio or video,

PLEEEASE! I BEG OF YOU!! i'm sobbing rn! please any science experts out there!?!?

Why was the method of using farmyard mature invented
(read the question well. It wasn't when was it invented but why was it invented)



It helped minimize nutrient pollution to water resources and helps build healthy soils.


good luck dudeeeeee


Marketing through social media is very popular today. You have seen how mobile technology has accelerated the use of social media for marketing.

Research at least three mobile marketing techniques and then write a report about a company that has used mobile marketing with success. Include the following points in your report: Describe in detail the technique used in the mobile marketing campaign.
What was the campaign trying to achieve?
Who was the target audience? What techniques did the company use to broaden the audience base?
Describe the campaign process in detail.
What results did the campaign achieve?
How did mobile technology play a key role in the marketing campaign?
How did mobile technology enhance the campaign compared to traditional marketing methods?
Why do you think the campaign succeeded?
In what ways could the company have improved the campaign?



Get Started

What is Mobile Marketing? (The Best Answer Ever!)

Both marketers and consumers begin their web services on mobile. Digital marketers in particular are excited to run mobile campaigns, because they know that mobile users are motivated buyers.

According to Salesforce, “68% of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy.”

The earlier you start reaching out to them, and solving their problems, the more results you will get in your business.

It’s no secret that building a successful online business has its challenges. One of such is knowing how to interact with potential customers on different platforms and devices.

Not only will you get the best results out of mobile, but a good understanding of how mobile marketing works will put you in total control of your marketing.

Let me get you started with a quick definition.

What is Mobile Marketing?

Andreas Kaplan defines mobile marketing as:

“Any marketing activity conducted through a ubiquitous network to which consumers are constantly connected using a personal mobile device.”

Wikipedia defines it as “marketing on or with a mobile device”.

Margaret Rouse defines it as:

“As a promotional activity designed for delivery to cell phones, smartphones, and other handheld devices, usually as a component of a multi-channel campaign.”

I define it as marketing for mobile users.


Mobile phones are changing the way your target audience and customers engage with your brand. People visit your website on their phones, open your emails on smartphones, and buy from your store through their phones.

Putting your business right where your customers are – on the go – is what mobile marketing is all about. Any marketing plan today that ignores mobile marketing is a failed plan.

A Brief History of Mobile Marketing

The history of mobile marketing links back to the time when the first commercial mobile SMS and shortcodes were launched in 2003.

Pontiac and Nike were the first two brands that launched SMS campaigns in 2005. This was the time when both brands realized that mobile marketing is the future because people were crazy about mobile phones.

By 2007, there were 2.4 billion SMS users throughout the globe. Apple launched its first iPhone in the US and QR codes were incorporated into mobile marketing in 2010, which led to the beginning of a new era in marketing.

By 2011, mobile marketing was a $14 billion dollar global industry.

By 2013, Android and iOS had dominated the market and it’s the time when apps were becoming popular and smartphones were replacing traditional mobile phones.

By 2014, the number of mobile phone users exceeded the number of computer users and people were accessing the internet from their phones.

Today, 89% of mobile time is spent on apps while the remaining 11% is spent on websites. This is the number one reason why 71% marketers say that mobile marketing is core to their business, while 68% brands have integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy.

Brands that lack a mobile marketing strategy must rethink their marketing strategy, because all such brands are losing customers every second.


I think this type of answer u want

what is meant by women education​


What is meant by women education?

Every form of education aimed at developing the knowledge and skills of women and girls is referred to as women's education. General education in schools and colleges, vocational and technical education, professional education, health education, and so on are all included.



Your employer leaves a message on your voice mail
asking you to work overtime this weekend, but you plan to
attend your friend's birthday party.
1. What medium (Email, Text, call) would you use to
explain why you can't work overtime?
2. Explain why did you choose that medium?
3. Draft a message you might send via email explaining
your situation.
4. In the email Message you drafted above, what type of
email style did you use?(note, memo or letter style)


I am pretty sure it is #3 not sure though

A 2. Name 3 strong structures that make use of triangulation for their stre strah b) c) memb a) 3. Which one of the shapes above is stable and more rigid? ta 4. Explain why the joints in structures need to be strengthened? 5. What method of strengthening corners has been used in each​





what are violations of sport personalities rights by the media​



"Media develops an image of the sports personalities." They portray them good/bad, which affects the sponsorship being received by the sports persons. "Any negative image or personal behavior hampers their image or sometimes entire career."

I hope this helps you :)

How did the Fourteenth Amendment help former slaves?

It made them citizens of the United States.

It provided ways for them to move to other parts of the country.

It gave them farms of their own.

It outlawed the Ku Klux Klan.



A It made them citizens of the United States

Answer: I believe it’s

A. It made them citizens of the United States.

Explanation: The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted citizenship to all people born in the US, even former enslaved people.

I hope this helped you :)

What was one key WEAKNESS of the Articles of Confederation?

it was not ratified by every state

it was too structured for the states to follow

it gave too much power to the federal government

it gave too much power to the states




it gave too much power to the states


No explanation

(What is proportional development?)​


i remember it being development and growth of the brain i’m not sure sorry :/

how can social pressure be regarded as a stressor for young people in their family relationships



Peer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or to avoid risky behaviors. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviors


Affiliation with friends who engage in risk behaviors has been shown to be a strong predictor of an adolescent's own behavior. Peer pressure can also have positive effects when youth are pressured by their peers toward positive behavior, such as volunteering for charity or excelling in academics.

los eventos políticos que ocurrieron en el Tahuantinsuyo y en Europa posterior a la muerte de Huayna Cápac y ubícalos en una línea de tiempo. Ayudaaaaaaa




I wanna help but i dont speak your language

which of the following is not the result of soil erosion​


Can you Post the following. So I can maybe help.

Did you disagree with a point raised during the discussion? How did you respond to it?



I had disagreed. I responded to it by calmly stating my opinion towards the point that had been raised and made sure that I didn't offend anyone during me doing so.

Which law would a court most likely use strict scrutiny to examine?
A. A law that bans Asian and Asian American students from
speaking anything but English in school
B. A law that charges experienced pilots less for a pilot's license than
new pilots
O C. A law that grants maternity leave to mothers but not paternity
leave to fathers
D. A law that prohibits teenagers from driving after dark



I would say A


both A and C are seen as discrimination but A is also freedom of speech on top of it. they already do D in some cities for safety reasons if crime is high, and for B sometimes renewal fees are cheaper than starting everything up from the beginning

A law that a court most likely uses strict scrutiny to examine bans Asian and Asian American Students from speaking anything but English in school. The correct option is a.

What is a court?

A court is any person or institution, often a government institution, with the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters following the rule of law.

In both common law and civil law legal systems, courts are the central means for dispute resolution, and it is generally understood that all people can bring their claims before a court. Similarly, the rights of those accused of a crime include the right to present a defence before a court. The system of courts that interprets and applies the law is collectively known as the judiciary. The place where a court sits is known as a venue.

The room where court proceedings occur is known as a courtroom, and the building is a courthouse.

Learn more about court, here:



I just wanna know how yo day goin n who ur top 3 fav rappers are


kendrick lamarrrr, biggie, kanyeee
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