explain why in the morning plant leaves are moisten​


Answer 1

It occurs when there is active absorption of water by roots and transpiration is low i.e. moist and humid conditions. Therefore, guttation generally occurs in the early morning because transpiration is less at that time but water is actively absorbed by the roots.

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Hemophilia is inherited in humans as an X-linked recessive condition. A phenotypically normal woman whose father was hemophiliac marries a normal man. What is expected among their offspring?



100% of the girls are expected to be normal, X+X+ and X+X-50% of the boys are expected to be normal, X+Y50% of the boys are expected to be hemophilic, X-Y75% of the whole offspring normal (X+X+, X+X-, X+Y)25% of the whole offspring hemophilic (X-Y)


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files

Which of the following hormones is directly
controlled by nervous system?
A. Adrenaline
B. Estrogen
C. Thyroxine
D. Cortisol



adrenaline is the hormone which is directly controlled by nervous system

Which is NOT true of smooth muscle? A. They use peristalsis to move substances through tubes. B. They are found in the hollow parts of the body such as blood vessels and the small intestine. C. They can become fatigued. D. They are connected by gap junctions.​


Answer: the answer is C

Explanation: I been trying to find the same answer for this exact question for acellus and C was the correct answer

Which area appears only on the posterior part of the body? a)scapular b)patellar c)umbilical d)sternal







On the posterior side

Sets the metabolic rate for the cells of the body describes



BMR ;  Basal Metabolic Rate


MR is  the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest....

Metabolic comprises the process that the body needs to function.

Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy per unit of timethat a person  needs to keep the body functioning at rest

the impact of grassroots challenges to trash incinerators​


Yea the impact of grassroots challenges to trash incinerators ;)







Which two physical properties of graphite make it a good mineral for use in pencils?
1. luster and fracture
2. cleavage and color
3. hardness and streak
4. greasy feel and composition


The answer is 3 3 3 3

The physical properties of graphite which makes it good for pencils is ;  

( 3 ) hardness and streak

Graphite is made up of carbon atoms which are held together by van der waals forces ( weak force ). They are soft and slippery which is why graphite is used in the manufacture of  lubricants. while graphites are used for the manufacture of writing materials such as pencils because of its hardness and streak

Hence we can conclude that the physical properties of graphite which makes graphite good for the production of pencils are hardness and streak

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/18169662

write the function of eustachian tube?



Equalized air pressure.


The function of eustachian tube enables air pressure to be equalized between the outside air and the middle ear cavity. The eustachian tube also known as pharyngotympanic tube that connects the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx. Eustachian tube is responsible for the aeration of the middle ear system as well as clears mucus from the middle ear into the nasopharynx. Opening and closing functions of the eustachian tube are is very important.

Albinism is a recessive trait where an individual does not produce the pigment melanin. A man and woman who both produce melanin have one child out of three who has albinism. What are the genotypes of the man and woman


it’s just because the answer is this melanin both of them have it

Albinism is a recessive trait where an individual does not produce the pigment melanin. Albinism is an autosomal disease where the gene which is expressed here is having albinism which is the cause of heterozygous condition.

What is the heterozygous ?

Heterozygous is the condition where the genes in the alleles are different to each other where one has a dominant character and one has a recessive character. The genotypes of the woman and man decide the genotype of the offspring.

The genotypes of the man and woman is heterozygous where the dominant once out of 3 will have the dominant traits for the albinism. The condition will have to be heterozygous as in the Ia Ii gene where the gene for the albinism   will be i gene.

The same genotype for the male where the Ib i gene in which i i the albinism carrying gene here the ii condition of the gene will express the albinism.

Learn more about albinism at :



Part B
Next, our galaxy can be organized into a galaxy group. This galactic group is a collection of about 50 galaxies that are
gravitationally bound to each other. What is the name of the galaxy group in which our galaxy belongs? As you are
researching, list at least three characteristics that you learned about our galaxy group.



The Milky Way galaxy is part of a group of galaxies called the Local Group. Three characteristics that I learned about our galaxy group is The Milky Way is a large barred spiral galaxy, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and  it appears as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark area.



The Milky Way galaxy is a member of the Local Group of galaxies named Laniakea . The Milky Way is a massive barred spiral galaxy and  can be seen as a milky band of light.

What are the characteristic feature of the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is a massive, flat, disk-shaped collection of stars, gas, and dust that spans around 100,000 light-years and is several thousand light-years thick.

The Milky Way galaxy contains every star that we can see with our unaided eyes. The Andromeda Galaxy is the only celestial object visible in the night sky with unaided eyes that is not part of the Milky Way.

It is estimated that the Milky Way is 12 billion years old.

Thus, Milky Way is the galaxy we live in amongst others.

Learn more about Milky Way, here:


__________________ moves the respiratory medium over the respiratory surface.

Group of answer choices









Breathing, also known as ventilation, is the process of moving air or water in order to facilitate the gas exchange between the external and internal (body) environment, mostly to eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2) and bring in oxygen (O2). For example, fish are aquatic animals that need to run water over their gills to get the O2 that they need to survive (gills are organs that create a large surface area for ventilation). Moreover, insects ventilate their tracheal system to get O2. Finally, terrestrial vertebrates (i.e., amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) use organs called lungs to exchange O2 and CO2 between their cells and the external environment.

Describe how oxygen is transported in blood, and explain how temperature, pH, BPG, and affect oxygen loading and unloading.


Solution :

The flow of oxygen in the blood is been transported by two ways :

1. in plasma 1.5%

2. bound to hemoglobin 98.5%

As the oxygen loads in the body, affinity of the Hb makes the oxygen loading very efficient in the blood. The Hb molecule gets saturated when all the 4 hemes are oxygen binded.

The decreased pH weakens the hemoglobin oxygen binding in the tissues.

Higher temperatures in the oxygen means a lower affinity and thus more oxygen is released and so the oxygen unloads.

Increase in the temperature, the BPG and the modification of the structure in the hemoglobin decreases the affinity for the oxygen and further enhances the unloading of the oxygen in the blood.

Who was Dr. Joseph Bell?



Sherlock Holmes


He was the inspiration. Not the actual Holmes.


Joseph Bell  (2 December 1837 – 4 October 1911) was a Scottish surgeon and lecturer at the medical school of the University of Edinburgh in the 19th century.

g An Hfr strain is produced when Select one: A. an F episome is transferred to a new cell. B. an F episome leaves the E. coli chromosome. C. an F episome leaves the host chromosome and removes some of the host chromosome. D. an F episome integrates into the E. coli chromosom



A. an F episome is transferred to a new cell.


Hfr strains arise from the integration of the plasmid into the bacterial cell in one of several ways such as the recombination of events. Most commonly are formed by the UV-induced integration of E coil F factor. It tries to transfer a copy of the F factors as well the entire chromosome to the recipient bacterium.

How are meiosis and mitosis different?



b. only meiosis results in a reduction in chromosome number


what is the minimum weight that requires 2 people to lift a dog​


In a perfect world, a "safe" lift would be 51 pounds i think, not sure tho sorry

why is it important to record all data and procedures in an experiment?



Answer:important to record all data and procedures because if we list that data then we can see that which we record

hope this will help you


Good record keeping can help user to track errors or refine an experiment.

Records can be used to audit or to check data integrity

If there is an increase in stimulation by the sympathetic nervous system


May i know the complete sentence?

12. What would be the other strand of DNA?





The complementary base of Adenine is Thymine in a DNA strand but it is Uracil if it's a Mrna strand

then the complementary base of cytosine is therefore guanine

How the aging is related with the methylation? The methylation increase or decreased ?


Aging is strongly correlated with changes in DNA methylation. DNA methylation and epigenetic alterations have been directly linked to longevity in a wide array of organisms, ranging in complexity from yeast to humans.

A body of fresh water is shown below.

Which point in this body of water is most likely to have no plants growing?
A. Point C
B. Point D
C. Point A
D. Point B



B. Point D


I just took the quiz

In the given image, on point D, it is not possible to have any plant. The correct option is B.

What are the requirements of plants to grow?

To grow plants require enough sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. By using all these, plant perform photosynthesis by which it can survive.

As point D in the given image has no light sources, as sunlight cannot penetrate deep into the water, it is impossible to have growing plants here.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding plants, visit:



The video compares the key similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. Determine which events occur in mitosis, meiosis, or in both mitosis and meiosis. Write each event to the appropriate category. a. Chromosomes duplicate during interphase b. The first division separates homologous pairs; the second division separates sister chromatids c. A single division occurs, separating sister chromatids Homologous chromosomes pair up and form chiasmata d. Daughter cells contain recombinant chromosomes e. Process starts with a diploid cell Homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate f. End result is four haploid cells that are genetically different from each other and the parent cell g. Duplicated chromosomes line up Individually on the metaphase plate in a diploid cel h. End result is two diploid cells that are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell Mitosis Melosis Both mitosis and meiosis




A single division occurs, separating sister chromatids

End result is two diploid cells that are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell


The first division separates homologous pairs; the second division separates sister chromatids

Homologous chromosomes pair up and form chiasmata

Homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate

Daughter cells contain recombinant chromosomes

End result is four haploid cells that are genetically different from each other and the parent cell  

Mitosis and Meiosis:

Chromosomes duplicate during interphase

Process starts with a diploid cell

Duplicated chromosomes line up Individually on the metaphase plate in a diploid cell


Mitosis is the division of vegetative cells while meiosis involves the division of sex cells. Both divisions start with diploid parental cells but while the daughter cells in mitosis are also diploid, those of meiosis are haploid. This is why mitosis is referred to as equational division while meiosis is known as reductional division.

A cell that will undergo mitosis or meiosis would first have its genetic materials duplicated during interphase in addition to the synthesis of other important biochemicals such as proteins. Mitosis involves just a single division of the sister chromatids with two genetically identical daughter cells who are also clones of the parent cells resulting.  

Meiosis, on the other hand, involves two divisions - the first one happens to separate homologous chromosome pairs while the second division separates sister chromatids just like in mitosis.  During the early stage of meiosis, homologous chromosomes synapsed through the formation of a synaptonemal complex to form tetrads. Thereafter, synapsed chromosomes exchange chromosomal segments at a point known as chiasmata. All these happen at the prophase stage of meiosis I. The paired homologous chromosomes are then lined up at metaphase where they are engaged by the spindle fibers.

Meiosis II and mitosis are more or less the same with the chromosomes condensing at the prophase and the formation of metaphase plates at the metaphase. Sister chromatids are pulled apart and they migrate to the opposite poles at the anaphase and telophase.

Select ALL statements that correctly describe a function of the Respiratory System, or describe a process of Respiration.
a. Moves air in and out of the body.
b. Warms and humidifies the air.
c. Regulates the cellular compositon of the blood.
d. Filters the air.
e. Exchanges gases with the blood.
f. Occurs in the Lung.
g. All of the above.



should be G) all of the above


health class and quick double check to a reliable source

The correct option is, (g) All of the above.

What are the 4 main functions of the respiratory system?Enables you to speak and smell.Raises the temperature of the air to that of your body and adds moisture to it to the proper degree of humidity.Provides your body's cells with oxygen.When you exhale, waste gases from your body, including carbon dioxide, are removed.

What describes the function of the respiratory system?We can breathe thanks to our respiratory system and lungs. They expel carbon dioxide and inspire oxygen into our bodies, a process known as inspiration or inhalation (called expiration, or exhalation). The process of breathing involves the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Which of the following performs the function of respiration?The network of organs in the human respiratory system is in charge of absorbing oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. The lungs, which perform this gas exchange as we breathe, are its main organs. All of the body's cells are supplied with oxygen-rich blood by the circulatory system and the lungs.

Learn more about respiration here:



Mass of the moon is 7.4x10^22 kg and its radius is 1740km, Calculate the value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon. *​



The gravitational acceleration in the surface of the moon is 1.63 m/s^2


The gravitational acceleration at a distance R of an object of mass M, is given by:

g = G*M/R^2


G is the gravitational constant.

G = 6.67*10^(-11) m^3/(kg*s^2)

We could think that all the mass of the moon is at its center, then at the surface of the moon, the distance will be equal to the radius of the moon, thus:

R = 1740km

But we want to work with meters, so remember that:

1km = 1000m


1740km = (1740)*1000m = 1740000m

R =  1740000m

And the mass is just:

M = 7.4x10^22 kg

If we input all that in the gravitational acceleration equation, we get:

g = (6.67*10^(-11) m^3/(kg*s^2))*(7.4x10^22 kg)/( 1740000m)^2

g = 1.63 m/s^2

The gravitational acceleration in the surface of the moon is 1.63 m/s^2

7. What is transformation and describe how it has been done in a famous


The shift in molecular biology is the genetic change of the cell resulting from the direct absorption and integration of the dna material rebusied external oxygen from its surroundings and its intake through the cell membrane. Transformation occurs naturally in some types of bacteria, but artificial means can also be affected in other cells

Hope it helps

Plants as well as brown, green, and red algae show a basic life cycle which involves the alternation of generations between a(n) egg and a sperm. seed and a cone. spore and pollen. megaspore and a microspore. sporophyte and a gametophyte.



The correct answer is ''sporophyte and a gametophyte''


Plants have a diplohaplon life cycle: a haploid adult plant, called a gametophyte, and a diploid adult plant, called a sporophyte. In green algae, the two generations, sporophyte and gametophyte, are independent and generally the same size. This type of life cycle is found not only in many multicellular green algae, but also in brown algae and red algae. In vascular seedless plants, including ferns, gametophytes, although still independent, are smaller in size than sporophytes. In seed plants, the gametophytic generation is further reduced and is totally dependent on the sporophyte.

The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase is responsible for fermentation of pyruvate to form lactate. This process occurs in red blood cells and in muscle cells during intense exercise. Why is fermentation a necessary process for these cells to meet their energy needs



Fermentation is a process that happens in the absence of oxygen and it involves the conversion of Pyruvate to lactate.

Cells in the body need constant energy supply to cater for the various demands of our everyday activities and to ensure that they function optimally.

Oxygen supply is an important factor in ATP generation and in cases where there is a lack of it the body system adjusts itself to produce the energy anaerobically. This usually involves the conversion of pyruvate to lactate which aids the breakdown of glucose thereby supplying it to cells of the body.

Which of the following vessel is the location of cellular respiration?



Blood vessels


It is returned to the heart in the veins. The capillaries connect the two types of blood vessel and molecules are exchanged between the blood and the cells across their walls.


where are the 'following vessels'? Since you haven't mentioned the options, I'm not sure whether this is the answer you are expecting or not.

Anyway mitochondria is the organelle which carries out aerobic respiration inside the cell. It's also known as 'the power house of the cell'.


Ribosomes offer strong support for the common ancestry of all living things. In particular, our textbook shows information that supports common ancestry for Bacteria and Eukaryotes. Which statement most accurately characterizes this support


Answer:Yeast and Bacterial ribosomes have the same number of rRNAs in them

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