explain your thoughts and views on the current education system. How would you make it better? What do you think we should be learning about?


Answer 1




Please make the question more clear. States what side you are on and state some examples so someone can form it into a paragraph.

Answer 2


I think that the American education system can be improved my allowing students to choose the classes that they wish to take or classes that are beneficial for their future. Students aren’t really learning things that can help them in the future such as basic reading and math.


Related Questions

Read the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, and read the question that follows. “We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.” Who did the authors appeal to in this paragraph?
A. The British
B. The Loyalists
C. The Native Americans
D. The Patriots


A because there were in the sound of a new one and the first time

The authors appeal to in this paragraph are the British. Thus, the option (a) is correct.

What is appeal?

The author's defense of an argument is referred to as a “appeal.” In writing, the author's thesis is supported by facts, figures, records, and some typical examples. The appeal's facts and specifics are what make a piece of writing persuasive. To file an appeal, you must have the necessary information and paperwork.

The author makes a case for the British in terms of their natural fairness, justice, and humility. The author raises his or her voice in favor of equity and consanguinity. Our ties and communication are cut off in an inevitable way. The British find them appealing. They urged them in an appeal to reject these usurpations.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on appeal, here:



He is playing football into past continuous ​



Present tense not past.

Present not past,tht would be wrong

You are writing an essay about dyslexia, a reading disorder. Which of the following could you use as a credible source?

A blog written by a teacher who writes stories about teaching children how to read

A student research paper about dyslexia

A Wikipedia webpage about dyslexia

An article in a scholarly journal about the brain science describing the symptoms of dyslexia



An article in a scholarly journal about the brain science describing the symptoms of dyslexia



An article in a scholarly journal about the brain science describing the symptoms of dyslexia


cause i good like that

1. I'm afraid I……………………………… (not/ be) able to come tomorrow.



I'm afraid I may not be able to come tomorrow

What electrical appliances do people in your country have at home?








Rice cooker

Are you happy with your personality? Would you like to be different? What would it be?


I’d make myself more of a loner I’d done fine all on my own. I’d probably make myself speak my mind more

If students have given sufficient time and attention to their work, they should have increased considerably their command of English change to passive voice


The above sentence changes to a passive voice, thus:

"Their command of English should have increased considerably if sufficient time and attention were given by students to their work."

The passive voice always follows this pattern: Object + Verb + By Phrase.

When the emphasis is not on the doer but the object of the action, the passive voice is used.

In the above sentence, the passive voice emphasized "their command of English" and "sufficient time and attention," which are objects of the sentence.

Students, who are the doers of the actions, were relegated to the background because the emphasis is not on the doers but the objects of the action.

Thus, the passive voice is always used when the object must be emphasized.

Learn more about the usage of the passive voice here: https://brainly.com/question/22047439

The participle inflectional
morpheme ending is used only
8 adverbs
0 verbs





inflectional endings :

s as in cats. ing as in swimming. ed as in missed. es as in catches. est as in fastest

if you are one of officiating, what do you think are the challenges you've encountered in officiating the game ?​


Answer: Being an official means that you have to be fair to both sides. The challenges I encountered as the official are when a player purposely hits another player, the correct signs I must use on the game are also challenging.


Unwearied still, lover by lover, They paddle in the cold Companionable streams or climb the air; Their hearts have not grown old; Passion or conquest, wander where they will, attend upon them still. Which of these poetic devices is illustrated in this stanza? onomatopoeia simile slant rhyme alliteration



A rhyme has been used


"Will & Still" rhyme

Beauty calls and gives no warnin, figurative language?





give branliest pls

What do you think working in a fine dining restaurant has an edge working in a fast food restaurant?​



Fine dining puts a lot more effort into their meals. Since they take longer to make the meals, and put extra effort (at least more than fast food places) their meals would be more expensive, making the waiters salaries higher than in a fast food restaurant.

my brother's working for my uncle __ his assistant A) like B)as​





as fits better as it's more definite


B as


Although A and B are correct they are all simile. Buh the one that fits it is B as.

Topic 1
You are a student in Danang city. You will describe your neighborhood for new students. You should say:
1/ Where to buy food
2/ Where to buy furniture
3/ Where to get a bus to university
4/ Where to send a package
5/ How do you feel about Danang city?
Remember to:
- Introduce yourself before starting talking on your topic
- Use structures “There is” and “There are”
- Start and end the talk properly



Hello, I'm (insert name)!

Today I will show you around.

In Danang city,there are many things you can explore

1/You can buy food at (insert the grocery store). It has a variety of foods and other assential things.

2/ Buying furniture is an important part but don't worry,(insert shop name) there is alot of old and vintage furniture that you'll like.

3/ Near the (insert district)There is a bus stop ,you can wait there for the buses.

4/You can send packages through the near by personal courier services.

5/ You'll get used to this city in a couple of days and make sure to focus on your studies too.


I hope this will help^^

she always does her homework into negative​



she never does her homework.


she never do her homework

You stole $500 from your mom you need to write paper explaining why you took the money and why you shouldn't be in trouble. If you can't convince your mom you had a good reason you will be grounded for a year with no electronics and no sports. BE CREATIVE. You are telling me a story to explain the missing money. I NEED IT ASAP



Mom, I'm writing to thank you for all you've done for me.

I am sorry for disappointing and hurting you, Mom. I had secretly taken $500.00 from you. I gave it to a destitute family to help. I wasn't considering the consequences of harming you. I am paying the consequences of living with the guilt and hope you can accept my apology, which has caused me the most pain. I won't make the same mistake. Making my mother cry let me realize what I had done wrong. I am admitting my remorse for my actions. I will always consider the impact of my decisions and, from now on, do the right thing.


If any parts manufactured by Brown Machine Inc. should prove defective within one year from the date it is delivered new to the purchaser, the product will be ____________ immediately.

Select one:
A. revised
B. replaced Correct
C. prepared
D. consumed



B.replaced correct


person's human rights should be violated.
Based on these excerpts, on what principles would Gandhi and Mandela most likely agree? Select all that apply.

Children must have the right to an education.

Society must engage in capitalism to fulfill its destiny.

Government must serve to better the lives of a society's citizens.

A government foreign to its people should not decide Innocence or guilt.

Colonial rule has not benefited the country that has been colonized.

People have an inherent human right to justice.

Can be more than one answer



A state commits human rights violations either directly or indirectly. Violations can either be intentionally performed by the state and or come as a result of the state failing to prevent the violation. When a state engages in human rights violations, various actors can be involved such as police, judges, prosecutors, government officials, and more.


You can not, Invade humans rights cause everyone equally has rights.


Children must have the right to an education.

Government must serve to better the lives of a society's citizens.

A government foreign to its people should not decide innocence or guilt.

Colonial rule has not benefited the country that has been colonized.

People have an inherent human right to justice.


I am most sure on including "people have an inherent human right to justice"; both Gandhi and Mandela believed in justice.

Furthermore, the one that cannot be included is "society must engage in capitalism to fulfill its destiny". Gandhi was fiercely against capitalism.

Another that should be included is "colonial rule has not benefited the country that has been colonized". Both Gandhi and Mandela lived under colonist governments, and protested against the bad treatment they got.

On the statement of "a government foreign to its people should not decide innocent or guilt", I think they would both agree with this. Even though Gandhi proposed not to have government, I think he would argue against a bad government that was "foreign to its people". Mandela, of course, argued for democracy, and would protest against a foreign government.

Children having a right to education is probably something both of them would support. I would have to look at the articles you were provided to better answer this, though.

Government must serve to better the lives of a society's citizens. This is obviously inherently Mandela's argument, and I think Gandhi would agree with it (it's what they argued for). The only caveat is if the article you read was one of Gandhi's anti-government (no government = best government) articles.

Hope this helps!

It shows a lot in winter in America.
Can someone change this sentence into Negative Form?​


Maybe this: It shows nothing, I say NOTHING in winter in America.


It doesn't snow a lot in America.


"doesn't" is the same as "does not", and that is negative.

please help me with this question.​



question is not clear please send clear question

What does president lincoln express he did not want to do is give up the union I hope this help

4. Change the following sentences to plural. Example: The boy is singing.
The boys are singing.
(a) The tiger jumped in the air.
(b) The elephant is running.
(c) They gave me an apple.
(d) Raju put the apple in a box.
(e) She opened the door.​



a=the tigers are jumping in the air

b=the elephants are running

C=they are giving me an apples

d=raju put the apples in the box

e=she is opening the doors

I gave the answer that I know

It's Illegal to Chew Gum in Singapore​



No not now


The chewing gum sales ban in Singapore has been in force since 1992. ... It is currently not illegal to chew gum in Singapore, merely to import it and sell it, apart from the aforementioned exceptions.

Help me please……………………


Answer: D

Word association (by the name) is associating an unknown word with a known one that has a similarity in order to infer the meaning

Please mark brainliest

The question 4 down , can you help me guys?


Answer:Well this makes you feel sorry for the sentry because he's the only one who hasn't get used to the aliens.

Regarding the aliens (personal opinion) make me feel angry because they're just soulless killers

Explanation:And well the aliens seem to be repulsive, and don't forget the fact they don't want to negotiate anything, they kill whatever moves

what can make you become a stronger communicator?



Learn to listen

Pay attention to body language

Observe how others communicate in different contexts

Don't be afraid of a bit of silence

Use action verbs and confident language

Ask questions

Find common ground, even in an argument.

​A derivative work is also granted copyright protection with a half paid write up. Give four examples of such work.​


Examples of derivative work include translations, abridgements, art reproductions, and dramatization.

A derivative work is gotten from a work that already exists. A derivative work is legal when the person is given the license by the copyright holder to create the work.

Examples of derivate works are musical arrangements, translations, fictionalizations, abridgements, art reproductions, dramatization etc.

Read related question on:


Read the following details from the section "Human Help For A Baby Bat."
Giving Lucas too little formula might cause starvation but pushing too much down his throat migh
cause him to choke.
Twice Lucas had to go to the hospital for repairs to his left wing, tom apparently when he flapped
against something
Doctors also discovered a problem with a joint on his right wing. It wouldn't extend all the way.
How do these details contribute to the development of the article?
(A) They suggest that Lucas chances of survival were very slim.
(B) They give insight into what typically happens when a bat loses its mother.
(C) They highlight the frustrating nature of taking care of a baby bat.
(D) They show that Lucas was fragile and had to be handled with care.



C They highlight the frustrating nature of taking care of a baby bat

Which of the following is not a purpose of a nonfiction text?
A. Entertain by satirizing a political candidate
B. Inform a consumer about the nutrition of a product
C. Create a fantasy world
D. Persuade someone to change their opinion about school uniforms


C is the correct answer.

The option that is not a purpose of a nonfiction text is Create a fantasy world. Option C is the correct answer.

Nonfiction texts are meant to convey information that is based on real events, facts, and concepts. They are focused on presenting accurate and objective information rather than creating fictional or imaginary worlds. Option C is the correct answer.

A. Entertain by satirizing a political candidate: This is a valid purpose of nonfiction texts. Nonfiction works, such as political cartoons or opinion pieces, can use satire to entertain readers while commenting on political figures.

B. Inform a consumer about the nutrition of a product: This is also a common purpose of nonfiction texts. Providing consumers with accurate and reliable information about the nutritional content of products helps them make informed decisions.

C. Create a fantasy world: This is not a purpose of nonfiction texts. Nonfiction texts are based on real-life events, facts, and concepts, so they do not involve creating fictional worlds.

D. Persuade someone to change their opinion about school uniforms: Persuasion is another valid purpose of nonfiction texts. Nonfiction works, such as persuasive essays or argumentative articles, aim to convince readers to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action.

Learn more about Non-Fiction here:



4. Join the pairs of sentences with the connectives given in the bracket:
a. I like dancing. My father doesn't like dancing. (but) ​



Its :

I like dancing but my father doesn't like dancing.

Which statement best describes the trait of being tactful?

A- Ability to be humble in every situation

B- Ability to remain stress free

C- Ability to deal with others, especially in difficult situations

D- Ability to comply with given instructions (Wrong answer)

E- Ability to arrive at work on time



I believe it is C


the answer is C ( i guess)


bcuz tactful means right thing at the right time

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