Express 0.00506 in standard form​


Answer 1


[tex]5.06 x 10^{-3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Move decimal 3 place to right.

Because the decimal was moved to right, the exponent is negative.

Related Questions

The option which is not a solution of the equation 2x + 3y = 6 is:
(A) (0, 2)
(B) (1, 1)
(C) (-3, 4)
(D) (3, 0).​



Step-by-step explanation:


Look at photo I tested each thing, your answer to this question in option B

A set of composite number less than 12.Express it in listing and set-builder methods


composite numbers less than 12={1,3,4,6,8,9,10}

In XYZ, what is the cosine ratio of X?



c) 12/15 = 4/5

Step-by-step explanation:

imagine we mirror the triangle up, so that Z is on top.

then you can clearly see that 6 is cos(X) times r (and r is then 7.5).

XY is sin(X)×7.5

and again, 7.5 is r (the line making the X angle).

so, the cosine ratio of X is

6 = cos(X)×7.5

cos(X) = 6/7.5 or then 12/15. or simplified 4/5.

yea the person on top is right, bc I also got that correct on my test LMFOAOA

On a coordinate plane, a curved line labeled f of x with a minimum value of (1.9, negative 5.7) and a maximum value of (0, 2), crosses the x-axis at (negative 0.7, 0), (0.76, 0), and (2.5, 0), and crosses the y-axis at (0, 2).
Which statement is true about the graphed function?

F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5).
F(x) > 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5).
F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-0.7, 0.76) and (2.5, ∞).
F(x) > 0 over the intervals (-0.7, 0.76) and (0.76, ∞



F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5)

Step-by-step explanation:

The minimum value of the curve = (1.9, -5.7),

The maximum value = (0, 2)

The point the function crosses the x-axis (the x-intercept) = (-0.7, 0), (0.76, 0), and (2.5, 0)

The point the function crosses the y-axis (the y-intercept) = (0, 2)

The given points can be plotted using MS Excel, from which we have;

F(x) is less than 0 over the interval from x = -∞, to x = -0.7, and the interval from x = 0.76 to x = 2.5

The correct option is therefore, F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5)


A. F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5).

Step-by-step explanation:

pls help, and explain. I will give brainliest



Nicole should take 13 1/8 cups of snack mix.

Step-by-step explanation:

If a serving size is 7/8 and Nicole wants to take 15 serving sizes (15 7/8's), then we must multiply 7/8 by 15:

15 × 7/8

Write 15 over 1 (15 = 15/1) to make the calculations easier:

15/1 × 7/8

Multiply the numerators and denominators separately:

15 × 7 / 1 × 8

105 / 8

Instructions don't say you have to do this but I will convert this improper fraction into a mixed number:

105/8 = 13 1/8

The product of two numbers is 10000.If one number is 16 times the other numbers ,find the two numbers.​




The product of two numbers is 10000. If one number is 16 times the other numbers ,find the two numbers.


Both numbers are 25 and 400.

Step By Step Explanation:

Given that:

The product of two numbers is 10000.

One number is 16 times the other number.

To Find:

Both numbers?


Let us consider that one number be n, in question it is stated that other number is 16 times the first number. Therefore, other number is 16n.

According to the Question :

[tex]\sf↦ Product ~of ~numbers = 10000\\\\↦ n × 16n = 10000\\\\↦ 16n² = 10000\\\\↦ n² = \sf \dfrac{10000}{16}\\\\↦ \sf n = \sqrt{\dfrac{10000}{16}}\\\\↦ \sf n = \sqrt{\dfrac{100\:\times\:100}{4\:\times\:4}}\\\\↦ \sf n = {\cancel{\dfrac{100}{4}}}\\\\➦\pmb{\underline{\boxed{\sf{\pink{n = 25}}}}}[/tex]


1st number = n = 25

2nd number = 16n = 16 × 25 = 400

∴ Hence, both numbers are 25 and 400.



(25, 400) or (-25, - 400)

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the numbers be x and y.

We have:

y = 16xxy = 10000

Substitute y and solve for x:

x(16x) = 1000016x² = 10000x² = 10000/16x² = 625x = √625x = ± 25

Then y is:

y = ± 25*16 = ± 400

The numbers are:

25 and 400 or -25 and - 400

Ashish is 175 cm tall his sister Annu is 8% shorter than him what is Annu's height

pls help​



8% out of 175 = ( 8 ÷ 100 ) × 175 = 14

175 cm - 14 = 161 cm


Delta math need help




Step-by-step explanation:

We'll use the Pythagoras theorem to solve this, which states that in a right angle triangle:

h^2 = a^2 + b^2

4^2 = 3^2 +b^2

16= 9 +b^2

16-9= b^2

7= b^2

(take square root in both sides)

b= 2.65

round to nearest 10th = 2.6

answer by Gauthmath


Missing side is 2.6

3^2 + x^2 = 4^2

9 + x^2 = 16

-9            -9

x^2 = 7

([tex]\sqrt{x}[/tex])^2 = [tex]\sqrt{7}[/tex]

x = 7

Find the approximation o the square root of 7 in fractions then carry out the long division.


Approx. is 2 3/5 which equals 2 6/10 which equals 2.6

help on the circled problems, will mark brainliest :D



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:


x - (9x - 10) + 11 = 12x + 3(- 2x + [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] ) ← distribute parenthesis on both sides

x - 9x + 10 + 11 = 12x - 6x + 1 ← collect like terms on both sides

- 8x + 21 = 6x + 1 ( subtract 6x from both sides )

- 14x + 21 = 1 ( subtract 21 from both sides )

- 14x = - 20 ( divide both sides by - 14 )

x = [tex]\frac{-20}{-14}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{10}{7}[/tex]


- 4x - 2(8x + 1) = - (- 2x - 10) ← distribute parenthesis on both sides

- 4x - 16x - 2 = 2x + 10

- 20x - 2 = 2x + 10 ( subtract 2x from both sides )

- 22x - 2 = 10 ( add 2 to both sides )

- 22x = 12 ( divide both sides by - 22 )

x = [tex]\frac{12}{-22}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{6}{11}[/tex]


8(2x + 9) = 56 ( divide both sides by 8 )

2x + 9 = 7 ( subtract 9 from both sides )

2x = - 2 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = - 1

write 1.4888... as a mixed number




Step-by-step explanation:

This is the simplified version

Giải phương trình


Answer: x = -3

[tex]2x+6=0\\\\2x=-6\\\\x=\frac{-6}{2} =-3[/tex]


x= -3

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the equation:

2x +6 = 0

We have isolate 'x'.

First subtract 6 from both sides

2x = 0-6

2x = -6

Divide each side by 2

x = -6/2

x = -3

Which expression is equal to "13 more than the quotient of n and 8"? *
A) 13n + 8
B) n - 8 + 13
C) n * 8 + 13
D) (n / 8) + 13




Step-by-step explanation:

The quotient of n and 8 is [tex]\frac{n}{8}[/tex] and 13 more than this is

[tex]\frac{n}{8}[/tex] + 13 → D

Its D) (n / 8) + 13
If u work it out in PENDAS
First u do () n/8
Then u add 13
Which would make the answer 13 more

If you help me, you will get this cookie



B. 7y - 15

Step-by-step explanation:


10y + -3(y + 5) = 0

Reorder the terms:

10y + -3(5 + y) = 0

10y + (5 * -3 + y * -3) = 0

10y + (-15 + -3y) = 0

Reorder the terms:

-15 + 10y + -3y = 0

Combine like terms: 10y + -3y = 7y

-15 + 7y = 0


-15 + 7y = 0

Solving for variable 'y'.

Move all terms containing y to the left, all other terms to the right.

Add '15' to each side of the equation.

-15 + 15 + 7y = 0 + 15

Combine like terms: -15 + 15 = 0

0 + 7y = 0 + 15

7y = 0 + 15

Combine like terms: 0 + 15 = 15

7y = 15

Divide each side by '7'.

y = 2.142857143


y = 2.142857143


b. 7y-15

Step-by-step explanation:

First, write out the expression

1. [tex]10y-3(y+5)[/tex]

To simplify the expression distribute the -3 to the terms within the paratheses.

2. [tex]10y-3y-15[/tex]

Then, combine like terms to simplify further. Since 10y and -3y are like terms they can be subtracted

3. [tex]7y-15[/tex]

This means that B is the correct answer.

[tex]3x + 9 = 12[/tex]

Solve for x




Step-by-step explanation:

3x+9 = 12

Subtract 9 from each side


3x = 3

Divide by 3

3x/3 = 3/3


Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

[tex]x = 1[/tex]

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Calculating the answer...}}\\\\3x + 9 = 12\\-------------\\\rightarrow 3x + 9 - 9 = 12 - 9\\\\\rightarrow 3x = 3\\\\\rightarrow \frac{3x=3}{3}\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{x=1}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

find x
2 ^30 divided by 8^9= 2x



see below

Step-by-step explanation:






2^3 ^ 9

We know a^b^c = a^(b*c)

2^(3*9) = 2^27




We know a^b / a^c = a^(b-c)

2^(30-27) = 2^3

Assuming you mean 2^x

2^3 = 2^x


If you mean 2x

2^3 = 8

8 = 2x

Divide by 2

4 =x

[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]


[tex]\mathsf{2^{30}}\\\mathsf{= \bf 1,073,741,824}\\\\\mathsf{8^9}\\\mathsf{= \bf 134,217,728}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{\rightarrow \dfrac{1,073,741,824}{134,217,728}= 2x}\\\\\\\mathsf{\dfrac{1,073,741,824}{134,217,728}= \bf 8}\\\\\\\mathsf{\rightarrow \ 8 = 2x}\\\\\\\\\large\textsf{TURN\ the\ EQUATION\ around}\\\\\\\mathsf{\rightarrow\ 2x = 8}\\\\\\\large\textsf{DIVIDE 2 to BOTH SIDES}\\\\\\\mathsf{\dfrac{2x}{2}=\dfrac{8}{2}}\\\\\\\large\textsf{CANCEL out: }\mathsf{\dfrac{2}{2}}\large\textsf{ because it gives you 1}\\\\\\\large\textsf{KEEP: }\mathsf{\dfrac{8}{2}}\large\textsf{ because it gives you the answer of x}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{x = \dfrac{8}{2}}\\\\\\\mathsf{x = 8\div 2}\\\\\\\mathsf{x = \bf 4}\\\\\\\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Therefore, your answer is: \textsf{x = 4}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


The point slope formula (if possible) to write an equation of the line given the following information…we


The equation in point slope form is y - 6 = 2(x + 3)

This is from the general point slope template of [tex]y - y_1 = m(x - x_1)[/tex]

The m is the slope, which in this case is m = 2. The [tex](x_1,y_1)[/tex] is the point the line goes through. In this case, [tex]x_1 = -3 \text{ and } y_1 = 6[/tex]

If you were to solve that equation in bold for y, then you should get y = 2x+12 which is now in y = mx+b form, aka slope intercept form.

Pls help





20.2 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagoras theorem, we have

Height^2+13^2=24^2, height=sqrt(407)=20.2

use the formula v=u+at to find the velocity when the initial velocity is 3m/s2 the time is 7 seconds



Step-by-step explanation:


add me on s


love xx

and i dont know the answer

If f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3 and g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7 , find (f - g)(x) .



x^2 + 10

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3

g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7

(f - g)(x) =2x ^ 2 + 3 - (x ^ 2 - 7 )

Distribute the minus sign

             =2x ^ 2 + 3 - x ^ 2 + 7

Combine like terms

            = x^2 + 10

Between which two numbers does 46 lie?
between 8 and 9
between 6 and 7
between 5 and 6
between 7 and 8



So the sqrt(46) is between 6 and 7

Step-by-step explanation:


5*5 = 25



So the sqrt(46) is between 6 and 7

A factory inspector found flaws in 3 out of 18 wooden boxes. What is the experimental probability that the next wooden box will be flawed?
Write your answer as a fraction or whole number.


Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Box Probability}}\\\\\rightarrow \frac{\text{# of boxed flawed}}{\text{# of boxes checked}} \\\\\rightarrow \frac{3}{18}\\\\\rightarrow \frac{3/3}{18/3}\\\\\rightarrow\boxed{\frac{1}{6}}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

What is the quotient?
O 9




Step-by-step explanation:

follow me if you want

Help me! thank you so much



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{sinxcos^3x-cos xsin^3x}{cos^42x-sin^42x} \\=\frac{sin x cos x(cos^2x-sin ^2 x)}{(cis^2 2x+sin^2 2x)(cos^2 2x-sin ^22x)} \\=\frac{2sin x cos x cos 2x}{2(1)(cos 4x)} \\=\frac{sin 2x cos 2x}{2 cos 4x} \\=\frac{2 sin 2x cos 2x}{4 cos 4x} \\=\frac{sin 4x}{4 cos 4x} \\=\frac{1}{4} tan 4x[/tex]

Helpppp pleaseeee !!!!!!



149 inches squared

Step-by-step explanation:

top rectangle: 25 * 7 = 175

second rectangle: 8 * (25 - 17) = 8^2 = 64

triangle in bottom right: 1/2 * (13 - 8) * (15 - 11) = 10

175 + 64 + 10 = 149 sq in

hopefully got this right!

Lilian is building a swimming pool in the shape of a right rectangular prism. The area of the base of the swimming pool is 72 square meters. The depth of the swimming pool is 3 meters. What is the volume of the swimming pool?




Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of a rectangular prism = area of base * depth

Area of base: 72

Depth: 3

Volume = 72 * 3 = 216

What is the smallest 3-digit palindrome that is divisible by both 3 and 4?




Step-by-step explanation:

To be divisible by 3, it's digits have to add to a number that is a multiple of 3.

To be divisible by 4 its last 2 digits have to be divisible by 3.

So let's start with 1x1 which won't work because 1x1 is odd. so let's go to 2x2 and see what happens.

212 that's divisible by 4 but not 3

222 divisible by 3 but not 4

232 divisible by 4 but not 3

242 not divisible by either one.

252 I think this might be your answer

The digits add up to 9 which is a multiple of 3 and the last 2 digits are divisible by 4

Which of the following measures is a measure of spread?
A. median
B. range
C. mode
D. mean




Step-by-step explanation:


B. range.

Step-by-step explanation:

others are:

» Standard variation.

» Interquatile range.

» Quatiles, deciles and percentiles.

» variance.

[tex]{ \underline{ \blue{ \sf{christ \: † \: alone}}}}[/tex]

Determine the sum of the first 33 terms of the following series:





Step-by-step explanation:

Use the formula for sum of series, s(a) = n/2(2a + (n-1)d)

The terms increase by 6, so d is 6

a is the first term, -56

n is the terms you want to find, 33

Plug in the numbers, 33/2 (2(-56)+(32)6)

Simplify into 33(80)/2 and you get 1320

The ratio of Mitchell's age to Connor's age is 8:5. In thirty years, the ratio of their ages will be 6:5. How much older is Mitchell than Connor now?



9 years older

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of their ages is 8 : 5 = 8x : 5x ( x is a multiplier )

In 30 years their ages will be 8x + 30 and 5x + 30 and the ratio 6 : 5 , so

[tex]\frac{8x+30}{5x+30}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{6}{5}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

5(8x + 30) = 6(5x + 30) ← distribute parenthesis on both sides

40x + 150 = 30x + 180 ( subtract 30x from both sides )

10x + 150 = 180 ( subtract 150 from both sides )

10x = 30 ( divide both sides by 10 )

x = 3


Michell is 8x = 8 × 3 = 24 years old

Connor is 5x = 5 × 3 = 15 years old

Mitchell is 24 - 15 = 9 years older than Connor

if the ordered pairs (x-2,3y+1) and (y+1,x+3) are equal,find x and y
plz help me ​





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