Fastest Woman in the World

Wilma Rudolph crouched at the starting line, every muscle in her lean, 5-foot-11-inch body poised 1 for the race. The starter gave the signal, and Wilma took off. Did this young woman from Tennessee have the strength and determination to win the Olympic gold medal? Everything in Wilma’s life had prepared her for this moment. But Wilma wasn’t an ordinary athlete. “Mylifewasn’t like the average person who grew up anddecided to enter the world of sports,” she said. Sick All the Time Wilma Rudolph was born on June 23, 1940. She weighed four and a half pounds. No one expected her to survive. “I was sick all of the time when I was growing up,” Wilma wrote in her autobiography,Wilma. Wilma was the 20th of 22 children. In America in the 1940s, segregation 2 kept black and white people from being treated the same. Because the Rudolphs were African American, only one doctor in their town would care for Wilma. Her mother helped by using home remedies to nurse Wilma through measles, mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, appendicitis, and double pneumonia. “I think I started acquiring a competitive spirit right then and there, a spirit that would make me successful in sports later on... I was going to beat these illnesses no matter what.” Wilma fought her hardest childhood battle against polio, a disease that crippled 3 her left leg. Mrs. Rudolph found a black medical college in Nashville, 50 miles away. Twice a week, for several years, Wilma and her mother took the bus to Nashville. At home, Wilma and her family massaged and exercised her weak leg to strengthen it. After several months, the hospital fitted Wilma with a brace. “The brace went on... and I lived with that thing for the next half-dozen years... When I was six,I started treatments... that lasted until I was tenyears old.”Sending Back the Brace “I was nine and a half years old when I first took off the brace... I’ll never forget it. I went to church, and I walked in without the brace... I’d say it was one of the most important moments of my life,” Wilma wrote. Although she used the brace on and off for three more years, she practiced until she could finally walk without it. When Wilma was 12, her mother wrapped up the brace and sent it back to the hospital. That summer, Wilma went to a local playground and saw kids playing basketball. She fell in love with the game and decided she would play no matter what. Off and Running In the fall, Wilma entered seventh grade and joined the basketball team. For the next three years, she practiced hard. Finally, in tenth grade, Wilma got the chance to be part of the starting team. She began to set state records for scoring. Ed Temple, the women’s track coach at Tennessee State University, saw Wilma play. He invited her to come to Tennessee State during the summers so he could coach her in track. Wilma learned fast. In 1956, at the age of 16, she ran her first Olympic race at the games in Australia and won a bronze medal in the 4x100-meter relay. Not About to Lose Wilma’s time to shine came four years later. At the 1960 Olympics, she won gold medals in the 100-meter dash and the 200-meter dash. She had one event left as the last leg of a four-woman relay team, all from Tennessee State. As the third woman on the team ran toward her, Wilma reached for the baton and nearly dropped it. Her team was suddenly in third place. Wilma was not about to lose. With a final burst of speed, Wilma raced ahead of the competition, becoming the first American woman to win three gold medals at one Olympics. The little girl who couldn’t walk had become the fastest woman in the world. Helping Others After the Olympics, Wilma decided that she wanted to help children overcome their difficulties byparticipating in sports. 4 Through her teaching andthe foundations she established, she helped countless children overcome all kinds of obstacles, just as she had.

1)PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text?

A)Wilma was able to overcome illness and injury to become a top athlete.

B)Without the support of her family, Wilma would have never made it to the Olympics.

C)Wilma was lucky that her injuries didn't keep her from winning in the Olympics.

D)Racial discrimination kept Wilma from getting the help she needed for her illnesses.


Answer 1
The correct answer should be A
Answer 2
The answer is (A) Wilma was able to overcome illness and injury to become a top athlete.

Related Questions

need help english will give 5 star and thanks



D is the correct answer, "All the teammates were focused on one thing, victory. "


It's not A because you're not going into depth of explaining something.

It's not B because there is not two independent clauses.

C is not grammatically correct.

The correct answer is D because you're separating a clause.

Who replaced Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety ?
A) A constitutional monarchy was restored
B) Napoleon
C)The Directory
D) None of the above


A.Constitutional monarchy was restored

Which of the following questions applies the strategy of comparing and contrasting? A. When did the civil rights era really begin? B. How did soldiers in the Civil War feel about their jobs? C. What were the economic effects of the Cold War in the Soviet Union? D. Have some religions been more involved in religious wars than others?


Answer: D | Explanation: You can see how the sentence uses other religious wars as a comparison to the majority religions it was talking about.

qué significaba la PAX ROMANA y por qué dos cuestiones las Provincias eran fundamentales para la economía del Imperio Romano



Pax Romana es una expresión en latín utilizada para referirse al largo periodo de estabilidad que vivió el Imperio romano, caracterizado tanto por su calma interior como por su seguridad exterior, lo que le permitió alcanzar su máximo desarrollo económico y expansión territorial


Las Provincias no tenían nada que ver

How did the adoption of the Indian numeral system by the Arabs impact mathematical understanding? Use a quote directly from Al Khwarizmi



Indeed, Al Khwarizmi (Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī) works on mathematics has impacted our understanding of mathematics today.

For example, Al Khwarizmi has been attributed as the founder of algebra, an interesting branch of mathematics. That is to say, if not for his works on algebra, we may not have had proper knowledge about solving equations (quadratic equations).

One of his interesting quote that reflects our modern understanding of mathematics is,

"When I consider what people generally want in calculating, I found that it always is a number. I also observed that every number is composed of units, and that any number may be divided into units. Moreover, I found that every number which may be expressed from one to ten, surpasses the preceding by one unit: afterwards the ten is doubled or tripled just as before the units were: thus arise twenty, thirty, etc. until a hundred: then the hundred is doubled and tripled in the same manner as the units and the tens, up to a thousand;… so forth to the utmost limit of numeration."

2. Which of the following is another example of a philosophical or
intellectual change during the enlightenment period in Europe?
a. The belief in using a rational process to change society
b. The desire to explore to gain access to new trade routes
O c. Innovation and invention in the Industrial Revolution
d. A desire to continue monarchical government


The answer is a. he this helps

Another example of a philosophical or intellectual change during the enlightenment period in Europe is  The belief in using a rational process to change society. Thus the correct option is A.

What is enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was an 18th-century intellectual movement that promoted the idea that custom and religion are inferior to rationality and science in terms of providing people with knowledge and understanding.

The foundation of contemporary Western political and intellectual culture has traditionally been credited to the Enlightenment. Europe's understanding of concepts like liberty, equality, and individual rights was transformed by the Enlightenment, which introduced secular ideas to the continent.

Therefore, option  A is appropriate.

Learn more about enlightenment, here:


Please please please please help me on this please!!!








What was Hitlers response to the Treaty of Versailles?



Violation of the Treaty of Versailles occurs.


Hitlers response to the Treaty of Versailles by violating the Treaty of Versailles. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, which is a demilitarized zone located along the Rhine River in western Germany. After two years, Nazi Germany moves onward of its territories and absorbing Austria and portions of Czechoslovakia into their territories.

The Indus Valley is situated between what two nations?​


Between Pakistan and India


It's situated in between Pakistan and India


Why did farmers in the 1880s have to buy food from merchants?
A. Their crops failed from years of no rain,
B. They grew mostly cash crops.
C. Their crops were all promised to merchants.
D. Their crops all belonged to the bank,



B. They grew mostly Cash crops


Did this

How did the response to the Berlin blockade affect the relationship between the United States and its allies?


Answer: It improved their relationship because it showed that they could work together successfully to resist the USSR.


After the Soviet Blockade of Berlin, the U.S started the Berlin Airlift, a large amount of Martials were dropped in west berlin, showing the united states actually cared for its allies, and was willing to go to any lengths to keep them well, It strengthened the us relationship, and made the soviets look so bad they had to drop the blockade soon after.

Which of the following is NOT an example of how the Persian empire encouraged local self-government?
A. Leaders of provinces were allowed much independence.
B. Persian rulers forced people to follow the same customs and obey the same laws.
C. Local laws were allowed and not replaced with Persian laws.
D. People could practice their own traditions, as they had for years.


d - people could practice their own traditions

What was Anne Hutchinson's belief that angered Puritan church leaders?

A: People who were not members of the church should not be allowed to vote.

B: Women who were accused of being witches should not be sentenced to death.

C: People could have a relationship with God without guidance from ministers.

D: People could take land from American Indians without paying for it.



to the same word family as mime. The octopus was able to mimic the appearance of sea snakes by changing the colors of its tentacles. ... changing the colors of its tentacles. Based on the meaning of other words in that word family, which choice is the best definition of the word mimic in this sentence


It’s a because people who were not mem

Explain the walking purchase.



Walking Purchase, (Aug 25, 1737 ), land swindle perpetrated by Pennsylvania authorities on the Delaware Indians, who had been in the tribe most friendly to William Penn when he founded the colony in the previous country.

A. ¿Qué postura existían sobre el papel de las mujeres en la sociedad francesa de la revolución? B. ¿Qué reflexión puedes hacer sobre la situación de la mujer en la época de la Revolución Francesa?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar los siguiente.

A.- ¿Qué postura existían sobre el papel de las mujeres en la sociedad francesa de la revolución?

Si hablamos del papel en la aristocracia y en la corte del monarca, las mujeres eran consideradas como las esposas de los Burgueses. Tenían un papel de acompañamiento de sus maridos ante la elite social de Francia. No tenían mayor participación política.

Si hablamos de la clase social baja, el Tercer Estado, la mujer tenía que trabajar para ayudar en el hogar, además de cuidar de los hijos. Sin embargo, en lucha revolucionaria, las mujeres francesas realizaron un papel determinante,

B.- ¿Qué reflexión puedes hacer sobre la situación de la mujer en la época de la Revolución Francesa?

Todavía en aquella época de la revolución y después de haberla concluido, las mujeres no fueron reconocidas como un miembro económicamente activo en la sociedad francesa.

Una vez instalada la llamada Primera República Francesa, esto significó la libertad, fraternidad e igualdad para los hombres en muchos aspectos. Pero no fue así para las mujeres, quienes seguían sufriendo los efectos de no ser consideradas iguales a los hombres. En términos generales, la mujer francesa siguió teniendo un papel secundario y quedó confinada a permanecer en el hogar, realizando su papel de madres y educadoras de los hijos.

En ese momento, la mujer quiere levantar su voz y comienza a exigir ciertos derechos.

How did the culture, the environment, and
technological innovations of Mesoamerica affect the expansion of agriculture, cities, and social structures of the aztecs?



The culture, environment, and technological innovations of Mesoamerica affected the expansion of agriculture, cities, and social structure of the Aztecs through new inventions and discoveries.


need help ASAP!!

explain why a ‘city set on a hill’ is such a significant city



less chance of flooding

As the previous person said, there’s less of a chance for flooding, but the city can also be better fortified, AND it will tire enemies who must run up the hill in order to attack.

How did indulgences lead to conflict amongst the churches



It showed people the corruptness of the churches in the era. People realized that the church was used mostly for profit, and that selling indulgences would never "forgive them of their sins" as sellers claimed. It caused Martin Luther to publicly put down the church, leading to a new branch of Protestantism called Lutheranism. The selling  of indulgences would ultimately split up the church in clashing ideals and thoughts on access to the Bible, as well as how it should be interpreted.

A command economy is best described as an economy that: : O A. gives the government complete control over production and prices. B. gives businesses complete freedom to produce and sell what they want. C. gives people jobs based on their family history and role in the community O D. gives both businesses and the government a role in economic decisions.​


A because command economy the government is in control the population has no say in things

Can someone help me find some reliable websites for facts on the Qin Dynasty...please



a really good website is


How did the race riot in Chicago during 1919 affect the people of chicago.? What happen with the African- American population of the city



All I know is :

A victim of stone throwing by a group of teenagers, he ended up drowning under the watchful eye of a police officer. Thirteen days of riots followed, leaving 38 dead /mostly African-Americans/ and 537 injured

But I hope it can helps

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<333

9. What was the alliance of western countries against communism called?
a. The Warsaw Pact
C. The Central Powers
d. The Allied Powers


NATO, because that would be the western bloc, while The Warsaw Pact would be the eastern bloc

what lead directly to the fall of the soviet union


Rebellions in the Eastern Europe

Growing anger with Communism

Economic problens

__is the writing system that was created by the __people



B. Cuneiform, Sumerian


The cuineform writing style could be described as a wedge styled writing format which is usually produced by dipping stylus into soft clay in other produce the desired words to be written. It often represents a pictogram at the earliest as the Sumerian people of Mesopotamia have been credited with the invention and development of the cuineform writing system, which is one of the oldest writing styles as far back as 3000-3500 BCE according to history. The Cuineform writing system which is more aligned towards a pictorial representation rather was widely adopted at the time bybthe Mesopotamian masses before a shift towards the adoption of the alphabet format styled writing later.

Help help help help help please !


Could you give context? Which war was this?

True or False: After the Bonus Army demonstrated around the Capitol and lobbied senators, the Senate passed the bonus bill.


It is not true that after the bonus army demonstrations the Senate passes the bill.

Somebody please help me with my work it’s hard



C is the correct answer.

How do mediums of exchange affect trade A.they make trade more efficient. B. They make trade more expensive.C.they make trade less global.D they make trade less profitable



A.they make trade more efficient.


An exchange medium may be described as an item or tender which is used to facilitate the process of exchange of goods and services between people, countries or any trading pair. It allows a buyer to offer something in return for an equal amount good and services received from the seller. In the past, several means of exchange has been used till date where a country's currency is now the means of exchange used to aid business transaction. The with a means of exchange, a more efficient trading experience is guaranteed as trading is conducted more easily and rapidly.

Which king of Mali, known as the Hungering Lion, overcame his disability, defeated Ghana, and helped Mali gain control of the gold trade?

Mansa Musa


Ibn Sina

Whoever can answer the quickest I will make brainleist!!!


Sundiata Keita known as the hungering lion led a Mande revolt against the powerful Soso king

Answer: B Sundiata


The social class of France that faced the most discrimination and oppression was the
A. 1st estate
B. 2nd estate
C. 3rd estate


The answer is C. The 3rd Estate

The 1st Estate was the Church and the priests.

The 2nd Estate included the nobility...the nobles.

The 3rd Estate housed the starving and very upset “peasantry” which made up over 90% of France.

When your nation depends on these people, it’s detrimental to make them upset, and we can see that happen during the French Revolution.
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