Find the Antilog of 547.840​


Answer 1


It's impossible because the figure is greater than 10

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{antilog \: of \: x = \frac{x}{ log} = {10}^{x} }}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \sf{anti(547.840) = {10}^{547.840} }} \\ { \tt{ \red{math \: error \: !}}}[/tex]

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For the rational function f(x)=5−xx2+5x+6, find the points on the graph at the function value f(x)=3.



The rational function is:


To find:

The points on the graph at the function value [tex]f(x)=3[/tex].


We have,


Substituting [tex]f(x)=3[/tex], we get




Moving all the terms on one side, we get



Splitting the middle term, we get




Using zero product property, we get

[tex](3x+13)=0\text{ or }(x+1)=0[/tex]

[tex]x=-\dfrac{13}{3}\text{ or }x=-1[/tex]

Therefore, the required values are [tex]-\dfrac{13}{3},-1[/tex].

Find the probability of a couple having at least 1 girl among 4 children. Assume that boys and girls are
equally likely and that the gender of a child is independent of the gender of any brothers or sisters.



15/16 (93.75%)

Step-by-step explanation:

List of Possible Combinations:


As you can see, only 1 out of 16 of the possible combinations is all boys. This means that the chance of at least 1 girl among the 4 children is 15 out of 16 (15/16) or 93.75%

what is the percent decrease on a Tv that has been marked down from $550 to $420? round to the nearest tenth​


24% decrease

550 - 420 = 130

130/550 = 24%

The percent decrease on a TV after the markdown to the nearest tenth​ is 23.6%.

What is the percent decrease on the TV after the markdown?

The percent decrease formula can be expressed as:

Percent decrease = [( original value - new value ) / original value ] × 100%

Given the data in the question:

The original value of the TV = $550

New value after markdown  = $420

Percent decrease =?

Plug the given values into the above formula and solve for the percent decrease.

Percent decrease = [( original value - new value ) / original value ] × 100%

Percent decrease = [( 550 - 420 ) / 550 ] × 100%

Percent decrease = [ 130 / 550 ] × 100%

Percent decrease = 0.2363 × 100%

Percent decrease = 23.6%

Therefore, the percent decrease is 23.6%.

Learn about Percent increase here:


Betty received $ 500,000 from a life insurance policy to be distributed to her as an annuity certain in 10 equal annual installments with the first payment made immediately. On the day she receives her third payment, she is offered a monthly perpetuity of X in lieu of the future annual payments. The first payment will be made in exactly one month. The effective annual rate of interest is 8 %. Determine the value of X.​


9514 1404 393


annual payment: $68,995.13monthly payment in perpetuity: X = $2394.76

Step-by-step explanation:

a) For payments made at the beginning of the period, the annuity is called an "annuity due." The formula in the first attachment tells how to compute the payment for a given present value ($500,000), number of periods (N=10), and interest rate (i=0.08).

  pmt = $500,000/(1 +(1 -(1 +i)^(-N+1))/i) = $500,000/(1 +(1 -(1.08^-9))/.08)

  pmt ≈ $68,995.13 . . . . annual payment


b) After the first payment, the account balance is ...

  $500,000 -68,995.13 = $431,004.87

After subsequent payments, the account balance will be ...

  $431,004.87×1.08 -68,995.13 = $396,490.13 . . . after 2nd payment

  $396,490.13×1.08 -68,995.13 = $359,214.21 . . . after 3rd payment

The payment amount that can be made in perpetuity is the amount of the monthly interest on this balance:

  X = $359,214.21 × (0.08/12) = $2394.76

According to the scale drawing, how wide will the actual patio be?
7 cm
Scale 1 cm: 2 m


The width of the actual garden patio according to the scale drawing is 14 meters.

What is an equation?

An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more numbers and variables.

An independent variable is a variable that does not depends on other variable while a dependent variable is a variable that depends on other variable.

Given the scale of 1 cm : 2 m

For a patio of 7 cm, then:

Actual patio = 7 cm / (1 cm/ 2m) = 14 m

The width of the actual garden patio according to the scale drawing is 14 meters.

Find out more on equation at:


10 ft wide by 14 ft long. if the ceiling is 8 ft high. what is the area of the four walls?


Answer: 80

Step-by-step explanation:

Abraham is writing a recursive function for the geometric sequence:
24, 12, 6, 3,

Khan Academy Problem PLEASE HELP



a1 = 24

an = an-1 × 1/2, n >1

Step-by-step explanation:

a geometric sequence is a sequence where we multiply every previous term by a certain factor to create the next term.

so, we multiply 24 by something to get 12.

and then 12 by the same something to get 6.

and then 6 by the and something to get 3.

do you see the pattern ? hmmm ?

right, we always divide by 2 (or multiply by 1/2).

the starting value a1 = 24


an = an-1 × 1/2, n>1


[tex]an = a1 \times {(1 \div 2)}^{n - 1} [/tex]


can you help me with these high rated questions
I wish you will help me with his highlighted questions​



52 is (a)

55 is.( d)

56. is (d)

helppp .....................


What do you Need help with?


D represents a proportional relationship

Step-by-step explanation:

Proportional graphs always intersect with zero

There are two 5s in the number 855,309. Rico
says that the 5 in the ten-thousinds place is 1000
times greater than the 5 to its right. Is she correct?
Explain how
you know



no it is 10 times greater because we use the base 10 system where each number to the left is 10 times greater

Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate each expression.


#1 is 3
#2 is 0
#3 is -2
#4 is 7

Complete the table for the function y = x−−√3 + 7.



option D (5 6 8 9) is the answer


X [tex]\Longrightarrow -8\Longrightarrow -1\Longrightarrow 1\Longrightarrow 8[/tex]

Y[tex]\Longrightarrow 5\Longrightarrow 6\Longrightarrow 8\Longrightarrow 9[/tex]

[tex]Answer\hookrightarrow D)[/tex]


Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!

Initial amount problem help






Step-by-step explanation:

he following chart reports the number of cell phones sold at a big-box retail store for the last 26 days. a. What are the maximum and the minimum numbers of cell phones sold in a day? b. Using the median, what is the typical number of cell phones sold?



Maximum = 19

Minimum = 4

Median = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

The maximum number of phone sold per day is the value to the right of the horizontal axis as the values are arranged in ascending order ; Hence, the maximum number of phones sold per day is 19

Also, the minimum number of phones sold per day is the value to the left of the plot, Hence, minimum number of phones sold per day is 14.

The Median value : 4, 9, 14, 19

The median = 1/2(n+1)th term

1/2(5)th term = 2.5 th term

Median (9 + 14) /2 = 13 /2 = 11.5 = 12 phones

During​ spring, young​ moose, unfamiliar with roads and​ traffic, are wandering around at night in a​ province, causing risk and road accidents. Suppose that the average number of road accidents involving moose was per day. The government increased the number of hunting licenses and cleared brush to improve​ drivers' visibility. On one day after these measures were​ implemented, there were road accidents involving moose. ​

a. What would be the chance of such accidents or​ fewer, assuming the​ government's measures were​ ineffective? ​
b. Do you think the​ government's measures were​ effective? State your reasons clearly.


Answer: A not b
Because it’s just not

If you apply the changes below to the cube root parent function, F(x) = 3/x
what is the equation of the new function?
• Translate 1 unit right.
• Translate 1 unit up.
A. G(x) = 3/x-1+1
B. G(x) = 3/x +1-1
C. G(x) =3/ x - 1-1
D. G(x) = 3/x+1+1


9514 1404 393


  A.  G(x) = ∛(x -1) +1

Step-by-step explanation:

The transformation f(x-h) +k represents a translation (right, up) by (h, k) of the parent function f(x).

Your translation of f(x) = ∛x by (1, 1) will give you the function ...

  G(x) = ∛(x -1) +1

HELP PLEASE, Function problem






Step-by-step explanation:

please forgive me, but again, this is the simplest of the simplest things. how is that a problem ?

this costs so much more time to just put it in here and then copy answers than just doing it. this is literally a matter of seconds.

the functional value is -2 for all x that are not equal to 2.

and the functional value is -1, when x = 2

so, what is the problem ?

please see my other answer for more details on the solution.

please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!​


Step-by-step explanation:

24. = 249030/30

=8,301 rs


24. 8301, divide 249030 by 30

25. 9989001, but i dont know the property

Step-by-step explanation:

2) If licorice cost $6.59 a pound, how much would it cost to buy a quarter pound of licoric
(Hint: Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction or decimal and multiply by th
quantity required)




Step-by-step explanation:



[tex]6.59*\frac{1}{4} =1.65[/tex]

Remember the dataset of alligators which was about the length and weight of several aligators in Florida. The variable X is the length of aligator and the Y variable is the weight of them. A researcher decided to use decision tree and designed two steps: X<4, X>4. What is the name of this method of splitting?A. Multi-way splitting.B. Entropy classification.C. Binary splitting.D. Gini index.



A. multi-way split.

Step-by-step explanation:

Multi way split consists of internal at decision tree branches. Gini index measures probability of impurity in the random variables chosen. Entropy is measure of uncertainty in the sample selected. Binary splitting is used to speed up numerical evaluation.

An alarm clock is slow. It falls behind 4 minutes every 24 hours. If the clock was showing the correct time at 6:00 this morning, how many seconds ahead was the clock at 10:00 last night?



80 Seconds

I dont really want to type the whole thing out, just think about it again, or go to a tutor website, you should be able to get it, you have to use these, multiplication of three numbers, and multiplication and division by factorization of numbers.

Simplify the following expression: (4x2)2 • (3x3)3




Step-by-step explanation:

(4x^2)^2 • (3x^3)^3

We know that a^b^c = a^(b*c)

4^2 x^2^2  * 3^3 x^3^3

16 x^4  * 27 x^9

We know that a^b ^ a^c = a^(b+c)

16*27 x^(4+9)




Step-by-step explanation:

( 4x² ) ² • ( 3x³ ) ²

( 16x²)² • ( 27x³)²

[tex]16 x{}^{2 \times 2} \times 6 {}^{3 \times 3 } \\ 16x {}^{4} \times27 {}^{9} [/tex]

[tex](16 \times 27)x {}^{4 + 9} [/tex]


Test for symmetry and then graph the polar equation.



Symmetric with respect to the x-axis

Symmetric with respect to the y-axis

Symmetric with respect to the origin

Help with solving this Functions problem



See answers below

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following functions:

r(x) = x - 6

s(x) = 2x²

r(s(x)) = r(2x²)

Replacing x with 2x² in r(x) will give;

r(2x²) = 2x² - 6

r(s(x)) = 2x² - 6

(r-s)(x) = r(x) - s(x)

(r-s)(x) = x - 6 - 2x²


(r-s)(x) = - 2x²+x-6

(r+s)(x) = r(x) + s(x)

(r-s)(x) = x - 6 + 2x²


(r-s)(x) = 2x²+x-6

If the total income generated from Gasoline for AER was $408 millions, how much would be the cost for a barrel of gasoline



$20 per gallon

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the figure to find u.



u = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj side / hypotenuse

cos 45 = sqrt(2) / u

u cos 45 = sqrt(2)

u = sqrt(2) / cos 45

u = sqrt(2) / 1/ sqrt(2)

u = sqrt(2) * sqrt(2)

u =2



Solution given:

Relationship between base and hypotenuse is given by cos angle.

Cos 45°=base/hypotenuse


doing crisscrossed multiplication



A human resources office is working to implement an increase in starting salaries for new
administrative secretaries and faculty at a community college. An administrative secretary
starts at $28,000 and new faculty receive $40,000. The college would like to determine the
percentage increase to allocate to each group, given that the college will be hiring 8
secretaries and 7 faculty in the upcoming academic year. The college has at most $5,000 to
put towards raises. What should the percentage increase be for each group?​



Step-by-step explanation :

Let % increase in administrative secretary be = x

Let % increase in new faculty receive be = y

Administrative secretary salary = 28,000

New faculty receive Salary = 40,000

(8)*(x/100)* (28000) + (7)*(y/100)*(40000) = 5,000

2240x +2800 y = 5,000

224x +280 y = 500

56x +70y = 125

Therefore, x and y should be chosen such that it satisfy the above equation.

Given: Line AC is parallel to DF, Line BE is perpendicular to DF, and angle AEB is congruent to angle CEB, prove angle BAE is congruent to angle BCE. Will give Brainliest if explained thoroughly.


9514 1404 393


There are several ways you can go at this. Here are a couple. All proofs will start with the given relations being repeated as part of the proof. Here are the next steps.

Angle Sum

∠AED ≅ ∠BAE . . . . alternate interior angles are congruent

∠AED +∠AEB = 90° . . . . angle sum theorem

∠BAE +∠AEB = 90° . . . . substitution property of equality

∠CEF ≅ ∠BCE . . . . alternate interior angles are congruent

∠CEF +∠CEB = 90° . . . . angle sum theorem

∠BCE +∠CEB = 90° . . . . substitution property of equality

∠BAE +∠AEB = ∠BCE +∠CEB . . . . substitution property of equality

∠BAE +∠AEB = ∠BCE +∠AEB . . . . substitution property of equality

∠BAE = ∠BCE . . . . addition property of equality

Congruent Triangles

∠ABE = ∠CBE = 90° . . . . BE ⊥ AC

BE ≅ BE . . . . reflexive property of congruence

ΔBEA ≅ ΔBEC . . . . ASA congruence theorem

∠BAE ≅ ∠BCE . . . . CPCTC

A class contains 18 girls and 14 boys. For all parts of this question, each boy and girl are distinguishable from one another. Answer the following questions:a)In how many ways can a committee of one boy and one girl be chosen



The total number of ways is 252.

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of girls = 18

number of boys = 14

Commitee of one girl and a boy

(18 C 1)(14 C 1)

= 252

Each side of a square is increasing at a rate of 8 cm/s. At what rate (in cm2/s) is the area of the square increasing when the area of the square is 49 cm2



Step-by-step explanation:

This is nice and simple. I'm going to walk through it like I do when teaching this concept to my class for the first time. This is a good problem for that.

We are given a square and we are looking for the rate at which the area is increasing when a certain set of specifics are given. That means that the main equation for this problem is the area of a square, which is:

[tex]A=s^2[/tex] where s is a side.

Since we are looking for the rate at which the area is changing, [tex]\frac{dA}{dt}[/tex], we need to take the derivative of area formula implicitly:

[tex]\frac{dA}{dt}=2s\frac{ds}{dt}[/tex] that means that if [tex]\frac{dA}{dt}[/tex] is our unknown, we need values for everything else. We are given that the initial area for the square is 49. That will help us determine what the "s" in our derivative is. We plug in 49 for A and solve:

[tex]49=s^2[/tex] so

s = 7

We are also given at the start that the sides of this square are increasing at a rate of 8cm/s. That is [tex]\frac{ds}{dt}[/tex]. Filling it all in:

[tex]\frac{dA}{dt}=2(7)(8)[/tex] and


The surface area of a square of side L is given by

[tex]A = L^2[/tex]

The rate of change of the area per unit time is

[tex]\dfrac{dA}{dt} = 2L\dfrac{dL}{dt}[/tex]

We can express the length L on the right hand side in terms of the area A [tex](L = \sqrt{A})[/tex]:

[tex]\dfrac{dA}{dt} = 2\sqrt{A}\dfrac{dL}{dt}[/tex]



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