Find the equations of the tangents to the curve x=9t2+3, y=6t3+3 that pass through the point (12,9).


Answer 1


The equation will be "[tex]y=x-3[/tex]".

Step-by-step explanation:


Points (12, 9) = (x, y)

⇒ [tex]x=9t^2+3[/tex]




⇒ [tex]y=6t^3+3[/tex]



⇒ [tex]\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{18t^2}{18t}[/tex]


By using the point slope form.

The equation of tangent will be:

⇒ [tex]y-9=1(x-12)[/tex]




Related Questions

Write an expression for the baseball team’s Purchase.


Sorry I do not get what you are asking

Alejandro wants to adopt a puppy from an animal shelter. At the​ shelter, he finds eight puppies that he​ likes: a male and female puppy from each of the four breeds of and Labrador. The puppies are each so cute that Alejandro cannot make up his​ mind, so he decides to pick the dog randomly. Find the probability that Alejandro chooses a .



Hence the required probability is, 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:  

At the shelter, he likes :  

a male coolie, a female coolie, a male boxer, a female boxer, a male beagle, a female beagle, a male Labrador, and a female Labrador.  

Let, A denote the event of selecting a male coolie and B denote the event of selecting a male Labrador.  

P(A) = 1/8 = P(B)  

Here the probability of selecting a puppy except A & B is,  

P(AUB)c = 1 - P(AUB) = 1 - { P(A) + P(B) } = 1 - 1/8 - 1/8 = 3/4

A right pyramid with a square base has
volume of 252 cubic centimeters. The
length of one of the sides of its base is 6
centimeters. Rounded to the nearest
centimeter, what is the vertical height of
the pyramid?


Hey there!

A right pyramid with a square base just means that it isn't slanted all funny. If you create a triangle with a point on one of the edges of the base, the center of the base, and the top of the pyramid, it would be a right triangle.

To find the volume of a right pyramid, you just take the base area, multiply it by the height, and then divide by three.

However, we are looking for the height. We have been given, so we will just go backwards.

252×3=756 (multiply instead of divide)

6×6=36 (base is a square, so you just square 6. This is our base area)


So, the vertical height of the pyramid is 21 cubic centimeters.

Have a wonderful day! :D

Helpp me plzzz im being timed


Above question
Slope = change in y / change in x
(2 different random point on the line)
Let’s point out 2 points: (0,3) and (6,0)
So slope = (3 - 0) / (0 - 6) = 3/(-6) = -1/2

Y-intercept is when x = 0, the line cross the y-axis at y = ?
So y = 3
Below question is farmiliar:
Slope = (30-50) / (0-6) = -20/(-6) = 10/3
Y-intercept = 30

17 x 35=56 over 76 hope it helps s

How many solutions exist for the given equation?
121 x+ 1 =3(4x+1)-2
infinitely many


Answer: infinitely many

Which function describes this graph




Step-by-step explanation:


URGENT PLEASE HELP DUE TMMR MORNING Half of the difference between a number and 3 is 5. What is the number?



Not sure but I think it's 3.75

If average of the numbers 3,9,5,7 and Q is 5 times the value of Q, find the value of Q




Step-by-step explanation:




180 °
35 °
X °

X = ? °




Step-by-step explanation:

180 = 35 + x

x = 180-35

x= 145°

find the greatest number that divides 56 and 84 exactly​




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the gcf

Which is the answer choice to this question?




Step-by-step explanation:

Graph it

there were 578 tickets sold for a basket all game. the activity cardholder's tickets cost $1.25 and the non-cardholders' tickets cost $2.00. the total amount of money collected was $880.00. how many of each kind of ticket were sold?​


9514 1404 393


non-cardholder: 210cardholder: 368

Step-by-step explanation:

Let n represent the number of non-cardholder tickets sold. Then total revenue is ...

  2.00n +1.25(578 -n) = 880.00

  0.75n + 722.50 = 880.00

  0.75n = 157.50 . . . . . . . . . . . subtract 722.50

  n = 210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . divide by 0.75. Number of non-cardholder tickets

  578 -n = 368 . . . . . number of cardholder tickets

368 cardholder and 210 non-cardholder tickets were sold.

PLSS HELPPPP WILL GIVE BRAINLESSS A 22-foot ladder is resting against the side of a building. The bottom of the ladder is 3 feet from the building. Find the measure of the angle the ladder makes with the ground. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a degree.



The answer is 82.2  

Step-by-step explanation

hope this helps

please help me with both questions



(b) 829 seconds

(c) 13.8 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

(b) 2.48×10⁸/2.99×10⁵ = 829 seconds

(c) 829/60 = 13.8 minutes


Oak wilt is a fungal disease that infects oak trees. Scientists have discovered that a single tree in a small forest is infected with oak wilt. They determined that they can use this exponential model to predict the number of trees that will be infected after t years.


Rewrite the exponential model as a logarithmic model that calculates the # of years, g(x) for the number of infected trees to reach a value of x.


The logarithmic model is:

[tex]g(x) = \frac{\ln{x}}{0.4}[/tex]


We are given an exponential function, for the amount of infected trees f(x) after x years.To find the amount years needed for the number of infected trees to reach x, we find the inverse function, applying the natural logarithm.


The original function is:

[tex]y = f(x) = e^{0.4x}[/tex]

To find the inverse function, first, we exchange y and x, so:

[tex]e^{0.4y} = x[/tex]

Now, we have to isolate y, and we start applying the natural logarithm to both sides of the equality. So

[tex]\ln{e^{0.4y}} = \ln{x}[/tex]

[tex]0.4y = \ln{x}[/tex]

[tex]y = \frac{\ln{x}}{0.4}[/tex]

Thus, the logarithmic model is:

[tex]g(x) = \frac{\ln{x}}{0.4}[/tex]

A similar question is given at

Determine if the described set is a subspace. Assume a, b, and c are real numbers. The subset of R3 consisting of vectors of the form [a b c] , where at most one of a , b and c is non 0.
The set is a subspace.
The set is not a subspace.
If so, give a proof. If not, explain why not.



Not a subspace

Step-by-step explanation:

(4,0,0) and (0,4,0) are vectors in R3 with zero or one entries being nonzero, but their sum, (4,4,0) has two nonzero entries.

Round 5,821 to the nearest thousands place:



6000 hope this helps

if the question is 5,422 then the round figure is 5000

but the question is 5,821 its above 5500 will be 6000

Police estimate that 25% of drivers drive without their seat belts. If they stop 6 drivers at random, find theprobability that more than 4 are wearing their seat belts.




Step-by-step explanation:

17.8% is the probability that more than 4 are wearing their seat belts.

What is Probability?

It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the occurrence of a random event.

Given that Police estimate that 25% of drivers drive without their seat belts.

If they stop 6 drivers at random we need to find the probability that more than 4 are wearing their seat belts.

For each driver stopped, there are only two possible outcomes. Either they are wearing their seatbelts, or they are not.

he drivers are chosen at random, which mean that the probability of a driver wearing their seatbelts is independent from other drivers.

Police estimate that​ 25% of drivers drive without their seat belts.

This means that 75% wear their seatbelts, so P=0.75

If they stop 6 drivers at​ random, find the probability that all of them are wearing their seat belts.

[tex]P(X=x)=C_{n,x} p^{x} (1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X=6)=C_{6,6} 0.75^{6} (1-0.75)^{0} =0.1780[/tex]

Hence, 17.8% is the probability that more than 4 are wearing their seat belts.

To learn more on probability click:


Find the critical numbers



To find critical points, take the first derivative and set it equal to zero:

f(x) = -2x^2 + 4x + 5

f'(x) = -4x + 4

-4x+4 = 0

-4x = -4

x = 1

Critical point at x = 1

Alternatively, if you mean zeros, or where the x intersects, you can use the quadratic equation.

In an interview for a secretary position at the dealer, a typist claims a tying speed of 45 words per minute. On
On the basis of 70 trials, she demonstrated an average speed of 43 words per minute with a standard deviation of 15 words per minute.
Test at 5% significance level on the typist’s claim.


Using the hypothesis test for one sample mean, There is NO SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE to support the typist's claim

[tex]H_{0} = 45\\H_{1} < 45\\\\[/tex]

The test statistic :

T = (x - μ) ÷ (s/√(n))

T = (43 - 45) ÷ (15/√70)

T = - 2 ÷ 1.7928429

T = -1.12

At α = 0.05

Pvalue :

Degree of freedom, df = 70 - 1 = 69

Pvalue = 0.1333

Decision region :

Reject [tex]H_{0}[/tex] if Pvalue < α

0.1333 > 0.05

Since Pvalue > α We fail to reject the Null

Learn more on hypothesis testing:

Please help me! I need answer asap


D. 1/10
step-by-step explanation:
1/2 of 1/5
1/5 = 2/10
1/2 of 2/10



Step-by-step explanation:



Find the distance of the point (4,4,−4) from the line r(t)=⟨−1+2t,1+2t,3−3t⟩.


Translate the given point and line together so that you get a new point and a new line that passes through the origin. This turns the problem into finding the distance between the new point,

p = (4, 4, -4) - (-1, 1, 3) = (5, 3, -7)

and the new line,

r*(t) = r(t) - ⟨-1, 1, 3⟩ = ⟨2t, 2t, -3t

Let p = ⟨5, 3, -7⟩, the vector starting at the origin and pointing to p. Then the quantity ||p - r*(t)|| is the distance from the point p to the line r*(t).

Let u be such that ||p - r*(t)|| is minimized. At the value t = u, the vector p - r*(t) is orthogonal to the line r*(t), so that

(p - r*(u) ) • r*(u) = 0

I've attached a sketch with all these elements in case this description is confusing. (The red dashed line is meant to be perpendicular to r*(t).)

Solve this equation for u :

p • r*(u) - r*(u) • r*(u) = 0

p • r*(u) = r*(u) • r*(u)

and x • x = ||x||² for any vector x, so

p • r*(u) = ||r*(u)||²

⟨5, 3, -7⟩ • ⟨2u, 2u, -3u⟩ = (2u)² + (2u)² + (-3u

10u + 6u + 21u = 4u ² + 4u ² + 9u ²

17u ² - 37u = 0

u (17u - 37) = 0

==>   u = 0   or   u = 37/17

We ignore u = 0, since the dot product of any vector with the zero vector is 0.

Then the minimum distance distance between the given point and line is

||p - r*(u)|| = ||⟨5, 3, -7⟩ - 37/17 ⟨2, 2, -3⟩|| = √(42/17)

The math teacher and cheerleading coach have teamed up to help the students do better on their math test. The cheer coach, using dance move names for the positioning of their arms, yells out polynomial functions with different degrees.
For each position the coach yells out, write the shape by describing the position of your left and right arm.

a1. Constant Function:
a2. Positive Linear Function:
a3. Negative Linear Function:
a4. Positive Quadratic Function:
a5. Negative Quadratic Function:
a6. Positive Cubic Function:
a7. Negative Cubic Function:
a8. Positive Quartic Function:
a9. Negative Quartic Function:

When it comes time to take the test not only do the students have to describe the shape of the polynomial function, you have to find the number of positive and negative real zeros, including complex. Use the equation below:

b. Identify all possible rational zeros.
c. How many possible positive real zeros are there? How many possible negative real zeros? How many possible complex zeros?
d. Graph the polynomial to approximate the zeros. What are the rational zeros? Use synthetic division to verify these are correct.
e. Write the polynomial in factor form.
f. What are the complex zeros?


Step-by-step explanation:

a1. The shape will be a vertical or horizontal line.

a2. The shape will be shaped like a diagonal line increasing as we go right.

a3. The shape will be shaped like a diagonal line decreasing as we go right.

a4. The shape will be shaped like a U facing upwards.

a5.The shape will be shaped like a U facing downwards.

a6. The shape will look like a S shape and it increases as we go right.

a7. The shape will look like a S shape and it decreases as We go right.

a8. The shape look like a W shape and it facing upwards.

a9. The shape look a W shape facing downwards.

We are given function.

[tex]x {}^{5} - 3x {}^{4} - 5x {}^{3} + 5x {}^{2} - 6x + 8[/tex]

b. We can test by the Rational Roots Test,

This means a the possible roots are

plus or minus(1,2,4,8).

c. If we apply Descrates Rule of Signs,

There are 3 possible positive roots or 1 possible positive root.There are also 1 possible negative root.There is also 1 possible complex root.

d. Use Desmos to Graph the Function. Some roots are (-2,1,4).


[tex](x {}^{2} + 1) (x - 1)(x - 4)(x + 2)[/tex]

f. The complex zeroes are

i and -i

Polynomial [tex]f(x) = x^{5} -3x^{4} - 5x^{3} + 5x^{2} - 6x + 8[/tex] in factor form: (x-1)(x+2)(x-4)(x-i)(x+i)

What is a polynomial?

A polynomial is an expression consisting of indeterminates and coefficients, that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponentiation of variables.

Shape of the graph for the following polynomial:

Constant function - straight line parallel to x axis.Positive linear function - straight line slanting upwards from left to right.Negative linear function - straight line slanting downwards from left to right.Positive quadratic function - U shaped curve opening upwardsNegative quadratic function - U shaped curve opening downwardsPositive cubic function - right hand curved upwards, left hand curved downwards.Negative cubic function - Left hand curved upwards, right hand curved downwards. Positive quartic function - W shaped facing upwardsNegative quartic function - W shaped facing downwards

Finding zeros of the polynomial given:

[tex]f(x) = x^{5} -3x^{4} - 5x^{3} + 5x^{2} - 6x + 8[/tex]

By factor theorem, if f(t) = 0, t is a zero of the polynomial.

Taking t = 1.

f(1) = 1 - 3 - 5 + 5 - 6 + 8 = 0

(x - 1) is a factor of the polynomial f(x).

Divide f(x) by (x-1) using long division to find the other factors.

f(x)/(x-1) = [tex]x^{4} -2x^{3}-7x^{2} -2x-8[/tex] is also a factor of f(x).

Factorizing it further:

g(x) = [tex]x^{4} -2x^{3}-7x^{2} -2x-8[/tex]

g(-2) = 16 + 16 - 28 + 4 - 8 = 0

(x + 2) is a factor of g(x) and thus f(x).

g(x)/(x+2) = [tex]x^{3} - 4x^{2} +x - 4[/tex] is a factor of f(x).

Factorizing it further:

k(x) = [tex]x^{3} - 4x^{2} +x - 4[/tex]

k(4) = 64 - 64 + 4 - 4 = 0

(x - 4) is a factor of k(x) thus of f(x).

k(x)/(x-4) = [tex]x^{2} +1[/tex]

Factorizing it further:

l(x) = [tex]x^{2} +1[/tex] = (x + i)(x - i)

Zeros of f(x) = 1, -2, 4, ±i

Rational zeros :  1, -2, 4

Positive real zeros: 1, 4

Negative real zeros: -2

Complex zeros: ±i

Polynomial in factor form: (x-1)(x+2)(x-4)(x-i)(x+i).

Learn more about polynomial here


What is the 11th term of this geometric sequence?: 16384, 8192, 4096, 2048




Step-by-step explanation:

1) Find out r of the sequence. The first term(a1) is 16384, the second term (a2) is 8192.

8192=16384*r. r= 0.5

2) Use the rule that an=a1*r^(n-1)


a11= 16384*((0.5)^10)= 16384/ (2^10)=16.

[tex]Solve. Clear fraction first.6/5 + 2/5 x = 89/30 + 7/6 x + 1/6[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

we have denominators 5, 6 and 30.

the smallest number that is divisible by all 3 is clearly 30.

so, we have to multiply everything by 30 to eliminate the fractions.

180/5 + 60/5 x = 89 + 210/6 x + 30/6 =

36 + 12x = 89 + 35x + 5

-58 = 23x

x = -58/23

Greatest to least just need some help will help ty(please don’t give wrong answer)



try 91.78, 91.58, 91.26, 363.4

Step-by-step explanation:

Hello hello sis happy birthday dear sis happy birthday birthday happy birthday to you sis happy birthday dear sis dear happy birthday dear sis dear dear friend love love miss mommy mommy hello sis dear happy birthday dear sis dear dear sis sis happy birthday dear sis dear happy birthday dear sis dear dear sis sis happy birthday dear sis dear dear sis sis happy birthday dear sis dear dear

kabura bought a piece of cloth 3 metres long. The material shrunk by 1% after washing. What was the new length of the cloth​




Step-by-step explanation:

1% of 3m =1/100×3=0.03

0.03m of cloth was shrunk,

So, New lenght : 3-0.03=2.97m

The graph of a linear function is given below. What is the zero of the function?



Need to see the problem, but the "zero of the function" is the x value when y=0.

Substitute '0' for y.

Solve for x

Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation:

convert the following to decimal fractions 99 by 5 ​



divide 99 by 5

99/5= 19.8

find the surface area of the prism HURRY



Does the answer help you?

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