find the lenght of the missing side:


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj/ hyp

cos 70 = x / 46

46 cos 70 =x


Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

cos(x) = adjacent leg / hypotenuse

cos(70) = x / 46

0.342 = x / 46

0.342 x 46 = x

x = 15.73

Related Questions

Make six prime numbers using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 once each.

~can you plz explain?!



2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.

Step-by-step explanation:

A prime number is a number that you don't get a whole number when divided by 2 but you do get a whole number when divided by prime numbers such as 3,5,7,11... Basically a number with two factors, it can only be divided by 1 or themselves. for example:

9/2 = 4.5 (this is not a whole number so it might be a prime.

9/3 = 3 (it works when divided by a prime number.


8/2 = 4 (it gives a whole number when divided by 2 therefor, it can't be a prime number.


There are 6 prime numbers at the top^^^^.

One possible answer is  2, 3, 5, 41, 67, 89

Another possible answer is  2, 3, 5, 47, 61, 89

Other answers may be possible.



This is a trial and error type of problem. Though with practice it's not as blind of randomly guessing.

We have 9 values here. If we paired them up, then we can form at most 4 pairs (since 9/2 = 4.5 rounds down to 4). That means we won't be able to form six two-digit primes. Some of the primes must be single digits.

We can have 3 single digit primes and 3 two-digit primes since 3+2*3 = 9.

The single digit primes are: 2, 3, 5, 7

Let's say 2 and 5 are definitely locked down to be the single digit group. I'm doing this since we can't have 2 or 5 as the units digit. If the units digit is 2, then 2 is a factor and it's not prime. Similarly, if 5 is the units digit, then 5 is a factor and that two digit value is not prime.

For good measure, we'll throw 3 in there as well and see what happens.


The digits we have left are: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

The number 14 isn't prime, but 41 is prime

67 is prime so that's another two values off the list

lastly, 89 is prime so that works as well.

So one possible sequence is 2, 3, 5, 41, 67, 89

Notice how we can swap the 1 and 7 to go from 41,67 to 47,61; this gets us two other primes. So another possible answer is 2, 3, 5, 47, 61, 89


Side note: having the list of primes on a reference sheet is a handy recommendation. You only need to go up as high as 97 which is the largest two digit prime.

Solve the equation 5x + 2(2x -23) = -154


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]






x=[tex]\sf{\dfrac{-108}{9} }[/tex]



x = -12

Step-by-step explanation:

5x + 2(2x - 23) = -154


5x + 4x - 46 = -154

Collect like terms

9x - 46 = -154

Add 46 to both sides;

9x = -108

Divide both sides by 9

x = -12

Nick works part-time at a bookstore. His pay varies directly with the number of hours worked. In one week, he earned $120 for 8 hours of work.

a) Define two variables for this relation.

b) Describe the rate of change in words.

c) Determine an equation to represent the relation:

d) Use the equation to determine how many hours Nick must work to earn $345



23 hoiurs

Step-by-step explanation:

Given data

a. The two variables are

1. Number of hours worked

2. The amount earned

b. The rate is given as


=$15 per hour

c. The equation is given as

rate=Amount earned/ number of hours worked

15= 345/hours

make hours subject of the formula we have

hours= 345/15

hours= 23 hours

Hence he must work for 23 hours

at a post office always charges a flat one-time fee for any order. One time, Michael sent 35 letters and paid 26 dollars. The next time, he send 18 letters and paid $14.10. How much does the post office charge to send one letter? What is the flat fee?



The post office charges $0.7cents to send one letter, and the fee is $1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

its given that s=n(a+c)/2

Express c in terms of s, n and a ​


This is the step by step solutions, hope u understand

Solve the system of equations using substitution.
y = x + 6
y = –2x – 3



x = -3

y= 3

Step-by-step explanation:

y =  x + 6 -----------------------(I)

y = -2x - 3 ---------------------(II)

Substitute y =x +6 in equation (II)

x + 6  = -2x - 3

Add 2x to both sides

x + 2x +6 = -3

Combine like terms

3x + 6 = - 3

Subtract 6 from both sides

3x = - 3 - 6

3x = -9

Divide both sides by 3

x = -9/3

x = -3

Plug in s = -3 in equation (I)

y = -3 + 6

y = 3

hope this helps! feel free to clarify

Instructions: Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree.
29 and 17




Step-by-step explanation:

because it is a right triangle, we can use trig functions to solve


If f(x)f(x) is an exponential function where f(1.5)=5f(1.5)=5 and f(7.5)=79f(7.5)=79, then find the value of f(3)f(3), to the nearest hundredth.


Answer: [tex]7.93[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]f(x)[/tex] is an exponential function. Suppose [tex]f(x)[/tex] is [tex]ae^{bx}[/tex]

[tex]f(1.5)=5\ \text{and}\ f(7.5)=79[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow 5=ae^{1.5b}\\\Rightarrow \ln 5=\ln a-1.5b\quad \ldots(i)[/tex]


[tex]\Rightarrow 79=ae^{7.5b}\\\Rightarrow \ln(79)=\ln a+7.5b\quad \ldots(ii)[/tex]

Subtract (i) and (ii)

[tex]\Rightarrow \ln (79)-\ln (5)=9b\\\Rightarrow \ln (\frac{79}{5})=9b\\\\\Rightarrow b=\dfrac{\ln (\frac{79}{5})}{9}\\\\\Rightarrow b=0.3066[/tex]

Insert the value of [tex]b[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow 5=ae^{0.46}\\\Rightarrow a=5\times 0.6312\\\Rightarrow a=3.156\approx 3.16[/tex]

So, the function becomes

[tex]\Rightarrow f(x)=3.16e^{0.3066b}[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow f(3)=3.16e^{0.3066\times 3}\\\Rightarrow f(3)=7.927\approx 7.93[/tex]



General Exponential Form: y=ab^x

Plug in both points

divide the equations

cancel out a, subtract exponent of b

{(5,2), (-2,4), (2, -7)}





Step-by-step explanation:

The domain are all the x values in order, no repeats allowed:

D = {-2, 2, 5}

Same thing for the range, except these are the y values:

R = {-7, 2, 4}

The coordinates stated this way don't match up to what they are in coordinate form, but they don't have to.


Domain : {-2,2,5}

Range:{ -7,2,4}

Step-by-step explanation:

The domain is the inputs

Domain : {-2,2,5}

The range is the outputs

Range:{ -7,2,4}

Integrate the following.[tex]\int\limits^a_b {sin(x)} \, dx[/tex]


Answer: -cos(a)+cos(b)

Step-by-step explanation:

To integrate is the same as saying to find the antiderivative.

[tex]\int\limits^a_b {sin(x)} \, dx[/tex]         [antiderivative of sinx is -cosx]

[tex]-cos(x)|_b^a[/tex]           [include boundaries]


Therefore, the integral would be -cos(a)+cos(b).

Will it matter if I don’t get accelerated pre algebra in 7th grade and get into normal pre algebra? Will it make me less likely to get into top colleges?



Maybe, there is a chance, but I don't know for sure.

It might matter, but I wouldn't worry or stress about it too much.

My only advice to you is do not procrastinate and if you need help don't be afraid to ask.


It matters but not like you think.

GPA, extracurricular activities, and SAT/ACT are the biggies. Truthfully it won't change a thing if you took accelerated pre-algebra versus normal. In fact, spoiler alert, the SAT/ACT (I'm assuming your american) will matter more than your courses ever did. I took two years of college physics in highschool and i made more off my SAT. Not only that, but an A in an easy class looks better than a C in a hard one on transcripts.

My advise is slow down, relax, and learn it well. Better to learn the concept fully in normal so that you can apply it, than half learn it in advance and struggle in future applications. After all, math ALWAYS builds. Take it slow, take it easy.

I would recommend talking to a school guidance counselor about your academic stress. Im sure their professional insight will help put you at ease. It may also help to get you going in the right direction so that you achieve your goals.

Good luck. Enjoy life

What is the exponential form of log3 2187 = 7?



2187 = [tex]3^{7}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the rule of logarithms

[tex]log_{b}[/tex] x = n , then x = [tex]b^{n}[/tex] , then

[tex]log_{3}[/tex] 2187 = 7

2187 = [tex]3^{7}[/tex]


3 ^7 = 2187

Step-by-step explanation:

log3 2187 = 7

log a (b) = c

a^c = b

3 ^7 = 2187

7. If the supplement of an angle is 69, then find its complement.​



no solution

Step-by-step explanation:

Supplementary angles add to 180

Let x be the supplement

x+69 = 180

x = 180-69

x =111

The complement of an angle means they add to 90

111+y = 90

y = 90-111

y =-21

But an angle cannot be negative so there is no solution


21 degrees.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the complementary angle you have to subtract the given angle from 90.


90 - 69 = 21.

Extra info: if you need to find the supplementary angle you need to subtract the given angle from 180.

Which of the following is the number of sides for a regular polygon that will
not form a regular tessellation?

A. 6
B. 4
C. 7
D. 3




Step-by-step explanation:


The number of sides for a regular polygon that will not form a regular tessellation is 7. The correct option is C.

What is a polygon?

A polygon is a planar figure characterised by a limited number of straight-line segments joined to create a closed polygonal chain in geometry. A polygon is defined as a bounded planar region, a bounding circuit, or both.

A tessellation or tiling is the seamless covering of a surface, frequently a plane, with one or more geometric shapes, known as tiles. One regular polygon can be used to create a single regular tessellation. Two or more regular polygons are used in a semi-regular tessellation.

Triangles, squares, and hexagons are the only three regular tessellations.

Now, the name of the polygon having 3, 4, and 6 sides is triangle, square, and Hexagon. Therefore, the only regular polygon that will not form a regular tessellation is heptagon, which has 7 sides.

Hence, the number of sides for a regular polygon that will not form a regular tessellation is 7.

Learn more about Polygon here:


A particular strain of bacteria triples in population every 45 minutes Assuming you start with 50 bacteria in a Petri dish how many bacteria will there be in 4.5 hours



4.5 hours in minutes = 270

Every 45 minutes, bacteria triples

You start with 50

Divide 270 (total time) by 45 (every time bacteria triples)

270/45 = 6

36,450 bacteria

Please help 50 points! ​




Solution given:


squaring both side


when x=-3









d = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sqrt{25 + 3( - 3)} = d + 2( - 3) \\ 4 = d - 6 \\ d = 10[/tex]

hopefully this makes sense


find the scale factor



I think its 1.4

Step-by-step explanation:

if you divide 42 by 1.4 it makes 30 and if u multiply 30 by 1.4 it makes 42


the scale factor is 7/5

Step-by-step explanation:



then you find a common factor between the two is 6, so you divide both sides of the fraction by 6 to get 7/5. and because they both are the same you know that they both have the same scale factor. Which is 7/5. I am not quite sure if you need to find the missing side length but in case you do multiply 40 by 7/5 so it looks like 40/1 x 7/5. 40 x 7 = 280. 280/5 = 56. so your side length is 56.

Please Solve:


The quadratic equation answer is: x^1 = -1; x^2=5 and the number of solutions are 2 real solutions. Hope this helps :)

simplify m√p + n√p - √p



[tex]{ \tt{m \sqrt{p} + n \sqrt{p} - \sqrt{p} }} \\ = { \tt{ \sqrt{p}(m + n - 1) }}[/tex]

What is the vertex of the function f(x) = -|x + 7| − 4?




it would be



Mark me as brainliest pleases


it would be A (-7,-4)

Step-by-step explanation:

would appreciate the help please!



I think SAS is the correct Ans

Which expression is equivalent to




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{x^2 + x -2}{x^2 -2x+1}[/tex] =

[tex]\frac{(x+2)(x-1)}{(x-2)(x-1)}[/tex] =


Thank you guys for helping me !! Can you help me with this question ?



(A). x² + y² - 4x + 6y - 3 = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

(x - 2)² + (y + 3)² = 4²

x² - 4x + 4 + y² + 6y + 9 - 16 = 0

x² + y² - 4x + 6y - 3 = 0




if the village is of 120 people and  120 people are over the age of 60 then 0 people are under the age of 25.

Step-by-step explanation:


Record the lengths of the sides of ΔABC and ΔADE.

I would appreciate it.


AB: 20

BC: 12

AC: 16

AD: 10

DE: 6

AE: 8

Plz help out will give brainliest



10 degrees = C

Step-by-step explanation:

Total internal angles add to 180 degrees.

Add all values of c and set equal to 180.

18c = 180.



c = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

3c + 6c + 9c = 180 degrees. Every triangle has 180 degrees.

18c = 180                Combine the like terms. Divide by 18

18c/18 = 180/18

c = 10

The air in poultry-processing plants often contains fungus spores. Inadequate ventilation can affect the health of the workers. The problem is most serious during the summer. To measure the presence of spores, air samples are pumped to an agar plate and "colony-forming units (CFUs)" are counted after an incubation period. Here are data from two locations in a plant that processes 37,000 turkeys per day, taken on four days in the summer. The units are CFUs per cubic meter of air.

Day Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Kill room 3175 2526 1763 1090

Processing 529 141 362 224

The spore count is clearly higher in the kill room. Give sample means and a 99% confidence interval to estimate how much higher the spore count is in the kill room?



-611.031 < μd < 4260.031

Step-by-step explanation:

This is a matched pair design :

______Day1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

x1 Kill room 3175 2526 1763 1090

x2 Processing 529 141 362 224

First we obtain the difference, d ;

d = (x1 - x2)

d = 2646, 2385, 1401, 866

The mean difference, dbar = Σd/ n = 7298 / 4 = 1824.5

The standard deviation of difference,

Sd = √(Σx-dbar)²

Using calculator, Sd = 834.086

The 99% confidence interval :

Mean ± margin of error

dbar ± margin of error

Margin of Error = Tcritical * Sd/√n

Tcritical at 99%, df = n-1 ; df = 4-1 = 3

Tcritical = 5.84

Margin of Error = 5.84 * 834.086/√4 = 2435.53112

Confidence interval = 1824.5 ± 2435.53112

(-611.031 ; 4260.031)




3 cm^3

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a prism is given by

V = l*w*h

V = 1/2 * 3/2 * 4

V = 3 cm^3


3 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

V = L * W * H

V = (4 cm)(3/2 cm)(1/2 cm)

V = 12/2 * 1/2 cm³

V = 12/4 cm³

V = 3 cm³

the price of a box of cereal incresed by 45% if the original price of the box of cereal was 5$ what is the new price?


Answer: 7.25

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\text{Solve for x:}\\\\3x - 5 = 5x + 3[/tex]


Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

[tex]\boxed{x = -4}[/tex]

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Solving for 'x'...}}\\\\3x - 5 = 5x + 3\\-----------\\\rightarrow 3x - 5 + 5 = 5x + 3 + 5\\\\\rightarrow 3x = 5x + 8\\\\\rightarrow 3x - 5x = 5x - 5x +8\\\\\rightarrow -2x = 8\\\\\rightarrow \frac{-2x=8}{-2}\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{x = -4}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex] [tex]\sf{ 3x-5=5x+3 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{5x-3x=-5-3 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ 2x=-8 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ x=\dfrac{-8}{2} }[/tex]

[tex]\bold{ x=-4 }[/tex]
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